understanding revenue recognition main 3 phases before, same time, and after FAST - YouTube

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reminder there are two traditional revenue recognition criteria that both
must be satisfied before revenue can be recognized the seller has to do
something the work and the buyer has to do something
pay or provide a valid promise to pay now in many many cases revenue
recognition is not a big issue the primary example here is so-called cash
and carry businesses such as Walmart Home Depot farmers markets a restaurant
a cash and carry business and one in which the customer visits the business
receives a service or chooses a good pays cash and then leaves from an
accounting standpoint this is a very simple transaction now let's think about
the biggest cash and carry business in the world Walmart in terms of the to
traditional revenue recognition criteria let's examine them first
the work Walmart's work is providing the retail location and the goods for the
customers to choose once the customer has chosen the merchandise that they
want put it in their shopping cart and taking it outside the store Walmart's
work is done you can see that in this cash-and-carry setting verifying that
the work has been done is simple and fairly non-controversial now some of you
have just said to yourselves hey wait what if I return something to Walmart
how does that fit in here no problem in fact if you look in Walmart's income
statement you will see that it doesn't say sales it says net sales the net
means that Walmart has made a subtraction for the amount of sales that
have been returned so the net sales reported by Walmart is the amount of
final sales Walmart's work is done but still revenue cannot be recognized
unless both criteria are satisfied the second one a cash payment or a valid
promise of payment your cash payment questions are not a problem in cash and
carry businesses such as Walmart because the customer can't get out of the
building without paying cash for the goods now some of you are saying to
yourself well what about credit card sales those are
cash sales but from the standpoint of the retailer such as Walmart a credit
card sale is the functional equivalent of a cash sale in fact in its financial
reports Walmart reports that credit card amounts are collected so quickly just a
few days at most that the credit card amounts that are still in process are
reported as cash so with a cash and carry business the revenue recognition
issues are quite simple the work is completed at the time of the sale when
the goods are provided to the customer to take home the cash is collected
almost immediately because customers are required to pay before they leave the
here are the two traditional revenue recognition criteria that must be
satisfied before revenue can be recognized the seller has to do
something the work and the buyer has to do something pay or provide a valid
promise to pay so is it okay to recognize revenue before the cash is
collected well yes if the buyer has provided a valid promise to pay this is
just an ordinary credit sale the customer buys now and pays later so
let's talk about credit sales for just a moment selling on credit is a marketing
technique providing a service to customers to entice more customers to
buy companies sell on credit to the extent that the increase in sales
justifies the increased bookkeeping bad debt and carrying costs associated with
credit sales here's an example almost all of Boeing sales are credit sales
almost all of MacDonald's sales are cash sales now why does Boeing sell on credit
and why doesnt McDonald sell on credit now remember for the seller a credit
card sale is the functional equivalent of a cash sale because the credit card
company sends the cash to the seller within a couple of days at most
let's analyze the three costs of selling on credit in order to determine why
mcDonalds does not sell on credit but Boeing does the first cost of selling on
credit bad debts once a Big Mac is eaten McDonald's leverage in the collection
process is substantially diminished they can't get the inventory the Big Mac back
and the cost to collect going around the people's homes to click would exceed the
cost of the meal in contrast for Boeing the thought that an airline may fail to
pay its bill is tempered by the knowledge that Boeing can recover the
airplane and sell it to someone else the second costs of selling on credit
book keeping costs we all know that McDonald's has served billions and
billions of people imagine the number of monthly statements that would have to be
mailed if McDonald's were to sell on credit the posted cost alone would be
huge in addition McDonald's would have to maintain a large computer database to
track each of the millions of credit customers also if McDonald's were to
sell on credit a credit check would need to be run on each potential credit
customer in order to keep the amounts bad debts at a reasonable level because
the transaction amounts are so small this process would be prohibitively
expensive finally each McDonald's location would have to hire several new
staff people who would do nothing but manage the bookie being associated with
credit sales it is entirely possible that the bookkeeping costs associated
with a single credit sale would exceed the cost of the meal in contrast for a
company like Boeing where each credit transaction totals tens of millions of
dollars The Associated bookkeeping cost is
really not large enough to worry about and the third cost of selling on credit
carrying cost with cash tied up in receivables McDonald's would have to pay
its operating expenses and finance its expansion through increased borrowing
increasing its annual interest expense presumably the managers of Boeing have
done an analysis and have concluded that the benefit of selling on credit in
terms of attracting more customers exceeds this increased borrowing cost
now in summary credit sales make the most sense for companies like Boeing or
the number of individual accounts is small the value of each transaction is
large and the recoverability of the inventory reduces the expected cost of
bad debts for all of these same reasons of business like McDonald's with lots of
customer transactions with small dollar values and where the inventory is not
recoverable is not a good candidate for credit sales walmart is the biggest
purchaser on credit in the world the following companies sell substantial
amounts of goods to Walmart all on credit terms with Walmart agreeing to
pay in 30 to 60 days PepsiCo with eight billion dollars of annual
credit sales to Walmart Kraft Foods with four point seven billion dollars of
annual credit sales to Walmart Kellogg 3.1 billion
Smuckers 2.4 billion Campbell Soup 1.6 billion and Clorox 1.5 billion now in
terms of the to traditional revenue recognition criteria the necessary work
of these companies is to deliver goods to Walmart in order to recognize revenue
they must then receive a valid promise of payment from Walmart and given the
financial strength long history and valuable reputation of Walmart these
companies are almost certain to eventually collect
their cash from Walmart so Walmart's promised to pay later is indeed a valid
promise of payment and these companies who sell on credit to Walmart recognize
revenue from credit sales a month or two before they ever received the cash from
Walmart Renta Center on the other hand does not deal with customers who are as
credit worthy as is Walmart as mentioned earlier Renta Center states that less
than 25 percent of its customers complete the full term of their
agreement meaning that 75% don't was such a high likelihood of customers
stopping payments on the rental agreements Renta Center cannot recognize
revenue when it delivers furniture or a TV to a customer because Renta Center
has not received a valid promise of payment with a credit sale the selling
company should recognize revenue at the time of the sale if the seller has
determined that it is probable that the buyer will eventually pay for the good
or the service
both of the two traditional revenue recognition criteria must be satisfied
before revenue can be recognized the seller has to do something the work and
the buyer has to do something pay or provide a valid promise to pay so is it
okay to recognize revenue after the cash has been collected but before the work
has been done no no no you have to have the work done let's consider two
examples airline tickets and gift cards first airline tickets
everyone who flies on an airplane pays in advance thus between the time that
you pay United Airlines for your flight and the time that you actually fly
United cannot recognize the revenue they haven't done the work yet they have your
cash but they have not yet done the work so United must record an obligation to
give you a ride on a plane for which you have already paid united calls this
liability this obligation advanced ticket sales as of the end of 2014
United reported this obligation to be 3.7 billion dollars this represents the
amount of cash United had collected from you and from me in 2014 for tickets that
we would not be using until sometime in 2015 the numbers suggest that passengers
pay United approximately 40 days before flying on average remember
revenue and cash flow are not the same thing the three point seven billion
dollars represents a cash inflow from operations for United and would be
reported in the company statement of cash flows but this is not revenue in
the income statement because United has not yet done the work now let's think
about gift cards many companies retailers restaurants and so forth sell
gift cards the business collects the cash now but will not provide any good
or service until the future when the gift card recipient redeems the gift
card so when is the revenue recognized well let's analyze this question in
terms of the to traditional revenue recognition criteria let's think about
the second criterion first has the buyer of the gift card provided a valid
promise of payment well yes indeed the buyer has paid cash so that condition is
satisfied now to the first criterion has the seller done the work
No the gift card seller has done nothing except take the buyers cash no revenue
can be recognized until the buyer or the person to whom the buyer has given the
gift card actually uses the card Walmart reports the following with respect to
its revenue recognition practice for the shopping cards that the company sells
customer purchases of shopping cards are not recognized as revenue until the card
is redeemed and the customer purchases merchandise using the shopping card now
there is one more interesting little twist here as many of us know from
personal experience we sometimes forget about these gift cards or shopping cards
after we buy them we might lose the shopping card so the card is never
redeemed Walmart has our cash but we will never redeem the card so Walmart
can never do the work what happens then Walmart and all other companies that
sell gift cards do the following this is as described in the notes to Walmart's
financial statements shopping cards in the u.s. do not carry an expiration date
therefore customers and members can redeem their shopping cards for
merchandise indefinitely shopping cards in certain foreign countries where the
company does business may have expiration dates a certain number of
shopping cards both with and without expiration dates will not be fully
redeemed management estimates unredeemed shopping cards and recognizes revenue
for these amounts over shopping card historical usage periods based on
historical redemption rates so assume that walmart sells a thousand dollars
worth of shopping cards also assume that based on historical experience Walmart
estimates that 10 percent or $100 worth of the shopping cards will never be used
also let's assume that historically the cards that are used have been redeemed
evenly over say a two year period on average what Walmart would then do is
recognize $50 of unredeemed card revenue in the first year and fifty dollars of
unredeemed card revenue in the second year hey the next time you go to Walmart
and see shopping cards for sale or the next time you fly on an airplane smile
to yourself in the knowledge that you are among the few
to understand how the revenue for these transactions is reported the two
traditional revenue recognition criteria are first the seller has to do something
the work second the buyer has to do something pay or provide a valid promise
to pay both of these criteria must be satisfied before revenue can be
recognized these criteria makes sure that a company cannot recognize revenue
casually something real must happen first work must be done and a valid
verifiable promise of payment must have been received