The "I AM" Discourses of St Germain, 1-33 Complete - YouTube

Channel: Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the Ages

the i am discourses by ascended master
saint germain
discourse number one
october 3rd 1932
saint germain
thou infinite mighty presence
now all pervading principle of life we
give praise and thanks for thy wondrous
activity through all our presence
out of thy mighty essence comes all it
is and oh that humanity might understand
thou art ever and forever self-sustained
thou mighty active principle of life
surge forth in the outer activity of
mankind and manifest thy supreme justice
now in all places
mighty presence of light god in action
govern the minds of mankind holding them
to truth and justice
and see that thy messengers are placed
in all official positions
let not of the outer interfere that none
of humanity may accept any son of
mighty presence of god in action surge
forth in the minds of all expressing a
conquering presence
greetings i bring you greetings from the
perfected ones who are watching closely
over and ministering to all
the discourse
life in all its activities everywhere
manifest is god in action
and it is only through lack of the
understanding of applied thought and
that mankind is constantly interrupting
the pure flow of that perfect essence of
life which would without interference
naturally express its perfection
the natural tendency of life is love
peace beauty harmony and opulence
for life care is not who uses it but is
constantly surging to pour more of its
perfection into manifestation
always with that lifting process was
ever inherent within itself
i am
i am is the activity of that life
how strange it is that students with
sincere interest do not seem to get the
true meaning of those two words
when you say and feel i am
you release the spring of eternal
everlasting life to flow on its way
in other words you open wide the door to
its natural flow
when you say i am not
you shut the door in the face of this
mighty energy
i am is the full activity of god
having placed before you so often the
truth of god in action
i wish you to understand its first
expression in individualization
the first expression of every individual
everywhere in the universe either in
spoken word silent thought or feeling is
am recognizing its own conquering
the student
endeavoring to understand and apply
these mighty yet simple laws
must stand guard more strictly over
assad and expression
in word or otherwise for every time you
i am not i cannot i have not
you are whether knowingly or unknowingly
throttling in that great presence within
this is just as tangible as if you
placed your hands about the throat of an
outer form only with the outer form your
thought governing the hand you can
release at any time
but when you make a declaration using
the words i am not
you set in motion mighty limitless
energy that continues to act
unless it is recalled in the
imperfection consumed and transmuted
this shows you the enormous power you
have to qualify this mighty energy of
and i tell you beloved students
dynamite is less dangerous
for that but liberate you from the body
while these thoughts sent forth
ignorantly and ungoverned bind you upon
the wheel of re-embodiment indefinitely
thus you can see how important it is for
you to know what you are doing when you
thoughtlessly use wrong expression
because you are using the most divine
principle activity in the universe
i am
do not misunderstand me
this is no idle foreign or oriental
but the highest principle of life used
and expressed throughout every
civilization has ever existed
for the first expression every
self-conscious form of life gives is
i am
it is only afterwards in its contact
with outer wrongly qualified activity
that it begins to accept anything less
than i am
now dear students do not see that when
you say i am sick
you are just reversing this principle of
life which is naturally all perfection
thus re-qualifying it by your willful
ignorance was something which it never
naturally possessed
through long centuries of willful
humanity has charged the very atmosphere
about them with falsehood and unreality
for i need not say to you that when you
say i am sick
it is an abject falsehood and respect
your divinity which cannot be sick
does this sound harsh to you
then i say think it over
and you will see what a blessing and
release it can be for you
i say to you dear students in the name
of god
stop using these wrong expressions of
your godhead of your divinity
for it is impossible for you to have
freedom as long as you continue to do it
i cannot speak of this to you too often
that when you really recognize and
accept the mighty presence of god in you
there are positively no adverse
i say to you giving power to the outer
conditions persons places or things
and in the name of god every time you
find yourself starting to say i am sick
i am broke i am not feeling well
instantly reverse this fatal condition
to your progress
and declare silently with all the
intensity of your being
i am
which is all health
opulence perfection happiness peace and
the power to recognize perfection in
yourself and everywhere else
when you think of the expression i am
it means that you know that you have god
in action expressing in your life
do not let these false expressions
continue to govern and limit you
continually remind yourself
i live move and have my being and all
outer expression in the full opulence of
god made manifest every moment
and thus reminding yourself of this
invincible unconquerable presence
you keep the door open for its pure
invincible essence and intelligence to
weave into your outer expression at
wonders perfection
i plead with you dear ones everywhere do
not continue to use these wrong
expressions thinking that in some
hocus-pocus way you may slide past
reaping the results it simply cannot be
many of you know that they use the
branding iron on the western frontier as
a recognition of ownership by the
so great is my desire to have you
recognize and hold fast to the active
presence of god in you that i almost
long for a branding iron to brand those
words i am into your consciousness for
constant use
that you could not be drawn off the
acceptance and use of that mighty
glorious presence of god which you are
i trust that all who may hear or read
these words will feel the power and the
mighty conviction of this truth that
goes with them
leaping into action wherever expressed
if at any time anything less than
perfection attempts to make any
appearance in your experience
declare vehemently that it is not true
and that you accept only god which is
perfection in your life everywhere
as long as you give away to accepting
false appearance you will have them
expressed in your life and experience
it is not dear student a matter of
belief on your part whether you accept
these truth or not
but they are the law
proven through long centuries of
experience and are placed before you for
your freedom
awakened to the fact that your thought
and feeling in the past have built
created the inharmony of your will today
arise i say arise and walk with your
father the i am that you may be free
from these limitations
there is only one thing in this universe
that can surround you with limitation
and that is accepting the outer
appearance instead of the mighty active
presence of god in you
the western world likes to fool itself
with the idea that it refuses to accept
the ancient and eastern idea of sorcery
in other words the misuse of the
spiritual powers
the worst kind of sorcery is being used
in the political fields today
that has ever been known in the history
of mankind through the use of mental
power wrongly qualified
if this same tremendous metal force were
used in just the reverse way
to know that there is only got an action
in every individual filling official
the sender of that quality or truth
would not only be free himself but the
political world would be filled with
freedom and justice
then we would experience a natural world
a world of god in action everywhere
it is today as it was at one time in
those who misused the mental power are
binding themselves to the rack of
inharmony embodiment after embodiment
take the stand
i do not take on conditions from anyone
or anything about me but god
good and i am always god commanded
you need to acquire the habit of
stilling yourself
sit down three or four times a day and
simply still the outer self
this will let the energy be supplied
learn to command and control the energy
in your body
if you want the energy still
be still
if you want the energy active
be active
you must stand up face the thing and
rise above it there's no other way
the students should watch in every way
for habits and break them up
he should not have to be told but must
look within himself and uproot whatever
is not perfect
this brings a freedom not possible in
any other way
the holding on of old habits is just
like wearing old worn out garments
the student must not wait for someone
else to think these things out for him
he must do it himself it is not possible
for anyone to do it but himself
in this work and under this radiation
everything that is laden in the
individual is being brought forth to be
watch that the attention does not become
fixed on the thing you do not want
it is perfectly ridiculous to keep
recalling things which have not worked
if you have built your limitations for
centuries and can
buy this attention and self-effort free
yourself in a few years isn't it worth
is it not marvelous
a humorous sense of getting away from a
thing is sometimes the quickest and most
powerful way of doing it for a buoyant
joyous feeling releases the energy that
many times enables a very wonderful
manifestation take place
if one will buckle down to brass tacks
and call on the law of forgiveness
he can then consume all past creations
in the consuming flame and be free
you must be conscious that the flame is
the active presence of god doing the
the freedom of god is here in action
when you have a feeling to do a certain
constructive thing go ahead stick to it
and do it if the heavens fall
whether the manifestations comes now or
not should not enter into your
conscience at all
even when students only know a thing
they should not allow the mind to keep
recalling wrong conditions when they
know what this activity does to their
it is unbelievable that people will not
conquer this enemy in their
no student can ever gain the victory
until he stops turning back to the old
negative conditions he is trying to get
rid of
the whole work of a teacher is to get
some means and explanation over to the
student of the activity of acceptance
what the mind accepts is that which the
individual agrees with through his
by letting the two become one
when the mind accepts and agrees with a
thing or condition
the individual decrees it into his world
whatever you let the attention rest upon
you are agreeing with and accepting
because through the attention you have
let the mind become one with it
if an individual were to see a
rattlesnake coiled would he walk right
after to be struck well certainly not
yet this is what students are doing when
they let their attention turn back to
their troubles
such habits are only past momentum given
to specific quality
there are only two activities in life
and if you will not let the inner govern
according to its plan of perfection then
the other must
when a constructive picture is flash to
your mind it is a reality
when you recall it as a mental picture
and hold it again it calls forth the
one can become so aware of his own god
presence that at any time he can see and
feel its radiance pouring out to him
for things it does not want the outer
has all the confidence in the world
it is up to the student to compel it to
have the same confidence for the
perfection of god
that it has for the imperfection of the
the student must always rely on himself
he must always think
what can i do to intensify this activity
from the hints given
benediction mighty perfected ones
as we receive thy magic circle of
as we receive and are enfolded in thy
mighty opulent presence o master within
we accept fully the opulence made
manifest in our outer experience and use
we give praise and thanks for thy wisdom
and its use
we give praise and thanks that we have
the full strength to accept only thy
mighty active presence at all times
and to refuse acceptance to anything
unlike thee
discourse 2 october 6 1932
germain invocation
thou infinite all-pervading presence
thou mighty master within each human
we acknowledge and accept thy full
presence manifest within these forms and
within the human forms of every
individual that god has sent forth
we give praise and thanks that at last
we have become aware of this mighty
presence to whom we can turn and
recognize the fullness of god's activity
the i am of all things
greetings to you all
the discourse
when jesus said i am the resurrection
he gave forth one of the mightiest
utterances that can well be expressed
when he said i am
he did not refer to the outer expression
but he did refer to the mighty master
presence god within
because he repeatedly said
i of myself can do nothing
it is the father within the i am that
doeth the work
again jesus said i am the way
the life and the truth
giving recognition to the one and only
power god in action within him
again he said
i am the light that lighteth every man
that cometh into the world
prefacing every statement of vital
importance with the words
i am
contemplating i am as anything and
everything you wish to be
is one of the mightiest means of losing
the inner god power
love wisdom truth and setting it into
action in the outer experience
again let us refer to his mighty
utterance perhaps one of the greatest
ever spoken into the outer expression
i am the open door which no man can
do you not see how very vital this is
when you come to review understandingly
these mighty statements
when you recognize and accept fully i am
as the mighty presence of god in you in
you will have taken one of the greatest
steps to liberation
now mark you in the utterance of the
truth that i am the open door which no
man can shine
if you can but realize it
you have the key that allows you to step
through the veil of flesh
carrying with you all consciousness that
you have generated or accumulated which
is imperfect
and there are transmuted or in other
words raise it into the perfection into
which you've stamped
too much stress cannot be laid upon the
importance of contemplating as often as
possible the i am as the mighty active
presence of god in you
in your home and your world and your
every breath you breathe is god in
action in you
your ability to express or send forth
thought and feeling is god acting in you
you having free will
it is entirely up to you to qualify the
energy sent forth in your thought and
and determine how it shall act for you
no one can say
how shall i know how to qualify this
for everyone knows the difference
between destructive and constructive
thought feeling in action
the student in receiving instruction
should constantly analyze the motive
back of that question to detect if that
motive there is a fiend of intellectual
pride arrogance or stubbornness in the
outer minded body
if there is within the motive a lurking
desire to argue and prove the
instruction wrong
rather than receive the blessing and
truth intended
the individual has unknowingly shut the
door for the time being
to his ability to receive the good
again may i remind the students
regardless of their personal opinions as
to what the truth shall be
i have proven through many centuries
these condensed instructions have been
given forth
if one wants to receive the greatest
benefit possible
and the comprehensive that will be
absolute certain freedom and liberation
listen with an entirely open mind
with the consciousness that the i am the
active presence of god in you
is your certain ability to receive
accept and apply without limit the
instructions which is being given forth
with an accompanying radiance
which will enable certain students at
this time to comprehend these simple
yet mighty assertions of truth to their
great blessing and freedom
the admonition has been before humanity
through many centuries
you cannot serve two masters
why is this
first because there is only one
intelligence one presence
one power that can act and it is the
presence of god acting in you
when you turn to the outer manifestation
and give all kinds of expression and
appearance power
you are attempting to survey false
usurping master
because the outer expression can only
find an appearance through the use of
god's mighty energy
your ability to lift your hand
and the life flowing through the nervous
system of your outer form is god in
action in your body through your mind
dear students try to use this simple
means as a reminder of god in action in
when you start to go down the street
think for an instant
this is god's intelligence and power by
which i walk
and this is intelligence by which i know
where i am going
thus you will see that it is no longer
possible to go on without understanding
that every move you make is god in
every thought in your mind is god's
energy which enables you to think
when you know this is a fact and there
is no disputing it
why not adore give full confidence trust
in have faith in and accept this mighty
presence of god in action in you
instead of looking to the outer
expression which is clothed qualified
and colored by the outer or human
concept of things
regardless of the one mighty presence
which enables the outer to express
all outer form and its attendant
expression is but the experience life by
which each individual may learn
through his own experience the true
source of his being
and come again into the fullness of
through the self-conscious knowing us
the outer experience of life is but a
constant changing passing picture that
the outer mind is created in its
pretense imagination
of being the real actor
thus is the attention so constantly
fixed upon the outer which alone
contains imperfection
that the children of god have forgotten
their own divinity and must come back to
it again
god is the giver
the receiver and the gift
and is the sole owner of all the
intelligence substance energy and
opulence there is in the universe
if the children of god would learn to
give for the joy of giving whether it be
love money service or whatever it may be
they would open a door to such vast
opulence that would be impossible to
want for a single thing in the outer
the unfortunate thing in humanity which
has caused such rapid selfishness and
unprecedented condemnation of each other
is the idea of claiming ownership to
these wonderful blessings of god
for there is but one love acting one
intelligence power and substance and
that is god in every individual
the warning that should be placed before
every student and individual is to guard
against the desire of the outer self to
claim power of its own
if in every act of the personality god
were given full credit
transformations unbelievable cannot help
taking place in the one thus giving full
credit and power it belongs
there has rarely been a correct
understanding of supply and demand
there is positively abundant supply on
the present
but the demand for it
must be made before the law of the
universe permitted to become into the
expression and use of the individual
the individual having free will
must consciously with full determination
make the demand
and it cannot fail to come forth into
expression no matter what it is
so long as the individual holds an
unwavering determined consciousness
this simple statement used with sincere
i am the great opulence of god made
visible in my use right now and
will bring to the individual all he can
possibly use
the limiting element so many students
seem to be unaware of
is that they start declaring the truth
for instance as in the above statement
but before many hours have passed over
their heads if they were to analyze
themselves conscientiously
they would find in their feelings
lurking doubt or fear for both these are
naturally this neutralizes to a large
extent to constructive force that would
quickly bring about the fulfillment of
the desire or demand
once a student can become fully aware
that every right desire or wish is god
in action
propelling his energy forth the full
and is always self-sustained
he would become aware of the limitless
love power intelligence he has with
which to accomplish any given purpose
with this simple understanding
the word failure would be completely
wiped out from this world in a very
short time from his consciousness
because he would see that he was
wielding intelligence and power that
could not fail
thus students and individuals come into
their full dominion as god intends
it was never intended by the great
all-wise or loving father that any of
his children should want for a single
but because they allow their attention
to become fixed on the outer appearances
which is like the changing sounds of the
they have knowingly or annoyingly cut
themselves off to a large degree from
that great opulence and intelligence
this great opulence is their birthright
which everyone can have who will again
turn to the i am
the active principle of god forever
within himself
as the only source of active life
intelligence and opulence
all through the ages there have been
certain standards of conduct necessary
for the student who desires to reach
beyond certain attainments
this is the conserving and governing of
life force through the sex
for an individual who has been using
this energy without any thought of
government to suddenly say i will cease
this cut it off as it were without
understanding the correct attitude of
would be simply suppressing a flow of
energy which is caused to flow in the
wrong direction
any student who wishes to govern this
will find this simple statement the most
efficient if used understandingly of any
one particular thing that can be given
this will normally and naturally govern
the flow of life energy and bring it
back into its natural channels
it is the mighty statement of jesus
i am the resurrection and the life
this statement will not only purify the
thought but is the most powerful lifting
adjusting force that can be used for the
correction of this greatest of barriers
to the full height of spiritual
anyone who begins to feel the inner
impulse to correct this condition
and will use this statement earnestly
and continuously will raise this
marvelous current of energy to the
highest center in the brain as was
originally intended
he will find his mind flooded with the
most marvelous ideas with the abundance
sustaining power and ability coming into
expression and use for the blessing of
all mankind
i ask any student to try this and watch
the result in his own mind and body
feel deeply the statement of jesus
i am the resurrection and the life
repeated three times either silently or
audibly and notice the lifting of
consciousness which you will experience
there may be some who will need to try
this several times in order to feel the
amazing uplift that others will
experience the first trial
this will show you in a small way what
can be done by its continued use
there is only one means of overcoming or
rising out of anything and that is
after you know what it is you are to
rise out of
to take your outer attention completely
away from it fixing it firmly upon the
above statement
any condition and the outer experience
that one wishes to overcome can readily
be accomplished by the use of this
as well as using it to change the flow
of the misdirected energy
i had one student who felt the inner
impulse to redirect this mighty energy
and the use of the single statement
alone enabled her with little assistance
to raise her body
in one year a marvelous transformation
took place in her entire outer
it seems incredible that in the recorded
statements accredited jesus
which were only a part of what he really
gave forth
that so few of humanity would receive
the mighty import of these wonderful
words of wisdom
at no time in the history of the world
have so many mighty statements been
given as he taught
every one of these when conscientiously
used hold within at the attendant
radiance and accomplishment with which
he attained
you not only have this power of the i am
but his individual assistance also when
these statements are used
one should often contemplate the true
meaning of these mighty statements of
when once you understand that your
feeling and expression of i am sets the
mighty god power in you into action
without any limit
then you receive that upon which your
desire is fixed
it should be no trouble for the student
to see and understand that the outer
appearance is but man's distorted
by claiming the outer as a source of
when a moment's contemplation will cause
him to realize
that there is but one love intelligence
and power which can act and that is god
the human or outer defects or
discrepancies have nothing to do with
the omnipresent perfection of god
for anything imperfect is the creation
of the outer concept of mankind
if man will turn to the mighty i am
knowing that god is all perfection and
that all outer appearances but man's
creation through the misuse of the god
he will see it once that if he sincerely
contemplates and accepts the perfection
of god
he will cause to come in a manifestation
in his life and experience this same
mighty perfection
there is no possible means of bringing
his perfection into your mind body and
outer experience
except by knowing and accepting the
mighty active presence of god in you
such full recognition will cause this
inner power to propel this perfection of
god into your outer visible experience
say to students
i am putting forth as a messenger of
this truth statements of truth which
will positively produce results
if unwaveringly held to and used
students think things do not work
because they do a thing today and forget
it all next week
the desire for light and truth is the
presence of god in the desire
propelling itself forth into action
for illumination use the statement
i am the full comprehension and
illumination of this thing i want to
know and understand
the days your eyes are open to see some
of these marvelous ascended beings the
joy will last to eternity
if one does not take the attitude that i
have the ability to do this
he never in the world can accomplish the
thing he wishes to do
the moment you express i am the
resurrection and the life
in thought and feeling
it immediately turns all the energy of
your being to the center in the brain
which is the source of your being
you cannot overestimate the power in the
there is no limit to what you can do
with it
it was a statement that jesus used most
in his most difficult trials
always know that when you decree a
constructive thing it is god and you
propelling you to do it
it is the most foolish question
imaginable ask
have you proved this in your own
each individual has to prove it for
himself or will mean nothing to him
nothing ever really means anything to
anyone unless he uses it
the feeling carries with a certain
coexistent side
one often feels a thing with such
clearness that he really sees it from
the inner standpoint
as you enter the ascended state thought
feeling seen and colors are almost
simultaneously manifest
harmonious sound is quiet
that is why ravishing music is the most
quieting its effect while bombastic
music is just the opposite
thou mighty majestic conquering i am
we give praise and thanks for the
comprehension of thee as god acting in
and with thy mighty presence and
cause us to feel the mighty import of
thy mighty truth and wondrous presence
when we contemplate the let the mighty
radiance fill us with thy comprehending
conscience to know and apply thy
assertions of truth more and more
we give praise and thanks for thy mighty
perfection and truth for all those who
look unwaverly to thee
discourse 3
october 10 1932
saint germain
thou infinite all-pervading presence
with thy mighty radiance surging forth
throughout the atmosphere of earth we
give praise and thanks for the unrushing
christ power of love and wisdom with
which no uncertainty is raising the
conscious of mankind above the sordid
selfishness of the activity of the outer
we give praise and thanks that we have
become conscious of thy mighty active
presence of all times and that in the
conscious recognition of thee
thou dost change our minds and bodies
without pure presence forever
i bring greetings from the radiant host
to you all
the discourse
from within the radiance of the great
electronic belt i am projecting this
from the heart of the golden city the
twin rays come forth upon which are the
speech the light and the sound
the time is rapidly unfold as when we
must be more aware of the great
electronic belts encompassing all
creation from the godhead to the
the etheric belt around the golden city
is impenetrable far more so than a wall
of many feet of steel would be
so in a lesser degree may the individual
with sufficient comprehension of the
active principle of the god self
surround himself with electronic belt or
which he may qualify in any manner he
may choose
but will be unto the individual who
qualifies it destructively
if anyone should be foolish enough to do
this he would find this belt of
electronic force closing in upon his own
outer form and it would be consumed
but those who with wisdom build and
qualify for god's mighty love and
constructive power will find themselves
moving in a world untouched by the
ignorance of mankind
the cosmic period has arrived when those
who have attained a certain degree of
understanding must create
apply and use this wondrous electronic
every creation that is self-conscious
has this circle of pure electronic force
about it naturally
but to a large degree its forces on
govern therefore dissipated
in consciously creating this mighty ring
of pure electronic force you stop all
leaks in the generation of this
limitless essence
and hold it in reserve for conscious use
and direction
after a few months of this conscious
creative activity of and within this
electronic ring
one will need to be very careful in
loosing or directing this force in any
manner except by divine love
in the beginning of man's
he was naturally surrounded by this
magic circle
but as the consciousness was lowered
more and more
rents were made in this great circle of
force causing leaks as it were
until it has almost entirely disappeared
this however was not a conscious
creation of the individual but was a
natural enfolding circle
now students of the light must go to
work with no uncertainty and consciously
create this electronic belt about
visualizing it perfect with no rents or
breaks in its construction
thus it will be possible to consciously
reach within the electronic belt of the
and there receive limitless wisdom
love light and the application of simple
laws by which all creative power is
while the student is admonished to look
always and never forget it to his own
god self which is the creator of his
yet never has there been a single
attainment in which there has not been
given the assistance of those still in
their being but the one god
the one presence and his all-powerful
then the more advanced than the other is
but more of the god-self in action
in this recognition you will understand
why you can feel
i am here and i am there
for there is but the one god self
when the student can once understand
that the ascended host of masters are
but the more advanced consciousness
then he will begin to feel the
unquestionable possibilities within his
whether he speaks to the godhead direct
to one of the ascended masters of light
or to his own god self in reality it
makes no difference for all our one
until one does reach the state of
consciousness it does make a difference
for the individual is almost certain to
feel a division of oneself which is not
possible to be made
except in the ignorance of the outer
activity of the mind
when the student thinks of the outer
he should at all time be aware that it
is but the outer activity of the one
intelligence guarding himself at all
times against trying to divide in his
own consciousness this
mighty god power centered in him
again i must remind you that this
limitless mighty power of god cannot
intrude its wondrous powers into your
outer use
except by your invitation
there's only one kind of invitation that
can reach it and loose it and that is
your feeling of deep devotion and love
when one is generated about himself as
electronic belt or ring
there is no power that can penetrate it
except divine love
it is only your conscience of divine
love that can penetrate within this
great inner blazing belt of the godhood
through which the godhood sends back to
you its great outpouring mark you
through his messengers
transcendent beings so far surpassing
anything of your present conception
that is not possible in words to convey
to you the majesty of the love
wisdom and power of these great ones
at this point let me again remind you
that the student who will dare to do and
be silent will find himself lifted into
the transcendent radiance of this inmost
then by experience in seeing will he
comprehend this of which i have spoken
the soul who is strong enough to clothe
itself in its armor of divine love and
go forward will find no obstruction
for there is not but your present
consciousness and this mighty
transcendent in their sphere to obstruct
the approach of divine love
when you have touched and seen within
this inner circle
you will then understand how imperfect
is the present expression divine love
once one becomes consciously aware of
these great spheres to which he may
he will find himself fearlessly reaching
deeper and deeper within the radiance of
this mighty intelligent hub of the
universe from which all worlds all
creation have proceeded
there are among you strong dauntless
fearless souls who will understand this
and be able to use it with great
blessing to themselves and others
there are those who will understand and
see that the presence which beats each
heart is god in action
that the activity sending the
circulation to the body's god
that the essence charging forward to
vitalize the outer form
is god in action
then o beloved students awake to this
do you not see how great a mistake it is
to sink under the ignorance of the outer
feeling pain distress and disturbance
all created by the ignorance and
activity without herself
when a few moments of earnest
contemplation will cause one to realize
that you can be but one presence
one intelligence one power acting in
your mind and body
and that is god
you see how simple yet powerful is this
conscious within you to loose the full
recognition of the great pure activity
of god into your mind and body
and to let its wondrous transcendent
essence feel full to overflow in every
it seems to me beloved students that you
cannot fail to grasp the simplicity of
your true god self acting in you
ever turn to it praising it loving it
demanding and commanding to surge forth
into every cell of your body
into every demand of the other activity
in the home and your affairs in business
when your desire is sent forth clothed
in the god presence power intelligence
it cannot fail
it must bring to you that which you
desire desire is but a lesser activity
of decreeing
decreeing is and should be the
recognition of the accomplished desire
beloved students do forever put away any
fear of the use of this great power
you know without being told that if you
misuse it you will experience in harmony
if you use it constructively it will
bring such blessing untold that you can
but give praise and thanksgiving for the
moment when you awaken to the fact
that this limitless power is omnipresent
ever awaiting your conscious direction
the individual who said that you cannot
add one cubic to your height by your
thought has stifled the activity and
progress of the individual
for thought and feeling are the creative
power of god in action
the uncontrolled ungoverned use of
thought and feeling has brought about
all kinds of discord sickness and
few however believe this
and keep going on and on and continually
creating by their ungoverned thought and
desire chaos in their world
when they could as easily as a breath
face about using their thought
constructively with the motive power of
divine love
and build for themselves a perfect
paradise within the period of two years
even physical science has given proof
that the body or outer form completely
renews itself within a few months
then you must see that with the
conscious understanding and application
of the true law of your being
how easy it is to cause perfection to
manifest in your entire body and every
organ to keep it in perfect normal
in a short time it would not be possible
for inharmony to enter your thought or
o children reaching to the light this
great privilege is the open door of god
before you
which none may shut but yourself
none may obstruct or interfere with but
fearlessly use your god-given dominion
and power and be free
you cannot attain and hold this perfect
freedom except through consciously
applied knowledge
now i shall give you a secret that if
understood by the angry or discord
individual would tear him or her from
that destructive activity
even from a purely selfish standpoint
the angry condemning person who sends
out destructive thought
feeding or speech to another who is
poised in his own god power
receives back to himself the quality
with which he charged his power
while the poised person receives the
energy which serves him in which he
automatically qualifies by his own poise
thus the creator of discord
through anger and condemnation
is consciously destroying himself his
world of activity and his affairs
here is a vital point students should
when one consciously reaches within the
inner electronic circle of god he makes
his outer expression activity a channel
for the ceaseless outpouring of the pure
essence from the godhead
this in itself
even though he be entirely silent in the
outer expression
is one of the greatest services to
which but few not ascended are aware of
what it means to mankind
the one reaching within the electronic
circle becomes a continual outpouring
and this very radiation alone is a
tremendous blessing to all mankind
thus eon after eon have there been those
unselfish messengers of god
through whom was poured forth the
blessings of those not understanding the
uplifting presence of this surging
when there is one or more found who can
be an outpouring for this great weld up
presence it is likened under the first
trickling of a leak in a dam
as the consciousness is held steady and
and as the rent in the dam increases
greater volume of water comes forth
for at last all obstruction is swept
away and the whole force back of it is
poured forth into use
unlike the water dammed up the rushes
forward dissipating itself because it is
without direction
the god power thus loosed goes direct to
the channel of consciousness more
and there builds itself up
awaiting the opportunity to rush forward
more and more
thus the student of light aside from his
activity in dispensing the truth
becomes as the word artesian well from
the depth of which flows its mighty
essence of god
the students should at all times
remember that no matter what their
mistakes may have been
god never criticizes nor condemns them
but at every stumble which is made in
that sweet loving voice says
arise my child and try again and keep on
trying till the last you've attained the
true victory and freedom of your
god-given dominion
always when one has been conscious of
having made a mistake
his first act should be to call on law
forgiveness and demand wisdom and
strength not to make the same mistake a
second time
god being all love
must have infinite patience
and no matter how many mistakes one may
have made he can always once again arise
and go under the father
such is the love and freedom within
which god's children are privileged to
there is only one
mighty invincible evolving process
and that is through the power of
consciously generating divine love
love being the hub of all life
the more we enter and use it consciously
the more easily and quickly we release
this mighty power of god
which is always standing as a damned up
force waiting to find an open in our own
consciousness by which it can project
for the first time in many centuries the
searchlights or rays from the golden
city over the sahara desert
are set into active operation over
america and the earth
there may be some individuals who will
see these rays not knowing what they
are mankind need no longer think that
personalities can continue to generate
their destructive forces and long
those who can use this knowledge of the
electronic circle should no longer be
deprived of its benefit give it fourth
and the warning with it
use a statement
i am the fulfilled activity and
sustaining power of every constructive
thing i desire
use it as a general statement
for the sustaining powers and everything
that there is
i am here and i am there
in whatever you want to accomplish is a
splendid way to feel that you are using
the one activity
and you thus rise above the
consciousness of separation
almighty ones of the golden city
glorified are we and thy wondrous
privileged are we in the use of thy
great rays
blessed are we in the conscious
recognition of thy mighty presence
enfold us forever in thy transcendent
discourse number four october 13th 1932
saint germain
thou mighty consuming flame of god we
bow before thy mighty majestic power
we rejoice in thy directing wisdom
we rejoice in thy presence in the heart
of every one of god's messengers
that go forth to direct his service and
energy to the blessing of mankind
we give praise and thanks that thy
presence has changed the tide of things
and that thou art is always the mighty
governing intelligence
we give praise and thanks that thy
consuming fire and thy creative activity
dwelling in the heart of every one of us
are ready to be loosed by the conscious
desire to action
we give praise and thanks that thou art
the consuming presence everywhere
that i am there and i am here
and i am the power that makes all things
i am the majestic presence
i am the conquering power
i am thy mighty energy thy consuming
flame each hour
i bring greetings to you all from the
heart of the crate of fire
the discourse
the creed of fire that i am is the flame
of god his master presence anchored in
the heart of every one of god's children
while in some it is but a spark yet with
the right touch that spark can be fanned
into a crate of fire and consuming flame
this mighty presence god in its myriad
is the omnipresent activity that all may
use without limit
if they only will dismiss from their
recognition the outer appearance
which is but an appearance and take
their attention away from that which has
bound them through endless years
today the scepter of power and authority
stands in the atmosphere before the
single eye of every advancing student
at first they may reach up mentally and
take the scepter of authority
using it in this way until before they
are scarcely aware of it they will find
it tangible and visible in their use of
it is no idle promise that those seeking
the light may again receive this
when we go through a footpath in the
forest we know may return to the same
way if we wish but we must make the
so after hundreds of years of search in
the outer for power and authority we
find that anything that seems to be so
as but a shifting sand and tomorrow may
be gone
by the rejoicing acceptance of your god
dominion you may step firmly upon the
sure foundation of the rock of truth
which is god
and from which no outer disturbance can
ever shake you
once you know from actual experience
students of truth wonder why they cannot
hold a firm anchor in their decision to
hold fast to the god presence which is
their dominion
they do not analyze their outer
expression to see what is lurking there
to cause disturbance question and doubt
but for those who will take the
authority which is theirs and probe deep
into their motives
it will be so easy to pluck out the
tires from the golden grain and soon be
free from the disturbance
that causes them to doubt themselves in
the very presence of god which beats
their heart
when students will be honest enough with
themselves and their god
the i am presence to pluck out by the
roots anything that is causing
disturbance within them
and be able to feel the mighty light and
radiance of the great god self
they will require little effort in
losing the great i am presence in love
and intelligence
which is an ever sustaining power and
strength assurance or whatever they may
in order to hold their feet firm upon
the rock of truth
which is one of the great jewels in
god's kingdom
its dazzling radiance will unfold them
upon the slightest invitation
all students of today hold fast to this
mighty presence which beats your hearts
whose life flows through your veins
whose energy flows through your mind
you have free will and can qualify and
bless it to it your perfection or
always remember that through your
failure to turn to this mighty presence
by which you find you have created in
harmony disorder
you must give yourselves ample time to
gain the full recognition of this mighty
power and give it full activity in your
do not become impatient because things
do not work out as rapidly as you would
like them to
they can only work according to the
speed of your acceptance and the
intensity of your feeling
the mighty energy that surges through
your mind into your body is the pure
electronic energy of god the mighty i am
if your thought is joyously held upon
your god-self as a source of your being
in life
that pure electronic energy continues to
act unabated
uncontaminated by human discordant
but knowingly or unknowingly if you let
your thought begin to gather from the
discord by which it is so often
you change the color and quality of this
radiant pure energy
it must act and you are the one who
shall choose how it shall act to you
don't ever think that you can get away
from the simple fact
it is an immutable law of god and no
human being can change it
students must understand and maintain
this attitude if they wish to make
steady progress
i tell you beloved students you may rage
and doubt and fear and rebel all you
please at self-correction
but it is the open door to your mighty
illumination and freedom from all
limitation in the outer world of
there are a great many students when
they come to a certain point of
where all the results of their activity
are revealed to them
and they look upon the many mistakes
that have been made which must be
corrected become despondent critical and
condemnatory to themselves in god
this is a great mistake again
everything that is revealed to them in
which they find they have been making
mistakes should make them rejoice
that the things are revealed which need
knowing that god is the power to think
then they know they have the power to
correct this and to joyfully set to work
to do so
the power of god's life which beats
their hearts is absolute proof that they
have the intelligence and power of god
within them by which they may dissolve
and consume all the mistakes and discord
and creation that they have consciously
or unconsciously drawn about them
they may say to this undesirable
i am the mighty consuming flame
that now and forever consumes all past
and present mistakes their cause and
and all undesirable creation for which
my outer is responsible
it seems so strange that students seem
to have such difficulty in fixing the
anchorage and recognition of the
limitless power they are willing when
they say i am
when the intellect which is the outer
activity knows this
then the students should intensify with
all their power by the intense feeling
of the truth of this
then they would find greatly added speed
and power in their active use
i tell you dear students you have come
to a time when you can use this power
with great authority to free yourself
from the chain of limitations of bound
you so long
set a body with joyous determination to
put your house in order
if you were going to have a
distinguished guest i doubt not that you
would spend days working earnestly
cleaning washing polishing preparing for
the gas
how much more important it is to prepare
for this great prince of love and peace
the prince of consuming fire that dwells
within you and controls the element of
when one thinks of oramasus prince of
the fiery element it is the flame of
creed of fire within that it is calling
to him for assistance in the quickening
of this creative power
and brings results unimaginable
there has been no time in my memory when
there was so much natural assistance at
hand for the students of light for his
use as theirs at this time
and the students who take advantage of
this with joy's intensity
when you speak in the name power and
authority of the mighty i am
you are releasing limitless energy to do
your bidding to fulfill your desire
why longer allow doubt and fear to be
set you when
i am the open door which no man can shut
into the great opulence of god
waiting surging to press forward to heal
to bless and to prosper abundantly
dare to be to feel to use this mighty
authority god in you
beloved students do you not realize that
you can express perfection by taking
your determined stand with sufficient
intensity that
i am the mighty electronic energy
flowing through
filling and renewing every cell of my
mind and body right now
do you not see with sufficient intensity
of this
in a few minutes or hours you could
dispel any disturbing condition in the
mind or body
and allow that mighty pure energy to do
its work uncolored unaffected by any
discordant element in your own thought
you can renew any nerve
any organ and build any member of the
body into its perfection almost
why not feel this apply it and as you
begin to experience the remarkable
your confidence will leap into its
perfect activity
and your mind will have all confidence
in its mighty presence and power and its
omnipresent limitless use
when there is a seeming lack of energy
take your determined joyous stand
i am the mighty presence of this alert
radiant energy
surging through my mind and body
dismissing everything unlike itself
i take my stand in this alert radiant
energy and joy for all time
you can pass this pure energy through
your mind and body as i would pass my
hand down before you
at first because you do not seem to feel
any great magnetic electronic force pass
over you
does not in any way indicate that you
have not received this mighty energy
which you have commanded with authority
to flow through your mind and body
one may say the same thing to his
affairs it may not be according to his
desire for perfect expression
the student can stand call forth the
mighty presence of the i am
send it forth into his business and
commanded to consume everything unlike
and replace all with the mighty
perfection of god
which i am
commanded to be self-sustained
and cause that perfection to manifest
his unceasing authority and power
and cleanse his world in every
discordant thing for i am the supreme
authority god in action
one does not need to do this when any
tension or the extent that he creates
tension in the action of the body
but he can rise in the supremacy and
dignity of the authority of god
and cleanse everything needing it
in doing this one need not speak in a
loud voice but in a very low masterful
stand in the room by yourself and
i am master of my world
i am the victorious
intelligence governing it i send forth
into my world this mighty radiant
intelligent energy of god
i commanded to create all perfection
to draw to me the opulence of god made
visible in my hands and use
i am no longer the babe of christ but
the master presence groaned a full
stature and i speak in a command with
thus one may consume the mistakes and
imperfection he may have created and in
the authority of the i am
recreate immediately the perfection he
know that it is constantly
so long as you do not intrude upon it to
discord an activity of your thought and
i want so much to have you feel that you
are the only authority in this world or
any other so far as your world is
do not ever fear that the perfecting of
your world is going to disfigure anyone
else's world so long as your intent is
not to harm anyone
it does not matter that the world about
you says or how much they try to intrude
upon their doubts fears and
limitations you are the supreme
authority in your world
and all you have to do is to say when
you are beset by these conditions
i am
the mighty
magic circle of protection about me that
is invincible
and repels for me every discordant
thought and element which seeks to find
entrance or intrude itself
i am the perfection of my world and it
is self-sustained
oh beloved ones it is no longer
necessary to wonder waver and question
i am the authority
go on dare to be and use this authority
of god which is expressing in the i am
of everything
why not be fearless
you've been wanting the presence of the
great ascended ones
i am the visible presence of those
greatly beloved ascended masters whom i
wish to have appeared here to me and
whose assistance i desire
you have come to the point where you can
dismiss all discord from your mind
fill your minds with this pure
electronic essence and no discord can
so long as you keep it filled with this
i tell you again
you are the authority in your world
and if your thought is filled with this
essence then no discord will touch it
we are going to take this authority and
use it clear away all discord and
declare with no uncertainty
i am the supremacy of man
everywhere i go i am
god in action
mighty crate of fire we give praise and
thanks for thy great omnipresence today
to heal to bless and to prosper
enter into the hearts of mankind with
thy creative presence and genius and let
the full divine justice of thy supremacy
reign throughout the land in all
official places
see that all authorities in the hands of
thy trained and trusted messengers that
they may govern fully all governmental
offices on america and be ever divinely
sustained that america be healed
blessed and forever prosper
that all sinister influence be consumed
and forever repel from within the
borders of america
discourse notes
the host of angels rejoice at the return
of the wanderer who has come back home
who has sought authority so long in the
outer and found only husks
after his energies wasted he comes back
and there is the fountain to recharge
rebuild them against all the
discrepancies called old age
thus you can stand forth renewed again
in the fullness of youth and power for
such is the way of life god's life
it keeps the most marvelous vibratory
action expressing for each one to speak
it is perfectly wonderful if you could
see the interaction of it
let each one enter into the happiness
and love of perfect obedience and
liberate the great power of god
if one just lets go of the outer and
enters into the inner every discord
let's go at once
etheric cities
over the principal deserts there are
etheric cities
over the arizona desert is the etheric
city in america there is one over the
sahara and one over the gobi
the one over brazil is the etheric city
for south america
humanity should know and be made to
realize it again again and again
the inhabitants of cities pass out
through so-called death
and re-embody in that same place
because attachments have been formed and
draw them back into the same environment
the student who has to re-embody should
take the command that
the next time i will be born into a
family of great light
this would open the door to great speed
and its progress
discourse 5 october 17 1932
saint germain
thou mighty infinite presence thou all
pervading healing presence descend and
do thy work
thou mighty infinite intelligence give
forth by confidence and strength
fill the mind and body of each one with
iranian presence
fill every cell with thy radiant
presence prove thy presence in my
conquering mastering power
mighty master presence within each one
come forth erase this outer human self
and hold thy dominion now and forever
there is but one intelligence presence
essence and love and this thou art
pour forth thy radiance to these outer
cloaks of flesh and command by
perfection to thus be manifest and
i bring you greetings from the great
host ever shedding their radiance and
take the command i am the pure
electronic essence that fills my mind
and body and i broke nothing else
god in you as master of all conditions
at all times say often
i am always the victorious presence of
the mighty i am
feel the mighty current of electronic
essence fill your mind and body erasing
instantly all in harmonious activity
and giving you the consciousness of
mastery and victory
command divine presence pour thy
radiance to this mind and body and see
that thy wisdom directs always in every
outer activity
the discourse
let us be conscious of the healing
radiance filling this home
the great need today is the healing of
the nations and of individuals
as the individual is given assistance
through the outpouring of electronic
energy through the mind and body and
filling every cell
so an expanded degree is the nation
treated likewise
the nation is a great body of
individuals and of nature's creations
we have the same power
being the individualized presence of god
then we know i am everywhere present
and when my consciousness takes on this
expansion i know its energy leaps into
action everywhere
in the cells of the body of the world as
well as in the body of the individual
we must come to know that the active
presence of god all-powerful is
everywhere present
that there's not a single nook nor
corner anywhere that the active presence
of god is not
that this active presence seizes and
binds all human creation and consumes
instantly everything of an inharmonious
and undesirable nature
with the use of the electronic belt
surrounding the individual he must
understand that he can make this an
absolutely invincible protection through
its protection divine wisdom acts
repelling everything through our
conscious actions that shall not be
taken into the system
and that this omnipresent wisdom and
intelligence is always prompting us to
refuse acceptance of anything into the
either through feeling thought or food
that wouldn't any wise disturb its
harmonious activity
the natural activity of the currents of
life play everywhere like the play of a
the outer activity should at all times
be an invitation to the receptivity of
the currents of life which are pure
cosmic energy and which are ever flowing
to the atmosphere of the earth
it is true that where there are
conditions to dance for it to penetrate
it goes over under them so to speak and
finds its way onward just the same
every individual since the beginning of
this year should come to understand that
he is walking and moving constantly
within the reach of mighty healing
through the power of cyclopea
the secret lost star and the rays from
the golden city
currents of healing force of tremendous
power are consciously directed through
the atmosphere of earth
these you will understand by their very
nature being the energy of god in action
are therefore self-sustained
the consciousness in the individual of
their presence will enable him to
contact these rays at any time
students who have a feeling of
patriotism and who wish to help the
nation should take the stand that these
healing currents reach not only
but carry into conditions environment
and official places like an intelligent
and are doing the work for the
protection and uplift of the children of
earth not heretofore set into such
powerful actions since the creation of
this planet
the more individuals become truly and
sincerely conscious of this operation
the more can they become mighty
messengers of assistance in this most
unusual work
through the conscious manifestation of
the mental forces back of the communist
is the sinister influence with which we
are dealing in the outer world's
those who wish to be true messengers
will meditate upon this idea until they
have grasped the full import of it
they will use their conscious effort
knowing that these currents of consuming
electronic energy consciously directed
to the atmosphere of the earth cannot be
interfered with
and that in every sincere conscious
effort of the individual
in his desire to give his assistance
there will flow a consciousness of this
energy that he is not hitherto possessed
sometimes there are individuals of such
a nature that while wonderfully kind and
the sudden consciousness they need to
let go of certain kinds of food or other
activity is a sort of shock to them
i would say to these individuals that
the divine intelligence in each one will
cause them to naturally let go of the
things not in accordance with his great
presence at every step of the way when
it is necessary
in order for an individual to
consciously let go of a thing
he must have something that he feels is
stronger to which he can anchor
as students become conscious of this
the confidence and strength will come to
them to take the step
as i suggested once before i would
consciously at least once or more a day
stand on the floor and charge the home
with this pure electronic energy and
keep it charged
so that god's very presence will keep
out of the home food thought any kind of
presence and everything that is not in
accordance with the desires here
i would suggest that whenever you find
someone is coming you take the
i am the pure radiance of divine love
in folding these individuals
and this garment enfolds them when they
come and when they leave
when you are conscious of this you
clothe them and they will wear this
garment into the home and out of it
and for them it will be a sustaining
those who come into your home are
deserving of assistance
and this will enable them to receive the
full assistance they desire and you will
love to give
no matter how great the knowledge
attained we at no time ever have the
right to force either the knowledge or
the discipline upon anyone
only as students apply what they hear
and receive can they ever know the
when you say i am
you acknowledge the power that breaks
down all barriers and conditions of
this human self is just like a starving
line in the jungle
it will tear anything to get what it
wants to eat in this state the human
consciousness will tear its best friend
to pieces to get its own way
in any astral element there is that
human desire element through which
unless one shuts his mind entirely to
the astral world will constantly find
himself interrupted in a good decision
because he has left that door open to a
force far more subtle and has ever found
the outer world
many think they are good forces in the
astral world
i tell you
no good force ever comes from the astral
any good force that seems to come from
there must come through it
but it makes its own tunnel of life
through which it comes
in the first place what makes the astral
there is only one place where the
undesirable creation can find a home
and that is the next step to the human
activity which is the astral realm
this realm of astral activity has within
it all undesirable creation accumulated
through the centuries
therefore it is easy to see at once that
no good comes from any contact with the
astral realm
it has nothing in it whatsoever of the
there is a wider difference between the
astral realm of activity and what some
call the star astral as there is in
between light and darkness
however the so-called star astral is
again misunderstood
it is not really called star astria
it really is an activity not a realm
and it is from the fourth sphere
the star estrella is a cosmic being
whose work it is to consume all possible
within the astral realm
and to reach individual whose attention
seems to be drawn there
this great being will sooner or later
clear the understanding of such
individuals and consume their desire for
any contact with that unhappy realm
no little children remain in the astra
the home of children who leave the earth
is in the etheric realm
people who are in the body are on the
same sphere when they sleep as the
there is a sustaining consciousness of
the i am presence
which if one goes forth with it on going
to sleep
through that sustaining power one can
reach unbelievable heights
if you have the consciousness through
the outer expression of this i am
presence and you take this cuts with you
as you go into the other realms it is a
sustaining presence that is unbelievable
there is an activity in the experienced
life that demands the conscious
and use of the i am presence of god in
when you take that conscience with you
through the veil of sleep
the soul is able to function out of the
body with almost limitless power
suppose there is a seeming need in the
physical activity
before going to sleep we can say this
through the mighty power and
intelligence which i am
i go forth while my body sleeps
make conscious contact with
and abundantly fulfill this requirement
no matter what it is
knowing that this activity is
self-sustained it cannot fail in any way
it is a mighty way of setting the motion
the i am presence
whatever the i am commands while the
body sleeps must be obeyed
i knew of one instance of this kind when
there was need of protection
the one using it had a certain
consciousness of this presence
the individual was falling over a cliff
and this i am presence instantly built
up a form caught the individual and took
them back to safety
when one enters the conscious path and
goes into any environment where there
might be danger
one should always do some quick definite
work on his protection
for until one raises the body he is
always functioning more or less where he
is contacting the outer thought of
if the student be climbing the mountains
he must do conscious protective work
he must do the protective work and do it
if the student will always keep up his
conscious protection he will be able to
avoid the instruction of other
steamship protection
god is the almighty power protecting and
directing the steamship
therefore it moves in a zone of absolute
on the conscious path you must be up in
an action at all time
there are some who might think this is a
suggestion of fear but it is not it is
recognition of the omnipresent
protective power
automobiles god is all seen and all
knowing sees ahead will naturally avoid
undesirable contact
when you say god is driving this car
the vision of god goes ahead sees blocks
and miles ahead
and the prompting will come to go to the
street which is clear
because god is driving a car our path is
unobstructed in every way
there are two reasons why students have
first because they have become angry and
open the door
second because the student is laying
down on the job
whenever we do a thing with a positive
dynamic attitude it gives confidence to
the outer and it cannot fail
to project an electronic belt around
another say i am the protective
electronic belt around
and when you say i am the protective
ring or belt
it means that the electronic belt is
instantly formed invincible
realize that when you say i am
whatever is commanded is all powerfully
instantly done
you cannot use the i am presence without
having instantaneous activity
often say
i am the omnipresent
all-powerful protected intelligence
governing this mind and body
it is instantly omnipresent there in
action when you say i am
the i am which is everywhere present is
at that point doing the work that moment
this is the way you set into action by
the most direct means the all-powerful
action of the i am which is all in all
constantly remind the outer
consciousness that when you say i am
you have set into action all the
attributes of the godhead
you are now at a point when you should
have instantaneous activity
when you say i am in any condition
it means that instant action is taking
place there by the greatest power in the
the moment you become conscious that i
am is the full activity of god
containing all the attributes of the
you do that moment have the full use of
this mighty power
use often
i am the presence producing this master
get the consciousness of the mighty
presence you are calling forth when you
are using that i am i have always loved
to specify what i wanted to do
if i want health in my body i say
i am the presence charging this body
with pure electronic energy
when you say i am the ascension of this
physical body right now
then you have accepted and entered into
that action right now
when you are striving for the light in
unlimited action you are striving for
the greatest thing in the world
fill your world with the presence which
i am
and when you do this feel you are doing
it consciously
if one will take the consciousness i am
the perfect activity of every organ and
cell of my body
then it must manifest
you have but to be conscious of this and
it must be
use often
i am perfect health now manifest in
every organ of my body
put your confidence in your i am instead
of something
suppose you want great intelligent
activity say
i am the perfect intelligent activity in
this body
you cannot do this looking to something
to clear the mind eyes and ears
i am the perfect intelligence active in
this brain
i am the perfect sight looking through
these eyes
i am the perfect hearing to these ears
go up these treatments with
determination and they cannot fail
you have the range now use them
avoid all use of words that seem to be
the reminder of limited conditions
when you are conscious of the i am you
don't care what in the world does
you must not be concerned about anything
but your world
for squaring the circle use the i am
pay no attention to what anyone says
just say specifically what you want to
say again and again
i am the only presence acting in this
say i am the only presence acting in my
for finding things
i am the intelligence in all seen i
which finds this
you'll be amazed at the feeling it grows
within when you do not have to look to
anything but the i am
wipe out of your mind everything but the
conscious operation of the i am
for it is the most potent power possible
get the sense of ease about producing
these seeming miracles
suppose you want to loom in a room say
i am the illumination of this room
then you act upon the electrons in this
room the illuminating of the atmosphere
of the room is as easy as raising your
your ability to illuminate a room is
just as easy as physically illuminated
through the electric lamp
you can just as easily plug into the
universal current of electricity is to
the wires
to make visible the illumination within
your own body say
i am the visible illumination to this
body now
right within yourself as a focal point
the i am in you created everything in
the universe
when you enter into the confidence of
the i am
it will soon do away with all
use often i am the consuming power and
presence of every bit of fear doubt and
questioning in my outer activity
concerning this invincible activity the
i am
keep this up and you will always know
instantly what to do
you can take this and use it and must
remove every obstacle to the i am
when you operate consciously you know
positively it is done
the consciousness of an individual
clothes the form with that individual's
own concepts of it
when these are drawn about an individual
who has generated a certain energy
they impose upon him nothing but the
things in his own world
whenever you feel a sudden joy impulse
grasp and use it in decree
thou mighty infinite intelligence
we give praise and thanks for thy mighty
comprehension and mighty manifestation
the conscience of those presence
we give praise and thanks that i am the
perfect understanding operation
and that i am everywhere present
performing all required to be done
i am the illumination of everyone who
looks to me
i am the radiant intelligent activity in
the minds of all mankind
i am the master acting in the brain of
everyone on humanity
causing divine love
justice peace harmony perfection to
manifest to our beloved america
discourse 6 october 20th 1932
saint germain
thou mighty infinite presence
creator of all that he is always
majestic in thy conquering presence we
give power only to thee
we forever withdraw all power we've ever
given to other things and stand serene
in my majestic presence love wisdom and
knowing that i am here and i am there
and i am everywhere
then i am serene in my mystic presence
manifesting thy love wisdom power and
that i have thy foresight and see far
beyond human possibilities
i give praise and thanks that i now and
acknowledge and accept only thy mighty
victorious presence in all things
in my life my world my mind and my body
i give praise that i have placed above
each form my magic circle invincible
impenetrable to anything unlike thee
i stand guard over my life body mind
world and affair that nothing manifest
unlike thee
we thank thee
discourse reminding the outer activity
the outer consciousness that when i say
i am
using the infinite god power
when i say i am i have set this power
into motion to successfully accomplish
whatever the idea is
which has been held in consciousness
sincere students should not forget this
for a single hour until the truth
becomes so fixed in the outer activity
that it automatically acts
therefore you will see how perfectly
ridiculous it is to say i am sick i am
financially embarrassed
or that there seems to be a lack of
i tell you that you cannot possibly be
affected if you will hold fast to this
idea then use it
when you seem to have a cold you do not
need to be told to use a handkerchief
then why do you need to be reminded that
the outer activity is but one power by
which to move itself about
and that is the i am presence god in you
the unfortunate thing about sincere
students is that they will not meditate
often enough upon this truth for its
marvelous presence to come into activity
know that i am
the majestic victorious presence
filling all official places
and know it with certainty in your mind
if any of the students will sincerely
take hold and use this
such a one will be blessed for doing so
guard yourself in the outer contact
constantly that you do not unknowingly
accept the appearance of things or the
fear of a so-called financiers
god governs your world your home your
business and that is all with which you
are concerned
do not ever fear that you are running a
muck with your imagination when you
sense and feel the nearness of the full
manifestation of the mighty
individualized presence
believe in the mighty presence as whole
in its embrace everything in this world
that you can desire or use
you are not dependent on the other
with the joys entering into this mighty
power and presence which contains all
do you not see how you would be provided
for if everything were cut loose
i want you to feel
joyously accept
and with all your being know that the
power of precipitation is no myth it is
those who enter into this feeling deep
enough will have the precipitation of
anything they want
children have been chastised for seeing
angelic beings that for manifesting an
inner perception
it is the parent of that child who
should be chastised and well at that for
daring to interfere with the god-given
freedom of that child
if grown-ups would live more in the
conscious imagining acceptance of these
mighty and great presences of whose very
existence most of humanity doubts
they would feel their presence in
uplifting sustaining intelligence
my beloved ones if suddenly we find
ourselves needing courage or strength
i am they're surging forth supplying
this instantly
if i need harmony in my mind or body
then i am there
supplying it instantly i do not need to
do not give a thought to the world or
individuals who not understand these
go right on rejoicing in the visible
active presence precipitated into your
life and use on whatever you wish
our outer common sense so-called must
tell us that unless we expect accept and
rejoice in the presence of a thing we
how in the name of god can we expect to
have it
the poor insignificant outer self struts
itself about saying
i am too important to give attention to
these childlike fairy stories
well let me say to you that one day the
individuals who say this will only be
glad to listen to those fairy stories
and fill their minds with those ideas
that they may come forth
in every instance and the outer contact
of the world of business
whenever there is a negative condition
that seems to touch your world in any
instantly take your firm stand
i am the precipitation and visible
presence of whatever i desire
and no man can interfere with it
this is a mighty truth
when i speak of precipitation this
matter i do not only mean through the
invisible but through any channel for
all as a precipitation it is only a
little different activity
when i recognize who i am
then i have entered into the great
wherein is god's greatest activity
this recognition should bring great
revelation to the individual if he holds
to it with joyous acceptance
in your outer experience the use of any
activity develops your strength to
greater and greater efficiency does it
if one can apply this in the other
do you not see how much more important
it is in the inner activity
the more you put it into use the greater
the power you put into it
know you can do it with the inner
spiritual things far greater and quicker
than in the outer things for with spirit
the power acts instantly
there is no waiting when the i am acts
the fact that you give creams to
development of the muscular system
by use should make you realize that the
same effort given to the exercise and
recognition of the inner power would
naturally produce far greater results
for instance man is supposed to perform
certain physical exercise in order to
develop his muscles i have in my
students many many times
enable them to produce powerful muscles
on a symmetrical beautiful body without
having taken a single exercise to do it
it is the same with the exercise of your
inner faculties in bringing forth the
inner power
in all development
either of the inner or the outer the
first part of the exercise is mental
here we must know that there is only one
power and energy to use
and that is from the great i am presence
in you
therefore the exercise of your inner
faculties is necessarily mental
called mental but i say to you
it is god an action
because you cannot form a thought
without the intelligence and energy of
god to do it
therefore your mental activity is the
energy of god in action
now you see how easy and possible it is
to make a strong physical body without
lifting your hand in physical exercise
to do it
most scientific medical and mental
physical culture will deny this
but i assure you it is only because you
have not become aware of or thought
deeply upon the energy or power that is
because no kind of activity can take
place except
by the use of this inner energy and
individuals allow the impingement of
doubts and fears to rush in and
overwhelm them when it comes to the
recognition of these great faculties
which are free for their use at any time
you see they are but submerged as a were
by the outer like a cork that has been
pushed beneath the water
which then released by little effort
pops up to the surface into use
i must say it is positively pitiful when
earnest students spend so many years
training intervals to gain the use of
these faculties
and then because they do not operate
immediately relapse into a state of
inactivity until something spurs them on
and then relapse again
persistent determined recognition of
this i am presence
will take you through anything to
absolute certain accomplishment unless
you lie down on a job
i see and especially at this time a
goodly number of individuals who with a
little encouragement and description of
the simple use of these faculties
will quickly leap into their freedom
and especially those who have this
verbal instruction and the radiation
that goes with it
is it not appalling that sons and
daughters of god will submit to the
binding claims implementation when with
persistent effort and termination
they would open the door and step
through into the inner great chamber
filled with such dazzling light jewels
gold and substance from which every kind
of food in the universe could ever be
then with this truth plainly before them
these individuals still hesitate through
unbelief to step through take this
sceptre and be free
beloved ones again i say to you sing the
great melody of the i am conquering
sing it in your hearts continuously
feel it with all your ability be
determined to use it
hold fast to the termination and the
knowledge and the way will steadily open
to give you the mastery which is your
eternal freedom
just keep joyously knowing that you are
through the veil now
whatever mastery the individual has
gained over himself his affairs of the
world is always and should be a sacred
chamber an inner sanctuary upon which no
other inquiring individual may intrude
no one may attain mastery through the
desire of the outer to find the mastery
within another
to seek
find and apply the law of one's own
is the student sure run to mastery
and only when the individual has
attained it himself may he really
understand what true mastery is
there is only one mastery to be sought
and that is over one's own other self
one might walk beside a master for years
and not discover until his own inner
faculties reveal the fact
one might live in the same house with a
master for years and not know it until
some crisis arose to be handled and thus
the real power be revealed
for a master to discuss or disclose to
his own attainment of mastery would be
to dissipate his own forces and may not
be done at any time
if a student be fortunate enough to have
a beautiful experience and discuss it
with others
there is usually so much doubt poured at
him that he can soon begin to doubt
it is really funny how convincing
someone else's argument can be
if a student will listen to the argument
of someone else
why not be at least as fair to his own
god-self and listen to its power and
good as expressed through the inner
the moment doubt begins to enter more
doubt rushes in
the same with the i am
if you put your attention upon it
it rushes forth more and more
where the conscious attention is fixed
there the energy pours
dear ones do you not see
when you want something revealed or to
be inspired in some way
do you not see
i am that
the moment you say i am
you set in motion as power that is
inherent within it all these faculties
it is all substance and must take on
whatsoever form the attention of the
mind is fixed upon
the i am
is the fathomless mind of god
in reaching for understanding the
average students but contacting the
recurring memory of that which has been
instead of going into the heart of god
and bringing forth that which never has
individuals and students many times do
not and will not realize that there have
been many civilizations of vast
attainments which are entirely unknown
to the outer world today
atlantis lemuria or the land of mu as
credited by a few today arbit fragments
of the great civilizations that have
to do unusual things
the students who wish to do this take
the determined stand
i am the heart of god
and i now bring forth ideas and
accomplishments which have never been
brought forth before
consider only the i am
that which i wish to bring forth
the i am presence is the heart of god
you are immediately in the great silence
the moment you say i am if you recognize
that you are the i am
then whatever you declare is manifest
that moment
to believe is to have faith a thing is
there is an interlocking of belief in
in the beginning a thing is a belief
and if held to it becomes faith
if you do not believe a thing is true
you cannot bring it in a manifestation
if you do not believe i am a thing
how can it act for you
the old saying
there is nothing good or bad but
thinking makes it so is an absolute
when you know that god's energy comes
forth into the individual absolutely
pure and perfect
then you must realize that it is the
individual who re-qualifies that energy
and imposes his own impure quality upon
this pure god energy is protected forth
by the conscious after the individual
and he must impose some kind of quality
upon it for that is his privilege as a
everyone is constantly qualifying this
energy which is pouring forth
each one is continually pouring his
color into it through his own
every activity of the outer that
qualifies carries with it the inherent
faculty of sound and color
no activity of any kind can take place
which is not sound and color inherent
with it
god's perfection naturally has no
discoloration within it
within the outer faculty which gives
quality to a thing is where the
discoloration takes place
every student must take the
responsibility of his own activity in
qualifying the energy he sends forth
the mind cannot act upon anything that
is not intelligent inherent within it
do not allow yourself in the human sense
to consider the element of time in
anything you do
but enter into a thing joyously and
stick to it until it does manifest
be like a blowtorch if you hold steady
on the mighty god presence as the actor
doing the thing
you will enter into the fullness and
perfection of everything ready for your
news now
all permanent accomplishments must be
the self-conscious effort of the
what is sympathy
it is but agreement with imperfection
whatever you do be adamant before human
watch it you do not allow yourself to be
dragged down into quickstand when you
can use wings to lift yourself above its
judge not but keep joyously entering
into the i am presence and all things
will manifest perfectly
for any imperfect condition especially
old age use
i am the perfection of that individual
no matter what is said in the outer
world you must be unaffected by it
for you are coming to this perfection
and you must bring it about consciously
if you do not watch you can let in an
expression in a moment that can follow
you for years if you do not erase it
when you are consciously using the great
know that the active power of god's
thought knows its direction goes and
performs perfectly
consciously charge the i am intelligence
to use whatever is necessary
say i am intelligence
qualify this with whatever is required
for healing
i had one student who was so qualified
the electronic circle about him with the
power of healing that he was called the
healing shadow
of course it was not the shadow that
healed but the moment people contacted
this electronic circle they were healed
understanding god is love
why did god individualize himself
in order to have something to love
why were the rays divided
answer in order to express love
love is the active principle of god
when you are loving you aren't fooling
what you are loving in that robe of god
that radiant presence and activity
never condemn
try always to understand whenever there
seems to be a wrong sex activity and
lift the consciousness of the individual
by focusing the attention upon a high
ideal of some kind in order to control
the thought
so the sex activity can come under
conscious control of the individual
through the use of his own will
the proper clean use of the sex is for
the expansion and expression of love in
the procreation of a form
that the incoming soul may have a
harmonious and loving disposition and
the thought and feeling of the parents
are the influencing molding activity
the nature of the life principle of the
individual is to love
infinite god of love
we give thanks for thy gracious
outpouring today for thy mighty radiance
filling all things everywhere
we give praise and thanks that we have
entered into thy world where everything
is so fair
with our radiance created with every
thought brings into perfection all
things held within our thought
raising the body
nada raised her body 2700 years ago
in the case of three raising the body
one time they might ascend at the same
moment or within a few weeks or months
controlling an animal
i am here and i am there
and i command silence there
also look the animal in the eye and know
the love of god controls it
the difference between divine compassion
and human sympathy is as great as that
between light and darkness
divine compassion holds a student's
attention anchored to the mighty i am
calling it forth to produce perfection
human sympathy is a rushing forth of
energy qualified by a field of
and but intensifies the imperfection
already manifesting
discourse 7 october 24 1932
saint germain
thou mighty silent watcher
even as thou has before thee the cosmic
crystal send forth thy rays
anchoring them in the hearts of god's
teach them obedience to the great cosmic
laws teach them obedience to the light
fill their hearts and minds with i peace
with i silence with thy poise
let the rejoicing of thy heart fill
their heart everyone even overflowing
with thy substance and pure electronic
force it brings with it the immeasurable
infinite blessing
let each one feel by omnipresent
watchful care
by sustaining love wisdom and power
the discourse
i bring you greeting from the great host
of light who watch attentively the
outpouring of divine radiance
whose great love peace and might always
enfold you
as messengers of the light giving always
strict obedience to the great light
obedience of all manifestation is the
first demand of the great host
when the command went forth let there be
obedience was the first activity
consequently limitless light was at hand
it is so with all outer activity of the
one active principle god
the first activity the hour should be to
give perfect obedience to that inner
thus is it enabled to receive
harmoniously the unadulterated pure
and so it should be with friends with
relatives with associates and with all
outer contact of individuals
there should always be this wondrous
grace of love light and obedience it
matters not the age of the individual
still the outer expression often for its
need is obedience to the great inner
when the impulse surges forth to argue
criticize or feel a resistance it is
your signal that the outer is intruding
itself to demand attention
then is the time by the power of your
free will to command the outer to be
silent and obey the i am presence
it is useless to argue any point
silence the outer and then in loving
obedience give the instruction
in this way it can come forth
when students have entered the conscious
path the slightest intimation of
disturbance or resistance of any kind
should be followed instantly by
silencing all outer activity declaring
i am the obedient intelligent activity
in this mind and body
i am the governing power and do govern
it harmoniously
it matters not upon what plane or what
sphere of activity the son of god that
is the son or daughter of god acts
obedience to its laws or the divine law
of sphere in which he is acting
is always imperative through steady
onward progress
someday i hope in the near future we
shall take up for consideration the
elements of other activity which are
most disturbing
and the effect of their activity upon
the body
i do not wish to do this however until
the students are strong enough to hear
the truth of this activity without a
single twinge of resistance or
because to start an activity within the
individual of either condition would be
a mistake upon my part
i spoke some time ago about the student
keeping on guard to watch that in an
unguarded moment he did not find himself
unknowingly entertaining something of
resistance criticism or some activity
which he later discovered had been
every student should constantly use many
times a day for it only requires a
minute and suddenly declare
i am the invincible guard established
sustained and maintained over my mind my
body my home my world and my affairs
keep conscious at this guard being the i
am presence
naturally has infinite intelligence
this will establish an intelligent
garden activity about you that does not
have to be constantly repeated
again we come to a point where every
time we use the expression i or i am
we know that it is the full power of
love wisdom and intelligence acting
used frequently i am the full liberation
of divine love acting
now as a preparatory activity for the
i would suggest that the students with
great joy and firmness after having
refreshed themselves in the morning
would silently declare
knowing that the power of the
declaration is self-sustained
i am the governing love wisdom and power
with its attendant intelligent activity
which is acting today in every single
thing that i think are due
i command this infinite activity to take
place every moment
and be the sustaining guard about me
that i move speak and act only in divine
then during the day whenever you think
of it take the firm consciousness
i am the commanding governing presence
moving everywhere before me during the
day commanding perfect peace and harmony
in all activity
in this manner you will lock the door
open for the continuous outpouring of
this inner intelligent presence which
will transform your world and keep you
from contacting in harmony of any kind
enabling you to have that steady flow of
inner peace and harmony in all outer
it matters not what the manifestations
may be within the body without
the student must take his firm stand
that his body is the temple of the most
high living god
this is an unquestionable truth and this
attitude consciously maintained will
more rapidly bring the body into a
perfect activity which was intended from
the beginning
i say to the students in all sincerity
there is no possible way of attaining a
quality or a desired attribute without
claiming it
the outer has drifted into a limited
consciousness of declaring it and did
not have the desired quality and of
course it could not manifest it under
those conditions
the thought of the student often is well
i've been holding this idea for a long
but it doesn't manifest it doesn't work
this is positive proof that somewhere in
the consciousness there was lurking a
doubt possibly unknown to the individual
i tell you that no matter what appears
on the surface
if you will continually with firm
claim the quality condition or things
you desire
and go right on claiming them with a
firm determination
you will find expression in your use
just as certain as you do this
but i cannot urge you too strongly
always to keep on guard in this matter
for the outer when you have tried a
thing for a few hours days or months and
it seems not to have appeared
immediately he begins to say oh it's no
use if we were going to have acted it
would have done by this time
such a thing as failure is absolutely
impossible when you set the power of the
i am god in you
in action to accomplish a given purpose
if you hold unwaverly to it with
many times i've seen students nearing
wonderful achievement wonderful victory
in freedom and this outer attitude of
not yet being accomplished would rush in
get their attention to such an extent
that it would either greatly
their progress or shut the door
the student should compel herself or
himself to hold before the mindless
that when the i am power and presence is
set in motion
it can no more fail in its
accomplishment than the universe stop
its activity
for this mighty i am presence to fail in
its accomplishment would mean that the
universe would instantly be thrown into
such is the certainty and power of the i
am accomplishment
it simply cannot fail unless the outer
obstructs the way
every student should guard with great
watchfulness that he does not use the i
am in negative expression for when you
i am sick i have failed i am not
accomplishing this thing that i should
you are throwing this mighty energy into
action to destroy the thing you wish to
this always happens whenever you use the
word i
for that is the release of the universal
knowing that the i am is you
then when you say my headaches my
stomach is out of order my intestinal
tract is disturbed
you are throwing the energy into those
parts to act according to the thing you
have decreed
for when you say my
it is the same energy acting because
there is only one person who can say i
or my and that is you
decreeing for your world
any expression which can only be used
for yourself is including the energy and
activity of the i am presence
the correct attitude to take in some
organ seems to be rebellious
is to instantly declare and hold fast
i am the only and perfect energy acting
therefore every appearance of
disturbance is instantly corrected
this is the important point to keep
before the student
if through habits you have thought that
certain remedial agencies gave
then use these sparingly until you gain
sufficient mastery to govern entirely by
your i am presence
i assure you that even though you think
that this remedial agent has given you
relief it is still the same i am
presence that has given the remedial
agency the power to give you relief
for instance i have watched the medical
world for many centuries and when one
individual or so-called authority says
it a certain remedy is no longer views
it is but a short time until it
disappears entirely
the question within the mind of all
thinking individuals is that certain
herbs or remedial agencies have a
certain natural chemical action
corresponding to the element within the
i say to you what gives or makes a
chemical affinity
the power of your i am which enables you
to think
thus when you come to go around the
circle of activity you will find that
there is only one intelligence and
presence acting and that is the i am god
in you
now why not look this truth square in
the face
take your stand unwaveringly with the i
am presence god an action in you
and know that it is the only life in you
and all things or remedies to which you
alone give power
is it not much better to go directly to
this great i am presence and receive its
all-powerful limitless assistance which
cannot fail
than to give power to something that
leads you around robin hood's barn to
get assistance from something in the
outer to which you have given the power
i know it is not easy for students to
turn away from old old habits or
dependence upon certain remedial
but a little thought and meditation upon
this fact will simply compel the outer
reason and dependence upon these other
things to give away completely before
the great i am presence
there is no way of convincing the
student upon this most vital of
questions except he apply the wisdom and
knowledge with unwavering determination
until he proves for himself the active
truth of this simple thing
there is no one who can tell to you what
degree the student can apply this for
only he alone by trying may know
many times the inner accumulated energy
is such that the student is amazed with
the results when he begins to apply this
the oriental phrase for i am is om
that means the same thing that i am is
beginning to mean to the western world
for myself i like very much the use of
the i am
because its very expression indicates
god in action in the individual
om as understood by the orientals is a
universal presence
and not nearly so apt to give the
student the consciousness of the i am
acting in the individual as the use of i
this largely explains the reason for the
condition in india today
hundreds of thousands in india through
the confusion of many castes have fallen
into the air that the intonation of om
was all that was required in their lives
while this brings a certain activity in
hundreds of thousands of cases that does
not bring the energy of that activity
into the individual's action and source
of little benefit
the method of the ascended masters
throughout the ages from time immemorial
has been the conscious use of the i am
the recognition and full acceptance of
god in action in the individual
which more or more brings into the
individual the full intelligent activity
of the god presence the godhead
those orientals who have reached great
attainment which many of them have have
become aware of this true activity
through their sincere meditation
perhaps the simplest most powerful
single thing that the individual can
keep himself reminded of is that when he
says i am
he is knowingly or unknowingly setting
into action within himself the full
unadulterated energy of god
energy becomes power through conscious
the fact that the individuals are in
human embodiment is the command to raise
the world of the individual into perfect
when the consciousness of the individual
is raised everything in the world of
that individual is raised into the
o manipadni hum
really means god inactivation in the
use the i am instead of om at all times
because many of you have been bodied in
an indian embodiment
at one time you knew that use and to
prevent it calling forth a lesser use
use the ion now to take you to the full
whenever you say i am you are setting
the pure energy of god and emotion
uncolored by human concepts
this is the only way of keeping the pure
energy of god uncontaminated by human
enormous results can be had in a short
time by the determined use of these
i am this pure inspiration
i am this pure light right here in
and visualizes through the body now i am
this pure revelation of everything i
want to know
hold the reins of power forever within
people are afraid of just embracing the
great god power and letting it operate
what is there to fear in god
its operation is pure and perfect and if
you do not reach out to embrace the
great pure god power how can you expect
to use it and have perfection
you must claim it for your own
to say i am the ascended being i wish to
be now
immediately enfolds the outer in that
raising presence
i am my eternal liberation now from all
human imperfection realize who i am is
you have to use terms of explanation up
to a certain point
know that this body is the temple of the
living god and is ascended now
the human side is such a doubting
criticizing thomas
all instructions but to give the
individual student a chance to prove it
within himself
by applying and using the explanation of
the law given
say often i am the governing power of
this activity and therefore it is always
there is no human being in the universe
who can recognize this i am presence for
in your recognition of this i am
presence as who you are
every step you gain is a permanent
accomplishment and there can be no
though infinite all-pervading presence
whose active intelligence governs all
who look unto thee
fill each one who seeks a light with thy
mighty inner light
hold each one closer and closer in the
great i am presence that it fills the
world of everyone with thy great great
and that the consciousness of each
individual desires only the great great
presence and perfection
discourse notes
all jewels are a high activity of god's
the more intense the fire the greater
the purifying power
gold does not long for nor adhere to
anything else all other metals or alloys
cling to it
gold is this way because it is of a pure
in all kinds of fuel activity there at
some point a golden flame
all consuming of outer substance at some
point is always red
for the red colors throwing off the
imperfection impurity
if the impurity were not there the
substance would go from the outer
immediately into the golden flame
discourse 8 october 27 1932
saint germain
thou mighty all-pervading presence
thou all pervading i am
we give praise and thanks for the
happiness providing those under this
we give praise and thanks that the
simple key to perfect happiness may be
given to bless and to anchor these
children of god into their own firm
we give praise for the harmony
maintained within each student and that
they feel the necessity to continue it
we give praise that i am everywhere
present controlling every outer activity
and bringing it into perfection
i bring greetings to you always
the discourse
that which everyone seeks is happiness
sometimes called bliss
and yet many who have sought so
earnestly have unknowingly continued to
pass by the key to his happiness
the simple key to perfect happiness and
its inherent sustaining power
is self-control and self-correction
this is so easy to accomplish when one
has learned he is the i am presence and
intelligence controlling and commanding
all things
surrounding each individual is a thought
world created by him or her
within this thought world is a seed the
divine presence the i am
which is the only acting present there
is in the universe
and which directs all energy
this energy can be intensified beyond
any limit to the conscious activity of
the individual
the divine presence within is likened
onto the pit or seat of the peach
the thought world around it into the
pulp of the peach
the pulp represents not only the thought
world created by the individual but also
the universal electronic substance ever
waiting to be acted upon by the
conscious determination of the
to be precipitated into his visible use
as the form of whatsoever he may desire
the sure pathway to the understanding
and use of this conscious power comes
through self-control
what do i mean by self-control
first the recognition of the i am
intelligence as the only acting presence
second that knowingness we know there's
no limit to the power in its use
third that individuals having been given
free will and choice
do create in the world about them
whatsoever they thought through their
attention is held firmly upon
the time has arrived when all must
understand that thought and feeling
are the only and mightiest creative
power in life or in the universe
thus the only way to definite use to the
full power of one sudden feeling
which is god in action is through
self-control self-correction
by which one may quickly reach the
attainment the understanding whereby he
may direct and use his creative thought
power without any limit whatsoever
when sufficient self-control is attained
it enables individuals to hold the
thought steady upon a given desire
likened under the flame of an acetylene
torch held immovable
thus thought and feeling held upon a
given desire unwaveringly
with the consciousness that it is the i
am presence and intelligence thinking
that it is god in action
then will they understand that they may
bring indivisibility
precipitate into visibility whatsoever
they desire
it has been proved in a thousand ways
that the effect of a thing cannot bring
happiness only by the understanding of
the cause operating may the individual
become master this world
each individual knowing that he is the
creator of his own world and what he
wishes to have manifest in it
will understand that he has at no time
any right to create anything discordant
in another's world
thus is each individual left free to
meet the effect of his own creative
i rejoice exceedingly to see the success
with which each student under this
radiation is coming into the mastery in
control of the other self
here i must say to them
beloved students
could you but understand and see the
magnificent splendor of achievement
before you through asserting
self-control over the outer activity
you would bend every effort every moment
to attaining control and mastery over
all outer expression
thus will you be unable to maintain the
needed harmony through which the inner
mighty power
of the i am presence is liberated into
your conscious and visible use
let us disabuse the minds of these
beloved students of the sense of time
distance and space
the key which opens the entrance to all
higher spheres above you
lies in the simplicity and firmness of
this self-control
all students should dwell earnestly upon
the great truth and where your
consciousness is there you are
for i am everywhere
long dwelling in consciousness that
there was space great distance or there
is time is all but the outer creation of
man therefore to step through this
gossamer veil that separates your outer
consciousness from its full inner power
and activity
is but a state of thought and feeling
those who are reaching to the light so
earnestly desiring to live in and be
children of light
are dwelling constantly in these higher
the beauty of these spheres surpass the
fondest imagination of the outer
when you enter them consciously and at
will you find all creation air just as
tangible as your physical buildings are
to take your firm stand i am the power
of my complete self-control forever
will make it easier for you to gain this
students must be conscious that when
they recognize the i am presence acting
it is impossible for it to be
interrupted or interfered with in any
no there is no time nor space
than the knowing of the vastness of
eternity is within your grasp
to enter a higher sphere than your
physical world and full consciousness
is but an adjusting or changing of your
so how do we do this
by knowing we are consciously there
affirm often
through the power of the electronic
circle which i have created i am no
longer touched by any doubts or fears
i joyously grasp the scepter which i am
and step boldly forth into any of these
higher spheres that i wish
retaining perfectly clear conscious
memory of my activity there
in this way one may quickly find himself
enjoying limitless freedom the perfect
happiness of being active in any sphere
he chooses
to be aware of what is a thousand years
in advance is as easily and readily
attainable in fact more so as going to
your library in search of a book
the great delusion the outer conscience
of mankind has built up
creating time and space since belief has
been the great stumbling block to
humanity's freedom
those who have reached the great
disillusionment that wealth or the outer
effects of things cannot bring happiness
will understand with great blessing
within their own creed of thought power
and feeling are held perfect happiness
perfect freedom and perfect dominion
when the student wants to understand
that whatsoever he connects himself with
through his attention
he becomes a part of it to degree of the
intensity with which his attention is
he will see the importance of keeping
his attention off the seeming
destructive angles of human experience
no matter what they are
to discuss the seeming inability
shortcomings or faults of your friends
and associates
but builds that element upon which your
discussion rests within your own
consciousness and also adds to the
appearance which seems to be in the
other individual
because there are black magicians in the
world certain of god's children who are
misdirecting and contaminating the pure
electronic energy of the i am presence
is no reason why should we let our
attention rest upon that fact just
because we are aware of it
our business is to hold the attention
free to rest within our own self-control
compelling it by the conscious action to
rest on whatsoever we choose
few understand that when their attention
is called to some destructive thing
how much and how often they allow the
attention to go back to it
or if another has displeased them in
some way
how much and how often the attention
returns to that incident when they have
the full power to control their
attention and make it obey their command
few even among earnest students yet
understand what a mighty power their
faculty of attention becomes under their
controlled use
i wish so much to impress upon the
students how foolish it is to be
affected displeased or disturbed by the
imaginary activities of the ignorance of
the other self
when they once know
i am the only all-powerful acting
presence in my mind my body and my world
they cannot possibly be affected or
disturbed by any of their associations
in the outer world
they must know then that they are
entirely immune from hurt or disturbance
of the outer mind of other individuals
no matter what they try to do
with this understanding or by giving
willing attention to this great truth
they will soon find a peace happiness
and self-control operating about them to
such an extent that no outer condition
disgruntled comment or disturbance of
their associates could have any wise
dumb them their world or their affairs
as soon as the individual becomes aware
that he really has control of his own
creative thought power and feeling
that he knows positively that he can
precipitate into his visible use
or bring into his use from the outer
where it was already created
anything whatsoever upon which he holds
his creative thought and feeling firmly
the moment that he is truly aware of
this he will know he is forever free
from the need of the wealth of the outer
world or anything that the outer world
can give
thus has he entered into the mastery of
dominion of his own world the only world
that is ever existent to him
and which is his god-given birthright
i assure you there is no such thing as a
supernatural world as we step from this
sphere of activity into another higher
that one becomes just as real as this is
it is simply a different state of
consciousness we have entered into
to the joy glorification and blessing of
the mothers sisters wives and daughters
i will say that within 100 years
there will be hundreds who will be able
to use the cosmic rays to cleanse their
homes and keep them so
to weave their seamless garments when
they have no desire to follow the
freakish styles created by some
commercialized idea
i find so many of the students wondering
how it is that ascended beans or masters
with all their creative power often
choose to live in a humble quarter
i assure you the explanation is very
the far greater part of their life and
activities spent in the higher spheres
in which they are directing mighty rays
of light to the blessing of humanity
from homes and temples of light and
wisdom so beautiful so transcendent is
almost a stage of the imagination of the
outer consciousness
those homes and temples are eternal ever
becoming more and more beautiful
so they only spend a few hours in the
visible world which causes them to lower
the density of their transcendent forms
that they may become visible to those
yet occupying the physical body
if the students will understand this it
will save them much questioning and
confusion in the outer expression
which time they can use in the activity
of the mighty i am presence
this will bring them into the
transcendent state and consume the
longing for the wealth of the outer
which is but rubbish in comparison to
the transcendent creative power inherent
in every individual
can bring this transcendent power into
their use through their own self-control
and mastery
i say to you beloved students children
of the one god is it not worth your
sincere effort when you know you cannot
take your scepter of the mighty creative
power and be forever free from all past
binding limitations which would be set
mankind through the ages
i assure you that everyone who enters in
to attain this scepter and mastery will
be given every needed assistance if each
one will try with all his ability
the one having the understanding of his
creative ability must know that he can
create whatsoever he will in whatever
rate of vibration he desires to hold it
whether it be light or any other
condensation he may choose to maintain
you know you have the ability to change
your thought from chicago to new york in
the same instant and you know you can
change your thought from a condition of
to one of very dense condensation such
as iron
then one cannot help but see that this
which he does every moment consciously
at will he can bring into a more
powerful use
by consciously fixing the attention and
holding upon what he desires
the attention is the channel by which
god's mighty energy through thought and
feeling flows to its directed
because one is not yet precipitated
something from the invisible there is
that lurking doubt until some simple
manifestations occurred
then his courage and confidence leap
into dominion
and in the future he has no trouble in
precipitating whatever he desires
the precipitation of gold or jewels from
the invisible to the visible is as
simple as breathing
when once that foolish questioning doubt
accumulated by the elder is consumed or
pushed aside
mankind to the centuries has built up
these walls of limitation
now they must be broken up shattered and
consumed in any way that we can do it
at first it does take some determination
to do it but when you know it is the i
am power acting you know it cannot fail
the outer only has to hold the attention
fixed on the object to maintain visible
dwell on this and all of a sudden you
will find yourself into the activity and
you will be amazed that you dwelt so
long without using it
the length of the ray from a
precipitated substance or condensation
of light
is controlled by the consciousness of
the wear
if the wearer's consciousness is raised
very high the scintillation is very
the jewel of light is yet in its
transcendent state of perfection
the jewel in a condensed substance such
as a diamond emerald or ruby naturally
would take on the condition of its wear
if the rate of thought vibration the
person wearing it below
the jewel become lusterless
while if the thought be transcended it
will become very luminous
when one has become a sincere student
reaching to the light he must qualify
everything in his environment with the
quality of the i am presence
no matter what the appearances seem to
you see there cannot be a quality or an
appearance in your world except what you
give to it
if fear causes you to believe in a
disturbing presence you are responsible
for it
because if there were to be a disturbing
presence and you qualified it by the i
am presence
you see how impossible be few disturbed
there is only one energy acting at the
moment you acknowledge the i am presence
you have re-qualified that activity with
expectation is a very powerful
qualifying conscience to maintain
intense expectation is a splendid thing
it manifests always
the individual through the centuries has
created a veil through which he has shut
out these transcendent spheres
if he has created it which he has
then common sense and reason will tell
one that he can
a powerful radiation has gone forth to
yourselves and students with a powerful
conviction that will be sustained
until they have this work which is given
to convey the simplicity the ease and
certainty with which the idea through
creative thought and feeling can be
brought into visibility
is a thing the student should dwell upon
this will dissolve the feeling of can i
and in its place put i can and i know
if the students will keep themselves
harmonious from time to time they will
have flashes that will give them all
needed confidence add to all commands on
going out of the body that you retain
the conscious memory of whatever you
stick right to a thing from a started
that whatever knowledge you need will be
forthcoming instantly
when you allow the attention to become
fixed upon a thing
you that moment give it power to act in
your world
though great happiness thy mighty
presence and power which i am
i qualify thee to go forth into the
hearts of mankind
anchoring there and fill in their minds
bodies and homes filling them with i
great happiness
open the door of their consciousness
that the mighty power which i am can
come forth into full perfection
o mighty presence hold the children of
the individualities of god hold them
close and i embrace
letting thy quality flow forth in their
filling them with thy great peace
o mighty presence of justice enter in
and reign in all official places
let the destructive intent of mankind be
revealed that it may be cast out and be
let the fullness and power of the
radiant light enfold all and thy
glorious transcendent light fill all
discourse 9 october 30th 1932
thou mighty all-powerful act of presence
we ever grow in deeper praise thanks and
gratitude to thee for thy life thy light
and thy intelligent power manifest
everywhere in the universe
for thy active presence manifest the
mind body home world and affairs of
enable us to understand and feel that
radiant power always active in our world
affairs and business
knowing no single activity can go wrong
further discover all action and thy love
and justice guiding and regulating all
the mighty supreme ruler of the universe
whose law is justice whose power is
protect america and thy great blazing
loving presence reveal to the
authorities the united states of america
any wrong activities
i am the mighty channel of justice
claiming all now and for all time
that they serve only the cause of
america and the light of god
no human thought shall enter in
no human hand shall be raised against
for she is sealed within the love of the
great ascended host of light forever
mighty god of the universe thy love
light wisdom intelligence and justice
shall fill every office in the land
all political grafts shall be wiped out
and thou shalt reign to thy creation to
thy children in perfect justice to all
i bring you gradient from the great host
ever watching over in ministry and
through their divine radiant to heal
bless enlighten and prosper all who will
the discourse
one of the great needs of individuals
and even of sincere students today
is to feel the necessity of giving time
morning and evening to sincere
to the stilling of the outer activity
that the inner prince may come forth
meditation really means feeling the
active presence of god
therefore when one attempts to enter
meditation he cannot drag all the
disturbance that has beset him during
the day along with him
therefore consciously removed from the
feeling and attention every disturbing
enter into your meditation to feel the
presence of god
and do not resolve your troubles
when the statement was given know the
truth and the truth shall make you free
it meant the recognition acceptance and
activity of the mighty i am presence
first know i am is the first principle
an absolute certainty of freedom now
second no i am the active presence
governing all manifestation of my life
and world perfectly
then i have entered into the truth which
will bring all freedom
i must relate a thing that would be most
laughable if it were not really serious
you would chastise it and rebel
considerably if your little pet dog
continue to carry bones from the alley
into your living room
you would think you were doing that and
it's very much out of place
do you know beloved students of truth
that when you allow your mind to dwell
upon disturbing things or experience
you are doing a great deal worse and
bringing bones into the living room
the unfortunate thing with students and
individuals would seem so difficult for
them to understand is
never under any circumstance try to hold
the water that has gone over the wheel
in other words the unpleasant
experiences losses or an imperfection
that is passed over your wheel of
experience at the present time should
never be held close to you
they have gone over the wheel forgive
and forget them
to give and forgive is godlike indeed
for illustration
if an individual or group of individuals
has gone into a business undertaking and
through lack of understanding that has
failed or gone to pieces
it is always because of in harmony in
the mental attitude and feeling
if every individual and such an
association would take his stand and
hold it
that there was only god in action
only the most perfect success would come
out of it
since the individual has free will
if he will not control his own thought
and feeling he will wreck things for
himself and others
such is the great law
unless every individual corrects his own
thought and feeling and keeps it so
manifest in the physical form today has
made plenty of mistakes sometimes
somewhere so let no one take the
i am more holy than now
but each one's first attitude should be
to call on law forgiveness and if he be
feeling or sending criticism
condemnation or hate to another of god's
children a brother or sister he can
never have enlightenment or success
until he calls on law forgiveness
further than this he must say to that
person to whom he is feeling disturbed
in any way silently
i send you the fullness of the divine
love of my being to bless and prosper
this attitude is the only release and
freedom from the seeming failures of the
other activity
for individuals to continually evolve in
their minds a discussion of business or
project that is disintegrated will
surely in the end destroy themselves if
they do not face about and through
calling on law forgiveness find complete
conscious release from the entire
for an individual to hold an attitude of
revenge for any seeming wrong imaginary
or otherwise
can only bring upon himself incapacity
of mind and body
the old yet wondrous statement brought
down to us through the ages
unless you are willing to forgive
how can you be forgiven
is one of the mightiest laws for use in
human experience
oh that individuals and many students
could only see how they hold themselves
the things they do not want by allowing
the mind to revolve upon the discordant
things which have passed and cannot be
helped through the outer senses
the greatest thing that all mankind is
seeking in reality is peace and freedom
which is always a doorway to happiness
there is only one possible way to
receive this which is to know god the i
am presence
and that this presence is the only
acting intelligence in your life and
world at all times
then stand by this and live it
one of the most amazing things that has
been my experience to witness since
coming into the ascended state
is the distorted idea of freedom
financially and otherwise
there is but one sure certain rock upon
which to build your eternal financial
and that is to know and feel with every
fiber of your being
i am the wealth the opulence the
substance already perfected in my world
of every constructive thing that i can
possibly conceive of or desire
this is true financial freedom and will
bring it as surely as it is maintained
and will not get away i assure you
on the other hand man may use knowingly
or unknowingly enough of this
god i am presence or god energy to
accumulate through the outer activity
millions of dollars
but wherein is the certainty of keeping
i assure you it is impossible for any
being in the physical world to keep
wealth that is accumulated without has
been aware that god is the power
producing and sustaining it
you see before you constant
illustrations of great wealth taking
wings overnight as it were
thousands within the past four years
have met this
experience even after the seeming loss
had occurred had they been able to take
their firm conscious stand
i am the wealth
god in action now manifest in my life my
world the way the door would have
immediately opened for them to again
have received abundance
why do i say again to have received
because they had built the momentum and
had attained great confidence
therefore all requirements were at hand
ready for further use
but in most instances they allowed great
discouragement often hatred and
condemnation to enter in
which shut and locked the door to
further progress
now let me assure you beloved children
of god
there is no outer condition ever existed
in this world so bad so disastrous
but that there is the i am the active
presence of god
with the eternal strength and courage of
the universe
to again rebuild you into freedom and
independence financially in every way
i especially want the students who come
under this radiation to understand this
because in this day of falling thrones
and governments individual fortunes and
otherwise they need to know and
understand if their wealth is flown away
through ignorance of understanding
then the i am presence in them god in
is the sure rebuilder of their faith
confidence wealth or to whatever they
wish to direct their conscious attention
thus they allow this mighty inner energy
to flow into their desire
which is the only power that ever
accomplished anything
every individual who has seemingly
expressed a loss of wealth to any degree
should immediately use the marvelous
statement of jesus
i am the resurrection and the life of my
business my understanding or whatever
thing i wish to focus my attention on
i tell you frankly beloved students and
there is not the slightest hope for you
in heaven or earth so long as you
persistent holding within your
consciousness thoughts and feelings of
criticism condemnation or hate of any
and that includes mild dislikes
this leads us to a very vital point that
you are concerned only with your own
activity in your world
it is not your province to judge another
for you do not know the forces playing
upon another on the conditions
you know only the angle that you see of
and i tell you that if an individual
should be entirely innocent of any
intent to wrong another
the individuals who send criticism
condemnation or hate to such one are
doing worse in committing physical
why is this so
because thought and feelings are the
only creative power
and while such thoughts and feelings may
not touch or harm their objective
they must return and bring with them the
conditions sent out by the individual
who sent them forth and always with
accumulated energy
so after all the one holds vicious
thoughts to another isn't reality but
destroyed himself his business and his
there is no possible way of averting it
except for the individual to awaken and
consciously reverse the current
let's go one step further
throughout all ages there have been
business associations in which there
were one or possibly two
with the deliberate intent to do wrong
and through this association a number of
individuals absolutely innocent of any
wrong intent had been imprisoned
i now tell you
as an unfailing law that cannot be
that the individual or individuals who
cause innocent person to be incarcerated
thus depriving them of their freedom of
action as god intended
will bring that exact experience which
they have desired for another into their
own experience
even unto the third and fourth
embodiment following
for myself i would rather a thousand
times be deliberately shot down than to
be instrument of depriving any of god's
children their liberty
there's no greater crime reigning in
human experience today than the
prevailing use of circumstantial
for 99 cases out of a hundred it is
afterwards found to be entirely wrong
sometimes the truth is never known to
the outer senses
so beloved students let no one seeking
the light ever set himself up in
judgment on another of god's children
again supposing someone we love very
much seems to be going all awry
what is the first thing the outer would
as a rule to begin sitting in judgment
the most powerful thing that can be and
should be done for such an individual by
anyone who knows anything of the
is to pour out all their love and to
silence no
i am god in action
is the only controlling intelligence an
activity within this brother or sister
to keep silently speaking to the one
consciousness is the greatest help
possible to be given
many times to remonstrate verbally with
an individual sets up a condition of
antagonism intensifying rather than
erasing the activity which the silent
work would be absolutely certain to
no one in the outer consciousness can
possibly know what the i am god presence
in the other individual wishes to do
these are vital truth that if maintained
would bring very great peace into the
lives of individuals
many lives with their attendant business
efforts are ruined because there is
lurking within the consciousness of the
individual judgment
condemnation or a feeling of some degree
of hatred toward another
the student or individual who wants to
leap ahead in the progress of the light
should never enter sleep until he has
consciously sent love to every
individual whom he feels he has harmed
him at any time
this thought of love will go straight as
narrow into the consciousness of the
other individual
because it cannot be stopped
they're generating its quality and power
with which will surely come back to you
as you send it out
there is perhaps no single element
responsible for so many disease
conditions of body and mind
as the feeling of hate sent out to
another individual
there is no telling how this will react
upon the mind and body of the sender
in one it will produce one effect and
another still another different effect
let it be here understood that
resentment is but another form of hate
only a milder degree
a very wonderful thought to live in
always is
i am the perfect creative thought and
feeling everywhere present in the minds
and hearts of individuals
it is a most marvelous thing it not only
brings rest and peace to yourself but
releases limitless gifts from the
another is
i am the mighty law of divine justice
and protection acting in the minds and
hearts of individuals everywhere
you can apply and use this with enormous
force and power in every way
another is i am divine love filling the
minds and hearts of individuals
as you think on this you will understand
what was done when this home was made a
radiating center of the active presence
of god
you will suddenly come into a
realization of the gigantic application
of this
everything in the life experience of
humanity can be governed by the i am
the use of the i am presence is the
highest activity that can be given
when you say i am
you said got into motion
but there is a lot more to it which
you'll come to realize when you feel and
know the enormity of the use of this
realize the enormous power of the i am
to act in things of this kind
i am the god power almighty
there is no other power that can act
when you say and fearless and you
liberate and lose the full activity of
another statement
i am the conscious memory of these
also i am the conscious memory use and
understanding in the use of these things
when you say the presence that i am
clothed me in my eternal transcendent
garment of light it actually does not
take place at moment
the secret place to the most high is
this i am presence
the sacred things that are revealed to
you are not to be cast forth for they
are as pearls
no always i am the perfect poise of
speech and action of all times
then the guard is always up for i am the
protecting presence
a god's energy is always waiting to be
directed inherent within the expression
of the i am
is the self-sustaining activity
then you know there's no time
this brings you to the instantaneous
action and your precipitation will soon
take place always perceiving a
manifestation you will feel that
absolute stillness
benediction we give thanks almighty i am
presence for having entered into thy
secret place
let thy wisdom govern at all times the
dispensation of thy light
let thy wisdom guard and direct our
minds and bodies at all times
that they always act in perfect accord
with thee
as thou art called forth into action o
mighty i am presence we know we are
always charged at all times with our
mighty energy
and that it accomplishes all perfectly
wherever it is sent
legal affirmations for the one not in
the midst of a case take this statement
i am the law
i am the justice
i am the judge
i am the jury
knowing that i am all powerful that i
know that only divine justice can be
done here
discourse 10
november 3rd 1932
saint germain
mighty luminous presence
i am the conquering power
i am the radiant splendor filling
everything in manifestation
i am the life flowing through all
i am the intelligence governing all
activity inner and outer making it one
perfect activity
out of thy light mighty presence which i
am all things are precipitated into form
i am the exhaustless energy governed by
thy wondrous infant intelligence
light the illuminating center within
these bodies who come under this
expand that light into the full
illumination of the body and mind
raising it into thy active perfect
eternal garment
mighty light send forth i raise into the
hearts of mankind into all official
commanding justice illumination and
perfection of thyself to express
bringing relief release and light unto
and by thy governing principle command
all things in the other human activity
to give obedience
i bring you greetings from the great
host of loved ones who always watch and
minister those whose devotion reaches
unto them
the discourse
from out of the centuries of activity we
have arrived the focal point where the
experiences of ages come into
instantaneous action
where all time and space become the one
presence god in action now
knowing that it is the presence of god i
am that beat your heart
then you know that your heart is the
voice of god speaking
and as you come to meditate upon the
great truth
i am the supreme intelligent activity
through my mind and heart you will bring
the true dependable divine feeling into
the heart
so long mankind has been loving on the
periphery of the circle
once a student becomes really aware that
god is love and love's true activity
comes through the heart
he will understand that the focus is
attention on the desire to project love
forth for any given purpose
is the supreme privilege of the outer
activity of the consciousness which can
generate love to a boundless degree
mankind is not previously understood
that divine love is a power a presence
an intelligence a light that can be
fanned into a boundless flame or fire
and it is within the conscious
intelligence of every individual
especially students of the light
to so create and generate this presence
of love
that it becomes an invincible
exhaustless peace commanding presence
wherever the conscious individual
desires to direct it
somewhere it has been said that love may
not be commanded
i say to you love is the first principle
of life
and may be generated to any degree or
without any limit whatsoever for
infinite use
such is the majestic privilege of the
conscious use and direction of love
when i say generate i mean the opening
of the door through conscious devotion
to the outpouring of this exhaustless
fountain of love which is the heart of
your being the heart of the universe
students by contemplating this infinite
power of love become such a fountain of
its outpouring that its conscious
direction may be infinite in the
students use
when my beloved students wish to hasten
their liberation certain events of outer
activity i can but say
i am the commanding presence
the exhaustless energy
the divine wisdom causing my desire to
be fulfilled
this will bring the quickest release
from any undesirable condition of the
very law of your being will permit
knowing this you may further know
the presence that i am
i now remain untouched by disturbing
outer conditions
serene i fold my wings and abide the
perfect action of the divine law and
justice of my being
commanding all things within my circle
to appear in perfect divine order
this is the great privilege of the
student and should be the command at all
here i shall say something that should
be very encouraging and i trust it will
each student who is earnestly striving
for the light is being toughened as you
make the toughest deal
which wears the longest holds the best
and is the strongest
such is what the life of experience
brings to an individual
when one craves to be released and still
there are pure trying experiences it is
the toughening of the steel of character
and the strengthening of the individual
that gives them at last the perfect and
eternal mastery of all
things one may with the right
understanding of this easily rejoice in
the experience which is enabling him to
turn to and bask in the glorious
wondrous i am presence
thus beloved students you should never
grow weary of well-doing nor meeting the
experiences sometimes seem to weigh
heavily upon you
but rejoice at every step forward leads
to the eternal goal which does not have
to be repeated
this is what me thinks the student
island forgets to use
i am the strength the courage the power
to move forward steadily through all
experiences whatever they may be
and remain joyous and
filled with peace and harmony at all
times by the glorious presence which i
to the athlete on the racetrack the
beginning of the race is glorious
but as he reaches the goal and his
adversary draws near he puts forth every
his breath becomes short
and with one last leap he crosses the
line to victory
so it is with students on the path
they know in the use of the i am
presence they cannot fail
therefore all that is necessary is to
tighten your belt gird yourself for
whatever is required and with the wave
of the hand to your adversary beat him
more fortunate than the athlete the
student knows from the beginning that he
cannot fail
because i am the exhaustless energy and
intelligence sustaining him or her
the power of precipitation
the students should understand and
remember at all times is within the i am
i am here
the life principle and intelligence in
this body
i am everywhere even unto the heart of
god the governing intelligence of the
therefore when i wish to precipitate
anything whatsoever i know
i am the power acting
i am the intelligence directing
i am the substance being acted upon and
now i bring it into visible form in my
the contemplation of this phrase just
expressed will enable a student to enter
into this activity without strain or
the question that so often confronts the
students in the power precipitation is
out of money
the first question is how is it that
money may be precipitated without
interfering with the government
since the creation of money is a
standard of exchange gold being at
standard heart so to speak and the
security of all issue
it will be remembered that there have
been almost a countless number of
disasters in one form or another through
which gold and the issue of money have
been to the elder since destroyed
billions of dollars in this manner have
therefore with any money and it is
usually gold that is precipitated there
is no danger of passing the limits set
by a government for its use
again there have been billions of
spanish gold and denominations of other
countries that have been burned lost
submerged at sea etc
to the extent that precipitation would
have to run into great numbers before
there would be any question as to its
more often however gold is precipitated
in its natural state
therefore always legal and choose
as the world has recently offered a
premium for mold gold production why not
precipitate it and bless the world by
its use
but i shall not hold myself responsible
for the questions that will be asked
when you do
it unless you have a mind from which you
can supposedly have brought it forth
for you have no idea what the curiosity
of the outer mind is until you called
attention to gold
i assure you however the outer is
immediately set on fire however i am the
presence governing it
the supposed demand to know the source
of gold is but a subtle form of inquiry
that someone else may discover your
my idea would be to answer their inquiry
that is none of their business
simply say
here is the goal tested if it is not 100
you may refuse it if it is you are
compelled to receive it by the laws of
government you will understand beloved
student that it is only in the outer
activity of the physical world that you
require a medium of exchange
for the moment one rises into the power
he is little use for gold or money or
any kind of exchange except as incidents
may require
as one by one you come into the ascended
you will have many a hearty laugh over
the seeming importance of these outer
problems of the physical or outer world
for they are all but the maya which
means but a constant change
there is only one thing in the universe
that is permanent real and eternal
that is the i am presence god in you
which is the owner the creator and the
intelligence governing all manifested
then to know that you are that presence
that i am presence places you beloved
independent of all outer manifestation
do not misunderstand me
i know you have come into this
understanding sufficiently
but if you are sincere have doubtless
determination in your recognition of the
i am presence god in action in you
you will find yourself even to the other
quickly rising into that dominion and
independence in which you can say to all
other things
is it possible thou didst one disturb me
some of you have had an inkling of how
gross and course all outer form seems
and once you are liberated from it
to your finer higher sense it seems
incredible that you could have inhabited
and still are inhabiting and using a
form so gross and imperfect
had you long ago recognized claimed and
rejoiced in the i am presence as you are
doing today
these outer forms would have become so
that you could have come back to them
with very great grace
however one has but to rejoice at every
step of attainment and every step he
hopes to attain
because hope becomes faith
and faith becomes reality
now beloved students under no
circumstance allow the experience of the
outer depal upon you
but in this recognition rejoice every
day every hour every minute that brings
you near to the goal of freedom and
release from limitation
that freedom you have so long for and so
much desire
the light is growing very bright within
some of you continue on with that calm
doubtless determination to scale heights
for i am that great presence sustaining
you and you cannot fail
you know the old phrase used to spur one
on and especially among soldiers was to
tell them they were cowards in yellow
now beloved students i say to you
you are not cowards but you are yellow
with the golden light of truth of
dominion of mastery over all other
things which have bound you
and with one mighty surge of the i am
you break every binding chain
shatter all sense of limitations and
stand forth in your freedom the glorious
radiant majestic being that you really
i like very much to use the statement
i am here
and i am there
and if you will contemplate it you
cannot help but overcome the sense of
the student is more or less uncertain
which always brings anxiety and anxiety
makes tension
as you come into a higher activity
you'll become more and more relaxed
always take the attitude of calm poise
when anything should manifest
always be happy and rejoice in the
presence but there is always the balance
to be maintained
it is the middle way
hold yourself within this center poise
one can rejoice as deeply in a calm
poise as he can in over-exuberance
the calm poise conveys a certain
something to others that they need
for every human being needs poise in the
conscious realization of the necessity
of calmness and poise because it never
leaves one off guard
poise has within it a certain power of
self-control and guard which is very
you will not only be delighted but
amazed at times that the marvelous
things that will come with it
use i am the perfect poise which
controls everything
when you use the i am presence be sure
to keep it as a permanent thing
each one try this
and if you do not feel results at first
just go on for you certainly will as you
use it more and more
i am the presence charging this water
with the life-giving essence which i
absorb and which renews my body in
perfect health and eternal youth
affirm often
i am here and i am there
i am the conscious action everywhere
to discordant activity say
i am the presence preventing this
i am the positive peaceful control of
this whole situation
in the i am consciousness is the wisdom
that knows what is required
know always this
i am the controlling governing presence
of this meeting or situation
there is nothing that comes into
physical form which is not first
perfected on the invisible or higher
planes the student should not discuss
this instruction but just rejoice in
living it themselves
if they will do this they'll receive so
much more from it because there will be
no conflicting vibrations to disturb it
wondrous presence of the god i am
we give praise and thanks for this fiend
of certainty of thy presence that is
growing within the consciousness of
these students under this radiation
we rejoice in the great light of thy
presence and fold in each one which goes
forth unto all humanity
changing all discord and love and peace
we thank thee
discourse 11 november 7 1932
from out the great silence of the
luminous brother we welcome the and i
ministry unto america and as thou has
put forth thy opening wedge this day
so shall those under this radiation
become aware of thy presence
oh the great light that illumines all
earthly minds
making them aware of the one eternal
presence the one intelligence governing
all the activity that i am
individualized everywhere
we give praise and thanks that there is
but one intelligence governing
everywhere and the duty of the student
always no matter what the appearance is
to accept only this fact
and that he becomes a radiant channel to
pour out this truth like a gushing
pouring itself forth to the great ocean
of life
we give praise and thanks that out of
the silence has come another presence
who will bless lift and enlighten
by the power which i am and the
accumulated wisdom and energy of the
i project forth into the minds of
humanity this day that intelligent
activity which will guide them a right
and control them to act accordingly
by the i am
the universal i am the great one i
command this power to act in all mankind
i bring you greetings from the great
host and the great master himalaya
the master himalayan
this is the first time that the presence
of this luminous brother has been
brought to the knowledge of the outer
it is he from whom the himalayan
mountains received their name
thus ever since they have been raised
into prominence they have been a sacred
unchanging stream of life held
hence those souls who came within their
embrace were caught up and lifted into
that luminous radiant form
where they have long sent forth their
rays of activity to heal and bless
the discourse
as the destiny of india and america are
entwined as two vines encircling the
tree of life
so again this day has the radiant help
come forth to try and blend in harmony
the minds of america that its progress
proceed unhampered and uninterrupted
today there are in america thousands who
have been reborn from india
and there are being reborn in india
thousands from america
each to bring its inter-blending
balancing process required in both
sections of the earth
the great bean who has been introduced
to you has been after many centuries in
the great silence again step forth to
exert the conscious blending process of
spirit and manifestation
to hold forth the chalice
that its heart may be filled with a
liquid fire of spirit pouring forth into
the hearts of mankind
creating that fullness of desire within
them for greater and greater light
looking to and depending upon the great
source of light
i am god in action everywhere
the entrance of this great presence
again into the activity of mankind will
spread like a threat of light through
all the activity of america
and expand its luminous presence like a
mantle of soft falling golden snow
it will be absorbed by the minds of
the majority being entirely unaware
although there will be some who will
sense the inner penetrating presence
if those under this radiation continue
in their present harmonious beautiful
progress it will be possible shortly to
bring to their attention certain
activities of the nerve fluid which will
hasten their mastery over the outer form
it means the mastery over all condition
that seems to bind or limit
i shall be surprised if your students do
not feel the strength if they do not
feel the presence of this great being
even as i speak his rays go out to them
touching the heart of each one and i
feel their thrill of joy they not
knowing just what it means
watch carefully each of you and your
students to be on guard to reverse all
negative conditions that appear to the
on the lesser things for practice if the
senses report you cold reverse your
consciousness and assert your warmth
if the senses report too much heat
reverse it with a sense of perfect
normal coolness
if the senses report you ecstatic joy
over certain enlightenment say
peace be still
and assert your calm poise and assurance
the ideal in all sense reports is to
move in the middle way
the balance always asserting the call
mastery of control which i am
this will enable the establishing of a
steady flowing stream of creative ideas
and energy from the heart of the great
central sun
from out which has come this great being
the master himalayan
this will enable you to receive and use
immensely more of that radiant energy
which he pours forth
the reason for drawing your conscious
attention to him has been that if you
understand what it means you may receive
without limits from his energy besides
what you draw forth by your own
conscious effort
the students must at all times
understand that the masters do not come
to them of the student's choice but that
they have been chosen to receive the
radiance a privilege for which words are
entirely inadequate to convey the true
meaning that can truly only be felt or
again they should understand that the
master's province is not to assume their
responsibility by solving their problems
for them
but to convey intelligent understanding
which they may apply in their own lives
to solve their own problems
thus they gain the needed strength
courage and confidence to continue to
reach up step by step
gaining their own conscious mastery over
the outer self and the outer world
always at a certain point of growth or
expansion we hear students call out many
times with great sincerity
great masters help us to solve our
for encouragement and strength i wish to
say that far more than one has any
is the radiating presence of the master
pouring out strength courage confidence
and light which in most instances the
students are quite unaware of in the
outer sense consciousness
there is only one way in which anyone
with wisdom can be of permanent help
and that is to consciously instruct his
brother or sister in the simple laws by
which one may wield the scepter gain the
victory and attain to fill dominion over
the outer self in his world
to do the thing that the student
requires in solving his problem will not
only his progress but to weaken
him immensely
only by asserting one's conscious
strength winning victories and thereby
attaining confidence which comes in no
other way
does the student enter into the fullness
of his own power
with the powerful masterful use of
consciousness of the i am presence the
student goes forward with absolutely no
uncertainty the goal of victory
the reason we have not and do not say
more to the student concerning the
assistance that we may be giving is to
prevent his leaning upon an outside
to say or to do which would cause a
student to lean upon us because he knows
of our presence would be the greatest
we could make but the student never need
fear and he should know that every
assistance possible is always given
according to the point of attainment he
has reached
the i am presence the host of ascended
masters the ascended jesus christ
are one in the same thing
through the recognition and use of the i
am presence i tell you you can
positively bring forth any quality you
wish into the outer consciousness
if you will but keep to it
the need of everyone is to keep
reminding the outer consciousness that
when one says
i am
this or i am that
he is setting god in action which is his
life individualized the life of the
universe the energy of the universe the
intelligence at the heart of the
universe governing home
it is necessary it is vital to keep the
outer reminded of this fact
with this consciousness the joyous
enthusiasm of the students should
continuously there should at no time be
a paul and the joy of its use because
it's positively the road to full mastery
the student must become firmly aware
that he or she is the conscious
controlling power in his life in his
and that he can fill it with any quality
that is needed or let him choose
the students who have intermittent
physical disturbances in the body should
take the conscious often that
i am the perfectly controlled breath of
my body
and should in connection with this feel
themselves as often as i can
breathing in that rhythmic breath
this will bring about a certain balance
of breathing which is immensely helpful
in the control of the thought
sincere students should whenever
possible avoid listening to things that
are disturbing for in doing so they
often let in unknowingly elements they
do not desire
where they cannot with discretion avoid
listening to things of this kind they
should use the following
i am the presence on guard here and
consume instantly everything that seeks
to disturb
thus you will not only protect yourself
but help the other person as well
while the student should at no time fear
anything it certainly is necessary to
keep up the conscious guard until he has
attained sufficient mastery to control
his thought feeling and receptivity
from the golden city comes this
limitless charge of energy for the
blessing of the students of this
as well as those of mankind who are
looking to the light
try to keep as much as possible in the
joyous enthusiasm of the i am presence
give it all power and do not hold any
questioning in the mind
throw everything to the winds give
everything to that glorious i am
presence and receive its magic
it is the mighty miracle-working
presence that can and does solve all
not only problems but questions whose
answers need revealing
a remarkable statement that would be
enormously helpful to the students would
be to say
i am the miracle-working presence in
everything i require to have done
for students to keep meditating and
contemplating what it means to say i or
i am brings results revelations and
blessings that cannot be overestimated
i am sure your students will soon begin
to show and feel the remarkable activity
of this use
today i feel the presence of the
understanding and use of this much more
powerfully than any time hitherto
on the higher planes there is a constant
meeting and exchange of help while the
bodies are asleep far beyond anything
the outer self is conscious of
knowing that i am the quality of
whatever i wish to use
then you know you can produce invisible
tangible form whatever you have within
the consciousness
the moment the questioning of the elder
mind can be put under control and made
to subside the greatest revelations pour
forth almost tumbling over each other
owing to the need the master himalaya
chose to come forth he brings a special
blending of america and india
and that is why it is possible for him
to come here
as the inner presence comes into action
all outer activity subsides it must
necessarily because it obeys the i am
the golden snow is what the great
presence spreads over america to be
absorbed by individuals and the very
particles of the atmosphere itself
this will enable the students especially
to be greatly assisted and blessed
because they have become the focus for
this outpouring
it may be well for the students to
understand that in national requirements
as in individuals there are qualities
needed for certain definite purposes at
certain times
that is the reason for special great
beans coming forth
these individuals having predominant the
quality of the nation need at a given
the students who can take this
understanding with great sincerity will
find a new element entering into their
lives which will benefit them greatly
the activity of expectation is quite a
vital one in receiving from the inner
presence it is a faculty that can be
used with a great deal of benefit by the
student who cultivates it
for instance if we have planned
something from which we are expecting
great joy we feel all buoyed up with
we can acquire and use the same
expectancy and elements we wish to
acquire and use
for it is very helpful enabling them to
come forth
if one calls on the phone and you are to
meet that one in the city you expect to
meet him
if you desire to meet the masters one
requirement is to expect to meet them
that is very helpful
why not expect to meet them now
people have become so abnormal in their
habits that naturally they have
interfered with their breathing as well
as other things
to use the statement
i am the balancing breath
we'll do a great deal more for them than
the use of many breath exercise without
the aid of an ascended master
the coming amazing activity will be done
by the use of the i am presence because
with its use
anything can be accomplished
take the consciousness often
i am the balancing breath
this sets in motion the inner activity
that maintains the outer perfection
in whatever you do always take the i am
and then you immediately set into motion
take the attitude of calm certainty in
your mind and keep on keeping on
the mighty presence whom we in great joy
have welcomed
we thank thee for thy great wondrous
radiance in light
thy great radiance and conquering power
and we trust that thou mayest decreed
justice now and for all time to mankind
saint germain
i shall have to journey on
question where are you going
answer home
question which one
answer the golden city
it is clothed in the electronic
substance and is just as tangible to you
as the physical
within the light of the golden city are
lights that are much brighter than the
surrounding radiance as these physical
lights are in the
atmosphere within all lights at certain
points and consciousness focused at
these points it becomes illumination
suppose this room with a great sun it
has an atmosphere
the individuals moving within it would
have their own radiance about them the
same as the lights in this room
discourse 12 november 10th 1932
saint germain
though mighty infinite presence though
all pervading intelligence
thy love wisdom and power govern all
thy divine justice has ever operated in
the lives and worlds of those who look
to thee with unfailing determination
we give praise and thanks that thou art
the ruling power and governing
intelligence during all things
we give praise and thanks that in our
world thou art our ever sustaining
invincible power we thank thee
god always finds a way to help those
whose hearts reach out to him
the discourse
the seeming mysteries of life with their
attendant experiences are when rightly
understood blessings in disguise
for any experiences causes us to turn
more firmly to the one act of presence
i am god in action has served as a
wonderful purpose and blessing
the unfortunate situation in which
personalities find themselves exist
because they are constantly looking to
outside source for sustenance
directing intelligence and for the love
that is the supreme presence and power
of the
universe it matters not what the
conditions are that we face
at no time must we lose track or of
allow ourselves to be drawn from the
great truth that
love is the hub of the universe upon
which everything revolves
this does not mean that we call love in
harmony discord or anything unlike the
christ but instead we can love god in
action the i am presence everywhere
for the opposite of hate is love
and one cannot hate in any sense without
having love deeply
the admonition that jesus gave was truly
this idea
each human being is a power that is
intended to be the governing principle
of his life and world
in the recognition that within each
human being is the i am presence of god
ever acting
then everyone knows that he holds within
his outer hands the scepter of dominion
and should use his conscious
determination in knowing that the
invincible presence of god is every
moment the intelligent activity in his
world and affairs
this keeps the attention from becoming
fixed on the outer appearances
which is never the truth unless
illumined by the i am presence
no matter what the problem is to be
solved in the individual's life there is
only one power
presence and intelligence that can solve
and that is the individual's recognition
of the all-powerful presence of god
with whom no outer activity may
unless the individual's attention is
knowingly or unknowingly drawn from his
central recognition and acceptance of
the supreme god power
the principle of life
always active
is ever striving to pour itself forth
into expression
thereby producing its natural perfection
but human beings having free will
consciously or unconsciously qualified
with all kinds of distortions
the individual who stands with his
attention fixed firmly on the i am
presence on god and with god
becomes an invincible power which no
other on manifestation or mankind can
in the recognition of i am here and i am
there friends wherever needful will be
raised up to one's assistance for
i am the friends brought forward
whenever and wherever is necessary
the release from all outer dominion or
interference can only come through this
recognition of the i am presence
god in action
in the individual's life and world
many times this requires strong
determination to hold unwaveringly in
his presence when appearances seem to be
however such is never really the case
the old saying an individual is never
licked unless he gives up is quite true
for as long as an individual looks with
full determination to god in himself
as the governing intelligence
there is no human activity that can long
the mighty outpouring of light flowing
about each individual through the
activity of the vision
and knowing of its presence can be made
as invincible as a wall of steel about
one in fact more so
every down through the centuries have
the majority of mankind given their
attention to the outer appearances
thereby inviting all kind of discord in
but today there are thousands who are
coming to understand the god presence
within themselves as absolutely
to the extent that they are steadily
being raised above the injustice discord
and harmony of the outer creation
until mankind or individuals hold their
attention on the i am presence god
within long enough and with sufficient
they will find themselves surrounded by
the undesirable
but through this i am presence each one
has the power to raise himself above the
discord and disturbance of the honor
at first it does not take determination
to hold fast when the seeming storm
clouds hang low and the outer
appearances seem overwhelming
but with a dynamic conscious attitude
and the attention fixed upon the
presence of god within
it is like the lightning flashing forth
from within the storm cloud
penetrating dissolving the storm that
seems so threatening
as one advances he finds himself
becoming more and more invincible to the
outer creation of mankind which brings
such great distress
the statement of jesus know the truth
and the truth shall make you free
was perhaps one of the simplest and
greatest truth ever be uttered
for the first fundamental of knowing
this great truth to which he referred
was to know that you have within you
this invincible presence of god
if you know that and are certain of it
within your own consciousness i mean by
that standing with firm determination in
the face of everything
then you know you do have that presence
your next step is to take your stand
i am the illuminine revealing presence
and no outer activity that i need to
know can be withheld from me
because i am the wisdom
i am the perception
i am the revealing power bringing
everything before me that i may see and
understand and be able to act
it is so easy when you once understand
that i am the only intelligence and
presence acting
to see how you have the scepter within
your own hands and through this i am
presence you can compel everything you
need to know to be revealed to you
i assure you this is not in any way
interfering with the free will of any
other individual
it is time that the children of god who
are looking to light awaken to this
i assure you it is no wrong nor mistake
to claim and demand your own
in doing this you are not in any way
interfering with any other individual
if at any time there are those who
through their outer activity attempt to
take from you that which belongs to you
then it is your right to command through
the i am presence that the whole
condition be adjusted and your own
brought to you
in this we must be very careful that
when we have set the divine law into
motion and divine justice begins to take
that we do not become over sympathetic
and thereby interrupt the action law
when human beings are governed entirely
by the utter self and when they have no
consideration for the power of god which
gives them life they are easily led to
commit any kind of injustice
but does that mean in any sense that you
shall allow them to do it in your world
not when you know that you have the
mighty power of god within to command
and demand right and justice from
i want to cite you an instance
one of my students was going through a
very trying experience and the nature
being very spiritual i told her to
demand right injustice
she did his advice and presently things
began to happen to those who wish to do
her injustice
through kindness of heart she began to
relent and wish that she'd not demanded
she came to me and said what am i to do
i said with no uncertainty stand by the
decree that you have issued
you are not responsible for the lessons
these individuals have to learn who have
wronged you so let them get their
lessons and be undisturbed
when individuals start to do wrong
that moment they set in motion the great
universal or cosmic law retribution
and they can no more avoid retribution
striking them sometime somewhere then
they can stop the action of the planets
to the innocent victim
retribution sometimes seems a long time
but the longer its arrival is delayed
the more powerful it acts when it does
there is no human being in existence
that can avoid this law
many times students and individuals have
thought that something could be imposed
upon them
such i assure you is not the case
the only way one can open himself to
undesirable thought is by entering into
condemnation and hate
if he has done this he has generated the
thing in which he believed
the student who knows the power of god
within himself need never fear anything
from anyone
the individual may if he or she chooses
experience the fullness of the activity
of god in his life and world
it is simply a matter of choosing what
you shall have
if you want peace and harmony no
i am the power producing it
if you want adjustment in your affairs
and world no
i am the mighty intelligence and power
producing it and no outer activity can
interfere with it
from out of the seeming mystery of
life's ceaseless activity there is the
illumining presence of the mighty i am
that stands ever ready to bless you with
untold and conceivable blessings
if you only let it
how do you let it
by the joyous acceptance of the mighty
that you have this mighty power within
and then do not hesitate in every detail
on your activity no matter how small it
to call it into action
for there's no energy in the universe
but god to act through your
consciousness your mind your body your
say often
i am the presence in everything you wish
to have done
this opens the way for the power of god
to act and bring you justice
have no sympathy for the outer that in
its ignorance does the wrong thing
whether in yourself or someone else
keep calm and serene
knowing god is the only intelligence and
power acting in your world in affairs
i am in you
is the self-sustaining strength and
healing manifesting in your mind and
this keeps you in greater attunement
face god and the energy always surges
forth to command every situation
individuals who understand this law are
not subject to injustice and the
conditions which the outer cells of
other beings try to impose upon them
keep the altar reminded of this often
be sure always within yourself that
there is only the presence and power of
god acting in you and your affairs
keep using the statement at all times
that there is nothing hidden that is not
revealed to me
this is always necessary
however no matter what individuals want
to do
your safeguard is always to pour out the
love of god to them
when individuals try to enjoy something
through injustice without question they
never enjoy it for they always lose some
faculty by which they could enjoy it
other personalities always have the same
privilege to stand with god that you do
and if they do not choose that is not
your business
god is the all-knowing presence and
knows and discovers all things you may
say for another
mighty master self the i am presence
within this individual come forth in thy
conscious power
with thy mighty insight and foresight
with thy wisdom and directing
intelligence and see that all things are
adjusted for her
and that she is given the peace and rest
he so much deserves
i am the commanding presence directing
and commanding this to be done and it is
done now
lift the consciousness into the full
dazzling light
which you may see and know the repose
rest in beauty that is hers by her own
creation and service
it is a mistake to let sympathy draw you
into conditions that are very
destructive and take the stand
i am the only presence acting here
for helping those who have passed on
through so-called death
the i am the presence holding that
individual in the sphere where he
belongs teaching and enlightening them
if the student can get the correct idea
of pouring out the love to his own
divine self he will receive complete
relief from every discord to perfect
i am the presence there governing and
healing the situation
mankind in general and the doctors have
distorted things pitifully
the individual who wants to rise in the
god presence and live there needs the
energy he wastes
the very energy individuals waste is the
force and strength by which they are
unable to hold fast to the guide
this energy is the life they need to
enable them to turn and hold steadfast
to the guide presence
when the outer south has for century
used life's energy to create wrong
the waste of the energy becomes a wide
open drain upon the consciousness of
doctors are responsible for much of this
terrible condition
for they teach the gratification of the
sex appetite and that is the greatest
avenue of ways which human beings have
been to contend
this is what it makes impossible to hold
fast to the god presence long enough to
attain the mastery
it is 95 of the cause of old age and the
loss of sight hearing and memory as
these faculties only cease to function
when there is no longer a stream of this
energy flowing into the cellular
structure of the brain
you cannot tell us to individuals until
they have had such hard knocks that they
are almost desperate with the misery of
their own creation before they will
listen to you
the will is absolutely nothing without
this life energy
there is only one possible way to change
anything which has been created and
directed into a wrong channel
the attention is what holds it fast to
the wrong use or expression of it
instantly direct the thought to the
higher self
many people get the idea that they
control it by sheer force of will
through compulsion
all this cannot be done
for you but damn it up and it only
breaks out somewhere else
the only permanent way to overcome it is
to change the attention and rise out of
use a statement
i am the governing presence of this
energy and the only power that can raise
i am the presence raising and
transcending it and that action is
forever self-sustained
i am the presence doing this and
therefore it is done now for god's
activity is always instantaneous
in any wrong condition
the first thing to do is to call on the
law of forgiveness
remember that when a thing has been set
in motion or energized it simply acts
the physical body is the vehicle for
contact with the sense world
when nearing the point of precipitation
continue on using the physical vehicle
for doing the ordinary physical service
there is the inner the mental and the
physical world
the physical body has been created to
act in the lower rate of vibration and
is the natural vehicle provided
to direct and handle physical objects by
the mind alone needs an accumulation of
electronic force in the electronic
circle of the individual
when using the energy below the ascended
state this consciously generated energy
is held within the electronic circle
which surrounds every individual to a
more or less degree
this accounts for some individuals
seeming to have a limitless amount of
for that which is accumulated in one
lifetime is carried over into the
succeeding lives
perhaps one of the most unfortunate
things in which human being lives is
that man's so-called legal right to bind
another individual
in the sex activity when the other one
wishes to rise out of it
even in the ignorance of the outer mind
some natures have a powerful development
of the love activity
the pure love of god never goes below
the heart
true love never requires sex contact of
any kind
the greatest senate hosts of love are
ever with those who want to do riot
send your thoughts out to them and you
shall always receive help
you have an invulnerable invincible
power when you know you have the
of the i am presence
the law of forgiveness is the wide open
door to reach the heart of god it is the
keynote and hub of which the universe
the mighty infinite presence of god
we give praise and thanks for thy
seekless ministry
we call my blessings thy wisdom my
intelligence to act through each one
giving peace of mind peace of body and
joy of heart to go forth the ruling
conquering victorian presence over all
we give praise and thanks that the
mighty presence i am god in action
governs all official places
causing thy perfection to be ever
operative and self-sustained in thy name
and through thy presence
discourse 13
november 14 1932
saint germain
the majestic presence
infinite creator of all there is the
great i am
visible and invisible manifest and
we rejoice in thy great and mighty
presence that thou hast made us aware of
thy limitless power thy infinite
intelligence thy eternal youth and
we give praise and thanks that we have
become so aware of thy great opulence
thy great abundance
that we feel it like a mighty river in
our hands and use thou mighty endless
though ceaseless stream thou hast made
us aware that
i am the mighty power of precipitation
we bow before the in adoration and full
acceptance of thy mighty presence and
i bring you greetings from the great
hosts in the great light of the
illumined ones and growing rapidly
the discourse
i am the resurrection and the life
i am the energy you use in every action
i am the light illumining every cell of
your being
i am the intelligence the wisdom
directing your every effort
i am the substance omnipresent without
limit which you may use and bring into
form without any limit
i am thy strength i perfect
i am thy ability to apply it constantly
i am the truth that gives you now
perfect freedom
i am the open doorway into the light of
god that never fails
i give praise i have entered into this
light fully using that perfect
i am my sight that sees all things
visible and invisible
i am thy hearing listening to the bells
of freedom which i hear now
i am thy ability sensing the most
ravishing fragrance at will
i am the completeness of all perfection
you ever wish to manifest
i am the full understanding power and
use of all this perfection
i am the full revelation and use of all
the powers of my being which i am
i am the love the mighty motive power
back of all action
i wish to give the most kindly warning
to the students under this radiation to
watch every feeling
that at no time anyone except a feeling
of jealousy at the progress of another
each student must always remember that
he has no concern whatsoever with the
other students except to know that
i am the god presence there in action
for one student to wonder and question
his own mind about the progress of
another is most retarding and is never
each student must understand that his
only concern is the harmonizing
quickening and the expansion of his own
mind and world
the sooner students understand that the
one imperative demand of the great law
of their being is harmony of the mind
and feelings
the quicker will perfection manifest
without this being maintained they
cannot go beyond a certain state of
as soon as the students realize this and
begin to use the i am presence
commanding the harmony and silence of
our auto activity
they will find that they can see
feel and be the perfection which is so
much desire
when students and friends have a deep
sincere love for each other which is not
inquisitiveness that love is the
greatest blessing uplifting power
here is one criterion by which a student
may gauge himself at all times
determining what is the power acting
if one feels critical inquisitive or out
of harmony toward a person place
condition or thing
it is a sure signal that the outer self
is acting and the right attitude is to
correct it immediately
everyone especially students must
realize that they have only one thing to
and that is to feel
see and be perfection in their own world
this is so very important is the reason
i am stressing it so much at this time
because as students begin to experience
unusual manifestations through their
there is always a suggestion at first
which will say to the individual
i am able to use a law better than the
other person
this you know without my saying is a
one cannot long use the statement i am
even intellectually until he begins to
feel a deeper and deeper conviction that
i am all things
think often what these two marvelous
words mean
and always couple with the use of these
two words a statement that
when i say i am
i am setting in motion the limitless
power of god in whatever i couple the
expression i am with
in the scriptural statement before
abraham was i am
abraham represents the outer expression
of life
and i am represents the principle of
life which was expressing through
thus there was the perfection of life
before any manifestation ever occurred
and thus is life without beginning and
without end
my beloved students my heart rejoices
exceedingly in the nearness of which
some of you are feeling the conviction
of this majestic presence i am which you
do your utmost to feel calmly serenely
and if you cannot see it otherwise shut
your eyes and see perfection everywhere
more and more there will come to you
proof of the marvelous presence of this
you will hear feel seen experience at
marvel of all marvels which is children
you have lived in miracles performed
there have been written for your benefit
descriptions and explanations of the use
of this mighty i am presence
you who hold fast to the truth will come
into the threefold action
hearing and experiencing these so-called
miracles until you understand their
and then majestic simple truth which you
may forever apply when once understood
with all my centuries of experience i
cannot help but say to you as
encouragement that my heart leaps with
joy at the nearness with which some of
you are grasping the scepter of dominion
go forward my brave ones do not hesitate
grasp your scepter of dominion raise it
for i am the scepter the quenchless
flame the dazzling light the perfection
which you once knew
come let me hold you in my strong
that where there have been so long too
there will only be one
i am
i am the nor the doer the perfection
expressed now
i again speak to the individuals wanting
so much to have their problem solved
there is only one presence in the
universe that can or ever does solve any
and that is the i am presence everywhere
beloved ones let me say in all kindness
there is no use just seeking to have a
problem solved
because where one was a dozen may appear
but when you know the perfect attitude
is to enter into the i am presence
knowing it is the unquestionable solve
of every problem you will as surely as i
am telling you
cause all problems disappear
for where you live constantly calmly
with sufficient determination in the i
am presence
instead of having many appear where one
has been solved you will have entered
into the state where there are none
i command the power in these words today
to carry to everyone who hears or reads
them the true conviction understanding
back of them
for the brain
i am the quickening of the cells of this
my or your brain structure
causing it to expand and receive the
intelligent direction of the mighty
you must know that you have the power
through the i am presence to consciously
qualify your thought in whatever way you
there is not to say what you shall do
for you are a free being of free will
if you could be conscious of every
thought that passed through your mind
for six weeks and keep it qualified with
you would see the most amazing results
say often
i am the master within
governing and controlling all my thought
processes and full christ perfection as
i wish him to be
blessing and holding others in the light
when you bless others or visualize them
in the light
there's a double activity of the quality
you send out
in doing this there is a certain amount
of protection that is automatic result
but the thought and quality in the light
and blessing registers principally
within one's own consciousness
and at the same time intensifies the
quality in the one to whom and ascent
take the eternal stand that
i am what i want to be
you must use the i am presence
consciously always
rarely even among students have they
realized deeply what the i am presence
only occasionally has any real
comprehension of the i am come forth
except in the retreat to the ascended
jesus was the first to stress it to the
outer world
i urge you earnestly do not give any
consideration to the element of time
manifestation must come instantly when
you give the i am presence freedom
go on apply no and let the i am presence
take care of the element of time
when you make a declaration of truth and
stick to it you must receive
the outer has no power of itself at all
its duty is simply to know that the i am
presence is acting
sometimes without being aware of it the
outer self is looking for the time and
i can convey to you the conviction and
the feeling that when you command as the
i am presence
almighty god moves into action
remember at all times that when you are
dealing with personalities you are
dealing with the outer human creation
and you have all right and power to
command its silence and obedience
whether it is in your own outer self or
someone else's
if you will count 10 before you speak
you can control all sudden impulse and
back of this is a mighty law which can
help the student immensely
when there is a sudden impulse there is
a release or rushing forward of
accumulated energy
if there be anger then the energy is
instantly qualified with it or with
destruction of some kind
the power of self-control would say
only god's perfection goes forth
this will handle on the condition of
uncontrolled impulses with which the
individual is contending
when the student has already let
something go forth that is undesirable
then the thing to do is to consciously
consume it instantly
the constant use of god bless this
directed to inanimate things brings
amazing accomplishments
the easy way to see and feel perfection
is to qualify every thought and feeling
going forth with perfection
when an impulse comes to do anything
instantly qualify with perfection
story of the engine in a small town
the whistle is the warning
the i am is the control of the engine
the ordinary human being would not think
of running over children and killing
them yet he releases wrongly qualified
energy and thought feeling in words that
kill the higher impulses in others
if your personality is not controlled
and governed it has the same qualities
all other selves or personalities
but your i am presence is the perfect
control of it
there's nothing more tragic in the world
for one person to hold the thought of
limitation over another human being
a thought of imperfection driven and a
sensitive person sometimes limits that
one for years
and many times the results are very
we must all give everyone his complete
freedom mentally
if you speak of freedom for yourself be
sure and give it first to everyone else
when there is a condition and another
that you wish to help use the following
i am the perfect manifestation there
the principle within both energy and
substance is the same
substance holds energy within a
the heart center of substance is
intelligent action vibration in its
natural state is pure always
vibration is energy in action and must
be qualified
the pulsation in all substance is the
breath of god acting
think when breathing
i am the perfect energy of every breath
i breathe
i am the pure atmosphere of my world
form the habit of constantly qualifying
your world with perfection
the old habit of thinking imperfection
has filled your world in the past
now the important thing is to be
self-conscious that you are filling your
world with perfection all the time
stand on your feet the first thing in
the morning and say with feeling
i am the presence filling my world with
perfectionist day
do not be concerned about personalities
to take the stand i am perfection acting
through any official
would impel the i am power in action
the first thing in the morning say
i qualify everything in my worldless day
with perfection
because i am perfection
i qualify this mind and body with
absolute perfection and refuse
acceptance of anything else
i am the miracle and i am the presence
compelling its
through divine love wisdom and power
when individuals come and ask about
certain use of law always preface your
statement with
you are an individual of free will
but this is the way i feel about it
what is required for the expansion of
light for one person may be entirely
different from that of someone else
you cannot expand so long as you have an
opinion about anyone else
it is stifling to your own progress
the time comes with everyone when he
must stand up and face himself his outer
creation then say this
whatever there is of imperfection left
in me has to get out
your constructive desire is god in
action doing the thing
your desire holds the power or energy of
the i am
through the attention on the thing you
desire to do
i am the full revelation and the perfect
application for precipitating what i
and i do know what is the perfect thing
to do in the outer self while
say often
i am the precipitating presence of this
do not be anxious
just know it with calm certainty
when you are conscious of the i am
you know it is moving forward
do not let in the sense of
disappointment rather say
i am the perfect harmony of my thought
feeling in action
out of thy pure presence we receive now
and forever thy strength thy wisdom
thy understanding application of thy
great and marvelous laws
that we may produce and maintain thy
perfection in each life
mind body home and world
in a recent news rail there has been
pictured certain chemical activities and
how to use this chemical action upon
flowers to qualify them with a desired
instead of raising them in the earth
they are growing them in water with
excelsior over the top
this shows how near the chemists and
scientists are coming to bringing things
forth direct from the universal
this shows the interactivity coming into
conscious definite use
or the activity held in consciously
directed rays
i am the only acting presence in this
i am the intelligent activity in their
i am the protection in myself and my
i am the intelligence and presence
acting everywhere
i am the visible opulence i desire
i am the presence producing abundance
wherever i choose to use it
discourse 14
november 17 1932
saint germain
i am the joy
the courage the confidence pervading all
the earth filling the hearts of mankind
consuming all generated thought of
depression or lack in the minds of
and that which has been sent forth
through lack of confidence shall be wet
from the earth
i am the presence the perfect christ
activity in the minds of all humanity
filling all official places causing it
to sustain all personalities
causing them to turn with quick
certainty the source of their being
the perfect life manifests in all outer
i am the presence proclaiming the
conscious act of divinity in the
manifestations everywhere
this shall be
for i am the supreme conquering presence
i am here and i am there
i go everywhere touching the brains of
mankind as with a streak of lightning
not with consuming power but with the i
am presence that will no longer be
gained said
i bring you greeting
joy and love from the great host
it is so wonderful beloved ones to have
such perfect peace and calmness in your
minds this morning
oh could you understand the value of
maintaining that peace of mind there is
nothing that warrants it being disturbed
your melodies were beautiful and
wonderful words shall come forth to
bless through the melodies
there is that great joy and advancing
conquering presence that will bless your
home world and students with its
glorifying presence
with its presence of opulence streaming
forth like a mighty river to all who
make themselves worthy by the peace and
harmony of mind
the discourse
i wish to call your attention this
morning to the active presence of faith
hope and charity
in this consideration we will think of
faith as the conquering emanating power
hope the open doorway through the veil
acting in the pure presence
and charity as a determination to think
no evil to speak no evil see no evil
hear no evil and feel no evil
students should always watch the
interactivity of the outer mind and not
let themselves be fooled by its action
this may sound like a paradox but it is
this is more important than it seems at
if there is lurking back in the
consciousness any feeling of resistance
of any kind whatsoever
or that something which is always ready
to bristle when something displeases
pluck it out by the roots
you know it is on the outer and it will
stand in the way of your attainment to
prevent it until you do pluck it out
to maintain a tranquil sweet disposition
in the face of all things is the certain
road to self-control and absolute
this is much more important than any you
can possibly understand at this time for
your attainment of all that you desire
there are cosmic masters known as faith
hope and charity
and calling your attention to these
three principles always active in life
i want to assure you that they are not
only qualities within yourself but there
are beings of great light and
advancement who are also known as faith
hope and charity
the individuals and students who make
the conscious effort to cultivate these
and consciously expand them in their
worlds will find themselves receiving
great assistance from these conscious
mighty beings from whose name come those
qualities into individualization
these are cosmic self-conscious
intelligent beings
whose special action with mankind is to
encourage and expand these qualities
therefore let all the students
understand that this is far more than a
scriptural phrase or expression
at this time these great ones have come
from out of the cosmic silence because
of the need of faith hope and charity in
the minds and hearts of mankind
the sinister force that would have
destroyed the confidence the hope and
charity in the minds of american people
is doomed to fail utterly
even now
hundreds who voted for a wet
administration are finding their own
uncontrolled thought recoiled upon them
and are regretting the unwisdom of the
so out of the seeming wrong activity
will stir some great good
since the hypnotic force that was
generated has spent itself
many of mankind are wondering what
caused them to do certain things
and their very rebellion will generate
the force which will be used to correct
conditions after all
god which is progress knows no defeat in
let students always remember this
which will enable them to maintain the
so much needed peace and poise of mind
the majestic being charity has a natural
consuming force for dissolving and
annihilating hate
criticism condemnation
and uses the cosmic rays as a balancing
force in their ethers from which human
beings are drawn their very breath and
sustenance so in spite of themselves
they are breathing in the fire of these
this reminds me of an illustration
you know when a person is fainting many
times you hold the smelling sides of
ammonia under one's nose
this is what is actually taking place
under the nose of humanity
it is now breathing in this consuming
ask your students not to discuss this
fact with unbelievers but it is vital
that the students understand this
here i want to stress something
to the earnest sincere student
there are innumerable means of
assistance available to him much of
which is and will remain entirely
unknown to him but from which he
nevertheless draws when his desire for
the light is sincere
to throw everything to the wind and
stand joyously determinedly in that one
mighty presence which i am
enables each one to have a continuous
stream of victories marked down to his
or her benefit
no effort ever made in the name of
presence with i am can never fail
but must go forward from one victory to
another until one attains and is able to
use the scepter of his full dominion
i wish to encourage and strengthen the
very important advancing consciousness
concerning law of forgiveness
the correct way to call into action law
of forgiveness is to say
i am the law of forgiveness and the
consuming flames of all inharmonious
action and human consciousness
this sets into motion the completed
when you use the statement i call on the
law of forgiveness
you are not always completing the action
because you need to be conscious of who
and where that intelligence is which
enables it to be done
as i look among the students i find that
it is important to keep touching
frequently upon the use of the i am
ford is doing remarkable things for them
my very being lifts up when i see among
the students those whose attention is
held with determination upon the i am
how the student becomes a powerful
magnet for the light
and how it rushes to envelop each one as
a loving mother and false child
could people see and realize as for one
moment their determination would surge
into a conquering flame from which there
could be no receding
the time is apropos day and i send forth
to each of you and the students a
conscious ball of light
in developing the heart and brain of
each one
that they may receive more continuously
the conscious blessing
of the mighty i am presence
i believe that most of them will feel
this whether they do or not nothing can
interfere with its action to bless them
to those blessed ones who find
disturbance in the home at times
i would suggest that they use this
statement and feel it deeply
i am the conquering presence commanding
peace love and harmony in my home and
anyone who uses with determination can
have a peaceful loving harmonious
atmosphere in the home
some may need to build a momentum to
experience its continuous action
many times they will have immediate
to build this into the consciousness is
recognizing the i am presence as the
ruling power in their homes
for it is naturally the ruling presence
if students and individuals who have
difficulty in maintaining self-control
will sit quietly for five minutes
feeling deeply and thinking in
i am loving charity
they will find a sense of great relief
for fainting you know speaking of
fainting the individual never faints
only the personality does that
therefore if one who is in the habit of
fainting will take this determined stand
i am the commanding presence forbidding
this nonsense and i forever maintain
control of my body and mind
he or she will forever control it
when one first feels the least
disturbance quickly take the
consciousness i am the commanding
presence and i maintain my consciousness
one must realize that in the command of
the i am presence he has absolute
control of the body
the more anyone uses this the more
quickly does manifestation take place
if the great central sun is the heart
center of the infinite
where is that which is the brain center
in the pure state
whether in the infinite or the finite
when there is no imperfection
the brain and heart activity become one
for the motive power of all activities
sent forth is love from the heart
therefore in the pure state the heart
and brain are synonymous
for within divine love is contained love
wisdom and power
the infinite energy is always present
awaiting use
but does not act in the life of an
individual except under conscious
there does come a time in the progress
of the individual when things act so
that it seems to be automatic but it
really never is
there is absolutely but one road to
self-conscious mastery
and that is the conscious direction of
the eternal energy into whatever you
now this brings us into another quite
vital point
desire is an indirect action of the
but desire sustained by the determined
use of the attention
causes the desire to become an
invincible manifestation
this will give you a slight idea of how
important it is that conscious direction
be coupled with the desire
conscious use of the i am presence or
the consciously directed use of this
eternal energy to a given accomplishment
should at no time be anything but a most
joyous effort
it should never seem like worker tension
anyway because when you declare
i am the presence
the intelligence directing this energy
to a given purpose
you set the law in motion in a perfectly
easy call manner
and it does not require any tearing the
hair effort
therefore it should always be calm
serene determined procedure
the student should at all times
understand that the student never
chooses the master but the master
chooses the student
did the student understand what
consciousness he was to maintain
it would come about very much sooner
for contacting the ascended masters use
i am the presence preparing away and
bringing visible contact with the
beloved ascended masters
with the use of the i am presence you
have full command and limitless control
over all disturbing conditions
when you speak in the i am presence you
are speaking in the presence which the
ascended being is
you must realize deeply that when you
say i am
it is the full god power acting and
knows no failure of any kind
we give praise and thanks for thy
infinite outpouring great i am presence
we give praise and thanks that at last
we know who thou art
and that within thee are all
we give praise and thanks that thy
mighty presence is always the governing
intelligence the love and unfolding the
light illuminating everything on the way
discourse 15
november 21st 1932
saint germain
invocation thou mighty conquering
the majesty of i am everywhere
we give praise and thanks for thy mighty
presence everywhere
thy all-pervading energy and power ever
stands at the door of our conscience for
what we may consciously directed to
manifest thy wondrous perfection
forever we give praise and thanks to
thee for thy mighty presence
i bring you greetings from the great
ascended host
always giving their assistance that you
may manifest perfection
the discourse
out of the glorious fullness of god's
omnipresent light and substance comes
the fullness of all things
the student who is strong enough firm
enough to stand along with his or her
mighty i am presence
never dividing for a single hour the
presence and the power of god will find
himself or herself steadily rising into
that mighty perfection forever free from
all sense or recognition of an
the student is fortunate indeed who can
hold himself or herself within this
mighty presence undivided
for the benefit of some of the students
who are so sincere
and yet are unknowingly allowing their
attention to be withheld from the
undivided presence
i wish to state certain facts with no
intent to intrude upon the free will of
the individual
these records which i shall quote we
have within our possession
and they cover the past one hundred
that of which i wish to speak of today
is the delusion of astrology
no one living can give his attention to
astrology and enter into the presence of
the i am and remain there
underlying the present use of astrology
is the human desire an opportunity to
justify and gratify the outer desire
here let me state an appalling fact
which is within the records we have
there is no one thing or phase of study
which has caused more failure or more
indirect murder than the present
illusion of astrology
in your city of chicago within very
recent years was a splendid student of
metaphysics who
consciously accepted the delusion of his
horoscope and was driven to commit
the one thing humanity needs most and
students above all else is the firm rock
and consciousness of the mighty i am
presence upon which to stand safely and
free from the pitfalls of other
it is not the negative statements of
perspective death and the so-called
ill-fated star force to be overcome that
students need to know
but the unconquerable all-pervading i am
that is the only and all life of their
being to which their attention needs to
be drawn
and held there with a firm grasp
in the i am presence there is no height
the student may not reach but by
allowing his attention to be held by
astrology numerology and the many isms
of today
there is no depth he may not reach
the present use of astrology has no
semblance of the use of which you put it
centuries ago
then it conveyed no negative statements
of any kind
the great harm of the attention fixed
is that students accept the negative
statements far more than they are
willing to admit
the sinister negative forces generated
by mankind in the world always takes
advantage of such things as this to get
a hold and hold the attention
especially the student who is
progressing and thus keep it upon him
that which will pull him down instead of
raising him up
where there is a horoscope that
indicates the death of someone
various minds become fixed upon that
idea an actual indirect murder is
so subtle individuals would be shocked
to be reminded that they had any part in
it but i assure you it is nonetheless
the truth for all of their surprise
could the students of astrology see for
one day from the great inner standpoint
the destructive force generated and used
through the present use of astrology
they would turn from it as from a
poisonous serpent waiting to strike
death into their veins
i say to you beloved students in the
name of your light in progress and all
progress stand within your own a mighty
i am presence
and let not your attention be held or
divided by any other thing if you wish
to avoid the wheel of birth and rebirth
from the great love of my heart seen and
knowing from the inner standpoint as you
do not and cannot possibly as yet
i urge you to avoid everything that
savors of a negative expression or
then you shall rise in the wings of your
mighty i am presence into the
everlasting freedom and blessing of the
perfect eternal limitless light
as i said i do not wish in any manner to
intrude upon your free will
but the gates of eternal freedom are
open before you if you will but believe
the truth i have uttered
which will enable you to enter within
these gates and receive the eternal
blessing of the light waiting there to
unfold you
if there are conditions in your life
home or environment that you wish to be
rid of
command through the i am presence that
they be dissolved and consumed before
its mighty light in power
beloved students who have come under
this radiation with you we shall not
touch upon this subject again
may the i am presence within you enable
you to see the light and truth of which
i have spoken
i have seen within you the glorious
light that can be quickened into a
dazzling radiance enabling you to
express perfection
hence of my own volition have i offered
my humble assistance
but if the personality persists in
allowing the attention to be held on
but the mighty i am presence
which i know is the mightiest and only
raising presence and solver of all
then my humble efforts must necessarily
be in vain
i assure you dear ones you have reached
a point where you must go up or down
with your determined attention and
acknowledgement constantly held on the
mighty i am presence
there is no condition
force or presence in earth or heaven
that can prevent your wondrous glorious
attainment into everlasting freedom and
if you have not doubt within you which
causes you to feel and tells you the
great divine love that enables me to
voice this truth to you for your
then we must but wait such time as the
truth of it does appear within you
when students and individuals have once
learned of and acknowledge the mighty i
am presence
and then allow their attention to longer
be held by or upon other things
whether it be consciously or
unconsciously makes little difference
for they are deliberately turning their
backs to the presence
which is the source of their being and
life within them that enables them to
move their bodies without
i declare with all the love of my being
that i am the presence enabling you to
see and feel this truth and stand by and
within it for the sake of your own
wonders progress
those who will hold steadfast enough to
the mighty presence will find abundant
proof coming into their experience of
its limitless power and intelligence
beloved students many hands of the
ascended host are extended do you give
their assistance when you can hold your
undivided attention on the active prince
of god in you
and stand there unyielding to the pull
of all outer appearances
truth is mighty and does prevail
may you feel its majestic presence at
all times
it is a mistake on the part of the
student to feel disappointment because a
certain thing he has worked on does not
manifest instantly
one is yet he has not generated great
enough power and activity to produce it
that quickly
the attention must always be on the i am
suppose i were to declare
i am the mighty i am presence in action
and then an hour later i allowed my
attention to be fixed on a star in a
so-called adverse aspect of me
or the outer condition that indicates
disaster of some kind
do you not see how that would annul the
statement i had made and would liberate
the power of freedom
jesus said you cannot serve two masters
this means that you cannot divide
attention for you must stop
look and listen
tell you you cannot make steady progress
if you give power to anything but your
mighty eye in presence
the unfortunate thing with so many
is they do not hold long and steadily
enough for the mighty tooth of their
being to gain momentum and strength
enough to stand against the pull of
suggestion and utter appearance
the strange thing to me is that when the
student's attention has been once drawn
to the all power of the i am presence
which is the only active principle of
life they have
god in action within and about them
they cannot or do not see that they are
dividing the power when the attention is
fixed on other things
and but delaying the magnificent
activity and accomplishment which the i
am presence would otherwise bring forth
however having gone through the mill so
to speak
we have infinite patience to wait until
the beloved student can grasp his
scepter of dominion of this mighty i am
presence and hold it
i could bring you record to the most
appalling things done to the suggestion
of astrology
crimes are committed every week of the
year by the suggestions given out
through it
the suggestion given sets the law into
action to accomplish it
when your attention is on a thing the
power within yourself goes instantly
into it
if the astrologers do not stop holding
the thought of death against she will
pass out
it is criminal
is a child of god and is entitled to
live here as long as decreed
i shall do what i am permitted to
there are crimes so much worse than
physical murder that there is no
because they are committed deliberately
by people who know better than to do
there is one certain unfailing action of
the law
and that those who do these things must
pay the penalty of a like experience
two negative suggestions from others say
i am the presence
annulling all this so it cannot affect
me my home or world
it is the easiest thing in the world to
consciously dissipate something that is
voiced in your presence
simply say
i am the only presence acting here
do anything you do not wish to continue
through the presence that i am
this thing shall cease now and forever
go after like you were going to knock
over a wall when you really feel and
mean a thing
you lose the power that does the thing
try to realize the limitless power at
your command
in the feeling is both sighting hearing
because we can both hear and see without
using the faculties of sight and hearing
when one becomes instantly angry he
punctures other spheres of the quality
and the accumulation rides in
jealousy is the wide open channel upon
which every other destructive activity
rides in
when things are done consciously
they have much more power
when the energy is released it acts
because the individual has set it into
and it makes no difference whether he be
king or a chimney sweep
when the feelings are excited they are
accepting that instant
you can sit and listen to destructive
conversation unaffected so long as you
control the feeling of the solar plex
there cannot a thing enter your world
unless it be invited
no good ever came of gambling at one
time had a most wonderful power and
influence about her she began to play
the market and not only lost the power
but her money as well
is it not better to stand with your eye
on presence than with a gambling channel
anything that gets your attention
is a subtle activity of the outer to
pull you away from your freedom
for financial freedom
i am the riches of god flowing into my
hands and use that nothing can stop
say often
the presence i am
governs every existing channel and
manifestation it governs all
a student's experience
the student had heard and seen an
explosion of light while the physical
body was asleep
if she had consciously said when she
heard the explosion
i draw into my mind and body the
strength of the light explosion
she would have received its benefit
the light was the liberating of certain
powers for her use
in such experiences the important thing
for the student to do is to be alert
and in every manifestation be conscious
of the end drawing of its power
rejoice that it is the mighty power of
the i am presence acting giving its
strength and power to you
command the outer memory to retain and
bring into the outer conscious
everything you desire to know
when you use the i am presence you have
set the law into motion and it cannot
god does not act except through the
consciousness of individuals
else he would not have them here
god can only act in the physical world
through his individualizations
and even all nature is governed by
individual intelligence to ground the
plants and all
there is on the present all the force
and energy needed for a given purpose
when loosed by the i am presence
thus through the use of the i am
you can release power which is yet you
have no conception
the war when folk said
thou shalt not pass
he loosed the power by which the decree
was fulfilled
he had been in prayer for more than an
and when he came out he was so charged
with god's energy that as he entered the
it became the governing presence in the
atmosphere condition about him and god
the words thou shall not pass form a
it is dynamic powerful real and loses
tremendous power
there is only one power that acts
give it full freedom
stand with it and let it act
stand in it and buy it
there is no other power to act
this makes steady progress like a
glacier coming down the mountain
you are steadily moving forward and
gaining momentum against which nothing
else can stand it is an infallible
momentum power and means of achievement
of all good things
there is no permanent dominion except in
for cleanliness use
frequently i am the presence here
keeping my clothe and home perfectly
after time the force becomes so powerful
and it instantly consumes or repels
anything not wanted
the more you consciously act upon a
the more concentrated it becomes
when you say
the presence that i am charged this with
you can charge the water so powerfully
that it boils with the power of energy
do not let anything question your mind
as to whether your command worked or not
whenever commanding say
i know it is acting with full power
know what the i am means
know what it is to you
know what it can do
get this and hold fast with unyielding
within these students there is a
strength and power to do this and if
they will stand with this mighty i am
presence great assistance can and will
be given
mighty all-pervading intelligence
we invoke thy mighty wisdom governing
our every activity
we invoke thy mighty light illuminate
each one in the fullness of its dazzling
we invoke thy mighty love to unfold all
in this battle of peace
we invoke thy mighty power that love
wisdom and power may act in perfect
that it perfects all things upon which
our attention has been fixed
discourse 16 november 24 1932
thanksgiving day the personal ray of
jesus and other created rays
saint germain
thou mighty wondrous presence
we give praise and thanks for jesus
christ's presence today
we rejoice in the fullness of the christ
activity the active presence of god
out of the fullness of this presence
comes pouring like a mighty stream
gushing forth from the mountains the
energy of illumination
this great and mighty stream of life
with all its attributes of perfection
surging into the hearts of mankind
is anchoring in everyone peace love
harmony faith and charity to all
thou mighty presence infinite love
unfolding all mankind
give special notice to these earnest
students who have come under this
give every assistance that is
strengthen them to stand unwaveringly in
the light and face the truth
joyously willing to pluck out their
lives in creation of all undesirable
fill all official places with mighty
messengers of light
sustain them by thy mighty ascended host
that they may be strong enough to stand
unwavering and successful before any
sinister force
we give praise and thanks for this day
as an uplifting and wonderful memory
established in the conscious of mankind
may that rapidly approaching time come
when every day may be a thanksgiving in
the hearts of mankind
for thy light ever unfold in all who
wish it
i bring you greetings from the ascended
host and jesus himself
the first principle of activity from the
godhead is projection or precipitation
therefore its nature is to project or
precipitate itself
the first activity is the divided rays
going forth into individualization
into visible expression
when i speak of individual or visible
expression i use that term because of
the physical activity not that it is not
always visible because it is but to
those in the physical form i speak of it
as visibility
thus you will see the nature of your
being as rays of light
and who you are as the natural quality
of life which you so much desire at this
the day is rapidly approaching when many
many students will begin to use the
light rays of which they are apart
especially the ray of vision sound
even in your physical world today there
are being discovered means of producing
and use of these rays
these are strange activities i say
strange to the visible activity but
natural always to the inner presence
the manner of using these rays at
present is crude it is true but it will
require only another step to take them
through the veil
the power of the i am presence
and intelligence to use these rays will
always remain infinitely more powerful
than any mechanical contrivance by which
they are used
however to the students who has not yet
found his ability to use these rays
the scientist experience will be a
wondrous encouragement to knowing the
amazing truth of the individual's
ability to use them
here it is important to know that there
are natural rays penetrating through all
the atmosphere or etheric belt within
the earth atmosphere
when i say natural i mean those rays
projected from the godhead or great
central sun which in recent years
shall i say within a few years have been
made permanent
then there are the created rays created
and projected by the ascended host by
those who have raised the body
the latter are the most potent of all
rays because they are consciously
the rays the scientists are contacting
are the natural rays having a certain
natural potency
the great need as stated in the magic
is the preparation of earnest students
who can be raised and taught to use of
these rays
there are those among you who can do
this and as they are prepared with the
determined steadfastness to the light
they will have more and more of the law
revealed to them concerning the use of
these potent forces
i feel a very great joy and a
possibility before you and your students
i trust that they can find within
themselves a strength and steadfast
to hold fast to the outer and inner work
that is being done for them
where the joyous feeling of sureness of
the limitless power with true freedom
i have from time to time endeavored to
give a word of encouragement and through
that enfold them in the radiation of
strength which is fearless and dauntless
and slight
the joy joyous stillness and the
attitude of the student is wonderfully
encouraging for the expectant attitude
is the right attitude to be maintained
i would suggest that those who have been
having unpleasant experiences would
consciously withdraw from these
conditions all power that they have been
giving them most unknowingly
when it is necessary to discuss some
condition to understand it
immediately with following by
withdrawing any power that has been
given to it and then no
i am the harmonious presence
ever pervading whatever the condition
may be
as i have intimated before and it is
only particularly reached through i will
repeat it again
anyone especially the student
who is experienced in harmony or
limitation in his mind home or world
can with persistent
tensionless effort
by holding with determination to the
following statement
keep his home clear of anything
i am the governing presence
governing in perfect divine order
commanding harmony happiness in the
presence of god opulence in my mind my
home and my world
when i say i am the governing presence
i am fully consciously aware that i have
set in motion the full power and
intelligence of god producing the
desired condition
that they are thus self-sustained
it seems to me that has not been clearly
understood that when you use the
expression i am the presence in my mind
home and world
you are not only commanding the
conquering presence of this activity
through your own consciousness
but you are calling forth the assistance
of the i am or god presence
into your home and world or whomever
contacts it
this is so vital for the student to
do not be discouraged if you not see
immediate manifestation of this harmony
which you desire
but go right on feeling the conquering i
am presence
do you not see that in this
consciousness there is no other presence
to act except what you are conscious of
all other activity of the outer which is
undesirable is but a distorted activity
and use of this mighty energy
therefore when you say
i am the conquering presence
i command this i am presence to govern
perfectly my mind home affairs and world
you have sent forth the greatest decree
possible to be given
and you have but to feel the sustaining
power of this in the face of every
until you find perfection manifest in
your mind home and world
i wish the students would read this
particular part every day to keep before
them the mighty truth underline these
now we come to a vital point
and that is the personal ray or rays
sent forth by jesus direct
many will ask why especially jesus
i answer because humanity has been
taught to look to the presence of jesus
the christ
few having any knowledge at all of the
ascended host to the great masters of
the great white brotherhood who wield
limitless power to assist mankind
you and your students will have for the
next seven weeks the personal ray of
jesus the christ
those who can put aside any thought of
any other personalities with open arms
mentally speaking welcome these rays
into each one's mind home and world
and will find almost anything possible
i assure all of you that the idea of
these personal rays of jesus the christ
is no imaginary thing
and you our beloved master have the
personal thanks of jesus the christ for
your fearless stand and use of the
ascended jesus christ presence
as the messenger gives forth riches of
wisdom and truth so should students in
their loving sincerity the teacher
through the i am presence work for the
health and prosperity of the messengers
this would open doors to the students
not otherwise possible
there are indications at this time that
during the next seven weeks revelations
may be given to some of a certain use of
liquid light
i wish the students attention to be
fixed on this so those who already may
here let me say that the right attitude
of the student is always to rejoice at
the advancement of his or her brother or
for each individual receives that which
is most needed at the time
and if one receives one thing another
may receive something else
so the student should at no time feel
that he should have the same thing that
someone else receives
in regard to revelation
as no two are alike or the same state of
advancement you can see how they could
not each receive the same thing at the
same time
the most wonderful attitude of the
student is to continually bless and
rejoice at any revelation that comes to
his fellow student thus keeping the door
wide open to that glorious inner prince
at all times
for the encouragement of those
interested in aerial transport i wish to
say there is nearing that approach of
planes that will be proof against
these will make transportation quick
sure and easy anyone wanting to go
the obstructive mental attitude of those
interested in aerial navigation which
been opposing the coming forth of this
much needed knowledge is rapidly being
broken down
until there will come forth a flood so
to speak of wonderful ideas and
which can and well be used in these
wonderful means of transportation
many of you will not need then but there
are always those who do
for one's own aerial equipment within
him will always far excel any outward
for the higher body is the most
wonderful vehicle of aerial
transportation there is
some of my argumentative friends may
suggest that this vehicle is not able to
carry great loads but i say to them
how shall you judge until you are able
to use this means
it is most amusing to watch the activity
of so-called practical minds who feel
that there's nothing real except what
they can feel and handle
but unless one believes in limitless
power and laws of intelligence of god
he could in no wise receive to any great
extent from this mighty inner presence
the practical mind that forever doubts a
thing it cannot see is a long way to go
unless as you lop off the undesirable
limb of a tree
this limb of doubt be cut off
you know it is a good idea after it has
been cut off for you to consume it in
the consuming flame that it does not
come back again
it seems so difficult for the student to
realize what a tremendous power the
consciousness of this consuming presence
to some it is difficult to get away from
the thought that it is imaginary but
could you see from the inner standpoint
you would see that it has a mighty
presence and power and is very real
i wish you for about two minutes to feel
this dazzling ray of light penetrating
every atom of your being
there should be splendid accomplishment
during the next seven weeks
the reaching out of humanity as
christmas time draws near with the
already added impetus of the christ
enables accomplishments to take place at
this time which have not before been
there are certain activities which must
be contacted by the inner presence
before the outer attention can be drawn
to them
this is hard for the student to
the student must first reach out and he
can only reach out to this inner
a simple but very wonderful thing is
what for one to give praise every night
and morning for that magnificent
presence of light which animates the
mind and body
it is a tremendous thing to feel deeply
this thanksgiving for the presence of
light which holds within itself all
just be grateful to life for all it is
and contains
the very presence of life enables us to
do the things we are conscious of and
desire to do
because we cannot move without this
presence we cannot even think without it
if one would take this statement
i am the presence thinking through this
mind and body he would receive some very
remarkable ideas
the brain is the first point where
obstruction begins to register because
that is the point of contact with wrong
wrong ideas register most quickly and
intensely in the brain structure because
that is the field of atomic activity
however the attention held upon the im
presence so releases the power of
which is within the electron at the
center of the atom
that the wrong ideas and obstructions to
the light simply dissolve and disappear
where are you going
to the golden city from this time on
until three weeks after new year's day
it is a time of great rejoicing in the
golden city
for it gives a great opportunity to
convey into the physical world
through the light and sound rays its own
mighty radiance
if humanity could understand and
appreciate this fact remarkable things
could take place
but that does not prevent individuals
who can grasp it from receiving its
remarkable benefit
the very simple thing if students could
only understand and apply it
is to absolutely keep the mind off every
personality and know only
i am the only presence there
it would open the doors and oh so wide
love and the reaching out of the
ascended being enable radiation to be
given that would not otherwise be
one cannot long interfere with the
progress or growth of another
for if the one obstructing does not
release and relax his hold upon the
other who is ready to go higher
the obstructing one will be removed by
his own action
if one continues to hold steadfast and
sincerely to the light personalities
will be swept aside or harmoniously
disconnected from the individual's world
at this state of growth or rather
expansion of the light it is necessary
to know
i am the active presence of all channels
of distribution of all things acting for
my good
when the thought comes this is all i
nip it in the butt and say
i am the opulence of god and my hands in
use today
this is the time to stamp it right out
of your mind and feeling
this must be held as a sacred silence
within each individual
take this as a sacred reverent knowledge
to be used
when you take from the i himself it is
impossible for you to take anything from
any personality which rightfully belongs
to that one
you are decreeing for your world so you
cannot take from anyone when knowing
your own law i am the presence acting
there is no possibility of division of
the i am presence
if you need money say i am the active
presence bringing this money into my
hands and use instantly
it is so important to get away from the
importance of money
it is but a means of exchange
do not give it power
put all your power back with god and
then when you command no matter what it
is you want
you have all power instantly on hand to
bring forth the fulfillment of your
the vibration within any element is
always the breath of god eternally
self-sustained all pulsation is the
breath of god
the simple consciousness that
i am the presence of perfect health
is this breath of god acting
i am the presence of forgiveness in the
mind and heart of every one of god's
this releases enormous vibratory action
after its kind
hold the following with vividness
i am the pure mind of god
thou infinite mighty personal presence
jesus christ
we give praise and thanks for thy
radiance for thy intelligent race for
thy qualifying presence
we give praise and thanks that we are
conscious of that special radiance at
this time
and that we may through the lovingly
open door of our consciousness receive
its mighty presence
discourse 17 november 28th 1932
saint germain
though mighty infinite presence all
pervading intelligence all pervading
substance of light
thou mighty presence thou ascended jesus
christ now manifests through his mighty
we give praise and thanks unto the light
unto thee almighty brother
we give praise unto the central sun to
the one from whose raise we receive
out of the fullness of thy radiant life
oh god we bow in adoration before thy
mighty presence
i bring you greetings from the great
master of god meru whose messenger is
he is to one great mountain of this
earth whose mystery shall one day be
explained as the master himalaya is to
the himalayan range
nada is with me in the golden city upon
whose twin rays we come forth today
during these next seven weeks as
designated as have you felt
our joint race will come to you each
time from the golden city
the discourse
when the students are strong enough to
bear it we will bring forth
indescriptive expression one of the most
stupendous expressions of the right use
and wrong use of this mighty i am
this actual experience took place in
what is now the andes mountains in south
america at a remote period when children
of god first began to forget their
source and to claim the mighty energy of
which they were aware of their own
only through that authority could such
an experience take place
students in mankind have but a small
conception even in distress they have
created for themselves
of how mightily this force was used at
one time for selfish purpose
a similar condition has never before
been known
there still remains today the
subterranean city which will be
described in which this activity took
all that the children of god would
awaken to the stupendous activity that
the powers of light use for the good of
humanity when their attention is
sincerely focused on that light
if the many students of the various
angles of truth in the earth today could
put away the ignorance of the outer mind
and believe in the seeming miracles all
down the ages
how it would break the shell of the
outer self and let in light
the faith to believe in the things not
is one of the greatest means to open the
door to the conscious activity of the
light of the i am presence
as you use the automobile and airplane
to cover distance quickly so does the
great i am presence use the body
the body represents the airplane and the
mind is the mighty motor through which
the i am presence propels it
students i am sure have not understood
how subtle a form doubt takes at times
where there is a questioning in the mind
knowing or unknowingly concerning the
all power of the i am presence it is a
subtle form of doubt
those who want or attempt to argue the
question of the reality of the great
truth of life whether they believe it or
not are attempting doubt into their
in this day no sincere reasoning mind
once turning its attention and keeping
it firmly fixed on the i am presence
can argue doubt or question the
omnipotence of that i am presence
the scarcely recognizable form of doubt
that lets into the mind argument
concerning the source of its being
is but a lack of strength to stand up
against the law of resistance by which
growth in the outer can be measured
there is a vast difference between
sincere questioning to know the truth
and the human propensity to argue
against the very reality they want to
we always welcome most earnestly sincere
questions for truth
but we will not have anything to do with
that nature whose dominating propensity
is to argue against the reality of truth
the more the argument of truth is
admitted into the life of the individual
the greater the barrier that one sets up
to surmount before the distant day when
he does surmounted
the students who criticize condemn or
sit in judgment upon this channel of the
truth expression will surely find
themselves standing upon the edge of a
precipice into which they may plunge at
any time for no reason into the world
except their own creation
i wish all to understand this radiance
of the light has been established for a
certain definite purpose
and it will go forth doing its work
regardless of any personality or of all
personalities in existence
i say this plainly that the students of
this radiation may understand they are
dealing with mighty forces which are as
real as reality can be
and those who cannot stand the test and
radiance of light need never
never blame anyone but themselves
for they have free will and are given
the use of the mighty and presence by
which they can maintain absolute
i must put plainly before them again
the sure way that they run into deep
waters of doubt and questioning is when
they are foolish enough to attempt to
discuss the sacred truth which has been
given them for their own liberation
and used with those who know nothing
about it
this much i may say to you
in the past students who were taken into
the retreat for instruction were never
permitted nor do they ever think of
discussing the truth with each other
they silently earnestly apply the
instructions of their teacher
and the results they desire are certain
to follow
better were the students stoned in the
streets and to condemn criticize or
judge the light that has given them for
if they will enter into the i am
presence as directed
every question every problem in their
lives will disappear as the mist before
the radiance of the morning sunlight
i take it that all the students are
strong enough to hear the truth and use
the strength of the i am presence to
govern and control the otter so they may
receive the full presence love wisdom
power and opulence of the great and
mighty i am presence
which enables them to think to feel to
and which has given them the desire to
reach for the truth alight
i wish to say plainly and with the wand
of fire placed in the conscience of the
that this brother and sister who are
giving this forth are but messengers of
those who have known and proved this law
for many centuries
these great beings to whom your
attention has been drawn are no myth nor
figment of the imagination of the otter
but living wise loving beings possessing
such power which they may wield or use
at their own discretion
that is not possible for the human mind
to conceive it
always before there has been great
almost limitless time in which a student
could wander about making his decision
whether he wished to act in the light or
wander on an ignorant but mighty
presence and power
the cosmic cycles have turned again and
again and again
until the time has come when the
children of god must make their decision
final whom they will serve
never in the history of the world has
there been such opportunity or
assistance given to the children of
earth to face the sunshine of god's
eternal light
and walk steadfastly and fearlessly into
its radiant splendor free forever free
from all limitation
living in the abundance of that light
enfolding them like a mantle of peace
and rest
again i say to the beloved students
if you cannot feel in your hearts the
truth of these instructions brought to
you on a golden platter
then don't ever in the name of your i am
say or do that which would discourage
another from the light he might receive
the plain unadulterated truth i give to
you in the fullness of the great love of
my being
that its radiance may cause you to
understand and know what it means to
dare to do and to be silent
any feeling of questioning in your mind
is the reality or genuineness of the
source of your instruction but hampers
your progress
and causes you require months or years
to accomplish what you might easily do
in a few weeks with a free peaceful mind
as one who has chosen you i know and
feel your every thought
it is very easy at times for the student
to think that his acts or thoughts are
undercover not known
but to the ascended host there is no act
or thought that can be hidden from them
because everything you think or feel is
registered in the etheric world about
you as plain as a nose on your face
so do not ever make the mistake of
feeling that you may think or act in
you may readily do this from the outer
self but never from the i am presence
which the ascendant host with no
this my dear beloved student is as far
as i'm permitted to go in helping to set
up the guard for you
in the future no further reference this
will be made
remember that the decision lies within
you to go forward or not
now i shall say something very
the only possible reason why the
personal ray of jesus could be given
forth to those under this radiation at
this time
was because seven of this group of
students were witness to the ascension
of jesus the christ two thousand years
he saw and recognized them and he sees
them and is giving not only recognition
at this time but great assistance
as this radiance goes to you beloved
ones so does it go on reaching into the
hearts of those who can receive the
because of this radiation many who have
a deep love for jesus or of jesus
through the orthodox channels will be
awakened to the presence of the god
outside of this the joint activity of
jesus with the ascended host is
spreading its mantle of love peace and
light over humanity
this been a time of year when their
attention is most easily gained
beloved ones doesn't sound incredible to
you when i say the masters of light and
wisdom have passages through the earth
in all directions
just the same as you have highways for
your automobiles and going from coast to
coast on the earth
did you understand the atomic structure
of the earth you would not feel the such
an incredible thing for those great ones
who have assisted the progress of
humanity from the beginning have but to
use certain rays and they walk through
the earth as easily as you would walk
through the water different however in
that they leave the opening behind them
while then you're walking through the
water it closes behind you and the path
is not apparent
just so with the great beans who have
blazed the trails for humanity into the
the trail remains that those children of
lesser light may always find the pathway
and follow it
if at times they should make a mistake
and turn on the byway they have the i am
presence to call them back to the main
power and carry them forward until they
too may be torchbearers or trailblazers
to those still following on
i am the mighty presence who never
becomes impatient or discouraged at the
long period in which the children of
earth turns aside from the light
enjoying the sense activities until they
become so repellent to them that with
almost their last breath they cry aloud
oh god save me
i cannot help but smile to myself as i
wonder how some of you may think me a
very crabby old fella but if so
one who has the courage to tell you the
truth of your needs that you may profit
by it
when you come to know me better you will
not think of me such as an old crab
after all
so long as a student has a question in
the mind he does not open himself to the
truth of instruction fully
if it is seen that it is worthwhile
determined entirely by the end preaching
of humanity to the light
then the natural rays are made permanent
to the earth and placed within the
the earth is composed of earth water and
the rays of the cosmic fire
interpenetrating all the three other
the rays pass through the earth and
where they interlock they soften and
form this luminous substance or radiance
the concentrated activity of the line
one ray enters the crust of the earth at
a point just south of the center of the
gobi desert
and the other one enters just east of
lake titicaca in the andes mountains
it is the largest lake in south america
and the highest in the world it was a
point of very great important centuries
these are the two most intense points of
light in the earth
there is always a cosmic activity taking
place at certain cycles which may not be
interfered with
the great cosmic laws are exact to the
minded detail and there is no such thing
as failure nor accident connected with
a great change which takes great
quantities of people out of the body
only takes them where they cannot fight
for a while
in the world war both sides hated the
man they were sent against and also the
government that sent them because of
being sent
never consider anything in the world but
the great i am presence
watch and govern your feeling for if you
do not it will lead to a point where
i'll catch you unaware
many times the student who knows the law
when something comes up and he is
disappointed should turn to the i
impress immediately and ask what is to
be done
but instead he so often holds the
attention on the disappointment
and then it sometimes almost takes an
earthquake to shake him loose from it
take the statement
this resistance must give way
and the citing hearing must come through
take the firm stand i am the presence of
your perfect sight and hearing to heal
those conditions each should take the
statement i am my perfect sight in
the arabian night's tales they
originally came from the masters who
gave them out his veiled truth to help
and those who believed them through
faith received marvelous manifestations
in the beginning of those marvelous
experiences there must be faith to tie
it over until we can manifest the
reality for faith is a sustaining power
and if we can keep it generated it
becomes reality
there are always the two activities of
the law when you get deep enough into
the action of it they are first
condensation and second etherealization
go serenely long and do not let time
place nor things interfere
the outer mind must be calm and steady
and the outer and inner must become one
as the attention is fixed on or with
firm determination
more and more of the inner operations
until you can consciously manipulate it
presence of meru
nada and the great ascended host we give
praise and thanks for thy radiant
splendor for thy wisdom for thy
substance which are generating to make
we give praise and thanks that thy great
wisdom and intelligence are one with the
great i am
which i am ever bringing more of itself
forward into conscious action
we give praise and thanks that in the
acknowledgement of the i am presence we
have the key to all things visible and
discourse 18 december 1st 1932
saint germain invocation
thou mighty aluminium presence which i
am in gratitude and praise
we enter into the fullness of thy
presence today and forever receive thy
limitless blessing
thy strength and courage
thy joyous enthusiasm all of which is
we know there is but one presence
i am that presence of all activity
all wisdom and power and in the freedom
of that mighty presence we stand serene
unmoved among all outer things which
seem to point to the contrary
i stand serene and i great forever i
claim my great dominion in my place
i stand in the radiance of god eternal
ever looking the full in the face
i bring you greetings from the great
hosts and also their blessing for the
happy enthusiasm which has been entered
we shall endeavor to sustain you in that
joyous enthusiasm as the hub of this
radiation because all the students will
feel enacted
far more has been accomplished this week
than was anticipated and we enter with
you into the great rejoicing
the loving blessing of each student
under the other most commendable and
this simple thing will open the door
also wide to receive the fullest intent
for them
discourse i would be so pleased to have
every one of the students just at this
time especially
use this statement with all the
enthusiasm they could command
i am
i am i know i am the use of god's
limitless opulence
here i wish to explain that when there
is a group of students in accord
working the same principle and they use
this statement
they not only bring into their world and
use this great opulence but they bless
their associate students with the same
thing because
i am the presence in each one
this is the mighty power of cooperative
action which everyone should use
the students who maintain a loving
blessing to each other are really held
in the embrace of the great i am
and when they acknowledge its action
they are commanding the same blessing
and action for the other students as
they are for themselves
this is the correct attitude to be
and if maintained sincerely in the heart
of each one
no one within this embrace will want for
any good thing
but the student who allows any feeling
to remain of unkindness to the others
will shut himself away from this great
radiance and blessing
now let us enter into the keynote of
what you touched this morning
the simple understanding of god's will
and free will
god's will is the opulence of good will
the birthright of every one of god's
when you are reaching to the light in
the use of the mighty i am presence with
it is not possible for you to do
otherwise and call it for god's will to
be done
as children of god the father who has
given his children free will that they
may choose
they must understand that it is for them
alone to decree what shall act in their
lives and world
having free will the student must
understand that god can only act in his
life and world according to his
conscious direction
god is the principle of all life and
each child of god is an individualized
conscious active part of that one great
principle of life and love and power
god has given into the keeping of every
one of his children this marvelous
consciousness which is omnipresent
eternally elastic as it were
which can be drawn into a focal point to
write with a pen of light or expand to
encompass the earth
consciousness is always subject to
direction through the use of the free
the most unfortunate understanding
established by the orthodox idea that
god acts of his own free will
in the life of the individual or a
nation is positively not true
god can only act through the mind of his
own individualization
which is clothed with the personnel that
you see about you
these personalities are but vehicles of
use and expression of this mighty
which is god's will and your free will
and it only comes into use by your
conscious direction
i say to you that every function of your
body is sustained through conscious
action although you are not aware of it
but as you reach deeper and deeper into
the consciousness of the mighty i am
you will come to understand that it is
impossible for any outer action to take
place without self-conscious action
a simple proof of this is what any of
you may test at any moment
i wish to do some physical act
preceding that activity there always
comes a thought to do it otherwise the
hand or body would not move into action
that which people have chosen to call
involuntary action
is the thing that has mystified their
understanding of their own being
the students should take this humble
explanation and meditate upon it often
for it will clear the mind of any
you are self-conscious
free will acting beans
this is really a vital importance to
these blessed earnest students i love
every one of them both men and women
even though the ladies husbands might
in both of your classes this week the
individualized presence of jesus the
christ stood in your midst
in the form of a tree of life each
student being a branch
from his pillar or dazzling radiance
within which was his visible personal
his form was within the tree of life but
not visible not to mention others of the
ascended host who were present
there were also nada
cha ara
lanto and myself
i wish to say that class of blessed boys
with the one pink rose in their midst
that i joyously hold them all in my fond
embrace so they may use and inhale the
radiance of my being
they have freedom and dominion within
their grasp if they will hold fast to
these instructions and apply them
further i wish the students to
understand that the stream of life
flowing through the mind and body
always comes into them pure and
containing within it all the strength
courage energy and wisdom that can ever
be desired
but by the lack of control of their
thoughts and feelings they are
unknowingly qualifying this pure essence
with the outer ideas upon which the
attention has been fixed
to form the habit every morning the mind
is not otherwise occupied by being
self-conscious that
i am the only intelligence acting
will keep that mighty wonderful stream
of life from being discolored
and i shall say disqualified by the
wrong conception of the outer activity
of the mind
this is the simple secret of really all
this great life comes in everyone's used
pure and perfect but through lack of
understanding the outer mind is
constantly requalified
with discordant conceptions
and thus human beings changes otherwise
perfect action into that which they find
expressed in limitation and discord in
their outer activity
this should make clear to the students a
simple activity which they should
self-consciously maintain in order to
keep this marvelous perfect life that is
constantly flowing through your mind and
body in its pure fragrant state
for i tell you truly that those who will
follow and maintain this idea will find
the emanations from their own bodies
becoming rare than the lily of the rose
further in the consciousness of this
which is constantly flowing into their
youth they can know it as a perfect
health and beauty of face and form
until its radiance shines forth like the
oh beloved students when it is so simple
requiring so little consciously
sustained effort
is it not worth all it requires on your
part to enter into the fullness of this
live stream and receive its fullness and
in the oriental activity there was a
secret society in fact it began in china
maintained gloriously in the light until
the one then in charge at the head of
the order thought in one of the war
ravages that his daughter whom he loved
so deeply was killed by an englishman
which however was not the case
but it brought about the breaking up of
the order and the pictures of fu manchu
of which i think there have been four
produced are the picturing of this to
the outer world
showing how the light may be distorted
by something starting the fiend of
this one known as fu manchu was at the
beginning of that activity a wondrous
beautiful soul
and it shows how sometimes the ravages
of war and lack of control of the
thought and feeling
in the individual bring about such
distortion and life stream
in connection with the south american
activity which the present work has
drawn joyously to their attention
until this folks of radiation began
it was doubted by most except not in
the possibility of establishing such a
focus in this busy western world
but they did not know what i did
the fact of our long association not
having been revealed to them
so i set on my own responsibility i
shall try this out
now i have the full cooperation of all
who might have questioned
the master from venus and lonto also
stood with us
i said to them the time has come when
there are those outside of the retreats
who can be made true messenger to the
thanks to you i've been proven right
now of course i ask you all to stand
with me in the sustain of this
it proves that it is possible to
establish this mighty active presence in
the midst of a hail storm
i have always maintained this and most
of the time i have stood alone
but the ability of the students to grasp
the use of the i am presence is making
tremendous things possible and i say
sincerely for your encouragement
that with this marvelous condition
maintained which has come to this point
it is not impossible to have various
ones of these ascended beings sit in
your midst as visible as your own
physical bodies and speak to you
this is not just a matter of the desire
the students for but rather the
preparation of the students for it
until recently of course this good
brother has not known it but for 30
years he has been being prepared for it
half of that time your mrs ballard's
preparation was going on in the
and it has been a remarkably beautiful
thing to all who observed it
the other night while in deep meditation
i heard the words
into the city of delhi
which really means into the city of
on monday november 29 1932 i heard in
the morning before the discourse and
again today before the discourse the
words of jesus
you have been with me in my sorrows you
shall now behold me in my glory and see
the reward which my father doth give me
answer and so it will be in your outer
the very words which jesus use from time
to time all may use and will use
sometimes somewhere with fulfillment
for the words he used at all times were
life and contained within them that
ascended life or a perfect life
how is the political situation
answer there will not be nearly so much
accomplished by the element that sought
entrance as they anticipated
the old saying that if you give a calf
rope enough it will hang itself is true
with certain forces
sometimes when they think they have won
an easy victory they have sounded their
own death now
the accomplishment of the past few days
drew the attention of many in the golden
who as we projected division and sound
raised today came to look and behold the
i say this for the encouragement of the
while we are giving forth to work today
those in the golden city are sending
forth to the students their glorious
it has been a great joy for me to prove
that in the land of america for that
which i've worked so long that there
were those who could receive what you
are receiving and giving forth this time
there are those masters from venus who
have seen this with me for some time
the kumara's field of action was in
other ways but they are now observant of
this accomplishment
there is no radiation going forth
anywhere in the universe except through
conscious projection
the radiation projected from the stars
so called to our earth does not and
cannot come into contact with the earth
without the conscious direction of the
cosmic being who is the conscious
directing presence of that star planet
this conscious direction is what makes
the radiation from one planet to another
reach its destination
but the radiation thus directed does not
carry any adverse aspect to an
individual layer
the universal cosmic laws of the earth
which impel growth through law of
hold within themselves that which you
know as resistance
if there were not that which the
individual knows as a resistance he
would not make any conscious effort and
this would make it impossible for
advancement and understanding
or the return to the father's house from
which the children are worth of strain
resistance has nothing whatever to do
with discord
resistance is a natural law
discord is a human creation
there is no discord in the universe
except that which the personality
take the dynamic consciousness
i am the pure mind of god and everyone
present here
this shuts out human desire
take the consciousness i am the
governing presence of this
the desire first comes into mind and if
you take the consciousness i am the pure
mind of god it consumes the thought and
keeps the human mind clear from the
desire entirely
when the liquid precipitates in the hand
instantly qualified and is liquid light
and it will manifest as that
give the command for that quality before
beginning the precipitation
one student should not expect to see the
same activity as another the students
are not supposed to see or feel alike
there is not a moment in the day that we
do not visualize something because the
power of vision is acting all the time
keep all out of the mind except the
picture you want for that is all with
which you are concerned
do not let the attention become focused
on the seeming emptiness
in great devotion
in the fullness of our hearts of love
in the fullness of our adoration to the
god presence which i am the ascended
jesus christ we pour forth our gratitude
and praise for the sustaining presence
the good of every description held
within this radiance of which you are
receiving hourly
thou mighty presence as we find
ourselves held within thy mighty embrace
we become imbued with our ready
intelligence thy marvelous strength thy
invincible courage to hold constantly
within thy mighty light
we thank thee
discourse 19
december 5th 1932
saint germain
the majestic presence of the ascended
jesus christ
thou who has gained thy eternal dominion
over all things
thou who dust rest serene in the heart
of the eternal father pouring forth thy
wondrous radiance enfolding all mankind
we give praise and thanks to thee
our hearts fill with great rejoicing at
the ascended host with the sea and
manipulate the dawning eternal light for
the blessing of humanity
through his own personal ray jesus will
now speak his wish to the students
the discourse by beloved jesus
when i said i am the open door which no
man may shut
i meant humanity to understand
i referred to the great i am
which is the life of every individual
manifest in form
i did not wish to convey that the
personal jesus was the only one to whom
this great privilege was ordained
each one of you beloved children of the
one father has the same mighty presence
within you the great i am than i have
and that i had at that time by which i
achieved the final and eternal victory
here i wish you to understand for
encouragement strength and certainty in
your minds that the consciousness i used
for this great victory
was the use of the i am presence which
you are not being taught
i had made search through all the
avenues available at the time
and at last the determination desire for
the truth led me to the great master
whom you shall one day know
he gave to me this inner secret and
mighty acknowledgement
turning to me to the mighty presence of
the great i am
through his radiation i was able to
comprehend and at once began using it
this is the only way by which any
individualization of the ray of god may
achieve the eternal victory and build
his structure upon a firm foundation
from which no utter activity can ever
disturb him
at this time i wish to convey the simple
all-powerful use of this presence to you
all who have achieved the mighty victory
who have been able to raise their bodies
as i did or who raised them before have
used the conscious activity of that
mighty eternal presence i am
when i said to my disciples and to
the things that i have done shall ye do
also and either graver thing shall ye do
i knew whereof i spoke
knowing that within each
individualization or child of god
there was this mighty i am presence by
whose use you are impelled forward with
no uncertainty
i say impel because i mean just that
the constant use of your i am presence
does impel you forward in spite of any
activity of the outer self
so long as a single idea is held firmly
storms distress and disturbances may
rage about you
but in the consciousness of the i am
you can and are able to stand serene
unmoved by the seething vortex of human
creation which may or may not be about
there is but one way by which you and
the father may become eternally one
and that is through the full acceptance
of his i am presence
energy love wisdom and power which he
has given you
golden links golden steps by which you
climb serenely upward into your final
sometime somewhere
every individualization of god the
must find his way back to the father
through his i am presence
fulfilling his cycle or cycles of
in the use of the activity of the other
the earth is the only sphere in which
there is density of the atomic structure
that you experience
the conscious recognition and use of the
i am presence which you are
steadily raises the vibratory action of
your atomic structure
unclothing and liberating electronic
activity which is hidden within the atom
enabling you to become self-luminous
wish you'd hear distinctly understood by
all who may receive this or ever
that i am not and never was a special
being created of god different from the
rest of humanity
it is true that i had made previous
conscious effort and had attained much
previous to the embodiment which i won
the eternal victory
my choice of experience two thousand
years ago was to set the example which
every individualization of god would and
must sooner or later follow
how i urge you beloved children of god
to look upon me as your elder brother
one with you
when i said
or left the word that
i am with you always
the i am presence which i am and which
you are is one
therefore do you not see how i am with
you always
think deeply on this and try to feel its
at the time and after my ascension i saw
the immensity of the radiation i would
be able to pour forth to my beloved
brothers and sisters
upon the earth from the sphere in which
i had become fitter to dwell
i wish to say to you in all truth every
individual who will send his conscious
thought to me
with the desire to be raised above the
limitations of earth or of his own
and will live accordingly will receive
every assistance for me that is possible
be given
according to the steps of growth and
consciousness which he maintains from
time to time
do not misunderstand me at this point
when i refer to growth i am speaking of
humanity in general
i do not refer to some who have previous
attainment sufficient which in their
present use and full acceptance of their
i am presence
they may rend the veil of human creation
step forth into the embrace of the
ascended blazing i am presence at any
there are some the group of students
already drawn together for whom it is
possible to do this
that depends entirely upon themselves
upon the calm poised intensity
by which they become conscious of their
i am presence
these great tidings i bring to you
because i have proved them in my own
personal experience
before i become fully decided in what
manner i should leave the example of
i suddenly from an inner impulse began
to use a statement
i am the resurrection life
within 48 hours after i began using that
statement with great rejoicing i saw
what was to be done
and i wish to assure you that it was the
conscious use of the mighty statement
i am the resurrection and the life
which enabled me to make the ascension
in the presence of so many
and imprint or record upon the etheric
that example for all humanity which will
stand eternally present
it was unfortunate that the veil of the
orthodox idea was drawn over the minds
of people
preventing the comprehension that each
one had within himself the i am presence
the same as i did
by which he could attain do the same
things i did and win the eternal victory
such beloved students is my personal
message i leave with you
spoken through the light and sound ray
into which any of you may enter see and
hear with sufficient conscious
again i urge you to think of me as your
elder brother
ready to give you assistance at all
do not think of me as a transcendent
being so far beyond your reach that
contact is impossible
for i am presence which enabled me to
make the ascension is the same i am
presence that will enable you to make
the ascension as i did only today
you have the assistance of the great
ascended host of beings
who have won the eternal victory and
joyously stand at your service
as you make yourself ready
with my love i enfold you
i again repeat
i am with you always
saint germain
did i not have a surprise for you
into the fullness of thy mighty silence
of great presence we come to rest to
feel thy peace to love thy harmony
pervading all
oh mighty love presence which beats the
hearts of all mankind
strengthen myself within their hearts
draw and hold their conscious attention
upon thee
the great love star in the heart of each
glorify thy presence in my creator in
them bless all mankind with that
strength to look only to thee and who
stand steadfast facing thee
discourse 20 december 8th 1932
saint germain
thou mighty invincible i am presence
speak thyself into the hearts of the
children of men
fill our hearts and minds to overflowing
with the magnificence of thy presence
with the conscious strength to look to
thee and know the as the one
the mighty eternal source of all things
by which the consciousness of mankind is
make them to know thy great ownership
that it is the alone who art the owner
and giver of all things
that they may thus manifest unselfishly
one to the other we thank thee
i bring you greetings from the great
host who are ever pouring their radiant
presence into your lives
the discourse
it is with great rejoicing that the many
who have been observant of this
see how truly the students are entering
into the mighty i am presence
and how the things that have been
disturbing are being dissolved and are
dropping away as though they never had
beloved students can you realize how
great our rejoicing is
we have tried the pathway of attainment
into the great freedom of mastery
overall limitation
we rejoice to see you entering into this
presence which if maintained
will bring you certainly and surely to
the same freedom
it is only when the outer becomes
sufficiently obedient giving all power
to the great inner presence that one
finds peace and rest in this mighty
in that peace and rest flows a mighty
river of energy
like a mountain stream flowing through a
fertile land
lined with flowers and perfect
so when the peace that passes
understanding do you move more and more
finding that eternal river of energy
flowing into and through your being
spreading its blessing and opulence into
your life and experience everywhere you
while it is true that the intelligence
is the channel through which you must
yet as you feel with deep sincerity the
truth of the i am presence
you will find the stillness becoming
greater and greater until one day
thou shalt see the door of the creation
open wide before thee and thou shalt
step forth with open arms into that
inhaling the fragrance of the pure
atmosphere of the etheric world
within there will be able to mold the
plastic substance into the perfection of
everything upon which that desire is
you are making such splendid progress do
not let any fear of persons places
conditions or things interrupt or
disturb you
for the presence of the light stands
before you
beckoning you on that you may be held in
its fond embrace
receiving of its boundless riches of
every description which holds in store
for you
i shall now say something which may seem
astonishing but i assure you it is very
last night as the question was asked had
you all been together before
i wish to say that it would not have
been possible for you to have been drawn
into this intensified action of the
great inner law
if you had not previously had harmonious
association and training
while it may be difficult at first for
you to comprehend it you are receiving
intensified training which heretofore
has only been given after a three year
probation in the retreat
some of you have stored up treasures of
i mean by that energy created by your
conscious activity through your i am
others have stored up treasures of light
again others have treasures of love
others have gold and jewels which were
placed in keeping to be used in this
several of you are on the point of
releasing indivisibility into your hands
these stored up treasures
do not think i have gone and do fancy
daydreaming but i am calling this to
your attention for your benefit and
i wish each one of you to go by yourself
sometime during the day for at least
five minutes
and talk to your i am present something
like this
great masterful presence which i am
i love i adore thee
i give back unto thee the fullness of
all creative power all love all wisdom
and through this power which thou art
i give thee full power to make visible
in my hands and use of the film and my
every desire
i no longer claim any powers my own for
i now claim thee
the only and all conquering presence in
my home
my life my world and my experience
i acknowledge thy full supremacy and
command of all things
and as my consciousness is fixed upon an
your invisible presence and intelligence
takes command and brings a fulfillment
into my experience quickly even with the
speed of thought
i know that thou art ruler over time
place and space
therefore thou requires only now to
bring into the visible activity by every
i stand absolutely firm on the full
acceptance of this now and forever
and i shall not allow my mind to waver
from it for last
i know we are one
beloved students you may add or weave
into this anything else you wish for
your requirement
and i assure you
if you can live in this
and i shall endeavor to help you do so
you will experience the opening of the
floodgates of god's abundance
i think here that i should explain to
you the most important the most
desirable thing that anyone can do is to
fix within his or her mind the one
permanent necessity
and that is
to keep at it until one reaches so
deeply and firmly into this mighty i am
that all love light good and riches flow
into his life and experience
by inner propelling power that not of
outer personalities may at any time
anywhere ever interfere with
this is the object of true training
this is why students were brought into
the retreats they could be found ready
or sufficiently progressed
because as i have said before
it is easy enough to solve your problems
as they come along but i ask you
what good does it do to continue to
solve problems unless you have something
to which you can anchor that raises you
above the consideration of any problem
to find your i am presence and anchor to
it is the only desirable thing to do
until you come to this point of firm
anchorage to your great i am presence
of course it is necessary to solve your
problems as they come along
but how much better it is to enter in
and set free that mighty presence
energy in action which has already
solved the problem before they appear to
is this not more acceptable and to
awaken every morning and find these
problems coming up staring you in the
as though they were something really
important which after all they are not
yet i am sure you will agree with me
that some of them or at least your outer
sense of them
is that they are tremendously ponderous
with your glorious obedience to the
divine principle of creative beings you
shall move along the pathway with your
armor of invincible protection buckled
until the intensity of the very light
that you enter into will no longer
require the armor
is it not worth all the effort it takes
to accomplish it that you may even move
into this glorious freedom
then when you awaken in the morning
you'll no longer find these visitors
as i've spoken these words i have held
you each one
in the searchlight of my vision even
without your permission
so that when you hear these words you
will feel the inner conviction of them
with a strength which will delight you
when critical or disturbing thoughts try
to find entrance into your consciousness
slam the door quickly and command them
to be gone forever
do not give them a chance nor time to
gain a foothold
remembering always that you have the
strength and sustaining power of the
mighty i am presence to do this
should you have difficulty in holding
the door shut talk to your i am presence
and say
see here i need help
see that the door to this disturbance is
closed and keep it closed forever
i want you to get fixed in your
consciousness that you can talk to your
eye in presence
the same as you could talk to me
believing that i had limitless power
because i tell you
it is no idle comment when i say
you can cause this mighty presence to
handle every condition your entire
and raise you into its freedom and
dominion of all things
as some of you have already reached into
the activity of the universal substance
i want to call the attention of all of
you to the fact that the substance of
your bodies and this sustenance seem to
be invisible about you is immensely
sensitive to your conscious thought and
by which you can mold it into any form
wish the substance of your body can by
your conscious thought and feeling
be molded into the most exquisite beauty
of form
your eyes hair teeth and skin may dazzle
with ready and beauty
they should be very encouraging to the
ladies i am sure will be to the
gentleman only they do not like to admit
beloved brothers and sisters when you
look into the mirror say to that which
you see
through the intelligence and beauty
which i am
i command you to take on perfect beauty
of form
for i am that beauty in every cell of
which you are composed
you shall respond to my command and
become radiantly beautiful every way in
thought word feeling and form
i am the fire and beauty of your eyes
and i carry forth this radiant energy
into everything to which i look
thus you can cause to come into
appearance to perfection which will give
you all the encouragement you want
to know that i am always the governing
i wish to say to you who desire your
form to become more symmetrical
start your hands at the shoulder and
bring them down over the body of the
feeling the perfection or symmetry of
the form you wish
through your hands will go the energy or
quality which you desire to manifest
if you will try this with deep earnest
feeling you'll be amazed at the result
this is the greatest reducer in the
this i assure you will cause the flesh
as it comes in a more beautiful symmetry
in perfection
to become firm and yet subtle in every
because you are sending the energy the i
am presence through these cells
causing them to obey your command
this may sound ridiculous but i tell you
it is one of the best surest and most
perfect ways to bring about the
perfection of the body
i tell you anyone who will practice this
will bring the body in the condition
that one desires
i want the students to get the fullness
of the idea that they are masters of the
form their minds and their world
and can inject to them whatsoever they
the pure and perfect life of god is
flowing through you every instant
why not switch off the old design and
switch on the new do you not see how
important it is to perfect the body
what can the inner presence do with a
body that is sick or out of harm in it
all the time
when this is the case the attention
becomes so fixed upon the body that the
i am presence cannot get the attention
but a little part of the time
it is so easy if you will but do it
with this treatment of the flesh with
the energy of the i am present it
becomes firm and perfect
the reason i speak of this with such
deep earnest feeling today is because i
see the change in improvement in almost
and by special conscious attention
direct to do this
how much more quickly will each be
brought into the perfection which he
when an individual has an abnormal
abdomen and anything that is more than
straight is abnormal he should raise his
left hand into position
palm up
move the right hand in a rotary motion
over the abdomen moving from left to
each time the hand passes over it feels
deeply the absorbing activity
the quick charge of energy through the
hand goes into the cells contracting and
reducing them into a normal condition
i assure you this instruction is no idle
fantasy but is a tremendous import
and it will accomplish the purpose for
which it is used absolutely without
question if applied with earnest feeling
the consciousness of course should be
the energy flowing through the right
hand is the all-powerful absorbing
consuming the unnecessary cells and
bringing the body into a perfect normal
this will not only adjust the abnormal
size of the abdomen but will penetrate
through the form
charging the intestinal activity with a
cleansing purifying process which will
be of inestible benefit
those who have found the activity of
these organs lazy will find them
quickened into normal action
i assure you the ladies will not need to
use rolling pins or roller on the floor
also i assure you ladies are not the
only ones who use the rolling pins
the unfortunate almost appalling
condition is that individuals having
with them this mighty god presence will
give every imaginal power to outside
things to produce results within and
upon themselves
when whatever a remedial agent they use
whether exercise drugs or anything else
has a little effect if any
except the quality and the power they
consciously give these
agents this treatment acts upon the
cells where they are be they bones or
how prone the outer mind is to question
the ability of this inner self to handle
any of the part of the body
if it will handle one kind of a cell it
will handle all
make the outer accept the full power of
the inner presence and thus let it
expand into use in all things
the elder mind through long habit has
given enormous power to drugs and
remedial agents of every kind
but do you not see that the only thing
that does is the power and authority you
give it to have an effect upon your body
i do not mean for a single instance that
individuals who not become aware of that
i am presence should cease all remedial
but if they will fix in their minds
that no outer thing has any power in
their experience except what they give
they will begin to rise out of the
limitations into which they have placed
here let me say that ninety percent of
the power given to other things is
unconsciously given
and even most students are not aware of
now turn about and give this great god
presence within you all the power to do
the things you require and wish to do
and will accomplish them with a speed
and certainty far beyond what any
outside remedial agent could do
some will grasp this idea with
tremendous tenacity while others will
require more effort
but it is surely worthwhile making any
effort to accomplish it
remember the i am presence knows all
things for all eternity in all ways past
present and future without limit
if the student would think of this great
presence contemplate it and know that it
is all love wisdom and power
then when he fixes his attention on
something to be accomplished he knows
this presence is the open door
the all-powerful accomplishment and it
cannot fail
call on the law of forgiveness and
direct the energy of the master self to
correct and adjust the wrong and in that
way obtain freedom from its reaction
you see my dear people
that there is so much unnecessary power
given to the outer activity and stress
of things
which the i am presence cares absolutely
nothing about
it is at no time concerned with the
mistakes of the outer self
if the individual but understands that
he could turn away from all these
discordant activities
and give the master i am present within
all authority and power to dissolve and
dissipate drawing condition
he could never in any way feel the
reaction from his wrongdoing
when the individual allows himself or
herself to continue to criticize condemn
or judge another of his fellow beings
he is not only injuring the other person
but is unknowingly admitting into his
own experience
the very element that he has seen wrong
in the other person
the true understanding this will make it
easy for individuals to forever see such
undesirable activity when they know that
is for their own protection
let us put it in another way
whatever the conscious attention is
fixed firmly upon
that quality is impelled into the
experience of the individual
whatever an individual sees with the
feeling within another individual he
forces into his own experience
this is the indisputable proof of why
the only desirable feeling to be sent
out from any individual
is the presence of divine love and i
mean by that pure
unselfish love
students sometimes wonder why they have
so many conditions in their experience
to handle as they become more and more
it is because they see an appearance
which they have been taught to know is
not real
and by allowing their attention to
become fixed upon it
they not only invite but force it into
their own worlds
and then have a battle in order to clean
this can be avoided by instantly taking
attention off the appearance and knowing
i am
i am i know i am free from this thing
forever no matter what it is
this all comes of course from a lack of
self-control in the individual
or an unwillingness to use the
self-control to govern the outer
there are these two distinct conditions
with students ones willing enough to
make the effort but unknowing allows his
attention to become fixed on the
undesirable things
the other one through a quality of
is unwilling to make the necessary
effort to conquer it
no teacher should at any time hold the
thought of criticism about any student
for if he does he will invite the same
criticism upon himself
if students get the right idea about
this they will stop it for their own
one keeps silently seeing a discrepancy
in another it is even worse on the
spoken word for it allows the force to
when discrepancies are forced upon your
attention simply say to your i am
presence there is the i am presence
within that person
and with that human i'm not concerned
it matters not whether it is a person or
inanimate object
the moment you see an imperfection you
are forcing that quality into your own
this is so important it cannot be
stressed enough
your first consideration should always
be to your own divine self adoration to
it always
this gives you the opportunity and
strength to rise to the heights where
you can give help to thousands where now
it can only be a few
no amount of service can be of any
permanent benefit unless the individual
first accepts and gives adoration to his
own divine self the mighty i am presence
those who want to serve the light and
really do good should understand this
when students say if i only had the
money what good i could do
it is exactly the reverse thing that
they ought to do
if one will enter into the i am presence
he will have all the money he wants and
it cannot be kept away from him
take the stand with everyone
there is only the i am presence acting
there in this person
it is much better not to touch upon a
thing than to give an insufficient
all outer experiences but a discipline
for those who are coming into this work
the present training is really a
finishing school or experience
and is why some of them feel it is a
little strenuous
all the ascended hosts feel with great
joy the love and gratitude poured out to
them of course they respond almost
without limit
i am is all there is everywhere present
visible and invisible
the consciousness most needed for each
individual come from time to time as the
students continue in the use of this
do not let yourself strain after things
just take the calm certain attitude of
the ascension
quickly lovely accepted and just be
this avoids tension nothing is more
powerful than this
though mighty all-pervading infinite
presence i am
we give forth our gratitude to thee that
we have found thee that we acknowledge
the all-powerful creator
making thyself fully visible in our
every need in our full illumination
in our full mastery and dominion over
all other things
we thank thee that thou art the
all-pervading presence and that thou
doest with thy strength and wisdom
impel thy perfection everywhere
discourse 21
december 12 1932
saint germain
though infinite presence expressing thy
perfection everywhere
we welcome and praise thy perfect
manifestation our homes lives and worlds
that thy radiant light may forever
consume everything unlike itself
that thy wisdom i always direct thy love
always unfold
thy light always illumine my perfect
and that thou dost hold us firmly in my
glorious radiance now and forever
i bring you greeting from the great host
with their joy and love for this
cooperation and for that which can be
blessed illumined and awakened
the discourse
all that students or any individuals who
know of the i am presence could but
realize that there is no greater
consciousness no greater activity the
conscious volition can set into action
and the recognition and acceptance of
the i am presence
no matter what the angles of truth are
from the thousands of avenues by which
mankind reaches out to gain greater and
wider understanding
everyone leads to this which you now
have the gracious privilege of knowing
and understanding and using
any kind of knowledge or power is
absolutely worthless unless used
those who will apply and enter under the
use of the i am presence with deep
will see and feel within their own being
as they again come into contact with
other channels of understanding
how transcendent the knowledge of the i
am presence is in comparison with all
other ideas of truth
i am holding fast to this idea for the
student's sake so they grasp fully the
mighty truth
that when they say i am whatever i wish
to be or manifest
they are actually setting the visible
physical activity
the mightiest presence and power of god
which i am
this differs from any other statements
that was put into the group of words
there is no other statement or group of
words in existence that actually sets
such power into motion
to accomplish any given purpose to which
the conscious attention is directed as
does this mighty expression
this is why jesus the christ coupled
with most important statements that he
if the students of this radiation will
meditate or contemplate the statements
that jesus made upon its own ray to them
it will help them to grasp the fullness
the stupendedness of this reality
i wish every student of this radiation
to fix firmly in his mind that
concerning these instructions
there may at no time be a charge ever
made for them
the student is always free to make love
gifts as his heart directs but to make a
definite charge
under the law by which his instructions
are given would close the door
just the reason for this i may not
explain to you at this time
it is not that the labor is not worthy
of his higher but this work comes under
an entirely different activity of the
divine law
which i will one day explain to the
feeling as i do the earnest most worthy
desire of some of the students to come
physically within this inner circle or
radiant so to speak
i shall endeavor to explain how it is
not possible to be done
beautiful and loving are the desire and
radiation of the students are
this beloved sister and brother have
gone through 30 years of strenuous
conscious preparation for this work
the electronic circle within which this
radiation must focus
would have to be entirely rearranged and
it might require some years to again
bring it to this point lovely and
beautiful as the radiation of the other
each individual has his own distinct
radiation and vibratory action
while the invisible mechanism shall i
call it for this work is in one way very
powerful yet in another way it is as
delicate as a gossamer veil
i assure you beloved students that
either my personal presence
or my consciously directed ray is always
present whenever either this beloved
sister or brother is giving forth his
here let me urge you that at no time is
it wise for any student under this
radiation to give forth verbatim these
instructions to one who is not yet under
this radiation
extracts verbal or otherwise may be
given forth for the help of others
but we do not wish anyone to be so
unfortunate as to say he is authorized
to give this forth when he has not had
permission to do so
this channel must always be kept clean
pure and unselfish and these
instructions may not be commercialized
at any time
the application within the instruction
which is given from time to time if you
with true feelings and confidence in the
will cause the students or the teacher
using it to become such an invincible
magnet for the opulence and riches of
that there will be no need to
commercialize the instruction for the
sake of his livelihood
for any individual whether at first he
has the full understanding of its
meaning or not
who will be conscious that
i am the on the present
limitless supply of god's riches and
opulence and my use will sooner or later
come unto the full conviction of this
mighty truth
i understand fully how important the
financial support of the individual
seems to him
but i say to you beloved students that
financial support is always as the
shifting stands until you begin to
consciously apply
the use of the i am presence
as your omnipresent limitless supply of
either money
love understanding lighter illumination
so try to receive the full conviction of
the radiation of this which i give to
that you may use it with a certain
unwavering consciousness which will give
you forever your freedom from all
financial strain
knowing that the i am presence which you
have said or are set into motion is the
same in every other individual on earth
as it is in you
and as it is in the universe
giving you the power and intelligence to
make this declaration
then you know that whatever your
conscious application implies
it is acting everywhere
just the same as within the present
application that you make
heretofore i have hesitated to give you
this very definite application or
explanation of this application but your
earnest demand has impelled it forth
i send with this certain specific
radiation which will enable you to use
it with almost certain confidence
the student should always remember it is
only by conscious effort that he can
keep his mind at peace so this inner
power may flow through unhampered to the
accomplishment of his desire
as a child in school you were given
certain problems to solve for instance
we will say in mathematics
at the same time you were given the
means by which to accomplish it
if you did not make your application as
directed you of course would not receive
your correct answer
consequently you kept at it kept trying
and trying until your answer was proved
if you did not understand how to go
about it you went back to your teacher
for instruction and found what was
so it is in the instruction which is now
given you this application never has and
never can fail in the accomplishment of
anything to which your attention is
if you will but continue to apply it
with determination
and stick to it until results are in
your hands or presence
now here let me call your attention to a
most powerful explanation which jesus
the christ gave you in his own words
that in all the teaching he received
through the various avenues and i assure
you some of them were very great
it was only his instruction
conscientiously applied that finally
brought to him or revealed to him from
the many amazing magical statements
one of which was
i am the resurrection and the life
it was this statement which he used that
enabled him to give the example humanity
which will last throughout the centuries
whatever demand you make of the
universal all-knowing presence wherein
you use the words i am
it must bring the same definite certain
results that his statements brought him
when he declared
i am the resurrection life
try earnestly to feel the mighty
importance of this
here let me caution assure you with
great emphasis that no matter who or
what you are
what place you may be in from the growth
when you make application with the words
i am
you positively cannot fail to accomplish
that to which you apply them
if you will hold fast with unwavering
beloved students i feel the great love
sent to me and never failed to respond
to it
always first
give your great love and adoration to
your own i am presence the master self
then to those who may be able to assist
you many of you are making wonderful
go forth with certainty in your hearts
always been aware
i am the conquering victorious present
in any achievement i desire
that i am now the full dominion of every
application that i make
that i am the presence always within
every demand supplying and fulfilling it
there is no mental state that shuts the
door against the very thing you are
striving for like a feeling of distress
about it
on the other hand the proper attitude is
to joyously take the stand that
i am the presence which enables me to
see or hear with the inner sight in
and at no time to let oneself become
disturbed because another is using a
faculty different from one's own but
rather rejoice in it
the teacher or student should be quick
to realize that no ignorance of the
utter activity of the mind should have
any power at any time to disturb him
even though directed at him personally
at all times turn to your own i am
presence and demand to know and see
clearly the plan that you should follow
the master's pictures and the
instruction should be considered a
sacred thing to the student
adhere always to the time sworn
to know
to dare to do
and to be silent
because when students begin to discuss
these things with unsympathetic
individuals they scatter the force
instead of holding it within for their
own illumination
i say this with all the vehemence of my
let the student forever remember that
it's impossible to have a selfish desire
or intent when reaching to the master i
am presence for love wisdom power
as an illustration i might say
and i am sure he will not object
that this good brother is the only
student i've ever known who has
completely governed that impelling force
to become a teacher
which always asserts itself somewhere
along the pathway of the student
it is not that the desire is an unworthy
one but in so many many instances
the students attempting it too soon
before they are sufficiently fortified
meet with obstruction which they are not
able to stand against and they become
permanently discouraged from further
effort defeating the wonderful work that
they might have accomplished later
the most important thing in any
student's life is the love and adoration
to his own mighty i am presence
with patience to the extent that he
becomes so anchored in his mighty
presence that he is always fortified by
an individual who is a stirring stick
can do more damage in one hour than you
anyone whom you can once get to apply
the i am presence earnestly will never
i am determined to keep the i am
presence before the students
so they realize they are using a mighty
intelligent power and love
and that they are setting it into action
jesus came of his own volition and gave
to the students the way he accomplished
the overcoming of the last enemy
it takes enormous strength to stand your
there is nothing that can give you
permanent success in the outer activity
except the conscious use of the i am
stand adamant against a thing that would
sway you off
take the stand off and i know what i am
doing and i am doing it
you may sometimes have to say very
strong things in order to shut off
interference but do not be susceptible
it decide what you want to do and say
i am the presence doing it
the use of the i am prevents the
development of anything out of balance
i am is the all balance because it is
the power and governing intelligence for
all perfection
its very activity compels the balance
the i am command is the activity of the
thing that is already there
impelling it into the outer activity
there are several in america now who if
they would take jesus a stand that i end
the resurrection in life
and livid day after day would raise the
body assures the world
you cannot use the words i am with
anything and not couple it with the
power to do the thing
there are two things retarding to a
student's spiritual growth
one is when the husband or wife does not
agree with one's effort and the other is
outside suggestion
you have your i am presence which is all
intelligence so make yourself adamant
against suggestion of any kind good or
sometime we will devote an entire
discourse to the wine handling of the
this is not one out of ten thousand who
understands that the awakening of the
site into the psychic plane is not a
spiritual thing when people begin to see
on the psychic plane they are but using
the physical sight a little expanded and
do not know it
in the psychic realm the suggestions
given offered just enough truth to
anchor interest and hold the attention
until psychic forces get a good hold on
the person
this always comes to the fascination of
the phenomena
when one focuses the attention upon the
i am presence
it will draw him into the fullness of
the i am presence
the inhabitants of the elements are used
for all activities of nature
but they do not prevent other forces
and they are not the only activities in
there are times when these great cosmic
beings direct their attention to nature
every thought sent forth by an ascendant
or cosmic being contains within a
perfected form
if that bean's idea is on the
manifestation of snow or whatever it is
it would take on the perfection which
within his thought because all thought
carries form
i am the presence
entering into and revealing to my outer
consciousness this activity
then the outer mind would get the fuller
inner activity and bring it into your
outer activity
when people enter into the psychic plane
everything is distorted and they have no
definite proof of the truth
those beings in the psychic plane who
seek to get others under the control
begin to prophesize
and it is one of the first things they
no one can take a stand against a
messenger of the light and not receive
the reaction of themselves because the
light repels that is all unlike itself
out of the fullness of thy mighty
opulence so mighty i am
we feel like flowing energy
we feel by unfalling love
we feel like qualifying presence
hastening all who turn to thee into thy
we feel like glorious presence unfolding
them in thy mighty mantle of peace
enabling them to maintain perfect
sustaining them in thy mighty perfection
that they may manifest thy mighty
discourse 22
december 15 1932
saint germain
though infinite abiding presence
thy all-pervading light thy opulence of
substance is omnipresent and
we open the activity of the outer
consciousness into the conscious
and molding into form of every good
thing we desire
we give praise and thanks for thy
intelligent action in these minds with
thy love thy wisdom and thy power to
guide them
to raise them into all perfection
i bring you greetings from those
ascended ones whoever ministered the
messengers of light wrapping their
mantles of light illumination and
protection about them
the discourse
i had not intended to explain quite yet
the undesirability of any thought or
condition of the psychic plane
but the demand compels it to come forth
in the first place the student must
understand that what is called a psychic
plan has nothing whatever to do with
it is a faculty of the human
consciousness which can be brought into
play by human beings who will give
sufficient attention to it
but the individual who wishes to reach
into the psychic plan alone either
consciously or unconsciously had better
never been born into that embodiment
the fascination of the phenomena of the
psychic plane i assure you is most
alluring for those whose attention
becomes firmly anchored in the psychic
plane do not loosen themselves from it
in the embodiment and it may take
several embodiments to free them
in all strata of consciousness there is
a fragment of truth unrecognized
otherwise it would not be possible for
it to be sustained
because you must understand that in all
things and in all activities there is
some more or less of the god energy
acting misused truly but nevertheless
the sincere student will give no
attention to the phenomena of psychic
scene or hearing but understands that he
must push directly through
by the power of the inner will through
his utter determination
and enter within the electronic belt
where only the truth is expressed
beloved students while it is necessary
to explain this i want you to make up
your minds not to have any fear
within the psychic stratum of thought
and feeling is the principal activity of
what we know as the sinister force in
this world
sometimes souls with splattered
entertainment not understanding the true
reality of this of which i speak
have allowed their attention to become
drawn to this stratum because of the
premature awakening of this physical
faculty by a semblance of truth
being presented to them in some
phenomena enough to hold their attention
after the attention becomes fixed
everyone without exception will find
that semblance of truth disappearing
one of these attributes which is perhaps
most fascinating is the false prophecies
which are made
causing the individual to make wild
prophecies and once in a while
one being fulfilled in order to bind the
attention more strongly
with this there is also a certain
substance which is drawn into the brain
i may not yet fully explain to you
this makes it impossible for the master
to interfere with the help of the
because of his own free will by which he
has accepted it
there are a few cases however in which
the individual realized the mistake
before he had gone too far
and by intense calling to be liberated
one of the brothers was sent to release
the individual completely
there is occasionally a rare nature who
because of its great purity passes
through this psychic stratum without
ever knowing it or contacting it
this kind of individual is very
fortunate indeed the forces within this
stratum will work most directly upon the
feeling nature
and this means upon the passion of the
individual because it is most easily
men and women who have lost the
controlling power of their passion which
may be either sex or anger have
knowingly or unknowingly become
entangled in the psychic stratum of
thought and feeling
thereby opening the doors of their
beautiful and wonderful temples of god
through the open door the forces within
the psychic stratum fasten upon them
intensifying their own passion into an
uncontrolled condition which otherwise
might be controlled
far better had such individuals walked
into a den of rattlesnakes for then they
would have but thrown off the physical
body and been free
but once enmeshed in this psychic sphere
they are often bound for many
why is this
because they make records within their
mental worlds from which they do not
know how to extricate themselves
consequently these souls are reborn
again with those same tendencies
until after the second or third
embodiment they become the depraved
creatures you see about you wherever you
sometimes the influence is cunning
enough to hide this from the outer world
for a long time thus carrying on its
nefarious work as it thinks in secret
here comes the most heart-rending part
of this explanation
i mean to say it seems so from the other
on the higher planes of activity there
are great and beneficial souls who
volunteer to go into the stratum to help
through their radiation to break its
hold upon humanity
these volunteers are both masculine and
feminine more often however they are
this explains why beautiful souls and a
feminine embodiment become united in
outer marriage with the masculine soul
who has become enmeshed in this second
often the individuals thus they mesh
become most cunningly sensitive and with
remarkable accuracy sense conditions
thus many times causing others with whom
they come into contact who temporarily
think it is real
if individuals coming into the point of
being united in marriage man-made would
call out to the god within the mighty i
am presence
that if this marriage is taking place
through the desire of passion
then let it never be done
great grief and torture would thus be
now we come to the real part
the individuals who through their own
efforts or through instruction being
presented to them
get the true understanding of what the
mighty i am presence means
that it is the true and mighty self and
hold earnestly to it
never again can they be drawn into these
discordant things
unless from their own volunteering from
the higher plane of activity where they
know exactly what they're doing
war periods more readily than any other
open individuals to this psychic plane
consequently it has always been observed
that after war period there is always a
great unleashing of the uncontrolled
passion at any other time
knowing this should in no wise cause
anyone to fear this psychic stratum
if students find themselves conscious of
passing through it they should instantly
take the consciousness i am the
controlling master presence always
and they will instantly find strength to
face whatever appears and go fearlessly
insulin through
jesus suggested this explanation be
given while the students were under the
triple radiation
this triple radiation means that in his
radiation he always carries with it the
triple activity of the father son and
holy spirit or the i am presence
all who apply the i am presence are
receiving the triple activity as long as
they maintain it and the triple activity
is always self-sustained
one of the saddest things i have to say
to you is that many of these attempting
to cast horoscopes are unknowingly
drying themselves into the psychic net
and are becoming sensitized and voicing
the adverse conditions which exist only
in this stratum
this is one of the most unfortunate
activities because the individual is so
entirely unaware that he has opened his
until he has become so enmeshed that no
amount of argument or reason will change
his belief in astrology
in the past 20 years the avenue of
astrology has been used for this purpose
more than any other
many times through this the thought or
radiation from the stratum
says that certain conditions will
manifest for the individual which he
cannot avoid
if it is not said in so many words it is
felt through the radiation
this is one of the principal reasons why
the last cataclysm of atlantis occurred
and why the people of atlantis and the
great majority refused to listen to the
wisdom of the masters who prophesized
from reality the destruction of atlantis
i understand beloved students that some
of you have been so interested in your
horoscopes may think i'm being severe
however such is not the case
but my love for you is great enough that
i may speak to you the unadulterated
if you cannot believe the truth i speak
to you then you must go on your way
for you are individuals of free will
which i have no desire to interfere with
except that i am privileged to part the
individuals will cling tenaciously to
the i am presence
need never anytime anywhere ever fear
any of these things
because it will correct them and hold
them steady in the true pathway of light
apu's golden stairway they may climb
with definite precision into their full
dominion and perfection
i assure you beloved ones that my heart
goes out with all strength to the
individuals who attention is held on
for they are so unaware of the pathway
strewn with thorns which you have
entered upon that will pierce their feet
causing them to cry out in agony and
only when that agony becomes great
enough will they call out with all their
being and say
o god show me the true way
beloved students you who so earnestly
seek the light
know there is but the one presence that
is your invincible protection
and that is the great i am presence god
in you
do not let your attention ever be held
by these many other manifestations
astrology power numbers spiritualism
or any of the many things that would
take your attention away from the mighty
i am presence which is your real sound
if you turn to it all times it will lead
you in the pathway of light
strewn with the rarest flowers who vary
fragrance will unfold you with that
strength and peace that passes
with that stillness of the outer which
will enable you to enter into the great
wherein you will find the greatest
invincible activity of god the i am
beloved ones surely you must understand
that you cannot serve two masters and
gain any victory ahead
having free will you must choose
if you choose the outer forgetting your
invincible i am presence
then my love goes with you
in folding you in its mighty mantle of
protection till such a time as you
choose to return to the one god
if you choose your i am presence and
adhere to it then your struggles are
soon over
and you will find yourself moving in
that sphere of peace harmony perfection
wherein you look upon the outer world
with great compassion
but never with that human sympathy which
would stifle your own growth
this reminds us of the old time warned
seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and
all the other things are added or given
into your use under your command
that kingdom of heaven is the great i am
presence the only reality of you who is
the owner and giver of all created
manifested things
is it not strange beloved students that
one will so long wander about in discord
when the master presence of light the i
am presence
walks by one side at all times waiting
one's decision to turn to it and receive
its radiance glorious blessing and
perfection in all other manifestation
such is your privilege over loved ones
in spite of all other activity the
atmosphere of the class is true divine
when i'm sorry that some have not felt
the true importance of their i am
presence and they still reach out to
other things
i but wait unfolding them in my love for
they have free will
perhaps i'm a little too old-fashioned
but when i see individuals that are so
good and so fine i would just like to
pick them up and hold them in my embrace
until they could realize the full
importance of their own mighty i am
presence but this i may not do
for i so well know that all have any
desire left to reach to the without must
do so until that desire is no longer
the students must understand that they
cannot divide their outer attention
between the i am presence and other
for it is a house divided against itself
and must sooner or later fall
all greatness is dependent on the i am
presence and it is the governor of the
form or should be
it is all strength courage and power
those blessed children if they could
only realize fully what a privilege
stands at their door and how in a
comparatively short time they could gain
freedom from all limitation
this dictation the situation is this
when students ask if they might listen
to these dictations themselves
they are entitled to the explanation of
what is necessary for the work of this
kind for it is most unusual we know
the fact that the one god is always
perfect always was is now and always
will be
and the i am is that presence
but if you have not been aware of this
the body and brain of the student must
go through a period of adjustment
that adjustment of the outer self takes
weeks months or years to accomplish
according to the requirement of the
never in the history of the preparation
of students has the master ever allowed
them to come within his own inner
electronic circle
the students come or are taught of the
application but they never come into the
inner electronic circle of the master
the electronic circle prepared here for
this work has required 30 years of
and no matter how beautiful the
radiation and love of an individual are
we do not have the time to prepare and
adjust the atomic structure of the brain
and body of the students at this period
of world crisis
but with their sincere determination and
use of the i am presence
they will be prepared for the presence
of the ascended host
the atomic structure is a mechanical
instrument and the innumerable parts
must work in harmony and perfect
cooperation with each other
the students do not understand that when
a certain definite specific work is to
be done
there must be definite preparation for
for illustration take one by whose
nature is endowed with an unusual
quality for giving fourth lectures in
if he is to have the assistance of the
ascended host there must be special
preparation for it
the individual would be so prepared that
from 20 minutes to half hour before the
lectures that one would be enclosed in a
tube of light into which nothing entered
except the radiation of the inspiring
out of the fullness of our hearts
almighty presence we give praise and
thanks for thy love wisdom and power
we give praise and thanks for the mighty
rays that have gone out to each student
we give thanks for the intensity of this
focus it quickens the assurance within
the students of the truth of their
mighty presence of the i am
which is the true self
strengthen them each one with that firm
determination to hold to that one
presence which is all freedom all
perfection eternal youth and beauty
is the god miro large of stature
answer the god mural is about seven feet
and of the most wonderful proportion
the god himalaya is about seven feet two
the god tabor is on eight feet he comes
from a very very ancient race of people
discourse 23 and december 19th 1932
christmas preparation saint germain
the mighty infinite intelligence
thou who dust have power over all things
we welcome thy all-pervading presence
thou all pervading life the animating
principle of every human being
we give thanks that i am the great and
mighty presence
that i am anchored in the heart of every
one of god's children fulfilling the
perfect plan in spite of all resistance
of the outer activity of the mind
we give praise and thanks that the
conscious direction of thy mighty energy
is sufficient by those of understanding
to bless and to prevail with thy
wondrous light and intelligence
i bring you greetings from the great
host and personally from jesus who will
again speak to you over israel today
the discourse by beloved jesus
in the fullness of my love i come to you
again today over the great light and
sound ray
this time to direct consciously the
healing ray to every one of the students
this ray i will sustain for two weeks
every day that they may have the
radiance of the healing power
in my ministry to mankind among the
hills of judea i stirred the laden
memory within the inner record of
mankind and its work is still going on
i wish the students to understand that
preceding all conscious healing upon my
part within my own mind i always
conscious that
i am the only healing presence
and as the unlimited i am presence i had
the right the power and the ability
through that presence to command all
outer activity of the mind to be silent
and obey its command
thus when i spoke to individuals i spoke
with that authority the i am presence
which i recognize as the only
intelligence and power acting or that
could act
i was conscious of the outer activity of
the minds of those of humanity about me
but as i said to you before
it was only when i began using i am the
resurrection life
at the fullness of my mission and how it
was to be fulfilled was entirely
this is the particular point i wish to
stress with the students today that
within each of them is the same mighty i
am presence which i used to accomplish
the perfection of that mighty presence
this seemed to humanity at that time the
performative miracles however i assure
it was but consciously setting into
action and use cosmic laws that are ever
about you
to be set into activity through
conscious direction
the mistake that students make and which
delays their achievement is in feeling
that they are acting a falsehood in
declaring the perfection that they do
not yet see manifest in their appearance
or activity
i tell you sincerely from my own
experience that we must acknowledge the
one presence intelligence and power
then claim it as our own and every
thought and activity
it is the only way this mighty
perfection can be brought into the outer
appearance and fullness of your use
because that perfection has not yet
appeared seemingly should not deter you
from applying claiming perfection as
your own
for anyone with average intelligence has
but to stop and think that the energy
the life principle which he is using is
god the mighty i am presence
therefore its presence power and energy
is always self-sustaining
in the claiming of this mighty presence
and activity you consciously set into
action in your life home world and
today is in the time of my attainment
the financial struggles seem to be most
and yet within the reach of your
consciousness manipulation and direction
of the mighty energy
substance and opulence about you you
have everything with which to draw to
you that wondrous omnipresent opulence
of god
when you say i am
you are stirring that into action to
fulfill your conscious demand
one of the first and mightiest things
that become clear in my consciousness
was my ability
everyone's ability to qualify this
consciously directed with whatever the
seeming need demanded
thus the energy may produce for your use
gold silver money food clothing means of
conveyance or whatever the cost demand
all this you must claim with determined
conscious effort which knows
that in the conscious demand is the i am
presence speaking and acting
therefore it has all power and authority
to clothe whatever the demand is with
its kind
in the consciousness that you are the i
am presence acting at all times
you then must know that you are
that moment of recognition
an invincible magnet of attraction
which causes every activity universe to
rush to you to fulfill the demand
the only reason it does not seem to be
so is because somewhere in your
there is a feeling of uncertainty
either of your ability of your authority
or the omnipresence of it to act
but i assure you as one having attained
and having gone through the complete
process of attaining
that it is a pleasure the privilege of
myself and others
to place before you these simple laws
yet mighty and invincible in their
which will give you freedom and dominion
over all things that seem to be such a
mountain of obstruction in your way
as you continue to accept and use these
laws in your activity you will find that
you are attaining dominion
not only over the one element but all
four elements earth water air and fire
when you have become conscious of the
flame of your divinity you are acting
from the highest of the four elements
which is fire and the true activity is
as the conscious activity is to the
so is the conscious use of the flame to
the recognition of the light
the natural element of your soul is the
accounting for the ancient fire and sun
when one becomes conscious that he has
is can use and direct this consuming
he is entered into mighty power
when one becomes conscious that he has
dominion over the four elements he is
but to practice its use to become
conscious that he may direct the
lightning master the storm control the
water and walk in the midst of the fire
will you kindly tell me how any being
can have the use of anything until he
acknowledges it and knows that he has
the ability to make it his servant and
then by the practice of its use he
becomes absolutely invincible in its
i wish so earnestly to make clear to you
that you are being given and taught the
exact laws which i used and which
everyone who has attained the ascendant
state must use
it is all a matter of use once you know
these laws
and that the i am presence which you are
has all intelligence power and authority
to constantly direct the energy through
the outer activity of your mind
then do not fear to use it to heal to
prosper to bless and to enlighten your
fellow man
erase from your mind forever that there
can be any selfishness in your conscious
recognition that
the i am presence is directing
it matters not what you require for your
when it makes you more able or of a
greater ability and power to bless
then do you not see that there can be no
selfishness in the desire for this
greater attainment perfection
for any individual to feel that he must
wait upon the attainment of another is a
great mistake
individuals may attain only through
their own conscious effort in this
wonderful recognition
no one can grow for another or attained
for another
but each may be of immense help to the
other by knowing with intensity
i am the only present and intelligent
acting within that individual
for the one you wish to help
this may be qualified with whatever the
person seems to need most
every individual's first duty is
adoration and love to the one mighty i
am presence which is everywhere present
do you not see how in this it is a
joyous privilege to love your so-called
because i am the only real presence in
activity anyway
if the ignorance of the outer activity
of the mind seems to have created
disorder pain and limitation
then you know that the miscreation has
no power of its own
there is nothing but the wrong belief of
the individual to sustain it
consequently it has no self-sustaining
if you have been unfortunate enough to
create in harmony disorder limitation
then can you not see that you alone
through the power of your i am presence
the consuming flame
must consciously call on law forgiveness
consume through that flame of life which
you are
everything in the world which you have
wrongly created
this should easily make it clear to you
how you set about to cleanse the world
of its disorder and its mistaken
then you stand forth clothed with the
the light of eternal life youth beauty
and opulence
holding within your hand for instant use
the scepter of power of the i am
presence which you are
it is important to know that this one
mighty energy does all things according
to the quality you give it or the wish
you want fulfilled
one thing students should be intensely
conscious of and that is
the i am
the eternal harmonizing present and
activity everywhere i move
and of everything to which my thought is
this constantly used with a feeling of
its invincible power
will keep the atmosphere of your world
purified harmonized and held in
readiness for any conscious direction to
go forth with great speed to its
when you wish to speak with authority
silently or to another individual
speak his given name
and you will find the help the energy
said much more easily received
it is like calling the attention of a
person to whom you wish to speak
naturally your first impulse is if you
are going to speak to one of the family
you first say don marry your dick to get
his attention
and then you proceed to give your
so it is when directing the energy
within the inner world in this
recognition and use of the i am presence
knowing that i am everywhere present
you see how you may speak to one across
the earth through the i am presence as
readily as though that once stood in the
room in your physical presence
i warn you if you attempt to use this
knowledge to harm another
then remember that through your own soul
and body will pass the bolt or your
intent to another
try always to remember that you are not
human beings so called
but you are gods and goddesses and
which through the conscious effort you
can bring into full dominion
i say to you beloved students of light
arise awaken to the fullness of your god
fearlessly use the conscious knowledge
and direction of this mighty i am energy
for your freedom prosperity blessing
each of you is a glittering dazzling
jewel of life projected into a world of
chaos and darkness
that the radiance of your life may
expand expand and again expand
let all darkness of the earth be
consumed in this mighty radiance of the
i am presence which you are
do not hesitate beloved children grasp
the scepter of your power and dominion
use it to heal to bless to prosper to
you will find all earthly things bowing
before you and rushing to fulfill your
slightest demand
such beloved ones beloved brothers and
the one mighty presence which i am
is the conscious ability i convey to you
this day
with itself sustaining strength courage
power and enlightenment to go forth
attaining your freedom now with these
personal rays which i predict to eat you
for these two weeks
i assure you these rays are no idle
fancy but a tangible current of energy
containing in all things and blessing
you according to your acceptance
i clothe you in this mantle of light
within its all power
i hold you close in my mighty embrace
and i am with you every hour
saint germain
again have you been blessed by that
electrifying presence i need not add to
it unless there are questions
when you realize that i am is the only
presence power and ability to think in
your brain cells
and you are accepting only the activity
the i am presence
then you make it the all power of
fulfilling every outer desire
therefore if you desire something
needful in the outer activity
it is the i am presence producing
through your conscious demand which has
nothing to do with so-called human
say often
i am
always loving obedience under the light
everything will become more alert more
quickened and more powerful protected as
you use the i am presence more and more
the great central sun magnet
the more one is conscious of this great
magnet working the more powerful it acts
in his own sphere
an awakened individual never uses a
destructive force
when the master of serene projected the
force and the army was killed he simply
projected it for the protection of his
and the destructive qualities which the
others brought with him to slay and kill
qualified the force sent out by the
and it destroyed those who sent their
destructive qualities out
you can see how easily would do that
when they come to destroy
every individual if he has understanding
has a right to protect himself
the student should always be taught
never to judge the action of a greater
intelligence in themselves
when phenomena is produced by an
ascended master the activity so
transcends the intelligence witnessing
it that is most difficult to then be
sustained in the acceptance of the
actual truth of it
it is utterly impossible to satisfy the
outer activity of the mind
projected vision the etheric record is
re-clothed in substance
you cannot re-clothe a record of scenes
except in their own environment
the individual's record goes with him
wherever he goes and can be reclothed
anywhere he is
the mighty infinite presence
the wondrous brother of light wisdom
love and power
we give thanks for thy radiant presence
glorified all who look to thee and in
that glorious presence we send to all
mankind by unfolding light lifting them
into thy presence always
discourse 24 december 22nd 1932
saint germain
thou infinite all-loving presence we
feel thy peace thy love and thy wisdom
preventing all everywhere
knowing there is but the one mighty
presence of which we are apart we know
thou art omnipresent
pouring themselves forth filling every
need on demand
lifting the conscious of mankind unto
and holding it anchored there until the
light of eternal life fills all beings
with its radiance carrying them forward
that inner impulse to eternal permanent
recognition of the great i am
i bring new greetings from the greatest
senate host and especially
goddess of fire
the discourse
as the consciousness of the student is
raised into the activity of the higher
or fire element
everything in their being begins to act
with an intensity that many times they
do not understand
and as they begin to work more from the
fire element standpoint the more
necessaries is to keep up the guard
the training which we are endeavoring to
give forth to bless protect and
enlighten the students is to train
oneself to be on guard at all times
and while all should understand with
every effort use the i am presence to
maintain self-control
yet if something happens unexpectedly to
stand serene in spite of it
use a statement frequently
i am the presence on guard
if something unexpected happens you say
we will dismiss this and go on in that
joyous happiness
try not to have any feeling but to know
i am the mighty presence governing
everyone's activity
whenever there is a center of light of
the intensity of this focus
there is always a disturbing element
that would seek to enter through someone
if you are working about the house keep
i am proof against any sudden
this sets up a certain armor that will
keep the atmosphere harmonized
use often i am the presence with nothing
you can disturb
always hold yourself in a joyous calm
attitude regardless of anything that
takes place for one you wish to help say
here pal through the i am presence we
give you the strength to control there
the very marvelous manner and radiation
of your two classes this week was the
most remarkable thing i've ever seen in
classes of students
the great love and harmony within the
hearts of these students maintain a
sufficient length of time
makes almost anything possible
it is a rare thing
here are three classes in which the same
love and harmony is maintained
do you feel the great wave of peace and
joy that will come like a breath of the
spring morning
i will explain so you may see how
far-reaching it is that wonderful loving
the great master whom jesus contacted
who enabled him to gain the victory is
the same one who was my teacher
and it was his radiation which came just
he wishes me to tell you that as you
pass along the pathway of light
you'll find the easiest way to overcome
disturbance is to turn away from a thing
forget it
you may have this master's name later
to wrong activities say
that is not correct and then quickly
pass it off this avoids a disturbance
which bills
as we reach into the light we are one
great family
knowing that there is but the one great
family i am presence everywhere you
being the individualization of that
there can only be the one great family
children of the one god
in the very first place let this be
if a worthy individual is critical
say with very definite certainty
there is no one who wishes to intrude
this upon your free will
we do not mind sincere questioning
but we do not tolerate criticism nor
the messenger must refuse acceptance to
the discordant things by pouring out the
love element so the discord may be
the messenger must be fortified or else
the work is left half undone
no class or work of the messenger can be
sustained if the messenger allows
argument or the score in field to
it is very difficult for the average
individual to understand that the
quickest way to stop any kind of
disturbance is to stop discussing it
the thing in your own aura is the only
thing that needs attention
the thing recorded in your atmosphere
can only come through your feeling
the spoken word unless there is a sense
of condemnation or anger back of it will
not record in harmony on your inner
of the two undesirable conditions it is
far better that one explode and get a
thing off his mind and to hold the
feeling within on resentment or of being
for that is what registers on your inner
from my standpoint i see what is
registered in your feeling and therefore
on the inner atmosphere
you know how a carbuncle forms well let
me tell you that in your mental world
exactly the same thing takes place
as the physical carbuncle expresses on
the physical body
it is most important to do something to
keep yourself from harboring a feeling
against persons places things or
conditions for these build and record on
the inner atmosphere
if the desire comes i wish so and so
would do this or that check it
immediately and say
there is only god in action here
when a feeling is registered in your
atmosphere it is anchored there until
you dissolve or consume it
it is always the feeling that makes the
inner record
there is no use consuming a thing if you
do not break the habit of generating the
one can easily conquer this by saying
i am in command here
do not let your feelings run rampant
many times individuals are brought
together for the sole purpose of
compelling them to correct these subtle
activities which most people pay no
attention to whatsoever
this is a matter of still in the outer
and order the tooth may be received
this is so vital in the individual
as you rise in consciousness the energy
is waiting like an avalanche for
and if the energy is not controlled it
will rush in and cause you to do things
that you would not have done for the
whatever energy is given it is your use
to be sent out harmoniously that is the
natural law of your being
if one does not understand that he is to
govern the energy flowing through him
and he contacts a discordant element
the energy flowing through becomes
qualified by that discord and he should
immediately either check it or
re-qualify with love
in my experience if i met a discordant
element i simply said here i shut my
door you stay out
the universal energy flowing through you
is naturally harmonious shut your door
and figure out who's the matter
people resist persons places conditions
and things
because they have not mastered
the students must maintain this
self-governed harmony within themselves
long enough to let the momentum be
which becomes the permanent guard
if one will maintain harmony within
himself i tell you he will draw all good
things into him
the unfailing prompter is at the moment
one expresses some kind of discord
he is to realize that he is the one to
there needs to be no written thing to
warn you
the moment there is something discordant
it is the prompter warning you to get
busy on yourself
each individual is his own guard and
prompter at all times
there is only one power in the world
that can correct anything and that is
the i am presence in each one if you
refuse to recognize that you are the
creator of your own disturbances
how can you ever correct it or be free
from it
there is no person place conditional or
thing that warrant you ever been
with the ever-present i am presence
beating your heart each moment whoever
is all-powerful
if one will correct himself on these
discordant feelings he will let the
great i am presence flood his world with
all perfection
if the individual will not correct
how can he ever gain the eternal victory
the i am presence is the all-power of
the universe to make this correction
but the i am presence flow until it
washes everything clean
when your attention is fixed firmly upon
the i am presence which you are
it is as though your body were a fine
sponge through which is pure energy is
pouring cleansing it of all imperfection
if you will stop the discord the stream
of the i am presence automatically
cleanses away all impurities
you thus have an unlimited power in your
hands to intensify your right command
even from a scientific standpoint
knowing that the cells of the body are
renewed less than a year
if the discord could be shut off for one
year the mind and form would express
eternal youth and perfection
either from a sense of false pride or
something humanity will not face the
truth that
the cause is within themselves
the habit of always blaming the other
fellow for what has happened to you is
the thing that binds you to the truth
and prevents self-correction
a wonderful illustration of this is in
the beautiful child form
until a child is old enough to begin to
register the discord about it its body
is beautiful and expresses perfection
this perfection of form would always be
maintained if there did not enter into
the conscious of the child the discord
of the outer world
there are those who would say to me
what about the child that is born sickly
and disturbed
in most cases that is a condition
brought over from the preceding
embodiment or in rare cases where there
is intense discord between the parents
this may be intense enough to register
upon the child
but if you will notice in cases of that
kind as the child begins to grow and
develop it will show less and less of
that disturbance
that is absolute proof that discord was
not of its own creation but was imposed
upon it by their parents because the
stole was strong enough to rise out of
in this particular point one should
understand the amazing conditions of
suggestion by which individuals are
constantly surrounded
for instance let us take the environment
an association of individuals who have
been in the habit of going together
and that friendly association each one
is susceptible to the suggestion from
the other
if it be discordant then the association
will be broken up sooner or later by one
grand row
however 75 percent of the individuals
moving about in the outer world are not
aware that they are taking on suggestion
either from association environment or
conditions outpictured before
them the correct attitude of the student
who becomes aware of this as i am
presence is immediately take the firm
stand that
i am invincibly protected against any
imperfect suggestion
thus one can build about himself an
atmosphere which will immediately repel
any suggestions that seek to intrude
wherein there is a destructive element
i think it is necessary to call your
attention to your old copy books which
if at first you don't succeed try try
there is no way to gain victory and
dominion over limitation except to keep
at until you accomplish it
if you question your accomplishment you
are postponing your victory that much
those students who really began to
understand that in the recognition and
use of their eye and presence
they have the universal power at their
then they know it is impossible to fail
in their application
because the more they use it the more of
its sustaining power they have
every time you feel a christ
say i praise thee and accept the light
of thy presence the full i am activity
take this attitude always
and then you shut the door to any
undesirable creation from those who have
passed on
always remember that you are the master
what shall come into your thought world
and unless you realize that you are the
you are susceptible to all kinds of
thoughts and feelings
for others know
i am the presence taking blank into
blank accomplishment
if you give attention to a condition of
disturbance you are giving power to
something else but your own i am
though mighty infinite i am presence
we rejoice in thy ceaseless outpouring
by unfolding presence protecting and
governing the life of these beloved
help them to enter into the fullness of
thy presence with no uncertainty that
they may bless mankind wherever they may
be or go
intensify thy wondrous light within the
outer activity that each one may become
a great channel to heal to bless to
prosper and to enlighten
discourse 25 december 25th
1932 christmas day
saint germain invocation
infinite i am presence from my ancient
we find thee pouring forth thyself into
manifestation with conscious intelligent
that thy perfection be manifest in all
phases of life
and that all of earth which has been
wrongly qualified by mankind be raised
into that ascended state thy eternal
i bring you greetings and especially
from the retreat in arabia that great
center of training for the use of the
mighty rays
i have two surprises for you today
i say i because we are all one
i trust that i need no introduction as i
speak to you over the light and sound
nada speaks
the discourse
how beautiful this day always seems to
us and the consciousness conveyed to
representing that birth of the christ
activity in all mankind
and to the students who become aware of
what the use of the i am presence means
to them in setting into motion love and
intelligence to do their bidding
according to the direction of that
limitless power
so long individuals have wondered how to
attain the christ consciousness
the first mighty step is in the
recognition of the great i am presence
god dwelling in you
the second step is in the use of that i
am presence for when you say i am
with the understanding of what it means
you have then and there entered into the
christ consciousness
it does not mean you immediately express
the fullness of that christ
consciousness for you must first know
where you are going and what you wish to
do before you can accomplish it
all the ascended ones have gone the same
path and use identically the same
because all roads lead to the great
central sun the godhead
our beloved brother jesus performed one
of the greatest blessings to mankind and
not only setting the example from his
birth and achieving the ascension but in
making the eternal record that stands
radiant pouring itself into humanity
little can the unascended realize what
this means to mankind
it is an eternal beacon beckoning them
on into the light
and then the example of the ascension
jesus stated definitely not only what
could be done
but what must eventually be done
great is where the wonders he was able
to perform he gave the marvelous promise
even greater things in these shall ye do
many times students wonder what greater
things could be performed than what
jesus did
but he tells us that he only performed a
few of the universal services which can
be rendered to our fellow man
to us this day always symbolizes the
conscious beginning of that most
marvelous of all achievements the
the moment the individual becomes
conscious of this fact
the process of his own ascension has
and according to the fullness of his
grasp of this truth may the individual
accomplish it quickly or require time to
do it
my personal experience has been though
when i became aware of what it meant and
began the use of the i am presence
i found that surely i was entirely
unaware of time or plays
and that each day as i entered more
fully into this expansion of
i founded all things of my desire right
within reach mark you
right within my individual governing
and with it came the consciousness
divine love was the mighty cohesive
power holding all things together and in
that this divine love within me of which
i had begun to learn made me an
invincible magnet for everything upon
which my desire rested
this simple truth is one of the
mightiest the first comes to the student
at first it causes one to realize that
really he can rise above the seeming
limitations about him
and then he finds one by one that he is
actually doing it
then comes the great inrush and outpoint
of this mighty self within which holds
the substance of anything the heart can
wish within its own embrace
and your ability and authority mark you
to qualify and mold this substance
is that which causes to take on the form
of your requirement whether it be peace
love gold or enlightenment
i say to the beloved students awake or
beloved students
to your authority to your right to your
conscious ability to apply this great
law to your perfect health
eternal youth and beauty
the riches of god
the glorifying of your mind and body
and then to ascend in the arisen
dominion into your eternal everlasting
after you begin to find step by step
that you are accomplishing
then you begin to forget all this outer
condition surging about you
in the glorious feeling of being held in
the great embrace that mighty master
self within
which never has and never will give
cognizance to time or space
you are the master and have dominion in
your life and over your world the moment
you recognize
that the energy power and intelligence
which you are using is the mighty i am
how fortunate indeed of those
individualizations upon earth who become
aware really aware of this truth
jesus said know the truth and the truth
shall make you free
this is one of the mightiest phases of
that truth apply it all beloved ones
with full determination
shutting out all uncertainty from your
minds and you will climb steadily that
jeweled ladder of achievement
and as you look back upon each step
more and more will let blazing radiance
shine forth and you will wonder
how could i have gone so long in the
when above me stood this mighty flame of
ready consumed instantly all my
unfortunate ignorant creation
i tell you beloved ones
that you do not have to wait
indefinitely in the recognition of this
mighty presence
fold your arms about it in all the
adoration you can command
and it will raise you quickly out of all
these seeming limitations
clothing you in that seamless crystal
blazing with radiant light and held with
a jewel girdle that is your right to
and in your hand that blazing scepter of
dominion the searchlight of your mighty
soul which you can turn upon anything
upon any place upon any height
and draw to you the revelation from
within it
such beloved brothers and sisters is the
picture of achievement which we have
used and attained
such we know you can do because we have
never grow weary of the consciousness
that i am the ascended presence
and when you say that no
it is the self-sustaining
emanating strength by which i reach my
full dominion
it makes me very happy to be home again
for the happiness in your heart
to see the many rungs of the latter your
and that you have the conscious
consciousness that you can achieve the
greatest of god's gift the fullness of
it is with much joy that i too may say a
few words over the light and sound rays
to you and to answer and person the many
calls of the hearts to cha ra
i do have many a good laugh and moving
about among the students who have so
much longing that make myself visible to
and yet some of them upon the slightest
movement unusual catching their breath
lest i do
you know it is almost comical the outer
activity of the self wants to think so
and at the same time experiences all
kind of prickly sensations about it
but beloved ones i say this
i may not appear nearly so frightful as
you might think
so trust me at least to have a pleasing
form or appearance at the same time for
the benefit of the dear sisters i shall
endeavor to bring along some altar of
from kashmir
that would be quite appropriate
question why not your own brand
you are very alert i do not need to
purchase it as you do for i am
privileged to brew my own
may i add a word to the beloved students
commanding them and urging them to
continue that wonderful glorious
presence of love and goodwill
not only to us but to each other
because it makes a wonderful condition
in which the expansion of consciousness
goes on in leaps and bounds
i must commend them on the feeling of
certainty within themselves in the
accepting of our presence and the
consciousness of their ability to apply
the law of their i am presence for it is
increasing with great speed
do not be discouraged in your call for
our visible appearance
while hearing is perfectly good i assure
you yet in that call is something that
you require
in the call for a thing is a certain
vibratory action that the student needs
which cannot be explained except as you
see it from the interaction
oh america precious jewel in the crown
the dyed him of earth that flower of
ancient wisdom and light
again you shall come unto the power of
your full bloom in spite of all the
seeming obstructions and appearances of
the contrary present
within thy soul almighty america is the
strength to shake thyself free from the
particles that have attached themselves
to thee
the barnacles of selfishness
and the creation of the outer activity
of the mind of unawakened human beings
so shall you again come into the
fullness of that light which is your
beloved students of his radiation
no matter what the appearance seems to
be in the outer activity
do not allow that appearance to find
anchorage in your consciousness or the
suggestion from others concerning
stand serene in your god-given dominion
knowing the truth
seeing america free governed by divine
love and justice
the net that the sinister force of earth
is seen to draw american into yet find
the sword of truth and light several in
that each way making it with the
open-ended cross of freedom of light and
the most valuable thing in the
individual's life when the things which
he cannot help is to shut his eyes to
the appearance of them
acknowledge and set forth into action
the mighty power of the i am presence
do you not see beloved students how very
very foolish it is to keep accepting the
through suggestion or otherwise which
you do not want
whether it is national state or personal
when you have such an extraordinary
privilege of setting into activity the
mighty i am presence to correct whatever
has the appearance of less imperfection
the habit of mankind has been to see
imperfection where we see perfection
now in the recognition of the mighty i
am presence
fully accept its perfection every hour
of the day
this does not mean that you have to
dwell on this by the hour
but you can at least assert once every
hour of the waking state
i do accept the full activity of my
mighty i am presence
each time you assert this you are
building its perfection more powerful
into your auto activity
for you are already using this energy
and why not acknowledge at all times who
and what it is you are using
thus giving it the dominion it wishes to
convey to you
in this way you set an emotion for the
freedom protection and blessing of
america your beloved country invincible
you do is yet little dream of the mighty
power of adjustment
it can cause you to take place when
consciously set into motion by one or
more who recognize its invincible
universal power
now let me suggest that instead of
listening to the constant lamentation
and suggestion of all kinds of
destructive activities
that you know the i am presence consumes
and re-qualifies all this energy with
freedom protection and perfection for
america in the world
for your encouragement i want to say
that all those human beings who started
the cause of this present condition
did not foresee that it was going beyond
their control and through it many of
them have lost their outer ability to
longer foster
so those who are attempting to bring
back prosperity by the unlimited use of
beer will find things going beyond their
instead of temporary prosperity things
will sweep into actual prosperity
so now as at all times of seeming chaos
will come peace on earth good will to
men and the light of the expanding
christ in the hearts of individuals
permeating the earth will draw to itself
its own
again for the benefit of the beloved
students i urge them not to discuss
discordant things any more than is
enough to understand a situation
then turn completely from it and never
let it hold your attention again
for i assure you
what you entertain in your consciousness
will find expression in your life and
so fill it with the great i am presence
holding in its embrace the mighty
fulfillment of your every desire
see that perfection
the full perfection of its activity
everywhere in your life and world
do not be affected or disturbed by the
creation of others where you cannot help
except to see perfection
knowing that back of the seeming shadow
is the blazing white light of the iron
this beloved ones is my greeting of the
season i leave with you
enclosing my mother and others of the
ascended hosts some of whom you do not
know but who know you
send their greetings of love peace
opulence and strength to each of you
to bless you on your way to your final
victory and achievement
st germain
well very fortunately the radio
corporation can't charge us for overtime
on our station
i suppose if they knew of it they would
want to charge us
i want to say a word or two in
conclusion and it is towards the
students to recognize that when they say
i am
for whatever they want to be
they not only set the great i am
presence into action for the
but they should be deeply aware that it
holds within at the self-expanding
self-sustaining self-emanating power
while reputation is good and oftentimes
required to produce a deeper conviction
yet in the present advancement of the
students they should become more
conscious of its innate inherent
self-sustaining power
this would give the outer conscience a
fuller comprehension of the sustaining
so if the outer activity of the mind is
occupied with other duties
it can send forth the charge of the i am
into any achievement once an hour
without any way interfering with the
student's work
it is such a mistake for the student to
let register in his mind the absurd idea
that he hasn't time for these things
when it only takes a moment to
powerfully realize the mighty invincible
activity of his i am presence in
whatever his attention is required to be
however this application might be very
i am the mighty presence commanding the
all the time i require for the
realization and application of this
mighty truth
on the other hand if many times during a
one will for a few moments take the
consciousness that
i am the only intelligence and presence
it will naturally adjust things
according to the requirement
it is so easy to set the conscious into
knowing one is not restricted by any
sense of limitation
temples of light
they are located in the etheric belt
above the earth atmosphere
the radiation is poured out from this
belt to the earth through its atmosphere
the etheric belt around the earth and at
around venus should be vastly different
venus is within the etheric belt of the
sun while the earth is below that
warning do not give recognition to
anyone who is a tool for the sinister
simply know one thing only
there is only the i am presence
intelligence light and power acting do
not be concerned about any personal
activity of any kind whatsoever anytime
the student's business is to see
feel it and to be it no matter what any
human appearance seems to be
from out of the heart thy great silence
o mighty i am presence
comes a solution of all things
perfection of all things for thou art
the only governing power perfection
intelligence and all outer experience
for thou art the presence governing all
human expression
only as we see thy perfect manifestation
all things do we cause perfection to
manifest in all things
discourse 26 december 29th 1932
saint germain
though mighty infinite presence
all unfolding love infinite eye activity
gracious in thy loving power we salute
thee heart to heart face to face
pouring forth eternal gratitude for the
outpouring of thy mighty energy
for the use of thy directing wisdom for
the presence of thy opulence in our home
and use
we acclaim ourselves that active part of
self-conscious of thy divinity
maintaining every hour thy supreme
i bring you greetings from the great
hosts who minister and who watch all
the discourse
we all rejoice exceedingly in the
wondrous loving presence of the students
for the great harmony joy and
accomplishment has been attained
how mighty that miracle-working presence
i am can and will manifest its dominion
if such a wonderful state is maintained
and i tell you with no uncertainty it
can be maintained ever growing greater
and greater in the comprehension of that
god presence in its supreme power of
divine love
every student should remember with
definite certainty that in this
quickening power of the i am presence
within his being
everything good or otherwise is stirred
into action
if there is laden within that conscious
rebellion resentment or the inclination
to judge
it means that all this will be stirred
and brought to the surface to be
and i tell you with no uncertainty
unless the student consciously consumes
that which is brought forth to the
it will consume him
if one finds himself becoming irritated
he should seize the reins and issuing
that command through the i am presence
and declare that
this be governed harmoniously
here let me again remind the students of
the greatest thing in their progress is
and there is no person place condition
or thing to blame for what they
entertain with themselves
this is the most imperative for their
future progress
these beloved students have arrived at a
point where such subtle conditions must
be made clear and thoroughly understood
otherwise they will find themselves
facing conditions they are unable to
i repeat again to the students to be
greatly encouraged because of the
strides they are making in self-control
the fuller and fuller acceptance of
these mighty laws of life
and their willingness to apply the
mighty whip of self-correction
for i tell you frankly and i speak from
that the outer activity which we term
the human
has to be flayed with no uncertainty
before it is brought under the
subjection to the divine command
the reason i gave and use of the rays of
flame through the hand is because the
minds of some are attuning more rapidly
than the atomic structure of the body's
being raised
this activity of passing the hand over
the body
will maintain and sustain that
equalization of the quickening of the
mind and the raising of the atomic
structure to its balancing point
i am so happy and willing to give every
assistance to the student as are others
but there are certain bounds beyond
which we may not go
because of the self-conscious
advancement of the students which they
must do for themselves
however every one of them has everything
by which to be encouraged
but again let me urge them that at no
time may they divide the attention
of the i am presence
to do this means that they are releasing
the stream of energy and giving power to
outside things and simply delaying your
progress i speak from experience it is
not possible to divide the attention
for it must all be given to the i am
presence in order to go beyond a certain
point of attainment
i do not wish to bring any shock to the
students under this radiation
but i must speak the truth
that if those beloved students who have
been brought under this radiation
are not able to hold their attention
entirely upon the i am presence it will
close the door to our assistance to them
for a long time
this need not be done if the students
will follow the direction
make the sincere effort every time the
attention wanders off bring it back with
firm determination and say i give all
power to the i am presence which i am
and i refuse with determination
acceptance to anything else ever again
i wish to prepare the students that
there will come the time when they may
not be sustained by our messengers but
must rely on their own ability to hold
with such a firm grip upon the iron
presence that they will always receive
its mighty sustaining power
it is useless and a mistake for any
student after months of instruction to
each day or even a few days
allow himself to be thrown into a sense
of depression or doubt of the inner
power or his abilities to apply it
this childish attitude of mind will in
time shut the door if it is not
each student should take his positive
the moment discord of any kind attempts
to enter into the mind and assert his
dominion by declaring
i am the almighty governing presence of
my life and my world
and i am the peace harmony encouraged
which carries me sereni through
everything that confronts me
it is so important that the students
have the benefit of the manuscripts that
we must discontinue the instruction
until they are completed
for according to their ability to accept
that which is illustrated in the
manuscripts will the great judge
determine what shall next be
given we may not under any circumstance
take the student beyond the point where
he is well fortified
i must say for the protection of the
students that certain phenomena manifest
about them to be calm poised and unmoved
by it at all times and goes through me
not allowing their attention to be held
by it
for it is not unlikeliness number of
students that some may have sufficiently
generated energy from past understanding
at a certain point to produce certain
in such a case they should always take
the firm stand
i am the governing presence of this
utilizing it in its highest expression
in use
you see an all this amount of
instruction has been given it is but a
fragment upon which the student must
the student must always watch for ideas
from within himself upon which to build
his expansion
the first premise for every student on
earth who wishes to attain permanent
achievement is to first remind himself
i am the present and intelligent
this is the first principle and he can
never go astray
i assure the beloved students that they
need not crave nor desire phenomena
for the natural law of their being is
their sustained progress will produce
abundant phenomenal proof as they are
ready for it
in this mark you i do not in any ways
refer to the appearance of any of the
ascended ones for that is an entirely
different thing
and is really not to be taken as
phenomena of any kind
i watched with great interest the
interactivity of the students tuesday
and wednesday and it was very gratifying
to see the expansion of that inner light
within them as the power of love grew
more intense
it should be remembered by the students
that when they say i am
they are making the outer activity a
mighty magnet for the light to reach and
i think it would be very wise for each
student to take the attitude at this
or in the beginning of the use of both
the instruction the manuscript
great i am presence
take me within thyself
there instruct me and cause me to retain
the full memory of these inner
as messengers of the light this training
is very essential
but the idea should not in any way cause
anxiety or tension in a desire to retain
because an attitude of that kind might
easily close the outer memory of the
inner experience
i cannot help but smile to myself with
the closeness which some of the students
are coming to most surprising things
but i trust they'll always find
themselves poised and serene whatever
the experience is knowing that i am the
one eternal self-sustained life in
and to forever remove from their
consciousness that there is such a
condition of so-called death anywhere in
the universe
the outer activity of the mind and world
is a passing maya
shifting as the sounds of the desert and
need never cause anyone the slightest
for i am the eternal life knowing no
beginning and never finding an
end out of the heart of that great
silence comes the ceaseless pouring
stream of life which each one is an
individualized part
that life is you eternally perfectly
and the garment to close itself with are
but a little consideration
until one comes to a point of
recognition wherein the attainment has
prepared him for the seamless garment
self-sustained radiant with every
prismatic color
then may one indeed rejoice in that
eternal garment that is ever radiant and
changeless which has removed him from
the wheel of cause and effect and has
made him a being of the cause only
that cause is the radiance of divine
ever porn and evolving from its
conscious self-poised radiant god-center
the heart of the i am presence which is
eternal youth and beauty
the all-knowing presence containing in
self-conscious action the past present
and future
which after all are but the one eternal
such is the eternal elimination of all
time and space
then you find your world people with
perfect beings
your buildings decorated with choices
you standing in the center of your
creation the jewel in the heart of the
its petals your mighty avenue of its
perfect activity
such as a humble picture of that which
stands before you beckoning you into
your perfect eternal home and radiance
you see
i feel a glorious radiance and if each
one especially the students could center
themselves in the presence of divine
and hold themselves there firmly
what wonderful experiences would come to
them if they would shut out the
interference of the honor activity the
for one to take the attitude that
i am the presence of divine love at all
would do such wonderful things
to use this statement and feel it would
at all times close the door to the outer
activity of the mind
the solution of every problem is always
right at hand because
i am presence always holds everything
within it
a demand is the impelling of a solution
into expression
i am is the intelligent active principle
within us the heart of our being
the heart of the planet the heart of the
i cannot refrain from reminding the
students again for they should always
know that whenever you say i am
you are releasing the one almighty
intelligent energy
power and self-sustain element
keep at it and you will come into a
condition so supreme so wonderful
when you are looking into the physical
sun you are really looking into the
great central sun
the very heart of the i am presence
you must take the unconditional stand
with your body that
the i am presence governs this physical
body completely and compels it into
the more attention you give your body
the more is the master
and the more it will demand and keep
demanding from you
when the physical body is either
chronically ill or continually showing
it proves that it has been given
attention over a period of years to one
disturbance or another
and it will never improve until one
takes the positive attitude and whips it
into obedience
you can positively produce whatever you
want in your body if you will fix your
attention upon the perfection of it
but do not let your attention rest on
its imperfection
for the ascension
i am the commanding presence use this
often for it stills the outer activity
so you become centered in the activity
of love
the instant you feel something
discordant turn away from it
you have the scepter of power in your
couch now use it
you are to follow jesus command
see no man after the flesh
it means exactly what it says
recognize no human imperfection and
thought feeling word or deed
a very powerful thing to use in problems
is to take the simple consciousness
god in me
the i am presence come forth
govern and solve this situation
it would do wonders the whole thing is
to instantly draw forth the i am
presence and set it to work
jesus said ask and you shall receive
seek and you shall find
knock and it should be open unto you
say to your divine self
see here
god come forth and take care of this
god wants you to set him to work this
release of the flood of god energy
intelligence and substance which flows
to do the command
thou mighty commanding i am presence
assert thy dominion within the heart and
conscience of each student
command the life activity to express its
set thy selves a guard at the door of
the mind of each one
so he admits only that which is helpful
and harmonious
bless each one with the power to hold
fast and go forth to harmonious
we thank thee
his mother nada and saint germain
were working very intensely on the
expanding of the inner light within each
one who's here
we wish that the students might see from
the inner standpoint
it would be an experience never to be
discourse 27 december 24 1933
christmas eve
the mighty majestic christ power now
grown to full stature
we salute thee by the sign of the heart
and head
accepting the fullness of thy mighty
power made manifest in the hearts of the
students and the people of america
we accept the fullness of the light and
its illuminating presence within the
heart and mind of each one
surging further with such intensity that
it carries the courage and strength for
everyone to make the needed conscious
effort which will enable a mighty i am
presence to raise the atomic structure
into its full ascension
now i will step aside and let our
beloved brother speak his heart
the discourse by beloved jesus
i bring you love and salutations from
many of the ascended hosts
some of whom you know and others of whom
you are yet to know
i am the light the way in the truth
is the christmas bell that is still
ringing throughout the field of cosmic
in the understanding that has been
brought to you in the meaning and power
of the words i am
you will find a charmed circle in which
you may move untouched by human
discordant operation
it is not only a matter of knowing the
presence but in practicing the present
even the simplest activity
for as you attempt an unfamiliar
you may many times feel timid and
but as you learn to use the i am and the
solving of your desire problem
you find growing a confidence that you
can apply with a definite assurance
the student should always understand
that it is the great silence or
stillness of the outer that the inner
power flows in its ever increasing
and soon they will come to know that
even as they think of their mighty
source the i am
they will feel an increase of strength
vitality and wisdom which will enable
them to go forward with a feel of
mastery that will surely one day open
wide the door through the limitations of
their human creation and to the vastness
of their true freedom
we so often see in the heart the craving
for proof some remarkable manifestation
which will strengthen them on their way
i assure you beloved children of the
any proof given outside of yourself is
but temporary but every step proven in
and through your own conscious
is an eternal accomplishment
and as you continue to gain the mastery
through your self-conscious application
you are not only accomplishing the
things in hand but you are raising the
consciousness until presently you will
find that all barriers have gone down
it is in this manner the door of human
limitation is forever nailed back
as my outer form was nailed to the cross
so to you
by your ascending consciousness
nail back the door of self-created
limitation and feel and know your
to the many students so vitally
interested in making the ascension i
would urge you to use a statement often
i am the ascension in the light
this will enable your consciousness to
more quickly rise out of the maya of
human creation
it cannot be stressed too urgently that
as you live in and accept more fully the
transcendent power of the i am presence
you will find that not only the outer
struggle ceases but that as you have
entered deeper into the light
the outer things that you have sought so
earnestly will really and truly begin to
seek you
because by that time you will truly and
fully realize the unreality of form and
its transitory activity
you will then know that within you and
the light about you is everything you
can possibly desire
and the outer which it seems so very
important will have lost its great
binding power upon you
then in the outer things that come to
you will come joyous freedom
this is the true activity of other
you become more conscious of the
transcendent powers which are at your
you will know that you can quickly draw
yourself anything you require without
harming or affecting another of god's
this truth must be established within
the consciousness
for conscientious souls must know this
so they may not at intervals find
themselves wondering if it is right for
them to succeed when others around them
are not succeeding
for your greatest service i assure you
is to gain the mastery and freedom for
then you are prepared to dispense the
light without being affected by the
human creation which you must move
never feel sad or distressed if another
of god's children is not ready to accept
the light
for if he does not come to the light of
his own choosing it is rarely but a
temporary step
as one begins to gain a conscious
freedom from the body
he understands how temporal these other
things are and how unimportant
but when one enters into the universal
consciousness or the great cosmic
one finds to enter into the light is all
then he will know the joy of the inner
presence and its invincible activity for
which his heart will leap with joy
shortly before i became aware of my full
mission the statement stood out vividly
before me
i am the presence that never fails or
makes a mistake
this i knew later was a sustaining power
which enabled me to be the resurrection
it is unfortunate indeed that some of
the scriptural statements have been
clouded by human concept
yet i am thankful indeed and many have
remained unaltered
another statement i used constantly for
more than three years was
i am always the majestic power of pure
love that transcends every human concept
and that opens a door to me to light
within its heart
i knew later this greatly intensified my
true inner vision
in response to the earnest desire within
the hearts of many i wish to say that
during the years in which the scriptures
seemed to have been unaware of my
i was going from place to place in
search of the explanation of the
lighting presence which i felt within
and i assure you beloved students
not with the ease and speed of which you
were able to seek today
those of that day in my association were
joyous to receive the knowledge of those
unchronicled experience
but owing to the unusual nature of them
it was thought unwise to place them
before the multitude
so it has been through the ages when the
period of transcendent experience has
begun to fade into the yesterdays
and those who followed were not
sufficiently advanced to realize his
they had shut off from the humanity
glories beautiful and wonderful
however at this time there has come to
the assistance of humanity the cosmic
christ power which became so real to me
this through its natural impulse for
is steadily and surely finding its way
into the hearts and minds of a large
percentage of mankind
to the extent that great hope is present
that this activity will enable the veil
of human creation to be lifted so great
numbers of humanity will see signs and
and feel them within their own hearts
then they cannot be turned aside from
the truth by human doubts and fears
i spent some time in arabia persian
tibet and closed my pilgrimage in india
where i met the beloved master who had
then made the ascension although i did
not know it at the time
through the power of his radiation
revelation after revelation came to me
through which i was given expressions or
statements that enabled me to hold
steady the outer activity of my mind
until no longer had power to disturb or
it was then that the full glory of my
mission was revealed and the eternal
cosmic record it was to make
which was to be established that time
for the blessing enlightenment of the
humanity that was to follow
you might be interested to know that
this became an active cosmic record
which is quite different from any other
records made
in that it contains within it and does
the forward urge or impulse for which
the human mind was and is a magnet
this accounts for the expressions and
statements i give forth becoming more
and more vivid through the centuries
and with the forward impulse that
activity assisted by their powerful rays
of radiation focused upon the earth it
will enable a great number of humanity
become so anchored in the truth and its
conscious application
that a transcendent accomplishment will
be achieved
there's no single step so vitally
important as getting before mankind the
knowledge of the i am their source of
life and its transcendent power which
can be brought into the conscious youth
within three years it will be amazing
how this simple yet all-powerful truth
will spread upon humanity for all who
will think upon it practice its presence
and consciously direct its energy to the
power of divine love will find a new
world of peace love health and
prosperity open to them
those who understand applying the
knowledge of the i am need never never
be beset by in harmony or disturbance in
their home
world or activity
for it is only by a lack of
acknowledgement and acceptance of the
full power of this mighty presence
that individuals allow human concepts
and creation to disturb them
the student should constantly look
within his human self and see what
habits or creations are there that need
to be plucked out and disposed of
for only by refusing to any longer allow
habits of judging condemning and
criticizing to exist can he be free
the true activity of the student is only
to perfect his own world
and he cannot do it as long as he sees
imperfection in the world of another of
god's children
you have been given marvelous statements
to harmoniously govern your life and
apply them with determination and you
will succeed
another correction many of you wish to
make is this
i did not say on the cross father why
hast thou forsaken me
but i did say father how thou hast
glorified me
and i did receive into the glories with
me the brother who was on my right of
the cross
there are a number of those beloved
students whom i know personally at the
time of the crucifixion and giving this
message forth to them i feel like
talking to old friends
for in that great ascended presence
centuries are about an incident and only
as we come in contact with human events
is there a cognizance of time
beloved students who are so earnestly
seeking the light try to feel yourself
held in my loving embrace
try to feel yourselves clothed in the
light dazzling as a noonday sun
so anchor within your consciousness the
feeling of your ability to make the
ascension that each day brings you
closer and closer to the fullness of its
cut loose all things on earth that bind
know that in the love wisdom and power
which you accept from your mighty i am
is the power that does this transcendent
always remind yourself that god in you
is your certain victory
the i am presence which beats your heart
is the light of god that never fails
and that's your power by the acceptance
of its presence to lose its energy and
direct it is limitless
it is my great joy and privilege to
continue in association with my beloved
brother saint germain
in pouring forth through my conscious
a definite assistance to the students
who accept the instruction of saint
this will continue during the entire
year of 1934.
do not misunderstand me
i am pouring out to all mankind
but in this radiation of the students i
am privileged to give a special service
with my love i unfold you with my light
i clothe you with my energy i sustain
you that you may go forth dauntless in
your quest for happiness and the
perfecting of yourself and your world
i trust this will bring a radiation that
you may feel at will throughout the year
and that your attainment may bring you
boundless joy
i am the enlightening revealing presence
manifest with full power
jesus the christ
saint germain
i wish to convey my unfolding love as a
gift to each of the beloved students
for love is the greatest gift that can
be given
discourse 28 december 25th 1933
christmas day
saint germain invocation
the mighty infinite active presence of
the christ everywhere we bow before thy
majesty and power
assert thy dominion in the heart and
mind of every individual throughout the
causing thy wondrous perfection to
express everywhere
i bring you greetings of love the
comprehending consciousness and mastery
from the great host of ascended masters
who have looked with favor upon my
humble effort to dispense the light
and who bring to you their love and
clothier and their mantle of light in
this christmas day
the discourse
o love divine in thy magic power of
we assert thy power and cleansing and
purify the world of human mistakes in
human creation
thou art the eternal victory the golden
pathway of attainment for every student
of the light
and through thy transcendent power
the kumara start forth their mighty
radiation for the blessing of the earth
and mankind for the entirety of 1934
thus will mankind find many desirable
changes taking place
greater health happiness and prosperity
being restored a deeper sense of love
a greater desire for justice in the
hearts of mankind everywhere
in many channels human selfishness will
be greatly transcended through the
feeling of pure love which will generate
within the heart
enable them to govern the human sense
and cause them to involuntarily desire
to blast
it is my wish that every one of the
students send forth this truth in
conscious radiation at least once a day
god the mighty i am presence
is governing with invincible power
everywhere in the hearts and minds of
those masters from venus who visited the
royal teton who will again visit it this
new year will start forth a definite
activity to consume the subtle attempt
to generate and bring into water
activity another war
shambhala is losing its power which for
many years have been drawn within its
own compass
the golden city whose rays are sent in
all directions like the spoke from a
is performing a service for mankind that
it alone can do
if mankind could know and understand
these activities for what they are
such marvelous changes would take place
in the outer world as even the advance
would hardly conceive possible
on new year's day the cosmic wheel of
progress will have reached a point where
in personal activity
much of the free will of individuals can
be set aside
this brings a joy and hope unspeakable
of the conscience of those servant from
these transcendent spheres of activity
thus so students of light can you
understand the magnificent assistance
that is yours to be had by still in the
outer and reaching forth for it
i plead with you dear students shut your
minds against the ignorance and
inharmonious suggestions of human beings
i say to every one of you freedom in
every way stands at your door if you
will but keep your personality
harmonized and refuse to accept
inharmonious sinister suggestion from
the atmosphere and from those you
contact in mortal form
it is imperative that this be done if
you wish to bring into your world joy
peace opulence and perfection of every
it is not our intent or desire to
intrude a single thing upon your free
but oh the joy that leaps within our
heart when we see the students taking
comprehending and applying these
transcendent laws
which we know mean their certain victory
and may i reiterate that we have said
there is no single thing so vicious in
the human activity
as that personality or suggestion which
would try to turn the student from the
truth and light which would be his
in connection with this mighty cosmic
activity the student should work with
great determination consuming all past
and present in harmonious creation
every time your thoughts and desires
reach forth in this matter great
currents of energy will come to your
assistance to sustain and help you
this is part of the present amazing
assistance sent forth to the earth the
silent watcher has waited for 200 000
years for the cosmic wheel to reach its
point a coming new year
again i assert that never in the history
of mankind has such transcendent
activity been ready to rush to your
i plead with you o beloved students
is it not worth all your determined
effort to act in accordance with this
great blessing which makes your struggle
for freedom from human self-creation so
much easier
beloved students how deeply my heart
rejoices to see within you the intense
desire for the light in your determined
effort to apply these unairing laws
which will surely give you your freedom
as you apply them
i wish to thank all the students for
their joyous desire for the limitless
distribution of unveiled mysteries in
the magic presence
in this great desire beloved ones is a
service that you can little comprehend
as yet his far reaching blessing
i feel greatly blessed this day of
devotion to the christ to feel the love
from the many point out to me and i
assure you blessed ones that i shall
come back to you with all the loving
power at my command to assist
enlightened bless you
in the special service that jesus has
decided to give forth you are surely
blessed indeed
try to feel this wonderful truth with
the deepest intense feeling you can
open your arms hearts and minds to the
glory of his radiation
and as you can do this more fully and
you will see how quickly all disturbing
and limited conditions about you will
i plead with you beloved students do not
continue to limit yourself by human
declare and feel your amazing ability to
use these laws and direct this mighty
energy to your freedom and perfection
try to realize that your human form is
not a dense creation difficult to
try to feel it as a transparent
substance that follows your slightest
speak to your body command it to be
receptive only to the ascended master
to be a perfect expression of the divine
power of the mighty i am
and to take on its beauty and form and
review in your experience the powerful
determination you have had at times to
accomplish success in the outer activity
of things
and then realize how much more powerful
your determination can generate to
attain your eternal freedom
believe me beloved ones when i say to
there is but your human creation that
stands between you and your freedom from
all limitation
that creation is no greater an obstacle
than you accept it to be
if you take away from that creation its
power to limit you
any hour any day
you may joyously step through that veil
into your world of the electronic
presence so beautiful so joyous so
filled with the dazzling light of its
glorious presence
and move there forever in the light of
eternal glory
then as you step back through the human
veil for service and the outer activity
you will still continue to feel the
glory of the transcendent being which
you are
then not of your own outer conditions or
those about you will touch your effect
in any way
my whole being thrills with this joyous
anticipation for you
as i know the definite certainty your
to any who would let the suggestion of
the ignorance of other human beings turn
them aside from the path i wish to say
just remember what awaits you
what is within your ability to achieve
and to be
remember again
again and again
that as you grow into more and more
intense acceptance of your mighty i am
the outer problems which have seemed so
terrifying will surely fade from
thus not as your problem solved but
every step gained in this way
does not reappear
instead it becomes your eternal freedom
if it is financial freedom you crave i
plead with you to take the outer
activity of your mind off the appearance
and place it upon your mighty i am
the only giver of all the mighty
opulence there is
stand firm and determined in this and
you have all the money desire to use
life does not limit you
opulence does not limit you
love does not limit you
therefore why allow your human limiting
conscience to bind you longer
beloved children of the light arise in
the mighty glory of your true being go
forth a mighty conquering presence be
the light of god that never fails move
clothe in the light of the transcendent
glory of your god self
and be free
mighty i am presence
transcended in this christ activity
we give to thee our eternal thanks and
gratitude for thy love glory freedom and
our conscious ability and power to
accept the fullness of thy glory made
manifest in the outer activity of our
that we stand with firm determination
thy light directed by thy wisdom and
forever sustained by thy transcendent
love anchored within our hearts
discourse 19 august 19 1934
beloved arcturus discourse on the music
festival at soldier field chicago
it is saint germain's request that i
voiced you the mighty accomplishment at
the music festival last night
may i first refer to my own humble
efforts in conjunction with those at the
royal teton
on new year's day two years ago
it was then decreed that a century of
progress exposition should be a focus
for a constructive activity
which should ever expand an increase in
intensity during the next 100 years
the opening and lighting of it was the
initiatory step that is to usher in the
beautiful magnificent golden age which
is signalized in that activity
this has made soldier field sacred
ground a sacred altar of divine activity
in the western world
and so far as humanity at large is
concerned the hub of the whole of
a volume could be voiced on all that
took place not which led up last evening
but owing to the human sense of time
this must be greatly condensed and but
an outline given
before proceeding with the description i
wish to call your attention to the
unparalleled number of pageants of all
of many nationalities that are being
held in soldier field this summer
these cover the period from the
ascension of jesus down to the present
they give acknowledgement of the
ascension which is the most vital thing
in the culmination of all human
these pageants from the human standpoint
are a calling forth of the latent memory
in humanity at large and are raising the
essence of that activity
how easy it is for humanity to pass over
transcendent activities because of their
unbelief acknowledgement or acceptance
of the true perfection of life
for all life and manifestation is god in
unfortunately however it is more often
colored by human concepts of limitation
and destructive qualities which
through the individual's power free will
everyone is at liberty to do
this heirloom however will be greatly
remedied by the setting aside of the
great part of the human free will and is
unknown today
this will enable much of humanity be
awakened and saved from their own
here may i say that the students who
think they can play with the great law
because of their unwillingness to give
the necessary self-discipline
will find themselves unfortunate indeed
if they attempt it when once having
entered upon the conscious path
the great law which does not
discriminate takes individuals at their
words and feelings
those who think they can escape this are
but deceiving themselves
the coming pageant of the celts is
really of great importance for it enters
into the vibratory actions from the time
of jesus up to the present
the interactivity within and above
soldier field last night was one of the
most divine activities since the advent
of the kumaras into the prince of the
circle upon circle rose above the
surface of the earth and those seated
within the field
the first sequel was formed by the
members of the great white brotherhood
in their golden robes
being those whose outer forms have not
yet made the ascension
next came the ascended host of masters
who have made the ascension
then came the angel divas and seven of
the cherubim
the circle above them contained four of
the gods of the mountains
three of whom you know the others you
shall know
around these were the archangels of whom
the archangel michael was the director
surrounding the core of light within the
center of the field extending for 200
feet within the earth and due 5000 feet
were saint germain jesus the tall master
from venus the great divine director
they were the dispensers of the mighty
currents of energy sent to all parts of
the earth to do their work with no
during the singing of the holy city the
divine pattern of which is to become the
holy city upon earth was lowered into
its position where it shall remain until
it becomes a visible vibrant city of
light to the westward
the exact position of this i may not
disclose at the present time but i
assure you
it was a mighty activity which will
become a mighty reality to the humanity
of earth
during mr john charles thomas solos the
great vibratory action was taken up and
re-echoed by a great majestic celestial
chorus whose radians poured forth over
america like a glistening shower of
light to consume and bless
during the singing of the hallelujah
chorus the entire activity was turned
over to the direct dispensation of jesus
i wish to assure you that the set pieces
and color were not just a human idea
but those responsible for their presence
were inspired by the ascended masters
principally saint germain in order to
establish their renewed powerful
which was intensified a thousand-fold or
more to again act within the life the
soul the light from the heart to the
periphery of america and the world
the representation of signing the
declaration of independence was to bring
forth the conscious attention of the
earth and especially america its
unparalleled activity upon the earth
and to call it to the attention of the
people of america
that they might hold close to and stand
by the original constitution of the
united states which was and is a divine
until such a time as the complete
ascended master constitution of the
united states of america shall come
as the advance of the golden age
the golden eagle and the shield
represent the height of divine
protection for america again
the bell of liberty and the power color
of blue represents the glorious liberty
and freedom forever for america and the
earth from all human selfishness
the instigator which in every case is
private profit
and the cause has been the same
throughout the ages
the four powerful blue rays that formed
a canopy over the field thought to be
ordinary by the mass of humanity
represented the four-dimensional
activity brought into visibility upon
and it would be necessary for the
protection of america the jewel in the
heart of god
then that blazing light as of a thousand
suns shall descend upon earth and
consume all human in harmony and
selfishness from the planet
the fan of pink light at the beginning
was qualified to serve in the entire
activity and the great love star stood
above all shedding its rays through the
tear above tear of great beans
i congratulate you and this good brother
and those many students of our beloved
saint germain
and i thank you for all your earnest
sincere work on behalf of the freedom of
may the activity of these beloved
students of light ever continue to
until from this nucleus the light of its
radiance covers america
i also congratulate our beloved saint
germain for his great accomplishment
in establishing this nucleus and focus
in america
and for his wonderful love his light his
work for america for nearly two hundred
which year long will begin to bear fruit
of such perfect kind as has not seen hit
or forward any civilization
i bound acknowledgement of his great
love wisdom and strength
i congratulate you my beloved sister and
brother for your love steadfastness
patient and activity for the students
that have been and those that are to
ever know that i am the only acting
and you will find that all activity will
conform to the perfection of that
i bid you a do but not goodbye
discourse 30 november 29 1934
beloved saint germain's thanksgiving day
beloved students of the light
today is indeed one of the greatest days
of thanksgiving that i have experienced
in one hundred years
to see how the light acknowledgement and
acceptance of the mighty i am presence
is being received and utilized by the
hundred of students in america is truly
a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving
not only do i pour forth my love and
blessing to the students but the entire
host of ascended masters the great
cosmic masters the great white
brotherhood the legion of light
and those ministry and from venus join
in this praise and thanksgiving for the
true light that is being spread among
i do and so deeply appreciate every
assistance of the students under this
in getting the books into print and
spreading them before humanity
for it is the greatest service at
present can be rendered
the greatest need today is in calling
the outer attention of mankind to the
one great source
which can give the needed assistance
and that is the mighty i in presence
and the host of ascended masters
the attention of individuals fixed upon
this great source gives the opening
needed for the outpouring of the great
eternal cosmic light to flood forth into
the outer world
reaching not only the conscience of
but in the conditions that greatly need
it is my wish that all the students
under this radiation feel their
individual responsibility in this
to keep their minds and bodies
and to keep charging their minds in
emotional worlds with the directing
wisdom and perfection of the mighty iron
this will enable assistance to be given
humanity which the outer could not
possibly conceive of and it's here to
afford limited condition
i wish each student to understand and
feel deeply that the great ascended
masters and myself stand ready to give
every assistance
to the individual at the law of this
being permits
the need of the student is always to
stand firm and unyielding in the
presence until the outer human creation
about them is dissolved and consumed
and then the mighty light wisdom and
power of the mighty i am presence will
flood their minds beings and worlds with
this glorious radiance
filling them in their words with that
harmony happiness and perfection which
every heart so much craves
i urge all to do definite conscious
protective work for america that the
cosmic light and eternal perfection
unfold the earth
removing and consuming all discord and
continue to bless persons places
conditions and things
for it is the mighty miracle-working
activity which will usher in the
prosperity and happiness at all so much
it is my great joy to report you that
already great protection has been given
to the eastern coast from philadelphia
to maine
if this protection had not been given
some of your cities would have been in
ruins today
this beloved one is what it means to
bring a mighty focus of the ascended
masters into your midst
only as your inner sight is open to see
and know the true reality
can you have a small concept of the
truth which i have just spoken
may your hearts fill with joy and may
you work earnestly for the health
success and prosperity of the messengers
who have been the channels to whom this
focus of protection has been given
unfortunate indeed are those who
criticize the messengers of the work
better than they had never been born in
this embodiment
beloved students try with all sincerity
to feel the reality and infinite
blessings of this work
that your world and america may reap the
great reward of that blessing
words are inadequate to tell you the
fullness of my gratitude for your
earnest sincere effort
your ability and power to bless and
prosper will ever increase as you hold
firmly to
and within your mighty i am presence
my love unfolds you
my light illumines you and the wisdom of
the mighty i am presence prospers you
until the fullness of all perfection
the love of the mighty host of ascended
the great white brotherhood and the
legion of light enfold you always
i am sincerely in the light
saint germain
discourse 31 december 25th 1934
beloved saint germain's christmas day
saint germain
it is with great joy that we are
observant of the tremendous
accomplishment individually nationally
and cosmically speaking
for when we have the use of and can
cooperate with those great and mighty
cosmic currents of energy directed by
that great wise intelligence then we
know that every step move forward brings
us nearer and nearer to the mighty glory
and freedom which many are learning to
feel and rejoice in
how different all activities are when
working in conjunction with that great
cosmic wisdom which is no longer
compelled to withhold its mighty energy
because of the free will of the
for now the cosmic activities of the
nations are of first consideration
then comes individual
heretofore because of the individual
certain cosmic activities had to wait
now the great cosmic wheel is turned
bringing all national emotional mental
activities into that great preparation
where every cog of the wheel must fit
into the cosmic reality
the free will of the individual still
binds and limits the others efficiently
so there will be many individuals and
conditions in which will be as though
they were being run through great
rollers in which all undesirable
qualities are pressed out
and by the power of the consciously
directed flame are consumed
the mighty radiance consciously directed
by the great host of ascended masters
from the great central sun
is not only having tremendous effect on
the minds and fiends of mankind on the
surface of the earth
but far within the crust of the earth
hence it has been possible to avert many
great disasters
here i want to say in great love
gratitude and blessing to the hundreds
of students who have been projecting the
mighty love wisdom and power of the
mighty i am presence
into the mental and emotional world
and assure them that a gigantic work has
been accomplished
for if mankind and the beloved students
can once understand
that all cause rest within the mental
and emotional worlds
then they will have reached a point of
understanding wherein they know with
complete assurance
that the outer activity of mankind must
and will come in a perfect order
when the only cause the mental and
emotional activities are corrected and
held in subjection
this is how so much has been
accomplished even since last june
here i want to assure those who've had
some question in their minds
was it really true that great
devastation had been averted
that one day they will see and know the
truth of which i have spoken
since 300 years after jesus's ministry
mankind steadily and surely drifted back
into dealing with effects instead of
causes and that is why no permanent
assistance had been possible to be given
now with the assistance at the turn of
the cosmic wheel permits it is possible
to bring the conscience of mankind back
into dealing with the cause and the
effect if out of order must disappear
this is why the knowing of the mighty i
am presence its powers and whereabouts
is bringing the students to deal only
with that one and mighty presence whose
cause is full perfection
as hundreds of these students are
proving for themselves
when their attention is fixed upon the
mighty i am presence they are dealing
with the one and mightiest cause whose
one and only expression is perfection
therefore their worlds first become
filled with ease and rest and through
that they begin to feel the glory of
this mighty presence
as they begin to feel that they realize
that they can reach forth this mighty
presence consciously and release such a
mighty avalanche of its mighty energy
that the human does not even have time
to requalify but a fragmentary part with
its limitation and in harmony
therefore the strength which is required
to give the eternal proof to the
individual is sustained
thus through the individual's own
self-conscious effort comes the greater
and greater recognition of the
possibilities within this conscious
mark you i say conscious grasp
for is only through first conscious
second acceptance and third application
or in other words consciously directing
this mighty intelligence and pure energy
that the outer or human
is kept dissolved enough for the outer
to truly grasp these mighty activities
oh the pity mankind has believed so long
and many individuals very sincerely that
they could cure hate condemnation and
criticism with those same qualities
how futile and tragic has been this
false concept
believe me old children of the light
hate never cured hate and never will
condemnation and criticism never cured
their kind
for as we have so often said to you
that which your attention and vision is
held upon
you are qualifying and compelling to
come into your world abide and act there
with all we have said and given forth so
little has been grasp of how much the
personality is constantly qualifying the
very atmosphere and conditions about
with it the things it does not want to
the belief that it can continue to have
any kind of feeling and speak words of
discord hate and limitation and still be
unaffected by it
this stubborn false concept of mankind
has filled the world with all kinds of
now this mighty eternal light has been
released to show mankind why the outer
world has been so filled with tragedy
if i were to show you for one half hour
how much selfishness has been removed
from the mental and feeling world of
humanity since these classes of the i am
you would scarcely believe that so much
accomplishment and so short of time
could have been possible
it could not it would not have been
possible except for this mighty eternal
radiation of life from the great host of
ascended masters
from the great central sun the masters
from venus the silent watcher
cyclipia and the mighty gods of the
all this is making possible the
achievement for which the legion of
light and the great white brotherhood
have labored for centuries
for over fourteen thousand years this
work is without cessation
the greatest scented one seemed the
victory from the beginning but oh the
infinite patience to wait upon the
waywardness of mankind century after
yet was there no single thought of
impatience or why does not humanity
it is only within the compass of human
thought and feeling that judgment and a
patient enter in
not for seven thousand years has there
been such rejoicing at the inner octaves
of activity for mankind as comes with
the ushering of nineteen thirty five
while it is true that there will be some
great extremes in both constructive and
destructive activity yet the forward
impulse is so great that many of the
destructive things will pass with much
less notice than otherwise would have
as more and more of the students of the
mighty iem presence realize that their
thoughts and feelings are the only cause
in their world
that it is entirely within their
province within their ability and
to govern their thoughts and feelings
then they will know that to govern these
harmoniously sustaining this activity
will fill their world with eternal
this day when the great feeling and
thought are fixed upon the christ
activity it is made possible as never
before the filling of the mind and
feeling world of mankind with this
mighty cosmic christ presence
can you understand how great is our
happiness on this christmas day
to see the goal of the freedom of
mankind inside
once they learn to withhold all power
they have given the screaming human
then individuals will see how quickly
these appearances will disappear
for no kind of discord nor human
limitation can be sustained
unless by the thought and fiend of
therefore all beloved students have lied
to every discordant limited appearance
get thee hands thou powerless human
i know thee not
my world is filled only with the mighty
perfection of my mighty i am presence
i take away from you foolish appearance
all power to harm or disturb
i walk henceforth in the light of the
mighty i am presence in which there is
no shadow and i am free forever free
i say to you o beloved students do not
fail to charge your mind body home world
and activity
with the mighty love perfection and
intelligence activity of your mighty i
am presence
sent forth through conscious projection
like the belching fourth of a great
canon the mighty violet consuming flame
consuming everything undesirable and
imperfect in your world of activity
consciously qualify this with the full
power divine love and action
then see and feel what great beauty
happiness infection you will experience
as you move forward
i urge the students with all earnestness
of my being
to constantly charge everything within
the activity of their thought and
feeding with love
opulence and perfect achievement
do this qualifying with dynamic energy
put great feeling and sureness back of
it and you will find such changes taking
place in your world of activity and
environment as almost to compare with
the rubbing of aladdin's lamp
i say to you beloved students with all
the love of my heart use use use this
mighty application to your freedom
when you call the mighty i am presence
into action into your life environment
and activity all struggle ceases
the undesirable moves out in the i am
presence moves in
and you find that you have truly entered
into a new world
filled with the happiness and perfection
you've always known existed somewhere
within your own heart
beloved ones no matter how humble your
present position seems to be
by calling your eye and presence into
action you can transform everything
within your world and fill it with the
perfection that you desire to have there
very important
train yourself to steal the outer if
only for five minutes three times a day
at the end of that stillness with all
the calm earnestness of your being
called the mighty i am presence into
and you have all the proof in the world
you wish of the presence power and
dominion of your own mighty god self
the beloved master jesus wishes me to
extend his love and assurance that he
will give forth his special radiance to
the students under this radiation for
the entire year of 1935.
he will not dictate over the ray today
but will on new year's day
this is the christmas message with the
host of great ascended masters the
legion of light and the great white
brotherhood give to you this day
may your hearts or beloved students be
filled with our eternal presence of
divine love
and you may become so charged with its
active presence that its very radiance
becomes an eternal consuming activity
keeping out everything but the eternal
line of perfection
i charge the mental and emotional world
of humanity with our eternal active
presence of divine love
manifest everywhere in the hearts and
minds of mankind
in the name in the power in the love of
the eternal light and perfection of the
universe i send forth the consuming
purifying flame throughout the earth
free mankind controlling the feel of
mankind holding them in the governing
presence and perfection of divine love
now and forever
with all the love of my being
saint germain
discourse 32 january 1st 1935
beloved jesus's new year's day discourse
as we look upon the accomplishment of
the past year from the higher octaves of
light and then come into your octave of
human activity
we see and feel the great change which
has taken place even in one year
it is truly most encouraging most
assuring of the ultimate goal of victory
in the freedom of mankind from the
chains and limitation of their own
after all the pity is mankind does not
that the human activity alone is the
only creator of limitation and harmony
there is
in other words through the ungoverned
activity of the outer
personalities allow themselves to
constantly requalify the perfect energy
the pure essence of their own mighty i
am presence
producing all that is undesirable
when it is within their ability to keep
themselves so harmonized that the
perfect intelligence and energy flowing
through the human form
could not it would not be requalified
therefore would constantly do its
perfect work not only in perfecting the
human form
causing it to express divine perfection
but it would allow that purity and
perfection to flow out into the
individual's world producing the beauty
harmony and success each heart so much
why does almost everyone desire greater
beauty perfection and abundance of every
good thing
because it is an inner recognition of
each one's own god-given dominion which
everyone can assert any time
i assure you beloved children of life
that every individual can assert his
dominion at any time if he only will by
his recognition and acceptance of his
own mighty i am presence
for that enables this mighty invincible
presence to become the mighty directed
therefore do you not see that this
mighty presence there is no obstruction
therefore no struggle no interference of
any kind
this is why the old scriptural statement
so long used
be still and know that i am god
can be made a dynamic power in one's
this being still means the harmonizing
enquiring of the outer mind
in the past year we have drawn attention
to many of the scriptural statements
giving more explanation of their true
this year we hope to bring forth a full
and complete explanation of all the i am
statements used through the centuries
that mankind may have the evidence
before their own eyes of the freedom and
dominion which is within their own grasp
we rejoice and give thanks that this
year will release such abundant
financial support for this work that
boundless light and blessing will be
brought to mankind
in all past gold ages when the great
light of the higher octaves descended
into the earth
enfolding and dissolving the human
creation about individuals
they were so unable to reach into the
higher octaves through the inner sight
hearing and feeling that they knew
firsthand the true reality
and that the outer form was but the
garment of this all-wise supreme
intelligence which the mighty iron
presence used to find expression in the
denser octave in which the human had
drawn itself
can you oh beloved students of the light
even for a few moments realize what joy
this brings to the hearts of the host of
ascended masters who have freed
themselves through self-conscious effort
from these same human limitations which
you now experience
as these beloved messengers have come to
know full assurance and freedom so all
mankind will one day understand that
everyone can make the necessary
self-conscious effort in the recognition
and acceptance of this mighty i am
presence and have the same freedom
do not let any one of the beloved
students make such a mistake is to think
that the mighty i am presence is going
to act independently of the individual's
own self-conscious effort
this never is and cannot be done
it is true that after the student has
reached a certain point of attainment
the law seems to begin to act almost
but this is only because a charge
momentum has been built and established
about the individual
let me make clear to you now that never
until you have made the ascension do you
cease to make conscious application for
your own freedom
today i am going over some of these
simple yet all powerful acknowledgments
of the truth
because i wish every student under this
radiation to have a copy of this
so each one may read it once a day for
those who will do this earnestly and
conscientiously i will give forth my
individual radiation to bless them and
assist them to their freedom
you have been asked throughout the past
year to charge your mind body home world
and activity with the perfection of the
mighty i am presence
now with your permission i shall assist
you and also charge your being and world
with this mighty perfection and
i am offering this assistance to you oh
beloved students
let no one be so foolish as to doubt for
i am the jesus the christ of galilee
that you have known for the past two
thousand years
who is dictating this discourse and
offering his assistance to you
again let me assure you that this work
of saint germain and myself is entirely
different from anything that has ever
been given forth to the western world
because in this works there are no human
concepts nor opinion
it has not been possible to do this
heretofore until the visible light and
sound rays could be established through
which knowledge and instruction could be
if you beloved ones as students could
realize is how great will be your
blessing and benefit
the protection which has been given
american and certain other parts of the
world during the past few months has
transcended anything i've ever known my
oh if humanity could but realizes how
glad and willingly would they cooperate
to their utmost to sustain it so it's
all powerful activity might ever
we can but call your attention to the
truth the reality as we know it to be
when you can fully accept this truth and
apply it to your world and activity you
will have all the proof required in your
own experience to enable you to know the
full power of the truth of which i have
to all who can accept this truth it will
enable me to charge their consciousness
and fill their world in activity with
this truth
they who doubt must wait for doubt and
fear the two doors through which every
human being must pass to know and have
his full and complete freedom
the kid unlocks these doors divine love
and each one's acknowledgement of his
own mighty i am presence as the fullness
of the power of divine love acting
the door to the seventh octave of light
stands open to every one of the beloved
students under this radiation who will
make sincere earnest self-conscious
this my beloved brothers and sisters
means your freedom
can you
will you grasp this with the full power
of your i am consciousness and be free
as i am dictating these words to the
messengers through amplifiers through
each outer world is not yet known
these words in this radiation are going
forth into the mental and feeling world
of humanity
which will immediately start a new
and as the students and individuals
contact these words from time to time
they will find an immediate response
which will enable them to feel the truth
in the reality of which i speak
oh that humanity who through church
service after church service are
acknowledging my ascension
oh when can they not feel the true
reality and know that in my ascended
eternal light body
i can and do reach all who will open
their hearts to my reception
o children of earth learn to couple your
feeling of the truth
with the acknowledgement of the truth
that you wish to have manifest in your
then you will be unable to go forth to
any height of achievement in your quest
for freedom
i am the open doorway which no man can
your mighty i am presence is the truth
the way in the life
your mighty i am presence is the light
that lighteth every man that cometh into
the world
your mighty i am presence is your
directing intelligence
your exhaustless sustaining energy
your mighty i am presence is the voice
of truth speaking within your heart
the light enfolding you in its luminous
presence your eternal belt of protection
through which no human creation can pass
your eternal reservoir of exhaustless
energy which you can release it will
through your conscious charging
your mighty i am presence is the
fountain of eternal youth and beauty
which you can call into action and
expression in your human form today
your mighty i am presence is your
resurrection and the life of your body
and of your world of action into the
perfection which the heart of every
human being so much desires
listen o beloved students of light
when you are uttering these decrees for
yourself and i am uttering them for you
do you not see that we are doing it for
all the rest of mankind as well as
that when you issue a decree of and
through the i am
you are issuing that for everyone else
as well as yourself
this is how the application and
expression of i am becomes so powerful
exhaustless in its activity
and forever acts beyond the realm of
human selfishness
because you are asking for every one of
god's children the same perfection which
you are calling into action for yourself
this is not possible except in the use
of the i am statement and application
for acting within the i am presence
takes you instantly out of the activity
wherein there is a human selfishness
this is why the earnest sincere student
who will cast out all doubt of fear will
find himself or herself
acting within a sphere of positive
definite activity which knows no delay
or lack of accomplishment anything
then oh beloved ones do you not see
how you are then acting in a world of
wherein your decrees enable the full
power of the i am to move into action
causing all human in harmony and
limitation to move out
i now voice the decree that the host of
ascended masters and students issued
last night at the royal teton
such freedom health prosperity and
harmonious action shall come forth for
america and the world has never been for
experienced on earth
the students who will join us in this
will render a service which will bless
them throughout the ages
only because america is the cup the holy
grail do we often speak of america first
all should know without question that
what blesses america blesses the world
an activity a radiance which has not
been known since the height of the last
golden age of atlantis was sent forth
from the conclave at the royal teton the
description of which saint germain will
give you later
the fullness of my love light and
blessing i leave with yourself
all the students of all mankind
that the light within each heart may be
so quickened that you and they will no
longer know limitation of any kind
and the light becomes so powerful that
its very radiance consumes all human
creation accumulated through the pastor
setting all forever free
my love unfolds all forever
jesus the christ
discourse 33 july 4th 1932
beloved arcturus independence day
saint germain invocation
mighty sustaining unfolding presence we
give praise and thanks for thy life
thy youth eternal thy light aluminum
the discourse
oh america we love you mighty seed of
god's eternal manifestation
we give praise and thanks that thou art
sustained and governed by god alone
the day on which independence within the
heart was established thou dist become a
radiating center of light to all
we give praise and thanks that out of
all will come peace and prosperity
mankind and i embrace
back of thee is the power that will
sustain and maintain the reign of god on
his light shall illumine and strengthen
the hearts of thy children in all ruling
and out of all shall come love justice
and wisdom
america we love you
america we love you
america we love you america we love you
america we love you today oh america
those mighty messengers of god who have
passed before look upon thee with their
hearts filled with love and strength the
love of thy mighty i am presence flowing
forth to heal to bless and to prosper
thy inhabitants
the very substance of earth has been
quick and integrator activity
and as the children of god walk in the
earth so shall they feel the current of
god flowing in
quicking them into greater love loyalty
and desire for thy freedom
oh america and i'll this seem to have
become bound but thou art not
thou art entering into thy great freedom
that does seem on the throes of pain but
thou wilt be born into that great peace
health happiness and prosperity
we give praise and thanks that this is
god's wisdom the mighty i am present
the christ child unfolding the america
has grown into majesty and power
it no longer pleads but commands
obedience of all that is of the honor to
the service of the inner presence
the power of divine love governs thee
and consumes all unlike itself
america we give praise and thanks that
thou art a great jew within the heart of
god the lamp of illumination lighted by
the mighty i am presence
the chalice the crystal cup
holding within its pure radiance the
freedom peace health prosperity and
illumination of those who dwell within
thy embrace
may all the world feel i radiance and be
blessed by it peace
peace peace
and on earth good will to men
i would suggest that sometime each day
you think of yourself as a radio station
sending forth peace and good will to all
know that in this mighty consciousness
the limitless power of the mighty i am
presence flows forth to each individual
and gives that which he is ready to
bringing enlightenment and decision to
be conscious that your own minds are
such powerful divine centers that at any
time you can make quick
unerring decisions through the power of
divine love
recognize that your mind is but a
vehicle of the great master presence the
mighty i am presence within
and that is to obey the inner presence
at all times
commanded always to act with decision
alertness and quickness and that all
human senses of wavering be forever
the new cycle
today is a focal point of 10 000 years
the beginning of another cycle of 10 000
years in which the great ones from venus
who have always been instrumental in the
uplift of humanity and of earth
this day come forth and pour out to
humanity throughout the earth a mighty
this will bring about more quickly a
greater stabilization and confidence in
the hearts of many public officials
it will cause him to have a strong
unwavering desire to re-establish
american confidence and prosperity
and make them feel a deeper love and
loyalty for her progress than ever
many will have learned that they cannot
rule humanity with a ruthless hand for
they are seen at the inroad of control
which they have desired to gain over
others is returning to themselves for
if this lesson can be impressed upon
them sufficiently
a great calamity will have been averted
in this quickening period things can be
done in a short period of 20 years that
would ordinarily require 100 years
beloved saint germain's description of
the new year's eve conclave with the
royal teton january 1st 1935
it is with great joy that i relate to
briefly some of the activity that took
place at royal teton last night
214 of the ascended masters were present
and the twelfth from venus
the all-seen eye was in the most
powerful action known thus far
great rays of light are made permanent
to our national capital and the capital
of each state that a constant radiation
may pour forth to these focal points and
also the principal cities of europe
india china japan australia
new zealand south america africa and
a similar activity or radiation from the
golden city in shambhala
was also poured forth
making a triple activity for the
blessing of mankind
every effort is being made to avoid as
much destructive activity as possible
throughout the world
the activity of the past three months
has been tremendously encouraging and we
do have high expectation for this year
being so well aware of the free will of
we can but trust for their harmonious
cooperation with the conscious radiation
pouring forth in the above-mentioned
triple activity
there were outpourings of light from the
tall master from venus
jesus and the great divine director such
as i have not known before my experience
the many who have been fully aware of my
sincere effort for the blessing of
america have now joined me in full power
to achieve all the possible cosmic law
and the law of the individual permit
the cosmic laws are daily giving greater
freedom in this activity which is the
thing that gives us such great
there were many students present last
night for which i am very grateful
there is much detail of the activity
which took place that i may not reveal
at this time
but i assure all the students it was
marvelous beyond description
the great host of ascended masters
joined me in their love light blessing
and obvious to the students to america
and to the world that this year may be
unparalleled in its happiness to mankind
in the fullness of my love
end of discourse
end of book