Fixed Rate vs Variable Rate Mortgage 2022 - Which is better? - YouTube

Channel: Nolan Matthias

hey welcome back it's nolan mathias and
today we are talking fixed versus
variable rates in 2021
and at the very end of this video i will
give you the exact strategy that we're
and recommending to our clients but
before we get into it do me that favor
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okay so let's get into it let's talk
about variable versus fixed rate
in 2021 because the rules have changed
the game has changed the bank of
canada's direction has changed
and that means we need a different
strategy than we've needed in the past
and my biggest concern right now is
people who are taking five-year fixed
rate mortgages
and what that means for them five years
down the road because here's what we
we know that the bank of canada has said
unequivocally that interest rates are
going to remain low
until at least 2023 which means after
2023 they expect that they could start
going up and it may take a little bit
longer than that
or they may start going up immediately
in 2023
however if you lock into a five-year
fixed mortgage right now what that means
that is that in 2026
you are going to have to renew your
mortgage and you very well could be
renewing into higher interest rates
and to me that is the biggest risk for a
borrower right now
in today's market it's not what's
happening right now today it's what
could happen
five years down the road so what we're
trying to do is make sure that we can
minimize that risk for people
and make sure that you aren't finding
yourself in a position where you have to
lock into a mortgage
at a significantly higher rate and
because you had a five year fixed
mortgage with a big penalty you have no
other options but to do so
because you won't be able to make
changes between now and 2026
at least not very easily so in the past
we've talked about variable versus fixed
rate mortgages we've talked about
two things to consider when you're
getting those mortgages the first is the
spread between the variable and the
fixed rate mortgage
we typically recommend a quarter to a
half a percent
difference between those two rates
before you start considering a variable
however now we're considering that if
you can get a variable on a fixed at the
exact same price knowing that at least
for the next two years
you're not going to have to worry about
interest rates going up well then we
definitely suggest taking a variable
the other thing that we've suggested is
that you consider both your risk
tolerance and if you're in a
relationship your spouse is
risk tolerance when it comes to having a
mortgage that could increase
in payments and that has changed
drastically because now what we're
talking about is not the risk tolerance
with respect to interest rates going
up we're talking about the risk
tolerance with respect to interest rates
jumping significantly in five years upon
and what we're doing to try to mitigate
that potential issue
is we're putting people in variable
rates so that their interest rates
gradually increase
and therefore they don't have to worry
about a big payment jump in five years
what we want to do is we want to do two
things make sure that we don't renew
into that higher interest rate
but also that we are extending the
amount of time that we can get a low
interest rate for because
here's what you know if you get a
five-year fixed mortgage rate right now
you know that for the next five years
you are going to have
a low rate however you don't know what
it's going to look like
after that but with a variable rate
mortgage right now what we can do
is take a variable have a low rate for
the next two to three years and then
when interest rates start to rise
then we can start looking at looking at
options so maybe we lock into a
five-year fixed at that point in time
and we extend our rate
runway from five years to eight to nine
to ten years by
using a variable for a short period of
time and then switching into a fixed and
therefore getting a
longer period at low rates or perhaps
what we do
is in two or three years when interest
rates start going up we look at other
variable rate strategies and see if we
can lower the rate by getting higher
discounts and whatnot
but the main thing here is that we're
mitigating risk by
understanding the fact that we pay a
premium for a five year fixed mortgage
both on the interest rate and also on
the penalty down the road
variable is very much the strategy of
the day
since july we have not had a single
client who hasn't taken a variable rate
mortgage with us and quite frankly it's
because they know that they're going to
be able to
extend the amount of time that they can
get a low rate for because the bank of
canada has said very clearly
the next two years are basically low
rates so you get to hold a variable rate
mortgage for the next two years without
risk of interest rates going up
now the other thing that you get to do
by holding a variable rate mortgage over
the next two to three years is
if the discounts increase you have the
opportunity to refinance your mortgage
pay a three month interest penalty which
is usually about one and a half payments
and get lower rates by taking advantage
of being able to refinance and switch to
a different lender now this is where
product selection comes into play
you want to make sure that if you're
taking a variable rate strategy that you
are steering as far
clear of discount rates as possible yes
it might seem tempting to take an ultra
low variable rate at prime minus 1.5
because you think that rates can't get
any lower but here's the problem the
is that when you go to lock in the bank
basically has control because what comes
with a discount mortgage
is often what's called a bona fide sale
clause or basically a no refinance and a
no leave to go to a different lender
and what that means is that in two to
three years if you go to lock in your
variable rates because it is clear that
interest rates are starting to go up
well you may not be able to get the best
rate when you go to lock in because if
they know that you can't
leave and go to a different lender what
is their incentive to give you the best
rates that are available
they're either going to tell you hey
listen you got to write it out and keep
that variable rate
we don't care if interest rates are
going up or you're going to have to take
a slightly higher fixed rate than what
we might otherwise offer you
quite frankly because you don't have the
ability to leave and you have no other
so making sure that we get the right
product for this variable rate strategy
and for variable rates going forward is
hugely important
and there's two that i suggest the two
that i suggest are scotiabank and first
the reason why and you can see this in
our other videos about the best banks in
canada to get a mortgage
is quite simply that they have the best
mortgage products and what i like about
first national and scotiabank is that
one first national only carries one set
of rates it's the best rates
so if you go to lock it in you're paying
whatever the market rate is not some
inflated rate
because you can't leave the lender or
because they want you to negotiate
and if you take a scotiabank mortgage it
has all the tools all the bells and
but also the ability to pay that
three-month interest penalty and
leave if they don't offer you a good
lock-in rate and what that gives you is
that gives you
the power to negotiate and as soon as
you take a discount mortgage
you're losing your power to negotiate
after you've signed on the dotted line
but having a scotia bank or a first
national mortgage that isn't a discount
really gives you the power to do things
in the future that will save you a
pretty significant amount of money
including refinancing to a lower rate if
variable rate discounts get better now a
lot of people are going to watch this
video and they're going to say hey
i can do this i can manage this myself
i'm going to go ahead and get a variable
rate mortgage
not going to call nolan i'm not going to
do it through mortgage 360 or a mortgage
broker because i think i can manage this
on my own
and some of you may be right but the
majority of you
are going to want to have somebody to
manage this strategy for you from two
perspectives one
is there's going to be points where
there is going to be a temptation to
want to lock in a mortgage rate because
it looks like fixed rates are going up
but other rates are staying the same
and you're going to want to have
somebody who can talk you off that ledge
if you're thinking about locking in at
the wrong time and believe me
we do that quite often with our variable
rate clients in the last two years i've
had several clients that wanted to lock
at 2.75 or 3 percent and they are very
happy that i convinced them not to lock
in their variable rate mortgages now
because they've saved a significant
amount of money the second reason you're
going to want to have a mortgage broker
manage this strategy for you
specifically a mortgage brokerage like
is because we watch what's happening
with interest rates and we can usually
two to three to 10 days before interest
rates start to go up that they're
actually going to go up
which means that we can let you know
before interest rates go up that they're
going to go up and then we can talk
strategy from there we can talk about
taking a five-year fixed or we can talk
about refinancing into a lower interest
rate or in general we can just talk
about the amount of money that we've
saved over the long term with respect to
taking a variable instead of a fixed
and then consider whether we want to
actually lock into a fix
and basically lock in the savings now i
firmly believe that mortgages are like
any other form of financial device you
want to make sure you have an expert you
can rely on to help walk you through
the difficult decision-making process
that is ahead because taking a mortgage
that is on a variable rate strategy
definitely requires
more management than just taking a
five-year fixed and forgetting it
however that being said the ability and
the potential to save a significant
amount of money over time
is definitely there with a variable rate
mortgage right now
and let me make this clear as well is
anybody can save you
point one percent point two percent we
see brand new brokers coming out of the
saving people money and that's awesome
we see bankers saving 0.1 or 0.2
all the time for their clients however
managing a strategy and saving tens of
thousands of dollars
requires significantly more
sophistication and significantly more
effort and that's what a really great
broker will provide you is the ability
to save you money over time
and just that ability to extend your
rate runway from
five years to eight nine ten years at
low rates
is worth every penny when it comes to
getting a great broker
and getting a great mortgage like the
ones that we promote at first national
and scotiabank and that being said this
mortgage channel is made possible by
our mortgage brokerage mortgage 360 and
i hope that you would at least consider
giving mortgage 360 the opportunity
to set up and manage this strategy for
you we belong to a network of brokers
that can help you get a mortgage across
ourselves we are licensed in both
and saskatchewan and are just in the
process of finishing up our bc in
ontario licenses
so we very much can help people across
the country mortgages
these days thanks to kovid are very much
done over
online and over the phone so we are
happy to help you in any way that we can
and in addition to considering mortgage
360 for your mortgage i'd also
love it if you did us that other favor
and hit that subscribe button and the
notification bell and please
hit that like button so more people like
you can see this video as of this
recording we are now
just under 2 000 subscribers i fully
that we'll be at 10 000 subscribers by
june the amount
of viewers and the amount of people that
are commenting is through the roof
i'm so happy that we built this little
community of people who are getting
educated on mortgages and personal
finance and
don't forget about our race to 10 000
subscribers because
one of you is going to win your monthly
mortgage or
rent payment for a month just by hitting
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so please do me that favor hit that
subscribe button and we'll see you on
the very next video cheers