ChronoLogic Talks To Etherisc about Crypto Loan Insurance - YouTube

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rI'm Renat Co-Founder of Etherisc Etherisc is a decentralized insurance protocol
to collectively build insurance applications so at 20 year old for
example in China could earn 3% of revenue insurance company in the United States
so as a result we have a world we building world where independent workers
not large insurance companies but independent workers make a fair share of
created value and consumers get cheaper better insurance products that's
currently not available and investors get access to risk as an asset class
which is currently not available to regular investor
you're right they have to you know invest in the stock market and for some
insurance company that they don't really like and then the insurance company has
all kinds of practices that they don't even maybe agree with so we need this so
much for so many different reasons
yes no one likes insurance companies and one
of the key problems so people ask so what problem exactly that you trying to
solve there are two constituents the there are consumers and there are
developers that we're serving the consumers we serve them indirectly
our work would work with developers they are building insurance
applications called keepers so but the consumer is in their problem that's what
drives this whole transformation the first of all the asymmetry of power as
an individual consumer you really have no power to force insurance company to
pay or not and...
yeah you can try to call them and be in customer service for
hours but then eventually you have to hire a lawyer
exactly and very few people have funds time connection or even
understanding how to get what they're entitled to and so we have situations
multiples like where consumers are in with position when there's a meeting
bona fide truthful claim but if one insurance company says that the amount
will be much smaller so we have one situation
one guy reports that they submit six number claim sick digits claim for the
destruction on the house and the insurance company Mapfre in Puerto
Rico they gave them an offer for 4-digit and there is no way to do
anything unless you sue them right you can completely regulator but
insurance companies have no incentives to pay more because they have the
maximizing profits there are for-profit companies and so the symmetry of power
is is one problem the second problem is the cost of this trust premium is that
for every dollar that you let's say sent through let's say Lloyd's for example
or traditional insurance companies to share your risk with other people I know
it's in 2016 the insurers who shared gave dilutes the premiums they only got
49 cents back so the 51 was kept as a profit as a processing like all cost of
marketing right so it's very inefficient risk transfer mechanism where it cost a
lot it's very expensive to just share risk between us right
so it's called it we can't let the trust premium so the trust premium typically
is half of what you give to the risk pool is being returned and while they're
making money on it on investment income while keeping this your funds right so
this is the consumer problem but developers have are also in no position
to solve it because large insurance companies are not incentivized to let
developers build insurance products they're effectively a government
sanction oligopoly with big capital having licenses right you cannot really
build an insurance company yourself right unless you have a lot of connections
capital right so what Etherisc does provide the common infrastructure for individual
developers to build the new insurance products in infrastructure such as smart
contract templates ui/ux templates templates or business plans and even
rental of insurance license so anyone can start their own insurance company by
renting these components and getting components in open source form it's like
you take an insurance company open source the whole thing the risk models
the actuarial work the business plans approval documentation to get the
various approvals right and and so our goal is to enable multiple keepers to
have 5000 individuals to operate build and operate their own insurance company
where they're entitled to percentage of revenue to underwriting profit that left
after the premiums and claims are paid and investment income that they can
decide how to distribute to keep it or send it back to the insured pool so it's
like 5,000 Minimum in profits this is what we are creating and the
first ones are already the first products when already live on main net
flight delay insurance was available on test net in September 2016 for
developers flying to Shanghai last year we added real license to it so it the
sales of fully regulated insurance by a smart contract began on October 25th
developers who flew to DEVCON in Cancun 77 bought the policy is five got the
payouts for the delayed flights and after we looked into smart contract
there was three ether remaining but no one else to pay all flights landed so
that was the first underwriting profit generated by a decentralized insurance
company smart contract yes
I'd like to ask you quickly about crypto loans
because you know ChronoLogic has a peer to peer crypto loan platform and you
were talking about the you have this in your vision to have some type of pool
yeah well it's not just vision now it actually it was one of the proposals
made so people make proposals for interest products that they want to
distribute or they get their token economy is needing in order to get mass
adoption so having a safety net is a way to get mass adoption it's safe for
participants to come in and start using a new product or a DApp or protocol and
so one of the networks crypto backed lending networks came to us asking to
build or have one of our members of our community to build an inference product that is a
collateral protection insurance for lenders lending their money to borrowers
that put crypto is a collateral right and many lenders are not comfortable
especially institutional ones to land in a way where in addition to credit
risk there are a lot of other risk so we decomposing this for now a number of
crypto back lending networks and building them a product that will allow to the
lenders to be protected against devaluation of collateral not due to
volatility but because of either the underlying project got damaged to
the point where the value of this token is like drops by 90 95 percent or more
or the link if it's tokenized asset maybe there was a problem there
there are different risks associated...
there are a lot of different risks so we're building
a policy for a number of crypto back lending networks who are now joined during our
working group that provide the requirements and they receive a policy
where the lenders on their network would be protected they can elect that the
loans that are they're issuing must be insured or could be insured optional right
the chronologic loan platform can be part of that
yes so potentially any we're inviting all crypto back lending networks as well
as those lending networks that will operate unsecured loan marketplaces to
join the working group and receive access to the insurance policy which
will pay the lender in case something happens with the underlying collateral
whether it's a bug hack or maybe a borrower simply made if they didn't pay
taxes the government could take it away from from a lender so these are various
fix that we're working on to build this policy
Q: how can people go to learn more about eitherisc?
they can go to they can go to github
our telegram channel is very inviting and we have a
number of working groups who will direct any interested party to one of the
subway ecosystems of operating on Etherisc protocol that are building insurance
products so we have a need for those who could be product managers for data
scientists to provided the risk models for example for full stack developers
that can operate an interface that relayers distributors can embed into their
websites to sell insurance
yes and they people come in they develop what they like in the in the
product which they like and then they put a price on it and there's a provide
their ethereum accounts so that portion of the insurance premium could put a certain
percentage of a fixed price per API call for example could be deposited to their
individual ethereum accounts so that individuals not corporations get a fair share of value
excellent thank you so much for being here at EdCon and
teaching us about Etherisc
yeah thank you very much