Retirement Planning: Social Security, Medicare, IRA/401k, Long Term Care, Income, Estate Plan, Tax - YouTube

Channel: Cardinal Advisors

Today's Cardinal Lesson is going to talk  about, whether you want to call them the:  
Seven Things or the Seven Worries in  retirement, the Seven Subjects: Medicare,  
Long-Term Care, IRAs, Retirement Income, Estate  Planning, Income Tax, and Social Security.  
And I had- it's kind of funny- on my YouTube  channel, I had a lady address me as: ‘Mr. Cardinal  
Advisor.” And I thought, well maybe that'll be  my new name. So these are the Seven Subjects or  
the Seven Worries or the Seven Things that Mr.  Cardinal Advisor thinks you need to be concerned  
about if you're in your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond  and planning out your retirement. Or another  
way to put it is I've divided all the areas of  Retirement Planning up into these seven subjects  
and today's video, what we're really talking about  is: What We Are, What We Do, and What We're Not.  
And many people, when I they find out  and they meet me socially, and they  
you know I'm a Certified Financial Planner CFP,  and they're thinking, ‘Okay so what this guy does,  
is he takes your money under management.’  -I'll take your money- ‘and then he looks at it  
and then he decides I'm going to buy this  stock, and that stock, and these bonds, and  
kind of mix it all around.’ And then I'm going  to get the said return. I'm going to make,  
make them some money and then that money that I  make, you, or that you earn with my management,  
or your return that's that and your Social  Security are what they're going to live off of.  
And there's a lot of people that just simplify,  they if you really sat them down, and said ‘What  
does that guy do? Or what's he going to do  for you?’ That's what they're going to say and  
what, what I have to say to that, is that is a  small part of what we do. Okay, and we certainly,  
we feel like we're good at it. I don't think that  I'm especially that much better at it than a whole  
bunch of other people that do, that I mean you  can only be so good at picking stocks, and mutual  
funds, and ETFs, and doing all that and earning  a return is you can only be as good as you can  
predict the market. And I just, I think you  know the safety, a lot of things come into play.  
What we really do is we put together a Retirement  Plan for clients, and what we do is we go around  
and we address all Seven of these topics.  And if you'll notice my YouTube channel  
is broken down into those Seven subjects, and  then it has several videos under each topic  
that go over what you need to learn about  that particular topic. Like under Medicare,  
I mean you're going to have stuff on should  you buy an Advantage Plan or do a Supplement.  
Or you know, how does IRMAA work? You know an  IRMAA is: Income Related Monthly Adjustment  
Amount. It's a Medicare Surtax on wealthy  people, and how does that work? How do the  
penalties work? I mean we could go on and on- we  have different videos on each of these subjects.  
You can watch them, you could sit down with me,  and I can bring you up to snuff about Medicare.  
Same thing with Long-Term Care. I mean we have  some of the issues, I mean the biggest thing  
with Long-Term Care that comes into my world- is  if this happens to you- if you need somebody to  
care for you. You need care or you need it at  home, or you need to go to an assisted living;  
Where's the money going to come from? Or is this  thing going to disrupt your whole Retirement Plan?  
What's Custodial Care, are you going to get this  at home? What's Assisted Living? Then, we get  
down to where most Middle Class, Upper- Middle  Class, however you want to do it, mass affluent  
people, where they have most of their money is  already inside what's called a Qualified Plan,  
in an IRA, or it's still in the 401k. And  usually this is what they're talking about  
when they're thinking I'm going to invest  that for them, and I could certainly do that.  
Point of this video, there's a whole lot more to  it than that. I mean we go and we look at IRAs  
and 401ks- I'm a big disciple of Ed Slot and the And I have him, or I go and attend  
his stuff to really learn so I can be an expert  on all of these subjects related to IRAs. Now  
we know when we have an IRA and you have a lump  of money, and most of your assets are there when  
you get retired, and we're putting together the  Retirement Plan, we have to create an Income. And  
then what really becomes important is it's easy  to create an Income. I mean you, what do you, you  
know you got $500,000. You know if we want to take  out $50,000 a year, it's going to last 10 years-  
maybe into the 11th, 12th, and 13th  years depending upon how much we earn  
on the remaining balance. Or less than 10  years if we help you lose some money, but  
lifetime incomes under IRAs and under the  retirement are all about the 80s and 90s. So  
when we set up a Retirement Plan, we've got to  set things up where you're making withdrawals  
in such a way that you're not going to run out  of money when you're 84. Or your spouse isn't  
after you pass away, and he or she lives up into  their 90s, we've got to do all this in such a way  
that they're not broke when they're old. You know  Retirement Income, which is related to these two,  
talking about the 90s and beyond- we got to really  look at market losses, what's the potential? A lot  
of retirees in today's day, environment, they're  just very worried and they're worried about the  
fact that of watching their Balances being washed  away in a week or two, or a matter of days.  
If there was some kind of event like happened  March a year and a half ago, when it started,  
people are worried about that, or something more  catastrophic than that. How do you predict that?  
But when we're looking at all your stuff and we've  got a big pot of money, or a medium-sized pot of  
money, that we're going to create an Income  for you we have to look at that because if  
that all of a sudden happens in your third year of  retirement it's going to blow our plan sideways.  
Now you know we sit down with people and we talk  to them about Estate Planning and some people,  
clients, that's the most important thing in  the world. That's the first thing they talk  
to us about is, you know, they're concerned and  they're very desiring to leave a sum of money  
or a substantial sum to their children and  their grandchildren. Other people we talk to  
they're a little more moderate, they're saying  hey they get what's left. This savings and this  
whole plan is for me, don't spend a lot of time  on this,because whatever's left the kids can  
divide it up. And then we have other people that  they don't want to leave anything to their kids,  
I mean they just there's nothing, maybe they've  had trouble with that you know, I mean it's not my  
business to start telling people how to think or  how to be but... So, so with all of these subjects  
we, we need to sit with clients and we need to  find out how important they are or where they fit  
on the level of importance. Many times with this  Estate Planning issue we find husbands and wives  
in different places, so we're going to interview  them and you know we might find one spouse wants  
to leave a certain thing or certain amounts to  the children and grandchildren. The other spouse  
maybe doesn't. They're not in a position  of not wanting to give them something,  
but they're just saying, ‘Hey that's for us- not  a priority now.’ Income Taxes, I find it kind  
of funny, is because my assistant I don't know  if this happened by chance, is she did all the  
all the workings here in brown. You know which  is kind of like the least desirable color and you  
know I'm just looking at that and I just think,  but a lot of people they just hate paying Income  
Taxes, or that it's certainly not one of their  favorite subjects. And you know, I got thinking  
about that, Income Taxes become my favorite  subject when I can reduce them for my clients.  
They're even better for me when I can eliminate  Taxes. Okay, and I'm certainly not promising that  
to everybody because there's the word legal in  there is that we've got to work within the tax  
code to make sure that everything that we suggest  and we do is all proper, but Income Taxes, I'm  
kind of talking about them at the end, because I  don't like to talk about them. First, people that  
put Taxes up at the, or reducing Taxes at their  highest priority a lot of times coming into me,  
I don't necessarily want to take them in  as clients because they're going to end up  
making bad investment decisions, because if all  they're looking at is the Tax benefits many times  
Tax benefits camouflage a poor investment behind  that. And then what was really first up here in  
the corner, that I'm getting to last, is Social  Security. You know, and with Social Security,  
if you've already filed for it, well then the  only thing we're really going to talk about it is  
how you can pay less taxes on your Social  Security check. But for many people coming  
in and doing Retirement Planning, either they or  their spouse or both of them haven't filed yet.  
So they have that decision, and there are  96 different dates between ages 62 and 70  
for you that you can choose for Social Security.  Now we're not going to sit down and evaluate every  
one of them, but I just wanted to make the point  if you haven't filed for Social Security yet,  
that Social Security check is going to be  at the cornerstone of this Retirement Plan.  
It's going to be the first money that shows up  in the bank every month,and it also is going to  
be coming in when you're in your 90s. And it's  going to have inflation on it so it's real. You  
know if it's not important to you it's important  to me, and when I'm doing this Estate Planning  
I've got to really take these decisions and make  them important to you. Now if you started early  
you're going to diminish your Social Security  check for the rest of your retirement, but there  
are reasons to start it early so I'm not trying  to give blanket advice here. If you delay it  
and you wait till 70 to take it, you're going  to get a much bigger check, but you're going to  
have missed out on all those checks if you would  have taken it at 66. So you know there's pluses  
and minuses to everything here. Taking it at 70,  which is what I plan to do, and the reason I'm  
going to do that is I think my wife is going to  live to be a hundred. We're going to her Aunt's,  
uh, 100th birthday party this month and it's  her Mother's Sister, and I think there's a good  
possibility of that, and if I wait till 70 and  then I die somewhere after that she is going to  
get my check, my inflated check for the rest  of her life. So I'm really setting her up to  
have a really good Social Security check after I'm  gone. We also have such a thing as Life Insurance  
to take care of widows and widowers  added to the Social Security check. So  
the point I wanted to make, and all this stuff  I've just been spitting out a lot of facts  
at you, is any one of these subjects you  can get yourself boned up pretty quick.  
You call me up, you hire me to do some Estate  Planning or Retirement Planning, and you know,  
or maybe you're just interested in Medicare and  we sit down and one of my associates just goes  
over Medicare. We can bring you up to snuff in an  hour or two where you can really consider yourself  
an educated person about the subject of Medicare.  We can do the same thing with Social Security. I  
just started down that road with a little bit of  reading on your part and some tutelage from us,  
you can, you could sit down and say I now feel  educated enough to make decisions about Social  
Security. You start going around the wheel on any  one subject, not that hard to do, but that's not  
really what we get paid to do. I mean that's part  of it what happens, is life happens to all this  
stuff, is is that people who come to us. All this  stuff starts working together, like for instance  
we we put together this Retirement Income plan.  All the money's in an IRA, we decide to take out  
$5,000 a month out of the IRA and start  sending that to you. that's $60,000 a year.  
Well we gotta then look at how much Income  Tax we're going to pay on that $60,000 a year,  
because you're not going to get that- they're  going to send that straight to the government.  
Then what does a $60,000 income- besides Social  Security, is that going to cause you to pay tax  
on your Social Security and how much tax?  I mean I could just go on and on when you  
mess with one subject it starts kicking in other  subjects and then you get into the other subject  
you start making decisions there. It's all like  a big pot of soup where you've just thrown in  
all these different ingredients, turned on the  fire and you start cooking. It's going to have  
a certain taste to it. What, what we do is, we put  together a Retirement Plan that's unique to you.  
People have different assets, different incomes,  different Social Security records, different  
preferences, and how they get their health care,  different wishes for their Estate Planning,  
they're in all different places and  then you get the individual people.  
Different things happen to them at  different points in their life, so  
this all needs to be done very specific to  you. But it's not an exact science either,  
it's bouncing things against each other and  we don't have the luxury of just finishing.  
‘Oh it's a big pot of soup,’ and you know  the best you can do. We really have to  
get all Seven of these Areas, make some  recommendations, and then project to you  
how we think it's going to work out in  all of these areas. So I'm Hans Scheil,  
and you know we have all these topics on this  YouTube channel. We have all these videos,  
I, I give them away to people. There's there's no  cost for it. We're a small, family-owned insurance  
agency. My brother works in here, my sister-in-law  works in here, my son used to work in here.  
A number of the people that are with me  have been here, well more than five, six,  
seven years. I have a lot of young people that  work in here. We're in all 50 States, in DC,  
so we can serve people anywhere in the United  States. These modern technologies like Zoom, that  
kind of thing, have made it very easy for us here  in Durham, North Carolina to sit with somebody in  
California and plan out all this stuff. So we can  do that. Many of you are reluctant to reach out  
to somebody because there's a lot of vultures out  there, you turn your phone number into something,  
and you know it's all chaos. If you want to reach  out to us, if you want to go to our website:  
[989] and just ask us a few  questions. You don't have to tell us who you are,  
just, I guess you're going to have to  give us your email address to answer them.  
But, um you know we we respect your privacy. I'm  very passionate about this and really want to  
teach people, and I'd like for all the people  watching to make good decisions. Whether you do  
that stuff with me or not. I'm Hans Scheil  and I thank you very much for watching.