The Best Bitcoin Tax Loophole- CRYPTO TAX STRATEGY - YouTube

Channel: Xena Kai Finance Videos

in this video i am going to go over how
you could make money off of your crypto
losses no this is not financial advice i
am not a financial advisor but i did
find this article on forbes stating how
you could legally
lower your taxes and save money on taxes
while keeping your positions in bitcoin
ethereum dogecoin whatever
cryptocurrencies you own
so keep watching to learn more bitcoin
went from over 60 000
all the way down to 29 000
and i know a lot of you bought when it
was high
i know i did sucks and i know this tax
loophole is going to help out a lot of
so keep watching and if you're new here
hi my name is xena i make
videos on personal finance but only a
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so here is the forbes article and they
claim that there's some type of tax
loophole that every crypto trader should
know and this is 100
completely legal according to this
forbes article
please i am not a financial advisor
please consult your cpa
i'm just spreading information that i
found that i thought was
honestly quite amusing basically what
this article states is that since
cryptocurrencies such as you know
bitcoin ethereum
dogecoin are treated as property
wash sales rule which is applicable to
stocks are not applicable to
now what exactly is a wash sale rule
i honestly had no idea until i read this
a watch sale occurs when you sell
security at a
loss and then you purchase the same type
of security
within the next 30 days the wash sale
only applies to stocks and securities
and the reason they have this
is to discourage investors from making
fake losses and deducting all those
from their taxes so imagine you had
a hundred thousand dollars worth of
tesla stock
and tesla stock dip because elon musk
keeps tweeting and now you only have
sixty thousand dollars worth of tesla
you're mad at elon musk for crashing the
crypto market
so you sell your tesla stock at a loss
of 40 000 and then the very next day
elon musk pumps doge coin and then
you're back
and you're rich again and you love elon
musk again and so you buy
tesla stock at 60 000 again
and for ease of example let's just say
that the tesla stock was
at same price as when you sold it the
day before
well you could no longer claim the
capital loss
of 40 000 because of the wash sale rule
because you bought tesla again within
the next
30 days you know you can't claim the 40
loss again because of the wash sale rule
but that only applies
to stocks and securities however crypto
on the other hand
is not a stock or security in contrast
trading cryptocurrencies which act just
like stocks but under the tax
treatment of property generate a much
tax benefit because of this they are
not subject to wash sale rules just like
stocks are so here's an example let's
say you bought
one bitcoin at 60 000
and lately the market has crashed and
bitcoin is hovering around the price of
35 000 you sold your bitcoin
for 35 000 and then you bought a bitcoin
for 35 000 so you still have one bitcoin
and you spent about the same amount of
minus the transaction fees well 60 000
minus 35 000 equals 25
000 so you could report
a capital loss on your taxes
of 25 000
because you sold your one bitcoin
because bitcoin is taxed as property and
not as a stock or
security the wash sale rule does not
so you could claim the capital loss
of 25 000 i am not a financial advisor
this is
not financial advice and i am not a cpa
i am just a random girl on youtube who
found this forbes article and i thought
about sharing it with you guys because
it might help you a lot of people i know
bought bitcoin
at when it was at sixty thousand dollars
and right now
it's been chilling at thirty five
thousand dollars so if that
is you or if you know someone like that
send them this form article
and tell them to talk to their cpa and
see whether or not this will apply in
their situation
and hey maybe if they sell whatever
bitcoin they have and buy it at the same
maybe they'll save money on taxes this
year if this video was helpful for you
please subscribe to my channel hit the
notification bell i'd really appreciate
leave a like on it and comment down
below okay
comment i like talking to you guys and
while you're at it make sure to watch
this video next i'm sure you'll love it
and with that thanks for watching and i
will see you guys
in this video bye