Minecraft Championships 14 - Analysis and Predictions! [MCC 14] - YouTube

Channel: Animagician

mcc is back and it's that time again
analysis and predictions baby
alright let's get into this super quick
please subscribe if you like the video
or are watching it on a stream because i
appreciate it a ton
anyway onto the analysis let's have a
quick disclaimer just like the good old
days say
everything i say in this video is either
based on solid raw statistics or just my
when it's my opinion this massive
indicator will always be on screen
i'm not trying to offend any of the
content creators in this video because
i'm almost certain they're all better
than me about content creation and
so i'm super sorry if i say anything
that comes across that way
okay great on to the analysis we'll
start off subjective then head to an
objective analysis of
the teams i've cut the game by game
breakdown of each team for this mcc
because we don't know if all the games
are going to be there so i feel like
that would be kind of redundant let's go
in rainbow order because
yay rainbows and start with the red
rabbits nikki tommy tubbo
and vic a team for the ages tommy is the
main center point for this team
chemistry wise since he knows all the
team members the best
there's the obvious tommy tubble link
tommy and vic are pretty well acquainted
now as far as i can tell since
tommy literally went to vic's house and
got sandals from him which i think makes
them like best friends for life or
there's also the fact that tommy and vic
have teamed before as of nikki and tobo
and nikki was also there for the vlog
that tommy filmed way back last year
overall super strong team chemistry wise
and a team i can see definitely doing
very well orange ocelots next and this
team looks pretty strong chemistry right
on the first look
but that's just the vibe i get when i
think of this team all of them are very
similar in terms of how hard they try in
their attitude in game which is that
they try hard but don't get too involved
or heated to the point of getting
majorly tilted
a bit of a point in the other direction
is that the only times that the members
of the ocelots have team before
were quick and shovel in mcc one and
cara and eric in mcc two
a long time ago when mcc was a vastly
different event
as well all right yellow yak's time this
team will take a second to catch up with
each other in my opinion at least
the only two players who have teamed
from this team before are dan and krazy
i don't know if i said that right but
hey whatever
and therefore there might be a bit of a
period in the first few games where the
team is just figuring out how to best
function another thing to know is that
both crazy and sb
frequent the mcc practice server and
thus might start to get better because
of that so that's something that should
be noted
this next team is one that will
definitely turn a few heads and i'm
almost certain
will be either heavily underestimated or
heavily overestimated
the lime llamas this team's chemistry
will be undeniably great given that it's
basically the m69 blue bats but with
cubs swapped instead of h-bomb
this really shouldn't affect
communication much at all either since
cobb is a hermit just like ren and falls
and therefore should get along fairly
well with the rest of the team
it's also very important to note that
while fruit is almost universally seen
as one of the
if not the best movement based player in
cobb has been basically sweating parkour
especially high personal housing parkour
for months now and thus it's very easy
to assume that he's become a much better
or well above average parkour player
though his statistical averages won't
reflect this
red and false have also shown that
they're a lot more confident in their
own abilities and skills ncc wise as of
which means that hbom's efforts during
mcc 9 which are a big part of the team
being led to victory
have paid off and will likely carry over
in some sense
for mcc 14. and now the team that
everyone is losing their minds over
the green and guardians god i mean
george a dream quackity and captain
this team in my completely unbiased and
very correct opinion
will get a third okay look i know the
meme is dead but the curse is still
but if we're going full conspiracy
theory curse mode here the captain dream
between twice now
i think it'd only be fitting that the
third place curse is broken on their
third teaming
i'm just saying man apart from that this
team has also got insanely good
chemistry packety joy and dream are all
part of the feral boys and therefore
will communicate especially well
and with dream taking the helmets leader
and coordinating with captain sparkles
since they've teamed before i can
definitely see this team doing
incredibly well okay i wrote that bit of
the script over the first few team
reviews which were yesterday as i'm
writing this and
oh wow the rest of the teams are
interesting they're also very powerful
so enough rambling let me get into the
next team
the cyan creepers they seem to skeppy
and bad boy halo finally returned to mcc
after they slept through mcc season two
and this team is incredibly interesting
captain puffy is an ncc veteran who has
recently blown up from the dream smp and
therefore gotten to spend a lot more
time with both skippy and bad boy halo
to the point where i think they'll be
more than above average chemistry wise
on top of this chapel is extremely
bubbly and seems to get along like a
wildfire with literally every mcc player
he's similar to h1 in this sense so i
don't see any issues chemistry-wise here
apart from that skeppy and bb-8 are
averages which honestly i think is
pretty fair
they've both got a lot of experience in
minigames and multiplayer minecraft but
since they're new to mcc and mcc is such
a unique event
i think that cancels out them being just
average aqua axe slottles next and i
think scott went a little crazy with
power on this one i'm not going to like
he really just said i'm going to dodge
ball street mcc 14 because
this team is cracked out of its mind you
have h-bomb the strongest contender for
st among all the non-stir players right
scott who's overlooked a lot and is
actually a super good player at around
eight here ish
and then wisp and solidarity gaming also
called jimmy with wisp being a very
skilled player at minecraft in general
and jimmy being one of the most
consistent players in mcc till date but
hey this is about chemistry which again
i don't see being a problem for this
wisp hasn't teamed with any of them
before but jimmy h and scott have all
teamed before
and h tends to be just an instant
chemistry boost for every team he's on
this team will probably do very well
chemistry wise now the blue bats
i can see the scene being very similar
to the orange ocelots
cpk or callum is the only one who's
teamed with catherine before
and even that was way back in mcc too
hans and sapnab will obviously
communicate well but puns and callum
haven't interacted too much on the
there might be a few issues here but
again i'm pretty sure the practice
server and also just the vibes of most
of the players feeling similar
should make this team do fairly average
chemistry wise let's talk
purple pandas once again this team is
similar to red
this time ollie or the orion sound
hasn't teamed with any of the players in
the scene but peter's team of both green
martin are in the little wood before who
have both also teamed together in the
famous mcc 9 pink pirates team where
green got his title of dream slayer
fairly decent chemistry wise especially
with pete leaning as team captain
their personalities are fairly similar
and therefore should mesh well so
chemistry shouldn't really cause any
major issues for this team
finally for the subjective analysis we
have the pink
parrots now i don't know about you but i
can see this keep having just oh my god
so many chemistry issues i mean they
barely know each other
have wilbur soot and philza even talked
to each other before
honestly jokes aside though this team
has insanely good chemistry and i can
even see a few of the players
phil trying to help jack get acquainted
with mcc before the event
to try and reduce the experience
disadvantage that he'll have this being
his first
time okay subjective analysis over now
it's time for the stats
these numbers are not my opinion are
based solely on the player's performance
in every mcc
till date it's worth noting there are
two major potential sources of error in
this spreadsheet one we know that not
every game is going to be in mcc 14 and
that only eight games will be available
which eight we don't really know but
that means that i've obviously included
some redundant scores here and if
for example sounds of time isn't played
any boosts or dips because of that will
make the stats that much less accurate
in addition to this a bunch of older
players returned in mcc 14
and we have three new players which
means that there's quite a few averages
that are especially in pink
and cyan which make their team scores a
little less
accurate there's also the regular ntc is
completely unpredictable and stats just
a rough guideline thing but
hey let's get on with it in last place
statistically we have the yellow yaks
this team doesn't really have any major
sweeping weak points but sylvie does
significantly underperform in a few
games like hole in the walls sands of
and both sylvie and dan don't do the
best in ace race either
dave or crassy manages to pump up the
team's score to an average in a few of
these cases with stellar performances
with bingo and ace race especially
but the fact that his good performances
aren't completely going towards pushing
the team above
average placement and our instead used
option making the team average
is what made this team place here in 10.
also it's worth mentioning here i'm
pretty sure
this time somehow scott has got the
teams to be even closer than they ever
have before
with less than 40 coins between the 10th
place and first place teams and the
difference between second and first
being literally 0.06 coins that's right
0.06 luckily i calculated my averages up
to six decimal points so i was able to
cast this but holy hell man this was
tight anyway in ninth place we have the
red rabbits
crazy i know this team has been raped by
most of the predictions i've seen as of
now as a top three team making it to
dodgeball in most cases
but it gets heavily underrated here
stats wise for one main
reason vic left fcc season one back in
five this means that arguably the
strongest player on this team
is an average for ace race parker attack
and sky battle
and was only there for the sands of time
which was absolutely horrendous for
coins by the later mcc
standards in addition to this tavo's
poor performance and stands of time and
survival games in mcc 9
mcc 10 being the content team and him
playing more for fun in the last few
games of mcc 11
makes three out of tables five
performances on usually low
apart from that tommy is decently good
and despite popular belief doesn't throw
for content
nearly as much as people claim he does
and so this team is actually fairly
strong and definitely
much stronger than a measly ninth place
eighth place is taken by the purple
pandas who despite having the massive
point boost that is pizza hut
fall to this place the main reason for
this is that while p can easily cancel
out one player performing below
average which in this case ends up being
ollie who is also partly screwed over by
the mcc
he's played in green and martin or in
the little wood aren't outstanding
players either
now don't get me wrong they excel in a
few games in sans of time for example
they both do incredibly well
but the build up of lower point scores
from other games steadily accrues
and makes this team drop to 8th the lime
llamas are in 7th and again
the stats are underrating this team
fairly heavily in my opinion
you have fruit berries who is insanely
good at most if not all mcc games
and ren and false who both put in a
decent showing in most games though they
both do
underperform in bingo and hole in the
wall this plus a particularly weak
showing from
wren in ace race and the fact that stats
can't and don't
consider cobb's literal months of
parkour practice for mcc
means that fruit can't guess this team
to a top five spot and so
it sits in seventh in six just missing
on the top half we have and get ready
for this one because it's surprising
the green guardians this might seem
surprising at first but consider
the stats here caught up in all the hype
it's easy to overlook the fact that
quackity is historically a lower tier
player getting super low scores in a lot
of games
and george is practically mcc's king of
inconsistency when it comes to
the insanely skilled dream and very good
captain ensure that this team is strong
don't get me wrong
and although quacky and dream have been
both practicing like fiends
this isn't reflected in the stats and
therefore this team sits not even at
third place
but in sixth following the rainbow order
for some strange reason
in fifth place we have the cyan creepers
this team is basically carried to this
spot because both skippy and bad are
averages and everything
which means that puffy's fairly good
scores overall that tackles incredibly
good scores in games like rocket sleep
and ace race
really show themselves boosting this
team to a fifth place that i'm not
really sure they would have earned if
uh skeppy hadn't slept through mcc too
anyway just missing out on a podium spot
and in fourth place
we have the blue bats this cm has pretty
wild scores all around
cbk or callum is a very consistent top
20 player
getting some particularly good averages
in battle box and survival games
zapnab and puns continue this trend with
them either matching or beating callum
scores with sapnam especially performing
excellently in games like survival games
and sky battle which really pushes this
team above and beyond
helping it to reach fourth place the
orange ocelots
unexpectedly snag third place and this
team is a real testament to the power of
consistency which i've said in just
so many of my predictions till now quick
is insane at mcc and everybody knows
but since cara eric and shovel are all
pretty good if not great players in most
aspects of mcc
quigg's incredibly high scores
especially games like hole in the wall
and ace race
really carry the team and do what pete
couldn't for the purple pandas
placing this team in third the point
margin between third and fourth is only
one point and even though the difference
between first and second is literally
six one hundredths of a coin six mcc
cents if you will
this is still a pretty tight gap now if
you've been keeping track
you'll know that there are just two
teams left
pink and aqua out of these two the team
which got first stats wise the team
which was beaten by six
mcc cents the team we just lost out on
this meaningless first place victory
is the aqua axolotls
yeah sorry scott we're gonna have to try
a bit harder to get that sweet first
place scott next time
maybe try dream p quick and u next that
might work
anyway all jokes and call outs to
literal event organizer aside
aqua is still incredibly cracked with h1
being as i said earlier
the main contender for ester apart from
dream pete quigg and tecno
h's super good scores in literally every
game are not dampened even in the
with scott performing above average in
every single game canceling out jimmy's
slightly underwhelming scores in a lot
of games
and letting wisps also good scores only
help to pump up age one more
which took this team to second where
they only just miss out on first
place and finally in first place the
team which edged out
every other team to get first place
overall the pink
pirates builds it does carry this team
in a few games with his excellent score
and a whole of the wall
being a very good example of this apart
from that jack manifold is an average
making scores that may have otherwise
dragged pink down just averages
and fondly and wilbur's relative
consistency in most games apart from ace
race but we don't talk about ace race
is in the end what brings this team up
to first it should also be noted here
that a lot of the maps are going to be
completely overhauled
for mcc 14 which means that these that
might also be inaccurate because people
who have got use of the maps and
it and practice and change their
playstyle to fit the maps like ace race
for example
might have a bit of a wild shock because
of the massive overhauls in mcc 14.
so again these stats could be wrong
because of that but now
here are my predictions for mcc 14.
these are just my predictions what i
think will happen
and in my opinion aqua and green will
get to dodgeball with red and third
and out of aqua and green green wins
that was my analysis of the mcc 14s
along with my predictions and i suggest
checking out this video about ntc's rise
to fame
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