Revenue vs Sales | Best Differences You Must Know! - YouTube

Channel: WallStreetMojo

hello everyone hi welcome to the channel of WallStreetmojo
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revenue versus sales we are gonna understand the difference over here and
will try to figure out what exactly goes in between the difference that is
revenue and sales you know they look quite similar but there is a difference
like you know although revenue and sales you know they are considered one and the
same too many cases but there is a still slight difference between the revenue in
the sales revenue if you see is the total amount of money that has been
generated by the company so it is like the money that has been generated by the
company and sales on the other hand are the total what we call as the
consideration accrued from selling goods or services or by the company so see you
can see the subset of the revenue right and sometimes you know revenue can also
be lower than sales let's take an example for each in the first case that
will take is sales when sales is greater than the that revenue and the second
sales is less than the revenue to illustrate you know revenue and sales
you know much more proper fashion seals can be seen as the price that has been
paid by the customers for the company's goods or services so it is common
practice that you know large companies they don't fully depend on sales for its
revenue but they also have the other kinds of income like you know they have
the investment income they have services they have interest they have royalties
fees donations to name a few if you see for investments investments are like you
know investment in governments bonds you have equity shares that's yes then there is a
thing called service income right so this basically includes the revenue from
like you know installation of services then there are thing called charges and
interest this is like you know the late payments for money by the customers then
we have royalties so royalties if it's a fee used for rights or the name of your
business or licensing which is also known as fees it's a professional fees
you know that the charge of the copies you know that has been made travel or
like and mileage reimbursements and so on and so forth so in the total sales of
let's say a company that's a limited effect they have a $200 billion
dollar and the income this is what is sales and the income that has been
generated by other means is let's say 4 billion this is other than the
total revenue that has been generated by a limited over here is going to be the
sum of this that's 204 billion so this is clearly this clearly shows
that you know revenue will be over here the revenue will be greater than sales
in this case right now we'll take another example where sales greater than
revenue so now think about that the first item of the income statement of
the company now it is the what is called as the gross sales the first item the
top line which is also known as your top line the gross sales now why do we call
this as grossing since because you know it's a figure that includes things like
you know sales returns you have what we call as see this discount if any I mean
here when we deduct this sales returns of sales discount from the cross sales
we get a thing that's called revenue that's from the net sales and in this
case sales are the sins are more than the revenue like for example if total
sales no off let's say greenery come let's say they're standing at
$20,000 so the cost incurred due to replacement is let's say
$400 and the cost incurred due to other discounts and reductions is
let's say $600 so the total revenue that has been generated by
the greenery company is $18000 in total the above
example you know clearly shows that you know over here the sales greater or more
than the revenue in the in this particular example right now we will
understand this with the help of the infographics to make
things in a more sensible way now the first and the foremost thing that we are
going to study is the revenue revenue is the total amount of the money that has
been generated by the company now we know very well things about revenue and
sales so the total money that has been generated by the company and this
indicates by selling of the company's goods and services that's it the
calculation revenue is calculated by adding sales with other income so when
you add your sales plus other incomes you get what your revenue let me write
the formula for you the revenue is equal to sales plus the other incomes right
and if you see for sales sales can be calculated by multiplying the total
goods and services sold with its price the total goods or service that has been
sold with its price so it's like sales is equal to let's say number of units
that you are selling into t price per unit right so this is the calculation
now let's see the example for the revenue and for the sales let's say for
the revenue if the sales of XYZ is limited is let's say $20,000 and the
income from the other sources is fine so if you add both you get 25 so that's
your revenue you're just using it as in a formula and for sales if the product
is sold for 2,000 the price is 10 so multiplied this you get how much $20,000
so this is 2,000 is wrong it should be 20,000 so 2,000 x 10 is 20,000 right now
what exactly it indicates see revenue basically indicates the company's
ability to invest because that's e hardbound income to allocate you know
its resources maximizes earning potential so those are some of the
reasons very exactly the revenue can be used but for sales it indicates the
company's capability of selling its primary goods and services its
operational bertrand services the main key reason or for which the business
earning to make profit now after discussing the differences i want to
quickly run you through the key differences between the revenue and the
sales like see both revenue sales are used as one and when it is seen in
accounting terms both can be easy to be different shields so accounting term is
the difference between both of the revenue in the second case can be
calculated you know by adding sort of sales here with other income is
generated by the company whereas you know if you see for the sale
what exactly goes in the round is that in it can be calculated by multiplying
the total goods and services with its price third the revenue can exist
without any sort of sales it can exist without any sort of sales but you know
sales is automatically it automatically turns into revenue like as for an
example we can talk about a new company that may have a small revenue by renting
its own working space to other new businesses but until it has sold a unit
of product it didn't generate sales and the final fourth part you know revenue
basically it shows a company's resource fullness in generating money whereas you
know if you see for the sales well sales show a company's ability to
sell its products or what we call as services let me give my final thoughts
on this particular topic now as you can see that you know sales that revenue
they aren't the same even if we use interchangeably but when a company just
starts out it has almost no existence remember that thing it has no existence
in the market and that's why to stay afloat it may involve in generating
money from here and there so that it can produce you know products or create some
service and sell them so that's why clearly sales often come when you know
company has what is called money to manufacture those product by those
product at a very cheaper price but revenue if you see on the other hand is
a culmination of all the sources of income
let it be investment or maybe consulting or maybe interested as received fee
charge and the amount collected because of the sales
so since sales are a major chunk of the organization revenue it has made a chunk
of the organization's revenue we use sales and revenue as synonyms so to
understand sales and revenue and investor lemma needs to understand how
the income statement is formatted and how it has been arranged so if an
individual learns to read the income state he or she will be clearly be able
to differentiate between the revenue and the same so that's it for this
particular topic so that's it for this particular topic if you have learned and
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