The System76 Refreshed Gazelle 15" Laptop, Full Review! - YouTube

Channel: Learn Linux TV

hello again everyone I'm really excited
because I just finished recording the
review for the new system 76 lemur Pro
which is definitely an awesome laptop so
check that video out if you haven't
already done so and here I am about to
record another video another review this
time for the new gazelle also from
system 76 which was recently refreshed
and I did review this laptop not that
long ago but there's a special reason
why I decided to review it again and the
reason well this is unlike most of the
reviews that I've done because this time
I'm reviewing a system 76 laptop that is
actually mine this is not a review unit
I actually purchased this laptop with my
own money and in this video I'm going to
talk about why I decided to go with the
gazelle and then I'll tell you all about
it I'll go over the hardware the things
I like about it the things I don't like
about it I'm going to give you a full
review in this video so let's go ahead
and dive right into it
so why did I decide to go with the
system76 gazelle now my important
considerations when I was considering
this purchase was CPU and GPU battery
life doesn't really matter to me in this
case because this is a machine that's
generally going to stay in the studio
but I wanted a fast CPU and a decent
dedicated GPU as well because I want to
get work done on this laptop and also
play games with reasonable specs as well
so I wanted it to basically be the best
of both worlds
now the other laptop that I was
considering was the ThinkPad x1 extreme
Gen 2 which I understand is basically
the Lenovo equivalent of the gazelle
basically that's the gazelles direct
competitor and the reason why I decided
not to go with that one is because well
the ThinkPad x1 extreme Gen 2 caps out
at 4 gigs of ram on the GPU which is
actually surprising to me because the
gazelle depending on which video card
you get with it can go all the way up to
6 gigabytes on the GPU so for me it was
a no-brainer considering I get two gigs
more of video ram the gazelle was a
short winner and that's the direction I
decided to go also it wasn't that long
ago that I reviewed this model it's been
refreshed since then so this is actually
a newer model than the one I originally
reviewed but I had a good experience
with it and I liked it so I pretty much
was waiting for system76 to come out
with a new version I just assumed they
would I didn't have inside information
and as soon as they decided to refresh
this model I took another look at the
ThinkPad x1 extreme gen 2 to see if
maybe they've come out with a new
version that also goes up to 6 gigs on
the video card and they didn't at least
as of the time I looked at it and it was
a no-brainer again I decided to go with
the gazelle because it was a winner on
the GPU and now here
is in front of me I have it in the
studio I've been playing around with it
and I'm ready to give you guys my
thoughts so in this section of the
review I'm going to give you guys a look
around the new gazelle I'll show you the
screen the keyboard the trackpad all the
ports basically a look at the actual
hardware so let's go ahead and take a
look now first of all I want to go ahead
and talk about the screen I find that
the display is very clear and it looks
really really good now it's not exactly
the brightest screen that I've ever used
but it's not as bad as the screen on the
ThinkPad t4 80s which I also have it's
definitely brighter than that it's more
clear so it's definitely a decent screen
but again not the brightest the display
is 1080p which some people might think
is a downside that for the price point
of this machine that you should have
something like a 4k display but honestly
that was actually something I was happy
about because I'm not completely sold on
4k on laptops just yet I mean I know it
gives you more screen real estate but we
do have some problems with high DPI
displays and scaling basically things
will either look way too large or way
too small and that's true of all
operating systems somewhere that others
but I've seen this problem on every OS
so honestly 1080p is fine and us Linux
users we have workspaces so we can very
easily organize our workflow with or
without high DPI
now the keyboard is really nice I really
like this keyboard a lot it might
actually be my favorite keyboard of all
the laptops shipped by system76 I also
like the keyboard on the new lemur pro
but I like this one a lot better it's a
great keyboard it is backlit and just
like the previous model you can change
the backlight color to something else
which is pretty cool there's varying
levels of brightness for the backlight
and the key travel just feels really
good it's deep enough to where I'm very
comfortable typing on it in fact it's a
pleasure to type on because the keys are
soft but they're not too soft
it's just pleasant to type on overall
now when it comes to the trackpad
I wouldn't say that it's my favorite but
I also wouldn't say that it's bad either
we do have physical buttons which I
actually prefer you can of course do a
single finger tap or a two finger tap
just like any other trackpad but I
really like having physical buttons I
think I still prefer the trackpad on
most of the new lenovo thinkpad t-series
laptops but you know what this trackpad
is totally fine I can't complain about a
thing it definitely gets the job done it
is smooth and maybe not as smooth as a
think pad trackpad but again it's
totally fine as far as ports are
concerned on the left hand side we have
both a USB 3.1 and standard USB 2 port
we have 2 audio input jacks one for the
microphone the other for speakers
personally I prefer that I've never
really been a fan of the combo Jack's I
actually do like having them separate so
that works for me but honestly I'm
probably not going to use either because
nowadays I'm most likely going to use a
Bluetooth headset anyway
also on the left hand side we have a
Kensington lock to keep our laptop from
running away on us on the right hand
side we have an SD card reader we also
have a mini DisplayPort and another USB
3 port and then on the back of the unit
we have an actual Ethernet jack which is
a full-sized HDMI port a barrel
connector for the power supply and then
we also have a USB type-c port as well
and it also carries DisplayPort over USB
C so you can actually attach a display
with that port as well which means that
you could hypothetically have at least
two other displays connected to this
machine and possibly more if you are
able to daisy chain I wasn't able to
quite test that my only complaints with
the port selection here is you know why
do we still have a standard USB 2 port I
mean yeah we have 2 USB 3 ports on the
sides but why is one of them USB 2 when
they're backwards compatible that's not
really a big deal honestly but what is a
little strange is the fact that we don't
have Thunderbolt on the USB type-c port
in the back which is a little unusual
because I feel like at this price point
we definitely should have Thunderbolt
now some people might argue that that's
a benefit because well I mean there's
some security concerns when it comes to
Thunderbolt but it's still something
that I would like to see now the back of
the lid looks very futuristic I mean
just look at this thing just like the
previous model I would say that it
almost looks like a Batmobile inspired
lid if it wasn't for the fact that it
was gray instead of black but I really
like how the sides of the screen
illuminate with the screen brightness
and it just looks awesome this is
probably one laptop that I may not put
any stickers on because I like the look
of the lid that much
let's go ahead and have some fun in this
section I'm going to talk about the
NVIDIA GPU and also show off some
gameplay as well I'm going to talk about
the various GPU modes that you can
select and their impact on battery life
and I decided to show off some gameplay
from doom eternal because I wanted to
choose a game that was going to be a bit
of a workout and in fact here's some
gameplay right here here is doom eternal
running on the NVIDIA GPU I had the GPU
mode set to Nvidia only and you could
tell that the framerate was actually
pretty good I mean it looks great I may
not be the most skilled player of
first-person shooters in the world but
it definitely plays well unlike me
single and we'll mark it on your HUD now
one thing I definitely want to show you
guys is how the GPU is basically
structured on this machine when you
first purchase this laptop it's going to
default to Intel mode and you can tell
this by going to the upper right hand
corner and then if you click on that and
then you expand the battery section
you'll see which mode it is currently on
again it's going to default to Intel
mode there's also an Nvidia mode and
also a hybrid mode as well now when you
switch the modes you do have to restart
so when you start off with Intel mode
that means that your games are not going
to run in a high performance state but
you will save battery because the NVIDIA
GPU is not active in that mode it also
means you will not be able to use
external displays in this mode because
you need to be in Nvidia mode in order
to take advantage of that and it does
tell you this when you start the machine
in video mode is going to give you the
overall best performance because Nvidia
is going to be active all the time that
also means that your battery life during
that session is going to be much lower
than it would be in Intel mode they're
trying to compensate we have hybrid mode
which basically activates the Intel card
most of the time and then you can go
ahead and force the NVIDIA GPU to be
used for a specific application by
right-clicking on it and then choose the
option launched with a dedicated card
so in this part of the review I'm going
to do something that I do and basically
all of my reviews and that is hooking up
a screen recorder to the HDMI port of
this machine and capturing some footage
directly off the computer itself and
well here it is as you can tell I've
more than made myself at home I've been
using this for a little while now
it shipped with pop OS 2004 and judging
by the wallpaper you can see that I did
in fact make some customizations here
let's go ahead and take a look at the
gnome about screen which is in settings
give you guys an idea of what i SPECT
this machine out with now I'm already
actually on that section what do you
know so first of all the device name is
Bahamut if you didn't already know I
named all of my laptops after Final
Fantasy 6s person bahama is the coolest
dragon ever and for those of you that
have played Final Fantasy games you know
exactly who I'm talking about now I
decided to expect this machine with 32
gigs of RAM I could have gone with 64
gigs of RAM but I felt like storage and
CPU was more important and I can always
go ahead and upgrade the RAM later so I
think 32 gigs is enough for now for the
CPU we can see right here that it is an
Intel Core i7 10 750 H CPU it runs at
2.6 gigahertz but it's able to turbo all
the way to 5 gigahertz as a 12 megabyte
cache and this would lead you to believe
that it has 12 cores it actually has six
but hyper-threading makes it look like
it's 12 so if I was to bring up the
gnome system monitor for example we
could see the usage of each core or
theoretical core here on this app right
now it's fairly idle I have been putting
this laptop through its paces playing
games like do me turtle like you saw
earlier right now it's pretty idle and
when it's idle I don't even hear the fan
which is great because I don't want to
hear it unless I absolutely need to hear
there's a justifiable reason for it to
be loud right now is completely silent
and that's saying a lot because I am on
the Nvidia graphics mode and since I
already have it up you can see that I am
not plugged in we don't have the
charging icon here I actually unplug the
power cord at around 10 a.m. and it's
1101 right now I'm already down to 48
percent now I bring this up because a
lot of you guys are curious about
battery life and this machine is really
not the one you want to go with if
battery life is important to you as for
me I'm not going to be taking this out
of the studio so that doesn't really
bother me all that much but I know for
some of you battery life is very
important the leemer Pro which I have
reviewed in a previous video that one
has amazing battery life actually this
one last I want to say two to three
hours you can game it a bit you can
change the GPU mode you could change the
performance mode you can basically scale
down the brightness turn off the back
light on the keyboard you could do all
kinds of things to squeeze more time out
of this laptop I still think that it
isn't reasonable to expect more than
three hours of usage but you probably
could if you were to scale it down just
enough now as for me I have the
brightness all the way up as you can
tell right here so I don't like to
sacrifice anything I'll reach for the
charger if at any point I need to I
don't really care I just want to make no
sacrifices and enjoy the screen and all
the hardware to its fullest capacity now
I am running on balanced mode right now
I could of course run on
high-performance but I could also go
down to battery life if I would like to
squeeze more time so you do have options
here but anyway back to this you can see
all the twelve theoretical cores here
and memory I'm only using about three
gigabytes or so of the 32 that this
machine came with I'm using no swap
right now so basically it's idling right
now but it's idling very silently I like
that a lot
now something that you'll also notice
here is it says my disk capacity is 1.5
so what does that mean exactly well let
me show you here I'll bring up gnome
disks and show you the storage now i
SPECT it out with a one terabyte disk as
the main hard drive where pop OS the
distribution of choice for me is
installed but I also ordered it with a
secondary 500 gigabyte disk as well I'm
not currently using it as of yet but
what I intend to do with it is install
Arch Linux as a dual boot I just haven't
had a chance to do that yet I have a
video on my channel that shows an
encrypted method of installing Arch
Linux and that's of course the method
that I'm going to go with for mine right
here but again I just haven't gotten
around to that but so basically I have a
one terabyte disk for pop OS my district
choice which will continue to be my
district at least for now I really do
like it and then I also want to keep up
with Arch Linux and the exciting new
packages that are constantly coming on
that rolling release so I have this 500
gig drive to facilitate that again is
shipped with pop OS 2004 like I
mentioned which runs gnome 3.3 6.2
because I know you guys are curious I
have a terminal ready to go and just
like I do in all of my reviews I'm going
to give you the LS PCI output in case
you are curious about the hardware
components that are built into this
machine here I'll scroll up a bit and
feel free to pause the video if you need
to jot something down but I'm not going
to read everything but of special note
here I decided to go with the Wi-Fi six
card the a x201 from Intel Intel cards
have always worked very well for me on
my machines and I don't have a Wi-Fi 6
access point just yet so I got this to
be a little bit future proof because I'm
sure that I will eventually and I want
to make sure that I don't have to go and
you know upgrade this laptop manually
when that time comes I wanted that to be
all set and ready to go
and we have here the geforce gtx 1660
GPU so real quick i'll just bring up the
nvidia settings so we can take a quick
look at that if i click here we can see
the specs of the GPU right here this is
a very good GPU six gigs of video memory
and if you're curious about any of the
other specs go ahead and pause the video
but there you go that's the information
on the GPU itself and in addition to
that we also have an intel UHD GPU as
well and again you could go ahead and go
here in the upper right corner and you
can change the graphics mode integrated
graphics will save you the most battery
and run the coolest nvidia is going to
run at well it's actually going to run
the warmest it's going to have nvidia
active all the time I normally run on
hybrid graphics mode but I'm not right
now because the screen recorder is
technically a secondary display so I
wouldn't be able to record footage off
the computer if I was on anything other
than Nvidia graphics but when I'm done
recording I am going to switch back to
hybrid graphics mode which is where I
like to be and that means that I have to
explicitly indicate to an app that I
wanted to run on the Nvidia card
otherwise everything will just run
through Intel and I think that's a great
way to be I really wish that the HDMI
port was accessible from other modes but
you know what it's fine I can go ahead
and switch to the other setting if I
need to record more footage I'll scroll
down a bit more here see more of the
hardware that it ships with and there we
so now that I've had some time to spend
with this machine what are my overall
thoughts I really do like this laptop
there really isn't much to complain
I don't like the fact that there's no
Thunderbolt port on this machine and
that's really strange because again with
at this price point I would expect to
have that and that's similar to the
Lemur Pro which also doesn't have
Thunderbolt which kind of makes me
wonder if it's the security concerns or
some other reason why that wasn't
included the keyboard like I mentioned
earlier is awesome I love this keyboard
it's a pleasure to type on it is a
little strange that when you have the
Nvidia graphics active the keyboard is
kind of hot it to the touch a little bit
it's not extremely warm but it does feel
a lot warmer on the right-hand side for
some reason than the left hand side it's
not overly uncomfortable it's just a
little weird and takes a little bit of
getting used to and I'm not really sure
why that's the case
but again I've been giving this laptop
some workouts here and there so I've
been trying to stress the CPU out a bit
so that could account for some of the
heat now a factor that's important to a
lot of my viewers based on your comments
and is also important to me is fan noise
I mean let's face it
hearing the fan is annoying on a laptop
especially when it's loud it could just
be frustrating now the fan is loud on
this machine but it only seems to come
on when there's a good reason for it for
example when I'm playing Doom eternal
which is a high-end game it does seem to
come on more often when in video mode is
active then when I have it on Intel or
hybrid modes as you would expect but
when the fan comes on you'll definitely
hear it now the fan isn't really a big
deal for me I mean I'm using the laptop
right now it's not asleep in front of me
I promise I actually have the screen
active in everything
and you can't even hear it and I'm not
even sure if the fan would show up in
the recording anyway but I could tell
you right now is completely silent so
again the fan only comes on when it
needs to but the downside is when it
does come on you will definitely notice
it and so will all the people around you
so just keep that in mind and you can
basically make that scenario happen far
less frequently by either being on Intel
mode going to a lower performance state
for example in these settings on the
upper right hand corner you could
basically change the battery mode in
addition to the GPU mode so you can game
that a little bit to basically keep it
quiet if you're in a library or
something like that so let's go ahead
and talk about the internal speakers and
sound quality this is something else
that's also important to a lot of my
viewers based on the comments and I'm
not an audio expert by any means if the
amount of time that it took to get the
audio reasonable on my youtube channel
is any indication of that but generally
speaking like I mentioned in practically
all of my reviews I've never been
impressed by the sound quality on any
laptop that I've tried and I've tried
out a bunch I will say that the audio
quality on this laptop is better than
the Lemur Pro it sounds better it's a
little bit more clear and when I crank
the volume I don't hear vibration which
is great now that being said I still
would only rate the audio quality the
speaker quality at maybe a 7 out of 10
or maybe an 8 out of 10 if you don't
feel like bass is an important factor to
you there really isn't much in the way
of bass but on my end I'm going to
continue as I normally do and use
bluetooth headphones or something like
that that's just what I'm used to doing
so the only remaining question now is
whether or not I'm happy with my
purchase and the answer is yes yes I am
I love this laptop it's awesome now
there's a few quirks here and there like
the fact that the keyboard gets warm and
that's a little weird at first I think
I've gotten used to it and the lack of
Thunderbolt is a little off-putting but
I'm willing to let those things go and
this machine does exactly what I've
to do it has a fast CPU fast storage so
I'm able to get my work done fast and
then when work is done and it's time to
play games the GPU is awesome so it
facilitates that as well now obviously
this is a heavy laptop and I'm okay with
that I knew that going into it
this isn't an ultra portable computer by
any means and that doesn't really bother
me because this machine will stay here
in the studio and I've decided to
purchase a lemur Pro to be the laptop
that I will take with me
when I go and travel in things like that
that has better battery life this one
not so much and it's lighter I think
that that's the better laptop to take
around with me and this is the perfect
studio companion right here and the
Lemur pro isn't necessarily perfect
either because you know just like this
one it lacks Thunderbolt support and
also like this one the audio quality
isn't amazing now neither of those two
are really important to me because I was
a bit disappointed that the Lemur Pro
didn't have Thunderbolt because I
wouldn't be able to attach a GPU dock
but now that I have this laptop right
here well I could play games on it I
don't actually need a Thunderbolt dock
it would just be nice to have
Thunderbolt support and the audio
quality on the Lemur pro isn't that
great either but between these two
machines the Lemur pro and this one I'm
more than covered I have a very powerful
machine to get my work done fast then
the Lemur pro is my ultra portable
laptop to take around the house go
traveling with go jogging with whatever
I want to do and I think that it's an
awesome combination obviously not very
many people are going to have the money
to buy two laptops I've been saving for
a while so if you want ultra portable
obviously you go with the lemur pro but
if you want something that's a
professional workstation class laptop
the Gazelle is definitely a great
machine to go with as well so I hope
that was helpful for you guys if you
have any additional questions on this
machine or even the Lemur pro I might
consider doing a follow-up video if you
guys have enough questions to justify a
video let me know your thoughts in the
comments below
and we'll see where that goes so I hope
that was helped
again subscribe if you haven't already
done so and I have some exciting videos
coming pretty soon so once you subscribe
you will be the first to see those see
notification of those videos as soon as
they're available and I will see you