Marriage Tax Penalty - How Being Married Could Cost You Thousands Every Year - YouTube
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conventional wisdom says that when you
get married you will save lots of money
but in some cases that is not true in
this video we are gonna be talking about
the marriage tax penalty and how because
of the way the tax code is structured
married people can actually end up
paying more in taxes. Boo!
I'm Joseph and this
is Tasha from one big happy today
we are talking about just federal taxes
and the marriage penalty there people
pay taxes in a lot of different ways
state taxes local taxes real estate
sales tax sometimes their taxes built
into things you find you don't even know
your bank but today just federal taxes
because that's usually the biggest one
or at least one of the biggest ones all
right so let's talk about how federal
income taxes work federal income taxes
are a what's known as a progressive tax
that means the more money you make the
more money you end up paying in taxes in
theory we have marginal tax rates that
means that a certain bracket of money
say from zero to ten thousand dollars
you get taxed at say ten percent and
then any dollar you make above ten
thousand is taxed at a higher rate
so from $10,001 all the way up to say
twenty thousand dollars you might get
taxed at 15% lots of people think that
if you make more money that you'll
you'll definitely pay more in taxes on
on everything because you'll hit a
higher tax bracket well it's just on
that additional dollar so it's bracket
by bracket and don't get confused that
if you get into a higher tax bracket oh
you're gonna owe way way more money no
it's just on that additional dollar into
that bracket this is a breakdown of the
current tax
and the different options for filing now
there is one more married filing
separately but that's exactly half the
married rates we didn't include that
here so what this chart shows you if you
look across you'll see let's look at the
25% tax bracket you get into that tax
bracket at 37,000 if you're single
50,000 for a head of household and
75,000 for married so what that
generally looks like is that you can
make more money without being taxed at
25 percent if you're married or head of
head of household versus being single
but now let's look at how the married
tax brackets compared to a single +
single filer so two single people filing
separately but living together or a head
of household plus a single person filing
so basically what these are are two
unmarried couples what their taxes would
look like and their tax burden would
look like compared to a married couple
this is the married bracket it's exactly
what we showed you in the chart before
for a married couple
this is the single plus single tax
bracket so exactly two times the single
bracket that we showed you before again
this is a couple of two people but they
are not married here so they're filing
as two single people even though they
share a household so what you'll see is
if you look down at the 28% bracket
that's where single and single starts to
beat married so a single plus single
couple could make up to a hundred and
eighty three thousand dollars and still
stay in the twenty five percent tax
bracket whereas the married couple would
have bumped up into the twenty eight tax
bracket at one hundred and fifty-three
thousand so practically that costs the
married couple an extra nine hundred and
twenty one dollars in taxes every single
year not one year every single year so
if they were married for I don't know
like 50 years that'd be almost like
fifty thousand dollars which is just
outrageous plus if you invest that money
yeah Lots that's a hundred thousand easy
yeah now let's look at the head of
household plus single and so just to
clarify a head of household plus single
would look like an unmarried couple who
share a child and live together
that's head of household plus single
you'll notice right off the bat the
single plus head of household brackets
are higher than both the married or the
single plus single at the fifteen
percent tax bracket it starts at twenty
two thousand six seventy five the twenty
five percent bracket starts at eighty
seven thousand nine hundred fifty the
twenty eight percent bracket at two
hundred twenty three thousand one
hundred dollars
thirty three percent bracket at four
hundred thousand three dollars so if you
were paying right at the top of the
twenty eight percent bracket you would
end up paying twenty one hundred less in
taxes every year which means you will
get twenty five hundred dollars of your
money back I think that's a really
important distinction like people think
you know don't think of taxes as money
that they have paid out of their income
but that is exactly what they are what
that is
so when you lower your income tax
liability you get to keep more of your
money instead of passing it on okay and
so it's crazy that just not being
married that is the only difference like
not being legally married you would have
twenty five hundred dollars more a year
in your pocket every single year that
you were married and this is just the
beginning so this is just the beginning
of the marriage penalty let's start
looking at some of the other ways that
married people are penalized in our
current tax structure the first thing is
health savings accounts so health
savings accounts are pre-tax accounts
that you can contribute money to to help
pay your medical expenses with pre-tax
money and the IRS sets contribution
limits to those HSAs every year the
other benefit to the HSA is that once
you reach age 65 you can withdraw that
penalty-free without having any medical
expenses so it's kind of like a backdoor
retirement account so it's a great way
to save extra money in addition to you
like a 401k well right it'll work
exactly like a regular IRA where the
month everything you can invest the
money it'll grow tax-deferred and then
you pay taxes on it it went after your
sixty-five when you withdraw it for any
reason so let's look at the contribution
limits because obviously the more you
can contribute to these things the more
you shelter your income from taxes today
and the more that money can grow
tax-free right so if you are single the
limit for an HSA contribution is three
thousand four hundred and fifty if you
are a family so you have family medical
the limit is six thousand nine hundred
dollars so if you have single coverage
and family coverage because one person
in the household has has his or her own
single coverage and then the other
person covers themselves and the
children then you can have up to a
combination of the two single plus
family which is ten thousand three
hundred and fifty but now say you're a
household of four two adults with two
children each adult has family coverage
you can have two HSAs with family
coverage totaling thirteen thousand
eight hundred dollars so the value of
that intact savings is seventeen hundred
twenty-five dollars a year every single
if you max out your HSA and that's at
the twenty five percent tax that's at
twenty five percent so if you're at
twenty eight or 33 it goes up even more
another is the dependent care flexible
spending account now this is similarly
deducted like an HSA normally your
employer does this for you but every
year you put more money into it now the
difference is huge if you are married
with two kids the maximum that you can
contribute is six thousand dollars come
Yeah right between the two of you 6000
that's it now if you are unmarried that
max is 10,000 because one of you claims
one child and the other claims the other
child until you while you both have two
kids together you get to almost double
what married couples can put in their
flexible spending accounts ten thousand
dollars that is a chunk of change that
you will not pay taxes on so that saves
you one thousand dollars a year for
every year that you're eligible to use a
dependent care flexible expense account
and that phases out when your child is
on 13 so all of those thousands of
dollars every year it really really adds
up but the next way that income taxes or
the marriage penalty affects how much
money you end up paying in taxes is on
anything that goes by a percentage of
your income like for example medical
expenses you can only deduct medical
expenses in excess of ten percent of
your adjusted gross income so if you're
a dual income couple making two hundred
thousand dollars and so each of you
makes one hundred thousand and you have
twenty thousand dollars in medical
expenses from a single person well ten
percent of two hundred thousand is
twenty thousand so you won't be able to
deduct that but if you file separately
then you have the twenty thousand
dollars of expenses with that person
making one hundred thousand dollars so
they can deduct anything above ten
thousand dollars because ten thousand is
ten percent of hundred thousand so
that's another was it 25 hundred dollars
in savings right there if you happen to
have a partner with high medical
and then and that could be huge now
right now this isn't as big a deal
because lots more people are covered by
insurance and their out-of-pocket
maximums and so that adds some
protection there but if you don't have
insurance or if you're about to lose
your insurance as the marketplace kind
of rearranges or potentially rearranges
well this could really come into play so
then the last way and this is not a
comprehensive list we're just kind of
sharing some of the biggest
heavy-hitting impact of the marriage
penalty so the last thing is student
loans because your student loan payment
under the repayment income based
repayment programs is based on your
adjusted gross income if you're married
and if one of the only one of you has
student loans well both of your incomes
will be used to calculate that and it
doesn't help for revised pay-as-you-earn
they will count your spouse's income
even if you file married filing
separately so being married could cost
you extra every single year on your
student loans if you're using income
based repayment as you can see there are
some major differences major penalties
for filing married now we think that
this is completely unfair we've talked
about it before but this this is not
everything that could possibly change
but it's just a few of the really big
items that we wanted you to be aware of
not to necessarily say oh well if you're
married you better go get divorced but
just to just to know be aware of how
important these different tax filing
statuses can affect things so we hope
you enjoyed the video and learn some new
things about unfortunate taxes I don't
see you guys next time bye. bye.
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