Does Non-Profit Mean Money Does Not Matter? - YouTube

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In this presentation we will take a look at the question of, does not for profit
mean that money doesn't matter. For a not-for-profit type organization this
can seem like a silly question. Especially when we're talking about the
accounting for a not-for-profit organization but terms like
not-for-profit can be taken out of context and can be a little bit confusing
as we compare and contrast them to for-profit types of organizations. The
answer to the question does not for profit mean that money doesn't matter to
it not-for-profit organization is, I'm gonna say is, no. Then we might ask well why
does money matter if the objective of a not-for-profit organization is
theoretically not-for-profit. The reason money matters whether it be
for-profit or not-for-profit is because that's going to be our major measuring
tool. That's what we're doing within the accounting department. we're trying to
measure the performance, how well whatever the objective of the
organization are doing. the dollar is going to be our measuring
tool. It's going to be our ruler in order to do that so look at the similarities
and the differences. Let's consider the accounting equation. When we think of the
accounting equation we think about assets liabilities and equity for a
for-profit organization. We typically see the assets as what the company has,
the liabilities are what the company owes like loans accounts
payable other types of notes payable and then we have the equity and this is the
value of the organization. Of course the organization is owned by the owners
and therefore this would be the net value to the owners of the organization.
The owners then have an objective to regulate how the assets are used, how the
liabilities are leveraged in order to hopefully, increase the value or equity
of the organization. The double-entry accounting system for a not-for-profit
organization or a governmental organization will be much the same and
it will still have assets, will still have liabilities obligations. The
difference between the two we're going to call something like net position but
in essence, we have the same thing as equity. The difference between the two is
that the equity represents typically the value to the owner, whereas the net
position, because we don't have a particular owner that can claim value of
the net position, is the net worth, assets over the
liabilities that can be used in the future in order to achieve whatever the
objective of the organization is. That could be a charitable type of
organization or whatever the services that need to be rendered from the
governmental type of organization. Therefore the measuring of these
resources are going to be measured in terms of dollars. We're going to use
dollars to measure assets, liabilities, and the net value of the organization.
The for-profit organization is going to be heavily regulated by the market, by
the owner of the company. If it's a publicly-traded company we're talking
about stockholders of the organization and if we're talking about a
governmental or not-for-profit organization, we still need to measure
this stuff. Even more transparentcy is needed with the information. The money matters
more and the measurement matters more in some ways. We want to make it as
transparent as possible because we don't have these owners that are going to be
as vigilant taking a look at the measuring tools, the objectives being
achieved within the organization through that profit objective. We don't
have the profit objective and therefore the people that are donating to the
organization aren't going to be the people that are benefiting from the net
position or at least not directly. In other words, the people that are donating
to a charity or the people paying taxes may get benefits from the
charity or from these services that a government organization might provide
but they're not getting the direct benefit that's in proportion to what
they're giving in terms of the taxes or the donation as they would expect to
have with regards to a for-profit organization. Therefore the money, in
terms of measuring with the money, is often more important to be really
transparent, as transparent as possible, given the fact that we have the less
market pressure to make sure that that money is being managed as well as
possible. Wnother way to consider this is with the income statement type accounts
where we have revenue minus expenses giving us in a for-profit net income.
When we think about a for-profit type of organization in terms of performance, how
are they doing, we think about the income statement. We think about how much
revenue they are generating and how much expenses they had to take in order to
generate that revenue and then the net income is what increase
the value of equity of the organization. That would be something that the
owner would be very concerned with, the stockholders in a publicly traded
company, because that's going to increase the value directly relational to the
owners in a governmental or not-for-profit organization. We still
have revenue but the revenue is going to be from donors or taxpayers or
something like that. We still have expenses but note that for
a for-profit organization we can basically think of those expenses as
something that we needed to consume in order to achieve the goal of revenue
generation. When we think about the expenses for a not-for-profit
organization it may not have as much of a link that the expenses are
going to be related to the generation of revenue as they would be for the goal of
the organization. to achieve whatever social objective of the
organization. However the difference between revenue and expenses will still
give us the the revenue over the expenses, in essence the same type of net
income type of calculation and those resources the revenue over the expenses
would be something that we can then increase what would be similar to the
equity section, or the assets minus the liability, what we can then use in order
to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. so it's still gooing to be
necessary for us, probably even more necessary for us, to concentrate
more and be more transparent once again in terms of what the revenues are, what
the expenses are, and how we're expending this money. The fact that the expenses
are not tied to simply the goal of revenue generation makes it a little bit
more difficult for us to determine whether or not those expenses are going
to be worthwhile for us to be expending in as opposed to it for a for-profit
organization. The expenses are geared towards the generation of revenue. We
have a specific goal, specific objective, and we have owners that are really a
vigilant in terms of whether or not these expenses are achieving that
objective of revenue generation. Now we're saying we have expenses that
may not be tied directly to the revenue generation so we have to be more
transparent to be able to see where the spend, where these expenses are going, so
that we can better make decisions, so measuring in these items is
very important. Also note that when we think about these expense items we can
also consider who is benefiting from the the revenue and the money that's going
through these types of organizations. Clearly when we think of a for-profit
organization, we consider the revenue minus the expenditures that go in
essence to the owner of the owner's value. We could see
directly that the bottom line of the income statement is benefiting the owner
when we consider the organization. In terms of a not-for-profit or a
governmental organization we see the bottom line as basically increasing
the value to the organization but it's not being applied directly to a specific
type of owner. However, we also have within both of these types of
organizations included in these expenses things such as wages. When we consider
the money that's being used we have to consider the expenses, the value of these
expenses, and make sure that those are going to be valued well because
with whatever organization we're thinking about those expenses are going
to be regulated on the for-profit side by market pressure to see if they're
justified in order to generate revenue. The expenses with a governmental or
nonprofit organization don't have the same type of market pressure so
determining what these expenses should be can be a little bit more difficult.
Included in those expenses are wages. So a substantial amount of
people of course make their money from or earn a living through working for
not-for-profit and governmental organizations and we need to be able to
measure and make sure we're as transparent as possible to decide the
proper types of expenses and how they're being expensed. These are types
of people are going to be concerned with the allocation of
resources because to the governmental organization they are expenses to the
organization's but to these individuals, to the workers of the
organization, it is revenue to them. We want to make sure that the
calculation of that revenue, the application of the revenue is indeed