Bad Debt Reserve (Allowance) | Example | Journal Entries - YouTube

Channel: WallStreetMojo

hello everyone hi welcome to the channel of Wallstreetmojo watch the video till
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clicking the bell icon friends today we're going to learn a concept that is
the bad net reserves or the allowance for the bad debt expenses let's try and
understand in the detail format as you can see over to hear detail of the
[33] consolidated financial statement and we have the detail of the
cash flow statement from the operating activities there we have the data of the
bad debt reserve as 1292, 2992 and 3175
or 6 it is for 2017 2016 and 2015 respectively this was just to show how
or where exactly bad debt reserve is been recorded it is also
the part of the profit and loss account where it is deducted from the
bad debt and including in the data is also it is how it takes into it it is taken
into account now let's understand what exactly bad debt reserve is all about
see bad debt reserve is an account which offsets which offsets or reduces the
account receivable that is your details in the books of accounts so the thumb
rule of the business in generating profit so keeping nonprofit organization
a side which works for the betterment of the society all other organization works
towards the earning or for profit you can say that they earn for profit by
means of increasing the revenue so we all know that revenues earned by the
organization is not settled by the cash at the time of delivery of goods or
computational service so there is a time lag in between which we refer to as
credit period example like you know the great in company let's say is involved
in the business of manufacturing having many heavy machinery which generally
costs machinery that costs closely to more than
100000 per piece and in this case the payment terms defined as for the
company policy was something like this you know the advance was 10% on
the acceptance of the order second the release of the 30% of the
payment on completion and 50% of the work order after the
certification of the completion there was also a release of a 30%
of the payment on delivery of the machinery to the at the customers
warehouse another clause that release of the full and final payment within
closely to 30 days after the delivery so you must have noticed you know the
payment terms in the above case a bit complex now let's take another example
letting us take an example of small n company which is involved in the
business of supplying leather necessaries the great policy of the
company is that you know the all the payment is due within let's say
45 days of the delivery of the goods of the customers from as opposed to the
great in company that were discussed here small company has very simple
payment terms no matter how simple or complex they create policy or payment
terms a company has they are bound to some credit risk that is involved
greater is nothing but the fact that the customer might not end up paying the
amount when it is due so there are two thoughts about the fact that this would
lead to loss to the company so to account for the loss the company
maintains a provision in its books of accounts which are known as the bad debt
reserves account right so why is this bad debt reserve account is required see
accounting has its own rules and principles right which needs to be other
- while maintaining and updating the books of accounts the basic governing
accounting principle that is the conservatism principle of accounting
which indicates that you know any losses that should be accounted for it the
earliest while the profit should be accounted for only after these
sufficient proof or of that particular thing is available
or is available that the profit will be accrued in the near future so since
there is always a possibility of debt debt turning into bad and the customers
not paying the complete amount we tend to maintain or reserve in the books of
accounts for the future event which we called as he bad debt reserve now you
must have got a clearer idea regarding bad debt reserve now let's take an
example so as to understand this in a more detailed and crystal-clear format
so to understand how bad debt reserve works let's understand let's first see
the basic entry which we pass for the accounting or credit sale transaction
in the books of accounts let's say there's a company called kg Inc which
has received in order for let's say for 500 leather wallets leather
wallets is what they have got the order for now the selling price for the
product is let's say 10$ each and it has successfully delivered
this goods at the customer's warehouse as for the pre-approval terms of trade
so the risk of the inventory has passed on to the customer when the customers
accepted the delivery of the goods and at this point of time will pass in
journal entry something like this the account receivable account that will be
debited which will be closely to 5000 to the sales account that will
be 5000 so as we can see that you know the account receivable will
always show a debit balance in the books of whereas you know the sales being the
revenue will be transferred to the profit and loss account right so in that
scenario what we can do that you know now as for the purpose of the bad debt reserve
is to offset the account receivables it hat it has a credit balance right and
the entry for the same will go something like this like you know the bad debt
account or the bad debt expense account will be debited
that will be 50 and too bad debt reserve which will have a credit entry to the
extent of 50 so the bad debt reserve account will reduce the account
receivable over here by $50 in the net account receivable to be presented in
the books of accounts will be at 4950 5000 less 50
right in the balance sheet of the companies in the in the company now
let's understand the bad debt reserve accounting see as you must have noticed
you know there are two different accounts that have been used for giving
for to give the debit effect for the above bad debt reserve journal entry this
because you know there are there are two ways to account for bad debt expense one
is the direct bad debt written off method now this particular method is used when
the organisation can pinpoint invoice for which the payment is not going to be
received so this method invokes or you can say that this method involves
writing of the revenues itself and it's possible when there is one-to-one
correlation this is very important point for this particular method a one-to-one
correlation between them between the sales and the debt turning
bad so this is an aggressive method quite aggressive one and and in the case
the entire invoices reverse which also leads to the reversal of the taxes and
the other statutory dues booked along the invoice a second which is known as
the provision method now this is the less aggressive method to account for
the bad debt reserve in this case you know a provision is created for the bad debt
expenses which can be written off in the next accounting period and again a fresh
provision is created so most organizations prefer to go ahead with
the with this particular method and this method goes hand-in-hand with the
matching concept you can say matching concept and the accrual accounting of
system okay matching concept is basically the revenue that has been
booked in the given period of time and should be
matched with the expenses incurred towards earning that revenue which
basically means that the expenses should also be recognized in the same period in
which the revenue has been recognized so by using the provision method you can
recognize the bad debt allowance in the period in which the revenue is
booked now the above advantage of the provision
method is the disadvantage of the direct bad debt written-off method so there
will be always be a time lag between or time lag when the revenue is booked and
the company is sure that the amount will not be receivable so this does not go
well with the matching concept with the accounting and so it's therefore not
accepted by the accounting standard as well so or there are a couple of methods
that you can know they're techniques to estimate the bad debt allowances the first
method is by you know you can go for the historical method the second method that
people takes into account is the Pareto analysis a very fantastic way of
analyzing things in any business okay so this were the two methods that can be
used in the course and there are a couple of things that you know bad debt reserve
are used to basically manipulate the books of accounts see bad debt reserve
are like you know here's a good technique which can be used to decrease
the net taxable profit of the company which will help actually to reduce the
tax expense and therefore you know there is a strict rules which will prevent the
companies to take benefit of the bad debt reserve for tax saving purpose
this is it for the bad debt reserve if you have learned and you know liked the
video if you think that you know if you have enjoyed and learned watching this
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