An Animated Introduction to Social Science - YouTube

Channel: unknown

all right
we're all settled
well good
we are the social science department now
i'll get right to it question on
everyone's mind just what the heck is
social science well let me try to
as in society
as in human beings science as in the
facts the systematic study of a thing
the pursuit of its true nature
we seek to understand the nature of
people and society
what does it mean to be human what
defines a person is it history is it
how has he worked struggled
thrived in his environment sorry in his
environment did he live on a mountain or
in the desert or near the sea in the
ancestry is important but location is
that's all very fascinating but i have a
what is this person like
is it a man or a woman
what's our race
what does he or she do
well profession relies greatly on
the natural resources that exist here
proximity to natural resources is fine
but what about proximity to other people
the sociological element is undeniable
what happens when he feels the influence
of other human beings
then how will he behave
what will be expected of him
will he fulfill these expectations
now it's a collection of people it's a
town or a city it's a community hmm
but who's in charge
we need structure leaders
several leaders if we can oh that's
when we organize we give our man a voice
an identity within his society this is
where his ancestry and his geography and
his social interaction come together the
political realm ah but is the true
nature of man witnessed only in his
interaction with the world around him i
ask you where do his actions begin
with a thought and where do his thoughts
originate the brain madam the brain
good indoctrinant is it only his
experience in society that informs him
unshapes him
or or is he born this way every cell
when synapse forming just saw making him
the man he is
he is interacting sure buzzing around a
busy day in the height of society sure
but his inner being his motivations his
thoughts his feelings his hurt his joy
this will be largely unknown or less my
doctrine we study his psychology
well very intriguing dr psych thank you
so as you can see
we social scientists cover a wide range
of topics
but we all agree on one thing people and
the societies in which they live are a
fascinating study