Annoying Orange - April Fool's Gold - YouTube

Channel: Annoying Orange

-Guys, guys, guys! Fantastic news!
I just won the lottery! -Neato burrito!
You should buy a yacht! -You should buy a puppy!
[poof!] You should buy some gold!
Ha, ha, ha! -[groans]
-Liam, go away. It's not Saint Patty's Day.
-[disappointed]: It's not? Aww.
-Oh, come on, Pear. You know me motto:
if there's gold to be found, Liam's around.
-Actually, Liam, I didn't win the lottery.
-Aw, nuts. -Happy April Fools' Day! Hahaha!
-(Marshmallow) Yay!
-[groans] April Fools' Day prank, you say?
Well, it's not funny. You've made this leprechaun very angry
and I will have my revenge! [poof!]
-Huh. I wonder how he's gonna get his revenge.
[poof!] Hey! Hey, guys, hey!
Liam sent me to annoy you, hahaha!
[trills tongue, flutters lips, makes annoying sounds]
-[groans deeply]
-Gold-gold-gold-gold-gold-gold- gold-gold-gold-gold-gold-gold.
Gold-gold-gold-gold-gold- gold-gold-gold-gold-gold...
-[groaning]: Oh, Orange.
Maybe you can take it easy this April Fools' Day.
I think everyone would really appreciate it.
-Okay, and to show my appreciation,
I got you guys a gift.
-Dibs. -[skeptical groan]
-Remember, Lime, Orange loves April Fools' Day, so be careful.
[flies buzzing] -Oh man, fruit flies!
I should've known! -[screams]
-April Fools! [laughs]
Hey, why aren't you guys laughing?
-'Cause it wasn't really a prank. It was just kinda mean.
-Are you kidding?
That was the GOLD standard of April Fools pranks. [laughs]
Hey! Hey, Zucchini, hey!
-What? -Pull my finger.
[89] don't have a finger. -Oh, yeah.
Well, just pull this rope instead.
-Couldn't hurt. [bell clangs]
[squash!] -Ewww!
-April Fools! [laughs]
-I agree with Pear. That was just plain mean.
-A-U, Watermelon. A-U.
A! A-U!
-Um, why are you saying "A-U" instead of "hey you"?
-Because Au is the periodic symbol for gold. [laughs]
-Okay. That doesn't really answer anything, but...
-Eh! Eh, Watermelon! Eh!
-Why did the chicken cross the road?
-[straightforward]: I don't know. Why?
[screaming] [slice!]
-Waah! -[laughs]
-Ohh, why? -Aw, come on.
That was certified gold. [laughs]
-Wait a second. Why are you referencing gold so much?
-And why are there suddenly... two of you?
[record scratches]
-And why do you smell like corned beef and cabbage?
-Um... um...
mmm... [poof!]
-Aw crap, you've got me!
-It's Liam in disguise! -Yay! I love tricksters!
-No wonder Orange's pranks were meaner than usual.
-He may have poor taste in pranks,
but he has great taste in costumes. [laughs]
-Liam, what is this all about?
-The hokey pokey.
♪ That's what it's all about ♪ [laughs]
-It's just that everyone forgets about old Liam
when Saint Patrick's Day is done.
I just wanted to get on all the April Fools' Day fun is all.
You know? Make some friends. Have a few laughs.
-Well, being mean isn't the way to win us over.
-Easy, guys. When it comes to pranking,
Liam's a little green. [laughs]
-Look, Liam,
we could tell you about the magic of April Fools' Day or...
you could just pull this rope!
-Boy, that sounds altogether too easy...
wait a second. That's the oldest trick in the book.
-Oh. Well, how about you just pull my finger?
-Huh. Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt.
[pbbt! clang!]
Aw, trap! -[laughs]
April Fools' Day! [laughs]
You're the fool. Get it? Ha!
[poof!] -Curses!
Magic-proof bars. [grunts]
I'm gonna get out of here, Orange, and when I do,
I'm gonna-- -Do the hokey pokey?
-No, I'm gonna--
-Put your right hand in and you'll shake it all about?
-[yelling]: Nobody's talking about the hokey pokey!
-I sure am.
-Oh. I wonder what this rope does.
[squash!] Ah!
-Eww! -[laughs]
Now, that was April Fools gold.
[laughs] Gold puns.
Captioned by
[laughs] Knife!