Stimulus Bill Update | Biden's $308 Million Commitment | Jayapal's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan - YouTube

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Hello and welcome to today s January 11th Daily News report as well as ongoing stimulus
package update.
If you re a subscribed member of my community, then welcome back.
On this channel I keep you in the loop on what s really going on in Washington DC, the
US economy, Biden s Build Back Better stimulus package, money, investing and much much more.
Don t forget to sign up for the $15,000 CASH giveaway Kacey and I are doing in the month
of January thanks to amazing sponsors.
I ll make sure to leave a link below.
By the way, thank you so much for giving this video a like.
I really appreciate it.
Several health administrators from Former President Obama s cabinet are saying President
Biden has lost credibility when it comes to covid.
He was elected based on saying he would crush the virus and not the economy and now it seems
people are struggling to trust it will happen.
We are getting very mixed messages.
The CEO of Pfizer said his safe and effective vaccines will beat covid, delta and omicron.
Now he is saying it won t beat omicron but not to worry a new miracle speed shot against
Omicron is being developed and it will be available in March.
So shots that on average take 5-10 years to develop can now be developed in 60 days.
Its not clear whether omicron will even be an issue in March or if you will have to take
1 or 2 shots in addition to the 3rd covid booster
and the 4th booster now being recommended.
The white house is telling businesses with 100 employees or more to force vaccinate their
employees, allow testing or fire even though the mandates are in the Supreme Court right
now and haven t been ruled on yet.
Over in Germany the government is implementing a new wrist band system.
People will wear a colored wrist band so everyone can see their vaccination status.
Unvaccinated people will wear a different colored wrist band so Germans can easily identify
whom to avoid or shame.
Really Germany.
You want people to self identify with a colored band on their arm so they are easy to spot?
One german citizen said he didn t like it but it was also so annoying to show his papers
all the time.
And no I am not quoting a story from before World War 2.
This is happening right now.
Regarding President Bidens Build Back Better Stimulus bill, the Federal Reserve is now
saying not only is inflation not transitory or temporary, but it might get worse.
Many analysts are saying the Federal Reserve is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
If they don t raise rates inflation could continue to spin out of control.
If they do raise rates they could trigger a 10-30% drop in
the stock market.
This stuck position is also hurting many americans.
While some are doing very well, the middle class, lower income families and fixed income
families are on the verge of bottoming out on covering their monthly bills.
High gas prices, high food costs and higher housing costs are hurting the old and the
young the most.
Older American are struggling to cover their bills and younger Americans are nowhere near
being able to own a home.
All this was brought on by the Fed s monetary policies.
President Biden continues to say the miracle pill to solve inflation is the $2 Trillion
spending bill, but at least 4 democrat senators are now saying the stimulus bill needs to
be smaller, paid for and help the American people.
The biggest areas of focus right now are free pre-kindergarten and reduced daycare expenses
for middle and lower income families.
Biden also wants to build more affordable housing.
Biden also wants to see the child tax credit monthly checks for the next few years or at
least one more year.
Biden wants to give significant tax credits on electric vehicles and solar power.
Biden said 40% of the green energy he wants to invest in will help disadvantaged neighborhoods.
He wants to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and make Obamacare premiums more affordable
for 9 million Americans.
He wants to expand medicare to 4 million more Americans.
He also wants to expand and extend the Earned Income TAX credit for 17 million working families.
I noticed on the White House description page of Biden s plan that it no longer mentions
taxing the wealthy.
He also says he will hold the wealthy accountable by adding 80,000 new IRS agents and will monitor
money Americans are sending via paypal, venmo, cash app and more so more money is coming
into the IRS.
This is the hold the billionaires accountable but it plainly says the middle class will
be audited more.
The biggest sections of the bill are around $400 billion for the free pre kindergarten
and the reduced daycare expense.
$550 billion for green energy and $600 billion in tax credits for the wealthy by removing
or raising the Salt Tax Caps.
Now this is the plan several democrat lawmakers say needs revamping.
How do these investments in the future lower the price of gas now.
How do these investments in the future make groceries more affordable now.
How do these investments make rent and housing more affordable now.
The congressional budget office said over 10 years this plan adds trillions to the national
So it will be interesting to see what these smaller, paid for bills that supposedly help
more Americans will look like.
Senator Wyden has promised to release a new stimulus bill any day now.
Senators Cardin and Casey say a smaller bill that is more people focused is needed.
Representative Pramila Jayapal said she still supports Biden s Build Back Better Stimulus
Bill but said she wants to see the President and the Senate including forgiving $50,000
of student loan debt.
She said it s the single biggest stimulus democrats could make the US government give
to the American tax payer.
Bernie Sanders says large corporations need to pay their people more.
We can t live in a society where half the population lives paycheck to paycheck.
The White House announced they will send another $308 million to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The president already sent $474 million last fall.
Later today President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will be speaking on their opinion
of changing voting rights.
They say the filibuster should be removed using the nuclear option of a rules change
while democrats have a majority in the Senate.
They say it is racist to ask people to show who they are with an ID or even be a citizen.
In fact, New York just changes law so non-citizens can vote in their local elections.
However, Senator Manchin said he doesn t support changing the filibuster or the nuclear option.
He said republicans and democrats should work together.
The filibuster shouldn t be thrown out just so one part can get all their want while in
However, Senator Sinema, Jon Tester and Mark Kelly say they also don t support changing
the filibuster and not one republican agrees to it either.
The Red Cross announced they are having the worst blood shortage in history with people
sick or limited in donation ability because of vaccines.
They urge all americans to consider giving blood and platlettes if they can.
This is my update for today.
As I know more, I will definitely come on and share more.
Before you go, make sure to add your name each day to the giveaway Kacey and I are doing.
20 people will win $250 CASH and one will win $10,000 to split between them and the
person of their choice.
You can sign up for my giveaway each day and I d love it if you would share this opportunity
with someone you care about to help me grow my channel.
Now Before I go, I wish to remind you, that you are amazing.
Hey I appreciate you being in my community.
And I ll see you on the next video.