The State of the Australian Labour Market [HSC Economics Review Episode #6] - YouTube

Channel: ArtofSmartTV

what's up guys it's rowan and terry here
from art of smart tv and we're bringing
you the next episode of the hsc
economics review now in this episode
we're going to be diving in to look at
the state of the australian labor market
in particular we're going to be looking
wage growth it's been a bit of an issue
lately and we're going to talk about the
nyuru yes that's right we have a new
now why is this important well i think
you know the the rba
not too long ago cut the cash rate to a
historical low
right 1.25 percent and in doing so
the governor announced of the rba that
you know one of their main
issues was you know low income growth
right so clearly what's going on here is
there's some major issues occurring
for the australian labor market that we
need to unpack and that's exactly what
we're going to be doing
in this episode we're going to be
exploring wage growth in australia
we're going to be looking at why we have
slow wage growth what the implications
are of it
and in particular this is going to be
really relevant for you
in your essays when you're having to
analyze effectiveness of policy
particularly analyzing the effectiveness
of monetary policy and whether or not
it's going to have an impact
we're going to need to consider the
extent to which it's going to really
this wage growth issue and therefore
have you know the
the outcomes it's intending to have on
the economy
so to kick things off i suppose an
initial question terry
why is wage growth even important for
the australian economy
well hopefully we all understand that uh
wages are important because it's what we
earn as households
right and the spending that we have uh
is directly influenced by how much we
so aggregate demand as you've been
learning with
fiscal policy and monetary policy as
part of macro policy is
influenced by 60 of it is actually
influenced by
by consumption right consumption from
households and then therefore if that's
consumption by households then it
matters how much they're earning
uh next couple of things with this is
then if a d is low because of
low wage growth uh you're also going to
get some very poor inflation outcomes
now if you remember with monetary policy
the goal of inflation isn't to have
inflation too low
there's a range between two to three
percent and so if it is a little too low
that can also have issues as well so in
other words just to contextualize like
if consumption is the biggest driver
agri demand
and wages are the biggest driver of
we've sort of got to sort out wages to
be able to then get inflation kicking
economic growth kicking it's like
this really important lever or cog in
the economy
that we need to work on to get it to
work so
i suppose the next question now is okay
like what's our wage growth
like okay so actually wage growth has
actually been a little bit better
in recent times okay so over the past
three years wage growth has been
particularly poor
uh it's actually started to pick up a
little bit it's at 2.3 percent
uh at the moment um and it was it hit a
record low of 1.9
in 2017 so it's actually not doing as
bad as it used to
however if we zoom out a little bit more
right um
wage growth in the recent times has been
very very different from what it used to
be so what was it like maybe 10 20 years
yeah so look if we look at the long-term
trend and we we zoom out to sort of 1998
to sort of
2019 okay like the average weight growth
wage growth was sort of around 3.2
percent that's average right so there
were times where it was of course
considerably higher so
we can see that you know when we hit the
in 2017 that was well below the average
and even 2.3 which we're saying is an
improvement it's a stronger recent trend
that's still almost a percent below the
average wage growth we've seen
um you know over the last sort of 20
plus years so
i guess it raises you know this concern
i suppose about well
you know our wage growth isn't going the
right way and really it hasn't since the
you know we've really seen a trend
downwards um since
gfc and depending on how you look to
measure it you know
it could even be considered even worse
because if we look at another way that
you can measure wage growth is average
weekly earnings
so you look at the growth in average
weekly earnings and and what's really
interesting here is that um
the average there is about four percent
but we've seen growth only of about
two percent in average weekly earnings
and so some economists have gone as far
to say
that this is the worst wage growth
since the great depression or second
world war
you know which um is i guess the reason
for concern
for the australian economy even if you
know we're saying that it's improved a
little over the last sort of couple of
years so
why is this a concern for australia
what's happening macro economically
that is saying yes our wage growth is a
um well so as we were able to as ron
established right there's a really clear
link between wages and consumption and
therefore aggregate demand
right and so based on the level of
expenditure in the economy
right that's going to determine our
level of economic growth okay and so
there's a very clear link here wages
growth wage growth has been really poor
and hopefully you're aware as well
economic growth has also been really
really poor so that's
a very clear relationship between the
two uh we've got economic growth
currently sitting at one point eight
uh we've got forecasts in the budget
that say should be about two point two
five percent for the year
and continue to go up right but if wages
i'm going to pick up
uh then this would present a severe
challenge to actually reach that
economic growth
goal the other side of the story is of
course the philips the short run
phillips curve
okay so when you've got uh very very low
rates of
wage growth and therefore inflation that
also generally implies that you're also
going to have
a very high unemployment rate or at
least a growing unemployment rate
definitely so i i think what has then
caused that right you know i mean like
why are we in this sticky situation like
we did mention post
gfc that it's been trending downwards
clearly the macro conditions
are not pointing in the right direction
um what are some of the factors that are
contributing to this low wage growth
uh my biggest factor that i'd like to
look at is actually just the
of the workforce okay because i believe
that since the 1980s
we used to have unemployment up in the
10 range right
above 10 it's gone down a lot since then
and i think
there is there's a lot of advantages
with that but i think just recently
we're kind of starting to see some of
disadvantages of that when you have
labor market reforms you make it more
flexible you make it easier to hire
one of the downsides of that is well
simply you leave a lot of
underutilized labor resources right
because if you're dropping that
unemployment rate
people are generally finding jobs but at
the same time they're not finding
full-time jobs
they're finding casual jobs instead uh
think about
a casual worker they're probably going
to be less able to bargain for higher
compared to someone who's full-time so
that's that's my biggest reason all
about yours
and i think before i share you know one
of my biggest reasons i think
um just to note and to really explicitly
connect this for you to the hsc syllabus
and course right
what terry was just exploring was really
one of the limitations of
some of the microeconomic reforms that
we've seen particularly around the labor
market you know so we've seen a move to
a more
decentralized model of wage
determination that's had a lot of
certainly but clearly one of the the
implications here is perhaps that it's
now placed significant downward pressure
on wages you know one of the
the things we used to see in the in the
70s and 80s was wage breakouts and that
was one of the biggest fears of
the rba in the government from an
inflationary perspective
because if wages go up inflation's going
to go up very quickly we've shown that
connection right
so i think certainly casualization has
played a role and it's a result of
these labor market reforms so if you're
getting a micro reform essay
you know it's an opportunity to actually
bring some analysis around
wage growth and the issues it might now
be creating for the australian economy
i think just to build on terry's point
for for me for one of the major current
because you know terry's i think example
is looking at sort of the structural
change that's resulted in the economy
over the last
20 to 30 years i think a more immediate
is uh this idea which the rba has talked
a lot about you're going to hear it and
it's going to sound like jargon so we're
going to try to
explain it for you and that's the phrase
spare capacity
in the labor market okay it's thrown
around a lot and essentially all it's
referring to is a couple of things like
unemployment okay so if you're
unemployed you've got
time that you could be using and
resource towards
uh you know being employed and producing
something so there's
spare capacity there but it's not just
uh unemployed
it's the underemployed as terry
highlights those that are casualized
that are working 10 hours a week but
want 40 um and the combination of those
okay the unemployed and the
underemployed form what is known as our
labor under utilization rate and and if
we do look at that we've seen that
growing that's at 13.7 um so it's
considerably higher than the 5.2 percent
unemployment rate that we've seen so
right now simple idea if you've got more
capacity in the economy you've got
every employer who puts a job out if
they know that 10 people are going to
turn up to apply for that job
as opposed to two they're going to get
to choose
who they hire and so as a result there's
not going to be that much upward
pressure on wages
they're going to be able to offer lower
wages knowing that if the first
eight don't say yes the last two might
the greater capacity you have the lower
the pressure is for wage growth and so
right now the rba beliefs that we've got
due to this casualization due to the
unemployment figures
underestimating the true issue of labour
we have a situation where there's low
wage growth because we've got lots of
people that actually
are still looking for work and could be
more so i think right now that's also a
issue um and really i think we we can
say that it's really been an issue since
you know gfc really prompted uh
increasing casualization as
firms needed to shed workers um and or
shed you know the the nature from
part-time and full-time to casual so i
that's a really big issue and it's one
that uh you know the rba is particularly
focused on right now because it's a
short-term macro economic issue that
they can solve
the change is microeconomic is something
that the government
you know itself needs to sort out but
the rba itself
their only option is to deal with the
macroeconomic side of things
i think what's interesting is that as
part of this they have changed the nairu
i mean what's the new nairu what's the
thinking behind changing it
uh so the new larue is that 4.5
unemployment rate so that means that
originally they used to think it was
around 5 which meant that once
unemployment hit 5
they'd expect inflationary pressures to
pick up now obviously unemployment did
hover around five percent for much of
last year and they actually didn't see a
pickup in inflation so
uh economists they kind of looked at
that and they said hang on well that's
not that doesn't make sense so we need
to go back
recalculate our data do some more models
and what they've
arrived at is four point five percent so
and then it shows really if that you
know the knower is at that point we've
we do certainly have that spare capacity
that they've been talking about
so that's two major issues i think there
is a third issue here that is also
contributing particularly um and that's
labor productivity
you know what's that later productivity
like how does that relate to wage growth
in australia
okay so uh labour productivity basically
just refers to
the amount of output that each unit of
labor input is able to generate so
obviously the higher your labor
generally speaking because of the way
that we have enterprise agreements
uh you're able to then go to your boss
bargain for a higher wages by saying
look at me i'm being more productive
uh i'm more worthwhile to your company
give me a pay rise
and that's important because by and this
goes to terry's earlier point about the
labor market changes in terms of
the shift in micro reform was to connect
wage determination more closely to
that's a good thing it's a good thing
because it reduces inflation for
pressures right if
you're being more productive and you ask
for a pay rise
it's not going to create cost push
inflation because even if you're getting
a pay rise the cost per good or service
that you're creating should stay fairly
similar because you've increased your
um clearly though what that creates
though for australia right now is a
fairly low
labor productivity um over the last
and beyond and so wages track pretty
pretty closely
with labor productivity so i mean we're
sort of looking at
um you know a fall in labor productivity
year-on-year of about
half a percent a little bit over half a
percent so overproductivity's gone
backwards yeah
which is not great it sort of explains
low wage growth i think as well
any other any other uh major reasons why
we've got slow wage growth
anything else there i wanted to add
another one just on the gfc point that
rowan had earlier um
after the gfc hit i think it really did
affect businesses and their
confidence in hiring employees um and
it's also just important to remember
that in australia we typically actually
do have quite high labor costs compared
to some other countries
and so part of the reason why it's so
high is just because of things called on
okay so on costs can often go up to
about 30 of the actual
wages paid to an employee so these are
just things like your annual leave
your even other leave entitlements uh
sick leave
things like that and superannuation of
course um
so it actually does give an incentive i
believe for businesses to actually
casualize their workforce right so
because if they don't have if they have
full-time job and they can split it up
into a bunch of part-time jobs
uh that reduces significantly the amount
of bond costs that they have to pay
because if you remember with supreme
relation you don't actually have to pay
it until you reach
400 and fifty dollars a month yeah there
we go that's right if you split it up
you can get creative definitely
so i think um what's interesting about
all this is what are the implications
so we you know we've identified why wage
growth is important
uh you know what what the current state
of wage growth is
in australia not great what are the
driving causes both
structural and long term and macro
economic and short term that are
contributing to slow wage growth
what's the impact what's it gonna what's
it gonna do for the australian economy
well obviously as we've said it's gonna
slow down the australian economy
i think there's gonna have a lot of
implications on policy which we've
already actually seen with the rba
dropping cash rate
to 1.25 a historic low in june
and i think that that's the response
here is to try and get
wages picking up again to get labor to
get the unemployment rate down again
to actually just reduce some of that
excess capacity so in other words what
we're sort of seeing is really
an idea that unless wage growth can
you know a little we're not going to see
many of our other objectives being met
you know we're not going to see economic
really increase we're not going to see
unemployment well
there's a strong relationship with
unemployment trial unpack but we're not
going to certainly see inflation
increase so we're going to see a pretty
macroeconomic set of conditions for
australia now i think the
interesting thing here is that the rba
has identified that
that they don't see wage growth really
ticking up until unemployment gets
closer to 4.5 percent
which is their no root right because
that's going to tighten the capacity and
drive some wage growth and so
it does go to show that you know i think
one we're probably going to see ongoing
more aggressive monetary policy
over the next year because you know how
do they get
unemployment down from 5.2 to 4.5
they're going to have to be continually
um we have seen some other things though
i mean we've seen some changes by the
fair work commission
what have they done to try to support
wage growth uh so the fair work
commission uh if you're not familiar
they set actually the national minimum
wage so every year
uh they will meet with um with unions
they'll meet with employee associations
and basically they'll come together make
a decision
on how much they should or if they
should increase the minimum wage
now often times of course we've got
inflation so usually they will at least
increase the minimum wage by at least
inflation this year they actually
agreed to increase the minimum wage by
three percent so uh
the hourly wage went up to 19.49
um and this is of course going to
support that low wage growth simply
uh it's literally driving up the minimum
wage uh however it is important to
mention that this three percent is
obviously going to be higher than the
wage growth in other
um for other kind of wage determination
yeah definitely and so we do the math
three percent increase on awards
inflation's 1.3 so there's a 1.7 sort of
note that you know the average in the
market though has been what's 2.3 anyway
so it's a little bit lower if we
you know if we we're looking at the real
wage growth here which is
the difference right but i think it it
does show that overall the real wage
growth will be more significant which is
um i think that the final thing i
suppose just as we're sort of wrapping
up here is to also consider the budget's
okay so the budget is also trying to
support this arguably with the tax cuts
okay so they're trying to increase
disposable incomes you know the thousand
and eighty dollars for low to
you know middle income tax offsets that
are going to be provided
although the the question is you know um
to what extent will this actually be
passed on
you know so the australian council of
social services argued that the actual
dollar impact
to a low to middle income earner is
about ten dollars
so it's questionable right we've got the
government saying a thousand dollars
give or take is going to be there to
increase total income and we've got
other analysts saying well
the actual reality is going to be a lot
less so the hope here is that we see
sort of this tri-fold approach you know
we've got monetary policy
um you know lower cash rate we've got
micro reform through
you know the fair work commissions
changes in the award minimum wage
and then we've got fiscal policies
approach through tax cuts to increase
disposable income
and the hope is going to be that three
of those things is going to do enough
to lift wage growth so my question for
our question for you really is do you
think it will right i mean this is a
an opinion that you need to have you
need to have an opinion because you will
be analyzing the effectiveness of all of
these three policies
in achieving the objectives and given
that wage growth is this key lever
you're going to need to have an opinion
on will these policies be enough
to increase wage growth in australia and
therefore support australia achieving
the economic growth
inflation unemployment objectives that
you know the rba and the government has
so let us know do you think these
policies will be sufficient to lift wage
growth pop it in the comments below
we'd love to hear what your thoughts are
additionally if you have any questions
for terry or i leave them in the
um and otherwise we will see you in the
next episode