How to Measure ROI in Coaching Engagements - YouTube

Channel: The Mufasa Coaching Practice [Pty] Ltd

and we
are live hello everyone and welcome back
to another edition
of the mufasa's daily book reading at
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um energy leadership by bruce d
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today we're going to be reading um the
ninth chapter of
executive coaching with backbone and
heart a systems approach to engaging
leaders with the challenges by mary beth
and we're going to be reading about the
return on investment method for
executive coaching
my 10 minutes is set let me start
reading to you
right okay
an r an roi method for executive
have the client convince the coach of
the return
on investment unless the person who's
on this live right now i hope you're
although executive coaching is a well
established practice
in the corporate environment its
benefits are more obvious to clients
than to the accounting department
this chapter presents practitioners with
a method for demonstrating
a quantifiable return a quantifiable
return on investment
for their work and clients and addresses
the needs of executive coaches
working in the field rather than those
of research and academics regarding
research methodology the main focus of
this chapter is a
how-to method for an executive coach or
it's not only it not only addresses the
issues of roi
but also directly involves the client in
evaluating the bottom line
benefits of coaching an experienced
who understands how organizations work
can successfully
implement this roi strategy
and you like this greeting by ayanda
there good to see you
i use roi here as as it is
colloquially applied in our culture
generally to refer to the in
financial gains that businesses business
want to see compared to the cost they
there's an ongoing conversation in the
organizational department organizational
and executive coaching field
about the formula is more useful for
rri percentages or benefit cost ratios
each of these terms has a specific
meaning and formula
i prefer the benefit cost ratio
because i think it is more accessible to
coaches and clients
particularly those who are just
beginning to apply
physical thinking to coaching
however when referring to the general
discussion of measuring coaches
effects on bottom line results i use
the term roi because that is the
language most frequently used
in conversations and the media
most practitioners i talk to are
stymied by three dilemmas
in identifying the roi of their work
the first dilemma goes like this
i work on the soft side of the business
the development of people skills in a
how could i ever define the and measure
that besides
i'm completely intimidated by research
and statistics
it's not my thing the second dilemma
for those who have some confidence in
their quantitative quantitative
skills is uncertainty about how to link
a client's development
to measurable business results
i can measure the shifts in the leaders
and the team's perspective on the
leaders effectiveness
but how do i link those to the bottom
some practitioners say i've even been
able to measure shifts in organizational
among those i have coached such as
retention and promotions
but i don't know what elements of the
coaching and consulting efforts
if any created the change
the third dilemma comes from a values
best expressed as if i take on the
responsibility of measurement
then i'm doing the client's job for them
i've stepped over the line
i've become responsible for bottom line
results rather than for methods
that lead to executive development
anything i do that weakens the client's
sense of responsibility for results
erodes my effectiveness if you have
if you have experienced any of those
dilemmas yourself
take heart there is a way to determine
what effect the client's changed
have on bottom line results of the past
10 years i developed a coaching strategy
beginning with the contracting phase
that not only linked
client development to the bottom line
div results
but also allows the clients to retain
full responsibility
for her business results linking her
developmental challenges
and improvements to those results so you
find the contracting phase we did read
that's the first
the first phase for her methodology
which we read about
so you'll definitely find that on our
youtube channel
it is in a playlist and i think it's the
second reading
which i will also link then to this
um of this life so you can easily access
so at the end of the live you'll go on
to our page and it will be there for you
to access
the three key factor methodology
already familiar with the first step in
setting up executive coaching
efforts to calculate roi identifying a
client's three key
factors see chapter five which we also
besides giving the client's targeted
goal to work towards
target key target the three
key factors have two other
advantages my apologies the three key
factors have two other advantages
firstly they identify the bottom line
and the leader and team variables that
could most affect those results
two all three key factors
lists are measurable the business
are measured in time money quantity or
quality matrix
the leader interpersonal behavior
and the team interactions are specific
and observable actions
that are verifiable in quantity did it
how often did it happen and
quality how well did it happen this is
very nice
to what extent did the behavior include
all the components necessary
this is another critical reason to drive
to drive to observable behavior rather
than using
global terms when your client first
creates the list
for example be more decisive
will never be measurable with any
satisfaction but
identify when the decision is going to
be made
declare which decision making style i am
and summarize at the end of each meeting
decisions were made give you and your
measurable sticks for decisiveness that
can be tracked
so it's just having clarity being clear
and what you actually want to measure
during your early work with your client
and defining the
three key factors you can tell her that
and she will return to those lists at
the end of the
contract to calculate your return on
it is another reason to be thorough in
setting up
the three key factors on the front end
in addition it gives you and your
clients a checklist of bio feedback
to use during your coaching engagement
to check progress towards
each of the three key factors
right assessing other variables
in order to identify a return on
investment for the coaching engagement
of the client
it is essential to explore with your
clients the other variables besides
that will affect the likelihood of
success of all three key factors
i do it early right after identifying
the three key factors with the clients
this will be important when a formula
that isolates the coaching variable is
calculated at the end of the contracting
the coaching contract i have learned to
ask the client to create a list of four
kinds of variables and i think this is
going to be the last thing we need to do
so these are the four kinds of variables
variables internal to the organization
that improve the chance for success
including the current strength strengths
and assets of the leadership team
and the larger organization the second
one is internal organizational variables
that detract
from success the third one is variables
external to the organization that help
lead to successful results
and then the fourth one is external
that may jeopardize success
executives need to be reminded to
consider positive
internal variables they are used to
assess are used to assessing negative
they forget that what they they forget
what they have in their favor so
remember what you have in your favor may
whether odds forever be in your favor
and i think that will um conclude our
reading for today i hope you enjoyed it
i really did
um as well i did i really like these um
variables the four kinds of variables
we should create i think we can create
them for ourselves as well
um enjoy the rest of your day i will see
you on wednesday and then the last
reading for this week will be on friday
so just
remember that the readings will be
monday wednesdays
and on fridays enjoy the rest of your
week make sure that you do follow us on
social media platforms um our youtube
channel as well
you know subscribe to our uni youtube
channel and keep an
eye out on our facebook page for other
relevant coaching
um content and some other stuff that we
are doing as well
enjoy the rest of your week i will see
you on wednesday