Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) presented by NACD and McGladrey - BoardVision - YouTube

Channel: NACD Online

welcome to nacd boardvision where
leading boardroom advisors
governance professionals and seasoned
directors discuss critical issues
related to your responsibilities in the
welcome to nacd boardvision i'm steve
associate publisher of nacd directorship
i'm joined today by john brackett
mcgladrey's national leader for
enterprise risk management
welcome john thank you for having me
risk oversight versus risk management
this is where these conversations often
with a reminder that boards provide
oversight not management
directors oversee the risk management
practices and procedures that the
company has in place
john start us off today with some
clarity on where boards and management
draw the line between oversight and
sure steve having the board focus on
oversight means they need to make sure
that management has in place an
effective risk management program
management needs to own the process as
part of the internal control environment
but boards can play a role in helping
management identify
assess prioritize and monitor risks
for one thing boards can ask if a
company has an erm program
about half of companies do not according
to your own 2011 corporate governance
for public companies when managers
provide credible plans based on credible
directors step back and manage by
that is they don't get involved until
surprises happen but clearly that's not
a good way to oversee risk management
how do boards get out in front of
pending or potential risks
this is where director's experience is
and we can offer three examples boards
can review
some of the key assumptions management
makes as they build their risk
management models
certain directors can identify exposure
to risk
and areas that might be new to the
company but familiar to that director
and collectively a group of directors
may offer a different prioritization of
risk management activities based on
their experiences
interestingly this year's public company
governance survey
showed that specific industry experience
is the second most
important attribute when recruiting new
directors that's correct
our survey also shows that risk
assessment itself is a key attribute in
potential new directors
steve we'd like to know what nacd is
hearing from its members regarding risk
many companies are considering risk
committees in our recent corporate
governance survey for public companies
mentioned earlier we show 12 and a half
percent of them already have risk
there are pros and cons to this but any
city's position is similar to yours
every board member has responsibility
for risk oversight
that's right if a risk committee exists
it should have accountability to the
overall board
for the execution of their duties at the
committee level
in fact the main value of a risk
committee is to gather up the
risk-related work of all the committees
and report to the board in a holistic
way really to help the board see the big
we've seen an increase in the naming of
chief risk officers
first in heavily regulated industries
like financial services and utilities
but now spreading to companies of all
types do most companies
need chief risk officers and if so who
should they report to internally
we think they should and we think the
chief risk officer
should be responsible for ensuring
management is on task
regarding risk identification assessment
mitigation and monitoring in most cases
the chief risk officer should report to
the executive management team
and the board are there ways to allow
them to present independently to the
to avoid filtering of data can this be
done through the audit committee
i'm a strong believer in the cro having
a direct relationship to the board
or a designated committee such as audit
or risk
this level of independence can boost
board confidence in the erm
program obviously there should be no
surprises to management
so it's the responsibility of the cro to
coordinate and communicate within all
levels of the organization
in addition to boards focusing on key
risks to the organization
what else do you think boards should do
to optimize their involvement in risk
it's critical to know the top risks but
it's even more important to understand
the impact each key risk can have on the
and the interdependency of risks how
other risks are impacted when one risk
event is triggered
understanding counterparty risk is a
great example of effective risk
two conclusions we seem to always draw
about risk in erm
are one that it's a team sport need the
full board's attention
as it is inherently tied to strategy and
risk oversight needs to be woven into
all discussions
as opposed to being set aside and
discussed separately we agree with you
on these conclusions
i'll close with a few more one in
developing and monitoring strategy
management and the board need to work
together to identify and monitor risks
two everyone in the company is
responsible for practicing appropriate
risk mitigation including the board
and senior management which sets tone at
the top
and finally a robust erm program
ensures the discipline needed to achieve
all of these goals
john with only a little more than half
of the directors claiming their
companies have an erm program
we expect much discussion the next few
years on enterprise risk management
thanks so much for your time today and
we hope to revisit this topic with you
again soon
until next time i'm steve kalan with