Major Monday: International Business - YouTube

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Hi Bearcats. My name's Dr. Michelle Johns.
I'm an assistant professor in the department of management.
I am the director of the international business program and the academic
director of international programs.
I'm so excited to have you guys with me today,
so I can tell you all about the international business major.
A lot of students don't really quite understand what an international business
major is, how it can benefit you,
what types of positions you could go into, what companies you can work for,
some things that are unique about the major.
So we want to start off by telling you that they didn't national business major
its core focus, is beginning,
is to allow students to become more aware of the different dynamics
of global business for you to have this increased awareness about
what happens when you get into the business environment overseas and what
U.S. Domestic businesses are facing as they enter new markets.
So our classroom for the international business major is pretty much
everywhere. Everywhere around the world is where we are,
is what we're looking at.
We want you to then take that basic awareness and understanding about
international business. And we want to expand it.
We want to get to this really unique skill set that allows you to be in almost
any situation and be able to thrive,
to be successful and grow a particular business or grow in that position for
your organization.
So we do that by offering you a series of courses that just
slowly develop different skill sets over time.
One of the things that you will have to do as part of an international business
major is to take on a six credit hour international experience.
This is our opportunity to get you immersed in a culture,
to get you immersed in a business dynamic that maybe it's a little bit
uncomfortable for you, but it's absolutely something that you're going to face.
What majors pair well with international business?
International business goes with just about everything. And why is that?
Because every business is everywhere, nonprofit,
for profit, government, or not, just about every business that exists,
exists on an international scale.
So you have to think about pairing international
business as complimentary to any other discipline.
So if you're marketing and you love marketing,
if you're finance and you're like, I love finance.
If you say I have these huge sites from an entrepreneurial
standpoint and you're one of our entrepreneurship majors, economics,
it doesn't really matter.
International business is going to be there to help expand,
that skill set that you're getting in that other major.
About 90% of what you own use or have around your
house has some link to a global supply chain. These days,
it is extremely competitive in our business economy.
And if you're not willing to expand your sights and dive into new markets and
look for efficiencies in that global supply chain,
businesses around the world are having a really hard time surviving.
So you're going to have to think that no matter where you go and work,
you're going to need those touch points of international experience.
You're going to need an increased competency to not just work with people here
domestically, but to work with a very diverse workforce,
to manage overseas. Right?
A lot of what we have going on right now is is everybody behind a computer.
How do you manage cross-culturally those virtual teams, right?
And we want to help you become the best you can be and market yourself
really, really well.
Because you're going to be up against a lot of people from all around the world
who are deep diving into those business,
those cross-cultural experiences from a business standpoint and you've got to be
ready too. International careers. Where could I go?
Global brand strategist, production managers, logistics managers,
international account executives. Who could I work for?
P&G Delta Airlines, Fuyao glass,
you name it. And, and if there is an opportunity,
where can I go on my international experiences? I want to,
you know, maybe get out of my comfort zone.
Maybe I want to start with a place that I'm a bit more familiar with and grow
from there.
The international Programs Office has so many opportunities that pair with
our major, INTB.
So you can find yourself in South Africa or in Ghana, Chile, Spain,
the United Arab Emirates, London, Ireland, Scotland,
France, Italy, you name it,
And we probably go there or looking to go there.
So a lot of students ask us,
what do you look for in an international business major?
Are there specific characteristics that people might have that really pair well
or fit well with this major,
I would often tell them to be an international business major.
You need to be comfortable being out of your comfort zone.
You need to be okay with a certain level of ambiguity. You need to be a fighter,
resilient, to have grit.
The international business major is looking at so many different elements that
influence business strategy.
That aside from the actual types of strategy can, you can pursue,
we need to know history. We need to know culture.
We need to know governmental laws and regulations.
We need to know supply chain dynamics.
There's so much that goes into being successful often in international
business. But we have students who say I'm up for the challenge.
I'm up for working cross-culturally, I'm up for the different perspectives.
I'm up for finding solutions.
We want students who say that international business is what you know,
really. They have a passion for,
they have a passion for a reach that's outside of just where they are
And they're excited about the opportunity to dive into that with people from all
around the world, much less their Bearcats around them.
Thanks for listening guys and have a great day.
So I hope I answered some of your questions about the international business
major, but if there's anything I didn't answer and you really want to know,
please email me, give me a shout. We can set up a teams meeting, maybe a WebEx.
Hopefully we'll get to see each other one day in Lindner,
but whatever you want to know, I've got the answer. Just reach out,
have a great day and happy major Monday.
Hi everyone.
My name is Jake Gevedon and I'm a third-year student at UC majoring in
international business and marketing.
And today I just want to talk about international business as a major.
Talk about why I chose it and touch upon a little bit about the competitive
advantage and having international business as a major.
So first thing I want to talk about why I chose it. So for me,
when I think of any company, whether it's in the U.S. Or in another country,
both of those companies are going to be either international or global
So having a little bit of background about international business and some
knowledge about that combating that with another major.
So for me pairing that with marketing, but any,
any other major in the college of business is a great pairing with international
but just having that background and that experience of how business has done
that'll create a huge advantage when you're applying for these top global
companies and help you to stand out from other applicants.
So another thing that helps international business be a great major is
you learn a ton about the cultural competencies that happen in other countries.
You'll learn a lot about how business in general was,
is done in other countries and how that works.
And you learn a ton about the different cultures and how that affects business.
So a lot of different,
great things to learn with international business and pairing this with any
other major is a great advantage to have it is why I chose it and why I
think it's a great major for anyone to choose to pair with another major.