The SEO Vault Episode 149 - Mike's GMB Verification Method! - YouTube

Channel: Web 2.0 Ranker

welcome everybody to the seo vault
i'm mike your host here episode 159
here today with some very special guests
ben everybody and our co-host sophie and
uh ben leads the white label team here
web 20 ranker so
super pumped to be able to bring him on
today we've been trying to get him on
for a while but considering he's
the top level of all the white label
campaigns kind of going on in the
companies he's pretty busy most the time
so um
because that only works 10 hours
so yeah we got a fun exciting episode
planned for you today some fun news some
good test results
uh we're going to go over some recent
updates in the industry
just a reminder if you're interested in
having us look at any campaigns we are
doing seo audits at web20 ranker and we
now also offer
uh backlink audits and recommendations
as well so you can go to
to check those out we also are on all
your favorite podcast sites download us
take us in your pocket all that fun
and if you missed any past episodes feel
free to check us out on
uh in the menu resource section you'll
find the vault with all the previous
vaults i believe they're there or do we
start putting them on the vault site i
honestly don't know it redirects to the
vault website okay so we actually have a
site now with all of our vaults on it
but you can find it in the resource
section i'm web 20 ranker
yeah i think that's all i got for my
my exciting intros a little bit better
than the last one that we didn't have
chaz i will point out the elephant in
the room that chaz is not with us today
he's off doing great and wonderful chas
he could not make it unfortunately
we let him have a break every now and
i just realized that bucky's the web 20
genie today
but for the first time bucky discovered
he could change the name on zoom
so i mean i knew i could i just never
cared to before and sophie was like i'm
gonna change mine because she's logged
into chad's account i think
i didn't know it was that easy to change
i thought i don't like changes like the
i thought yeah i didn't know you could
just click a button and change it
so you had to like sign in and
and go to your settings or something you
know what i mean like yeah
it's my age showing thinking software is
convoluted and difficult
so ben tell us a little about yourself
mr ben finally got you on here from your
19 19-hour day schedule that you're
always busy doing something on
19 hours a day yeah that'd be crazy i
wouldn't run on on no sleep uh we've
just been busy uh
i guess the newest stuff with the seo
team is we have four new team members
uh we brought in a guy from the milos
recommended carl he's joining us with
over 10 years of experience in seo he
also has managerial experience so
we're getting him up to speed on our
processes and everything like that
within the department itself
so we're looking forward to having him
come on board one of the advantages
we'll have with him
is he can take on boarding calls
consultation calls so we'll be able to
open up the schedule
uh a little bit more and and help out
our current clients uh then we added
three other people i have adobe he comes
to us with uh over four years of
experience he's working as a coordinator
here and then we picked up a couple of
assistants from our one of our content
to come in and and help with the
day-to-day as we continue to scale and
grow so
we have several things in the works for
the seo line i would be looking forward
to those seeing those within the next
month or so
as we look to offer
there's a lot of things that we're
looking to do
outside of that
the only other thing that's really new
is uh we're offering the review
management now which is a direct bolt-on
if requested for any of our managed
services including search links and gbp
that's pretty much it in a nutshell
back to you mike that explains why
you're so busy
that's one of the reasons yeah a lot of
training um
a lot of process work but a lot of
so there's a bunch of other things going
on too i think those are probably the
biggest they're going to be the most
impactful like we doubled the size of
the team now within the last month and a
half so
yeah we've been growing like crazy the i
just went over the entire org chart and
all the people we have over the past
like month
um and i think now with the new hires
we're pushing just over about 220
people in web 20
which is just insane when i started with
web 20 i think we were like 50
you know we had like 30 40 remote 10 20
internal actually we're probably smaller
than that when i first started um and at
that point they had already grown quite
a bit from the beginning and now it's
yeah it's crazy so it's great to have
some so much talent you know available
to us as well
um like we got a bunch of rock stars
like not just us on the call but so many
people working on i just called this
rock stars by the way
but people behind the scenes that are
that are doing all kinds of great stuff
for us so
yeah it's it's pretty exciting
and we're always hiring
we're always looking for more
of like almost everything from link
builders to content writers to
hr people to marketing people to web
you name it if it's in
if it's in the digital marketing
business area
i think the only thing we don't need
right now is an accountant or a lawyer
like that's probably the only two things
we're not actively looking for right now
which is crazy
that's fun fun stuff um
it's a lot of roles too actually i've
been putting together all the job
descriptions to go and try to
you know source more people
and everyone saw me share a couple of
days ago a folder to put all your your
roles and stuff in there's like
man there's just so many different
in place
like there's just it's a massive massive
org chart which is
uh i'm pretty excited for the well
sophie are you gonna go over the news
no i'm gonna do the brand updates the
brand updates okay so i'll segue right
into that because i was just gonna
mention the mastermind that's coming up
because i know a lot of the stuff we're
talking about during the mastermind but
the specifically with what i'm going
over is is i guess i'm going to be
showing some of chaz's internal stuff
too with the org chart
it's it's impressive i was really
impressed just from seeing where the
york chart was before i left and then
came back that was gone for about eight
months and it's grown so much uh and
understanding the intricacies of like
all those different departments and
roles and all that stuff it's just
it's it's awesome it's going to be a
major part of scaling your industry and
something that i know is going to get
talked about at the mastermind so with
that you want to tell us more about the
mastermind sophie
yeah i can tell you more about the
mastermind but first there's other brand
updates but wait
first emily was pressed has just added
yahoo finance and marketwatch to the ap
news features so if you purchased one in
the last
couple days they're already using those
two new platforms as well there's no
additional cost
then they have marketing guest post
launching next week and then after that
will be business guest posts
then we'll be pretty much done with the
guest post launches but we'll put a
poll inside the group to figure out what
other guest posts would be looking for
all fourth of july sale bonuses should
be out by tomorrow all the codes are
made but there's hundreds of emails that
have to go out
we will have to send out an update on
when those two live master class
webinars are
because chaz has to check his schedule
but we didn't want to delay getting out
the coupons and all that just for those
two dates
um then
lastly the quarter two testing report
will be out next week i promise i've
been saying that for like two weeks now
but i've been working on some stuff with
high levels so that's been a little bit
more important with all of our web 20
clients getting that implemented
then for the mastermind
so we've got all the speakers announced
we have about
five or six videos that talk about all
of their topics and what they're going
to cover
they're pretty informational and they're
a good way to kind of see which topics
would benefit your agency best
we'll drop a link to some of those in
the facebook comments
the mastermind is in about
two months and two days so we're getting
close to
the end
we are selling out of the room block and
all that so if you are thinking about
coming we'd recommend doing it sooner
rather than later roombot's about 60
sold out right now and i know there's a
couple people from the web 20 team that
are actually going to be going just as
attendees so
definitely something you want to keep on
your radar
and mike and bucky will be there talking
is ben coming ben are you going to make
it or no no
no no
ben's going to be busy working as you
no i think i just have plans yeah yeah
life obligations i guess prior
engagements it happens it comes up
it's all right hey hopefully
maybe we'll have another mastermind
somewhere after november and before july
i think those that would those would be
better dates for me to show up but i am
bombed uh just coming from wisconsin not
getting to go to florida and enjoying a
few days of the beach and everything
else that comes with
being out of wisconsin and in a warm
state right so
it'll be fun
yes it's an awesome location that uh we
picked for this year like i'm i'm
incredibly jealous like i was back and
forth like all right maybe i can miss a
day of what i have going on like no i
i gotta be committed to it so
you guys have fun
next year hopefully we'll have in
florida again next year but who knows
we gotta get through this here first
oh gotta make it till next year
have you already started your
presentation or finished it mike
i haven't finished it no but i actually
started mine months ago
um and it's evolved quite a bit
it's it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty
it's gonna be my favorite presentation i
think i've ever done
because it's it's touching on so much
from agency structuring to service
offerings to
developing new services launching them
building teams around them
um and then a lot of that ties into just
the the actual sales and production of
you know fulfilling campaigns and
selling those campaigns to clients
uh and then specifically all of it will
be centered around
omni channel marketing services or
essentially providing marketing services
that tie together you know social
organic paid email text
all the different you know channels you
can essentially
connect with an audience through and
bringing it all together into a complete
campaign and being able to package that
and sell it to a client so
yeah but it's not done no but i did
actually start it unlike most of my
previous presentations which got started
about five days before the event and
were finished about three hours before i
went on
i remember that
i remember that
very well
i'm excited i'm not speaking this year
i'm excited to attend and not have to do
anything well i'm sure you'll probably
use who's gonna do who's gonna do
everything else me and danielle
he's gonna do everything else yeah
actually last year you guys did uh you
did a lot and you spoke you were like
you were on both sides and then you were
doing like technical stuff too and
i did do a lot and i yeah i wasn't
supposed to do any of that but
it happens
i have started mine but i have not
finished mine either i've got a rough
outline and i'll be working on it over
the next few weeks
i got to give myself enough time to
practice and i think i'll probably
record mine a couple of different times
and tweak it and that sort of thing i
definitely want to be you're so prepared
i just winged it last year i didn't want
to practice because then i get to like
stumble over my words well i practiced a
bit last year but i ended up
kind of rushing through mine because i
was trying to make up time
i remember saying i don't know if he's
so somebody's the only person whose
practice makes worse
i hate practicing it just makes it worse
every time well i get it's like making
those videos i get stuck on like saying
certain sentences and then i'm not
thinking about the ideas i'm more just
trying to remember the script that i
wrote myself
i i swore i swore mine was awful and
then i finally went back and watched it
a few weeks later and was like damn
that's actually pretty good yeah it's
like i'm very surprised with myself i
thought i'd take that
you're your own worst critic
of course of course i just don't pay
attention to how i did i don't watch
myself after and i just assume i did
awesome and just ignore how everything
turned out we still we still have that
product available if anybody wants to
buy those recordings from last year i
can certainly drop that link
there was a lot of good stuff in there
which is also why i'm so excited about
this year because it's actually new
topics it's not like we even have we
have some of the same people but
especially like what i'm talking about
is completely in another world from the
testing stuff seo testing you know i
went over last year
or yeah so that is definitely going to
be just so much fun eldar's is
completely different too so jacobs yeah
jacob replay didn't replace but like
brought on new employees through
automation like three or four he kind of
replaced their roles
jake has grown quick like he's he's been
growing you know
real fast so he's one of the few people
that like
i mean like last year like i would
probably listen to him speak every year
about where his agency's at at this
point just because he's growing
so fast yeah yeah and when he's
consistent i mean a lot of agencies out
there they get stagnant and they
or they sell or whatever the situation
and that's fine there's nothing wrong
with any of that but he's he definitely
just kind of is always putting the next
foot forward to get to the next level
i don't you know for whatever goal or
whatever he's trying to achieve but yeah
every time i talk to him he's got some
some cool new stuff going on
uh in his agency so same with eldar
eldar's always he's i think it was at
baltimore event where i first talked to
him i don't think he was moving quite as
as fast then um but then like a year
later and then like he's just been
running like crazy so i'm super excited
to see what's great what he's been up to
since the past year as well
he's been doing some i talked to him for
over two hours on the phone a couple
weeks ago just about like what's going
on in his agency
he's a growing exponentially
yeah yeah i love talking about what he's
got going on in there so
and then we got just you know a ton of
other people that i have i've either
haven't heard before or uh you know
definitely i don't think i've ever heard
holly stark's talk like an actual
in-person presentation
yeah i saw her at the las vegas event
lct long time ago um but she didn't
speak she did like uh she did some
presentation thing in the back room one
day but that was about it
but it was awesome like it blew my mind
it was
it was like holy crap i wish i was
that was way it was probably listening
to her talk that got me more into
technical things sure like the technical
side of the internet in general to be
like that
she she really kind of opened that up to
me as far as like understanding
how websites and like
protocols and all those things operate
so you can do certain things with them
and how they play into seo and things
like that
i'm excited to hear what she's got going
on too
i think my favorite one will be the serp
crisis management
right i know nothing about that
yeah yeah
is that uh who's that
ellen allen that's right ellen's going
to be speaking about serp crisis
management is that uh and what is that
a form of reputation management i would
think he works with like big big clients
who have you know different
fringe things going on that are bad and
you push like get away from that but he
cleans up the search yeah
he was telling me deals with some pretty
big scandals like things i had heard
the i had a uh this was many many years
ago um someone an agent or someone who
very very big uh player on the nfl his
had some like
you know revealing photos and things
leaked yeah and they contacted me to get
that stuff down
um and that this i honestly i didn't
take it because but i mean what they
were willing to pay i would have took it
if i would have known how to get that
down i would have been like sold
like yeah it's money it's big big money
especially for like you said sophie like
some of those scandalous more
tattoos i was saying that's all he
really works with because that's where
the money's at this is where the money's
at who have the you know more well-known
scandals but then they also have more
well-known businesses
yeah they're millionaires who
need to keep certain things out of the
yeah and it's never good news either
i've worked with uh one of the biggest
profile ones he was a part owner for a
major sports football team in the
northwest so
i won't name
that's a big big industry for that
reputation defense yeah they pay well i
mean it because they want you to clean
up their name searches and now it's it's
like even manipulating the uh auto
populates you on the google search
get pretty involved so
i didn't know you could do that
oh make the auto search
like manipulate that manipulation yeah
i've seen people do it with like
keywords so like they'll type in like
you know roofing and then get like the
business name after it or with that you
know depending on location and stuff i
haven't gotten a chance to dig into it
so i know absolutely nothing about it
but hopefully someone talks about it at
the event that would be cool yeah i know
it's a big part of reputation though
because like you said if you search
someone's like brand name or personal
name it'll auto populate like scandal or
sex tape or whatever those
things are that people are searching and
that's another thing that you'll have to
get rid of if you're kind of doing that
yeah i'm super pumped for all that it's
going to be exciting yeah it's a great
lineup and a lot of awesome topics i
mean they're all awesome topics actually
well i can't wait for the recordings i
well you can watch it live
yeah you can join live anyone who can't
make it i mean definitely that's gonna
take it if you can come it's gonna be
honestly the stuff that's shared after
the presentations too because people
afterwards we all sit around and talk
about all the stuff that we just
presented and stuff
that's where a lot of the gold really
comes from so i highly suggest getting a
ticket um and coming but if there's any
reason you can't absolutely absolutely
can't make it then definitely get the
virtual ticket you can sign on remotely
and then get you know unlimited access
to it afterwards
uh for follow-up and stuff like that but
the the act being at the events is
really where i think the goal is at like
that's where you get the
we've we've had partnerships you know
like massive partnerships and and things
come out of our events
and just other events i've been to i've
seen it happen as well so
gonna be fun
when people start drinking a little they
release more of their secrets too
yeah i know that is a hundred and ten
percent the case for me
i have i just i stopped caring about it
it's like oh you want me to open up my
books and show you the numbers sure
let's go you put my client list here let
me show you exactly where they came from
i just don't care
it's it's all fun it's a good group
though i feel like i learned more last
year just in talking to people
like after the fact
or during the musical
yeah it is
what's in your pocket bucky
ah wow now we can all speculate what
buck he's up to in the back
anyways um
uh wasn't bucky gonna do the news
yeah wait what are we what were you
gonna talk about with holly starks and
your testing are we doing that after
i'll do that towards the end after we do
the updates um but that is at the
weekend update um i guess the i could
let you know right now it has to do with
gbp verifications
um but yeah i can comment more about
that at the end before we jump off uh
yeah let's do the seo news so then we
can get through that do comments and and
and stuff all right
there's not much there was there was uh
a lot of google my business kind of
stuff but nothing huge
uh google posts now expire after six
that just came out ben fischer shared a
on twitter
so basically your recent post won't be
highlighted on your business profile if
they're older than six months so
there is that
um google search console video index
report rolling out very slowly so we've
already known that video index report is
coming to google search console and you
may or may not see it depending on
whether or not
you actually have
video videos on your website and whether
google's seeing them
so if you do start seeing that let us
obviously it's for sites that have
videos on their website and once those
you'll start seeing reporting for it
in search console
google search console anonymizes tons of
uh and then updates their help doc after
href study so apparently
patrick stokes of hrefs
released a report showing that about 50
of queries in search console are hidden
i.e classified as anonymized
initially there were
uh the help documents said that there
was very rare queries that were called
but since he was able to show that 50 in
some cases
and over 80 percent of in some cases
queries are being hidden for some sites
and basically called them out and said
you can't call that very rare um and
then google updated the help doc to be
more reflective of what is true so
let's see um google my business app no
longer available
it's uh it's just basically a report
saying that when you try and open it it
says you can now manage your profile
actually tested mine and i've been
testing mine mine still works
so i would assume they're probably
rolling it out and kind of getting rid
of it
maybe not in one fell swoop but
let us know what you're seeing there if
your google my business app on your
phone still works
you're probably one of the lucky few
is it only on mobile devices that it's
not working
my mind's working now but actually it
stopped working previously and it was
redirecting me to google maps on my
but now it's actually opening up again
so if they actually brought it back
for me so i don't know i'm wondering if
if uh it's because mine is set up as an
agency which i know that i did that
months months months back so maybe
they're leaving it for agencies i don't
but i still have access to all of my
accounts on there and can see it just
like i
was normally that does say you know you
can now manage in
in maps but
i can also manage it in the app the
app's still working for me so
uh yeah
if i was gonna say i just switched to a
different gmail and it said no go to
maps so it's only certain gmails that i
have access to on my maps app sorry
continue so that's interesting
google business profile toggle to hide
address to customers so
there's basically a toggle on the actual
location when you're when you open in
maps and or search
to manage the business basically just a
toggle that says it shows business to
customer or you toggle it off and it
hides the business
so not a huge issue there
google business profile manager
listings and more disappearing
so there's claims that
listing and other details are being
hidden or just disappearing
supposedly this is happening anytime a
new verification or re-verification is
triggered on a profile
when that is done the profile becomes
invisible from within google business
profile manager
this person noticed the bug for a couple
of weeks now
it affects newly added profiles so far
we've only noticed that it
when we've manually claimed an existing
into a client's bulk verified account so
keep an eye on that i don't know if any
of you guys have seen anything weird
going on with that
i haven't noticed anything but i haven't
really had a bunch of
re-verifications triggering lately
either so
last one here google popular products
section gains videos
so google's testing adding a video
section in the popular products feature
in google search
and then of course
looks like
a mixture of youtube and
well the screenshot here is only showing
youtube videos so i don't know if it's
going to be pulling videos from the
website if it pulls it from youtube if
it prefers one or the other who knows
but in the suggested product the popular
products feature is now showing video as
well so
oh did you say that when the
find places through images there's no
link there because chaz actually posted
that in our discord
um no i didn't see that one okay yeah so
uh chas actually found he shared a
snapshot um i looked like it was a local
search and it said find places through
images and it had
like images with their business rankings
and like a carousel
and i don't know if those were the
images from their gmb or from image
search or what but they were showing up
in the and this was on a mobile phone
and obviously
you know now they're putting videos in
these products that product
feeds and things like that so
probably going to see more emphasis on
images video all that stuff would be my
so yeah just wanted to point that out
what other news do we have here
toggle and height address to customers i
didn't really understand that feature
because if you service people at your
address you'd want the address and if
you don't service people in your service
area business
you wouldn't want the address
what is the height address
feature it may be something that they
realize they had to retroactively add in
search and or maps
because initially when you're setting it
up it asks you do you service clients at
this address or do
you go to the you know so
now that you don't have that initial
you know what i mean because you you had
to yeah i got you
because you had to pretty much
you know because if you don't if you
service someone at that address then it
shows the address i guess yeah because
when you verify it asks you for the
but it seems like they would just remove
the address they would use the address
for verification but then just putting
listed on the listing so maybe i guess
you're right maybe they just added a
toggle because people didn't just
want to remove the address i mean before
you just remove the address
just says remove address from listing
you click the button and removes it and
you save it yeah
but you couldn't put the address back
then too
was an issue so the toggle switch now
maybe you can switch it back on
and have the address shown
yeah i mean we've seen it time and time
again where we're managing
clients that you know we have no idea
what the address was because it was
yeah or removed
how many listings that would help nikki
with yeah i know i don't want to talk
about that right now people i mean
that would help immensely with looking
at looking at issues as well and trying
to have clients who don't who like buy
other businesses and then they don't
know where the listing was verified
because it could be you know a small
one-person business who
i don't know why google ever made it to
remove the address like it's a local
business listing they should all have
addresses that should be like a
requirement for freaking membership to
be on a message
on the back end yes
what if you look what i mean 10 years
ago and you don't we're like
i could see myself forgetting what
address i verified no but i'm saying i
don't i don't know why google from the
beginning didn't say
oh there's a user settings and we keep
their email and their address and their
and all their information
but then on the front end there's a
listing and we may or may not like what
what type of person decided that this
made some sense to just like purge
address information if you don't service
people at your address
like i i don't i never understood that
completely either but
obviously not important
yeah not important forget that
that's funny
good old google
hopefully that makes it easier in the
future at least
yeah that's i mean i do think that that
is a good thing from the sound of it so
let's see do we got any comments any
well uh holly starks was on youtube she
said hey boys what's shaking
yo yo holly
just working on getting the weekend
update done
which is going to have
if you didn't know my gmb verification
tests i know you were all cryptic with
that facebook post earlier
well if you know anything about holly
starks you can somewhat guess
what this method possibly entails
now i will say that this is like what
i'll be coming out with first of all i
didn't do this to be
like i didn't do it for people to go out
and just make hundreds of listings like
that's not why i did it um i more so
wanted to try and get a better
understanding of how google triggers
phone verification versus video
verification versus just instantly
verifying which i've been getting a lot
of recently
um and especially with all the people
out there right now clients in general
i'm like seeing a massive surge of just
people with clients who are having
issues getting verified either it's
video verifying and not going through or
just getting stuck or instantly
suspending after a postcard or
so hopefully some of these things can
help with with getting the verification
um with that said
if you do
you definitely could just get a listing
up with what i'll be going over um the
interesting thing though is that
it does seem to be important to be at
the location
that is that does seem to be a main
factor and i'll give that one away out
the gate um
if you if you're a legitimate business
and you have a client at a location
struggling to get a listing verified
this will 100
100 percent possibly help that doesn't
make more sense
so 100
maybe help you 60 percent of the time it
works every time
it has been pretty consistent um
but it's it's interesting and again i'll
go over in the update google's
triangulating a bunch of different
signals it looks like
figure out is this one piece valid or
not like the phone number the address
the that whatever those things are
and some things it doesn't even seem to
care about to be honest which i'll go
over in the update um but if one of
those main things are off that's when it
triggers a verification as it pertains
that thing whether it's a
like a proof of the business like a
video verification or a proof of address
which is a postcard
or a proof of the phone number working
business phone number with a text
message or a call
so yeah it's i'm pretty excited about
putting out the update i went driving
doing some testing again if you know
anything about holly why i tagged her
she likes to drive around a little bit
with her gmb cell phones
i'm just giving away some more details
but again yeah the the weekend update i
think it goes out
saturdays when the actual test is goes
out right yeah so it'll blow out
saturday and then if you
uh aren't watching your email or don't
get it whatever you can check the
website and then get the update there i
think it'll be posted
monday or something like that
uh maybe by monday afternoon at the
that's exciting
ben what have you been seeing in the in
the serps you manage a lot of stuff on
the uh organic side
anything crazy
nothing crazy the last crazy thing i
really saw on the serps is when google
was pulling whatever they wanted in from
a page and putting it as a title
like they do with description so outside
of that
ads occasionally taking up more space
they're constantly playing with the ad
space so it gives us less real estate
with the organic
outside of that no i haven't seen
anything and nothing crazy uh really
just it's it's kind of business as usual
i know we're what two months away from
the last update for the for the core
i haven't seen too much like i
core updates for me and i know for a lot
of seos they could be scary i
i don't know if it's just
i haven't really seen a lot of impact
from those uh fortunately
i think the seo that we we run here at
it's safe
so i i'm not seeing like anybody's ranks
just completely flip up or down
yeah occasionally we have some issues
and some things where we have the triage
campaigns but for the most part we're
we're doing well uh overall so i'm happy
with that
yeah i mean we use a pretty holistic
strategy which i think is the key
to surviving updates like that's
that's why over time i've been pushed
into and literally i could say push
because google pushed me into being a
holistic seo
by doing google updates doesn't mean i
don't you know go in that gray area
sure you can play around there but
at the end of the day i'm still doing
all those other things that you know
will give you that relevance that
authority that trust that google's
looking for
which is i think why we're successful
with that at web 20 because we generally
we don't really run any just campaign
like the only i think managed campaign
that we run that we don't really claim
is a full campaign is our managed link
service a managed link building campaign
which is a managed off page but even
that it's a it's a link campaign you
know what i mean so
um but our actual white label services
and gmb plans they definitely take in
all signals into consideration
and then when we do see problems like
that we usually find a technical side or
something else that we can correlate it
to so
i mean we i still see google favor
having heavy big brands authoritative
sites and things like this so that's
that's always important and we do
a lot of the same tactics that you would
see on a big big site like that it's
it's about getting the branded footprint
out there uh for every one of our
clients and just the overall strategy
we don't do anything sketchy you know
what i mean it's a straightforward seo
and we know that works and we've tested
it how many thousands and thousands of
times so
we do
that's why we're looking to add a few
new things try to expand the scope of
some of our packages and things like
that moving forward because there is
more that i think we can do for
campaigns but
outside of that yeah no nothing crazy
it's kind of business as usual i'm just
waiting for google to just say
here's first page full of ads and that's
i'd say you know how they are other than
that it's so it's pretty good
we got any questions or anything else
chaz was watching earlier he did a wave
a wave hand
i don't know if he's still watching or
not but
if not he can catch us on the replay
that's right
he could download us and take us in his
on one of the same podcast sites
well that's what is i think written here
in the itinerary and what
but um yes we don't think we have any
other questions
that about covers it for the news it's
anyone on facebook i accidentally closed
mine and went and closed it but i don't
want to open it and then
there is not
okie dokie
what's our weekend deal do we know
that's a good question
if we
it's 20 cashback on links
that's pretty nice
cash back
yeah that is nice on all links yeah oh
it's 20 cash back not off
yeah 20 cash back on all wings but then
you can either
i think if you bought enough you'd have
enough cash you could just buy more
yeah right some of those
get one free
well like
though some of those legal guest posts
are like three four hundred dollars yes
so that's like 80 what 80 bucks back
that's more than a press release
that'll get you a handful of citations
yeah so that'll be the weekend deal
on the mastermind stuff i don't know i'm
trying to i'm thinking about that
so we'll see
i like doing discounts
they're easier than cashback the
cashback has to be calculated like
danielle has to do every single one and
it's just i don't know i know and she's
on vacation for like two weeks too i
just making me work overtime over here
i just got back from vacation it was so
everyone going on vacation i need a
vacation right i haven't been i
haven't been on vacation since i left
las vegas moved out of las vegas
and even then i lived in las vegas so i
i guess you could just say the whole
four years i lived in vegas was a
vacation because it
it really was but
you live there
i don't i don't like the idea of
vacation i like to just live where i
always want to be
like that's that's my concept of it so
i'm probably going to move back to vegas
and uh in another year or two
no i like i like adventuring out
i like i like having
everything closed at hand
really i like having just like a little
bag and that's all i have
live in
know man i took a i took a backpack with
me to colorado for a month
wow that's actually impressive for a lot
of reasons but
don't say because i'm a girl i know
oh my goodness
holly wants to know if you're putting
out a video on the verification or just
a blog update saturday
so it's
going to be all spelled out in a blog
um and then i do have three videos that
i like just literally sped through that
that shows me doing them um two of them
that went through one of them didn't and
why i believe and what the end
conclusion was with the whole thing
um but no it's not going to be just like
like an over-the-shoulder walk-through
like do this and this and this um but
yeah so there's it's gonna be a mixed
media update uh but you don't have to
watch the videos um and i don't think
yeah i didn't like talk or anything in
the video it was literally just so you
can see me
actually do it and how it popped up for
the verification and what it asked me to
do and all that
and then in the i'll actually write out
like the details you know whether or not
it was like a website that had search
console set up or if i did it from
you know whatever the
i don't want to tell you the details now
hard to get mike to do more videos
though about his testing
yeah he doesn't cause he still hasn't
done a speaker video so
yeah i i i'm having a little too much
fun with my speaker video so
yeah you'll see it i don't know it's
it's it's bad
is it gonna be like bucky's last year
where he's like looking at the camera
and he's like hello
i love that it's worse than that
it's way worse than that
like it's worse than that yeah
and by worse i mean better worse like
i'll send you eldars too his has very
high quality
so i would say
mine's gonna have some production value
but i wouldn't call it high quality
okay that's that's all i'm gonna say
myself is commenting
any other comments i don't think so
all righty well i guess we can call it
call it a day here
if uh
this is episode seo vault episode 149
we might be doing something special
next week for the big 150 or we'll do
absolutely nothing at all so
join us next week to find out
we're for sure announcing the fourth of
july winner next week ah okay so join us
for that
but we will probably do something else
too so i probably should because that's
only going to matter to the person who
yeah but i like i like doing that on the
vault we might i don't know we'll figure
out what we'll do but we'll do something
we'll do something special i if if uh
yeah i mean i got stuff honestly i can
give away
um just from all the stuff i'm putting
together for the the mastermind too so
maybe we give away some
mastermind stuff we give away a ticket
maybe we yeah maybe we give away a
ticket well
yeah i mean it's pretty awesome
i i mean chaz is the only one who
doesn't like giving away free stuff i'll
give away 20 free tickets right now i
have no problem personally it does not
bother me if we give away 20 free
well the mastermind isn't really like as
much of a hard cost it's not like we're
paying per person just for the room
oh yeah
plus i love i just love getting my stuff
it's fun
it is a lot of fun that's it's
definitely fun just getting everyone
together and
it's gonna be a good party definitely
everyone join us um yeah that's it seo
of all 149.
download us find us on all your podcasts
favorite podcasts channel thingies and
uh join us next week thursday around
four o'clock ish
we'll see you next week