[NEWS IN-DEPTH] Competition heats up for Kakao Pay's pre-IPO subscription - YouTube

Channel: Arirang News Center

This year has been a bumper year for South  Korea's Initial Public Offering market,…  
with a parade of blockbuster  debuts setting new records. 
Amid an influx of liquidity and a  debt-financed retail asset frenzy,…  
cash-rich investors have rushed into  the IPO market looking for quick gains. 
In fact, in the third quarter, the country's  IPO market has been on fire,… with proceeds  
expected to beat that of Hong Kong's  for the first time since 2017. 
Another mega IPO for the South Korean  stock market is just around the corner. 
For that we have our Eum Ji-young in the studio. Good to have you Ji-young.
Good Evening Connyoung.
Ji-young, The fintech company Kakao Pay will debut  
on the country's benchmark KOSPI  next week,… on November third. 
It's affiliated of course with South Korea's  largest smartphone chat application,… Kakao. 
It seems that bidding for these shares was fierce. Tell us how the pre-IPO bidding unfolded today.
Sure Connyoung. Investors raced to get  their hands on shares of Kakao Pay,…  
pouring about 5 billion U.S.  dollars into retail orders.
Submitted orders came to around 30 times  the amount of stocks made available. 
Each retail investor will be able  to get an average of 2.3 shares. 
Investors showed high interest in  Kakao Pay as it is the country's  
largest mobile payment service company with  a membership of more than 20 million people. 
The two-day pre-IPO bidding for retail  investors took place this Monday and Tuesday. 
Despite the pandemic, during the  two-day pre-IPO subscription period,  
many investors visited brokerage houses  trying to join in the frenzy. Take a listen.
"I visited the branch because Kakao Pay's pre-IPO  subscription takes place today and tomorrow.  
You don't make any losses when it comes to buying  shares ahead of the IPO. I'm putting in around 30  
million to 40 million won,... more than the  minimum amount, hoping to get more shares."
"I came to the branch because of  the Kakao Pay pre-IPO bidding.  
We talk using Kakao app and we use Kakao Pay  whenever we transfer money online. I believe  
most people in South Korea use the service and  it's becoming more common. So I thought owning  
Kakao Pay shares could lead to a profit. I'm  thinking of bidding for 100 shares today."
Similar to other IPOs, while some people  visited the brokerage houses for the IPO,  
many others subscribed for shares  online. What are some of the things  
that are different this time from previous cases?
Connyoung, What's different is that  for the first time, on the first day  
of the bidding, the subscription was open until  10 PM for people who subscribe online,... rather  
than 4PM, so that more people can join. No Ah-young,... an office worker says,  
she bid for shares of Kakao Pay  after she got off work on Monday.
"During the previous IPO subscriptions,  it was a little burdensome for an office  
worker to do it before 4PM. I  had to put money into my account  
and bid for shares by going into  the app during my working hours.  
It was inconvenient before, but this time, I  feel comfortable as I can do it after work."
Also, an important difference is  that KakaoPay will be the first  
company in South Korea to distribute its stocks  
ahead of the IPO with an equal chance for all  retail subscribers who deposit the minimum amount. 
Until last year, shares were generally  given to only those who bid large amounts,  
and there was a much smaller chance for those  with low deposits to get any shares at all.
But starting this year, the allocation method  has been revised so that a certain amount of  
shares allotted for individual investors are  distributed equally as long as those investors  
deposit the minimum amount. So, unlike other companies,  
Kakao Pay is distributing all of its  shares allotted for retail investors  
which is 25 percent of the new shares  it's issuing,... with an equal chance.
"This time, 100 percent of shares allotted for  retail investors are distributed with an equal  
chance so, I believe that it is unlikely that  I'll get more shares even if I put more money  
in. So I just deposited the money for  20 shares which is the minimum amount."
This measure is likely to enable as many  retail investors to own the Kakao Pay shares. 
But due to this measure, many say the  amount of subscription deposits was  
far less than previous blockbuster IPOs  including Kakao bank where the retail  
bids amounted to about 50 billion U.S. dollars. 
To reserve shares, retail investors usually  have to deposit half the amount of the shares  
they want to buy at the IPO price, which means  the minimum investment for Kakao Pay shares is  
900-thousand won... or about 7-hundred-70 dollars,  which is half the amount of the minimum 20 shares.
The company also took orders  from institutional investors last  
week to set the IPO price... and  I hear the competition was fierce.
Yes, you are absolutely right Connyoung.  It had a two-day book-building session  
which ended on Thursday, to take  bids from institutional investors.
The IPO price was set at 90-thousand  won or around 76 U.S. dollars per share. 
It's at the high end of its  proposed price range as it was  
oversubscribed by a factor  of more than 17-hundred. 
Also, more than 70 percent of firms have signed  up to keep the shares for at least 6 months. 
Shares allotted for Kakao Pay  employees were also fully subscribed. 
After it debuts on the KOSPI, the expected  market capitalization of Kakao Pay will be around  
10 billion dollars,... which will put the  fintech firm among the top 30 market caps. 
Experts say the market  expectation for Kakao Pay is high.
"Kakao Pay is the fintech company that is  backed by Kakao, the most widely used chat  
app in South Korea. It has high potential  for expansion in the financial market  
and the company is expected to have  increased revenue and profits."
Kakao Pay is likely to make headlines on the  business pages on its first day of public  
trading next Wednesday,... as it is getting  lots of attention from investors. So what's  
the expectation of the share  price on the first day of trading?
With the fierce competition of the  subscription for shares,... many  
are expecting the share price to  jump shortly after trading begins.
But some experts say 'ddasang', a  local market slang describing the  
share opening at more than twice the IPO price  and hitting the daily upper limit of 30 percent  
above the opening price, is  not likely for Kakao Pay.
"Currently, the financial market  is going through a slow period.  
The price of Kakao Bank shares failed  to double on the first day of trading.  
Kakao Pay is likely to go through similar  phases in the early days of trading."
Another expert suggested it could  be overpriced, highlighting how the  
IPO had already been delayed by a couple of  months as the country's financial watchdog  
said the initial valuation was too high,…  calling Kakao Pay to revise down its prospects.
"I personally think that on the first and second  day of trading, the share price could rise.  
But I believe 'ddasang' will not be  possible. Several securities firms  
estimated the reasonable price range to be at  around 100-thousand won to 110-thousand won."
He added even with the IPO, it is important  for the investors to pay attention to the  
fundamentals and the potential long  term growth of the firm rather than  
selling it in the early days of trading. 
He also said that investors should look  forward to some other big IPOs that are  
coming up in the near future including  Kakao Mobility and LG Energy Solution.
Ji-young, thank you for the  thorough reporting today.
Thank you.