History's scariest house swap, and avoid the leafy greens! Troll 2 (1990)movie review - YouTube

Channel: lordcoyote2000

paragraphs and kittens are you hungry
well in the town of nilbog this nut
cream is great but this green is very
bad what do I mean by that let's find
out together in this week's movie review
troll 2 has no connection to the cult
classic and really bad film troll
instead we find that there's a young boy
Joshua who's recently deceased and
beloved grandfather has passed on but
Joshua claims to be able to keep it go
his family just thinks that he has a
lack of a coping capability so we're
going to do a house walk with a family
of farmers in the town of nilbog a
farming community and so they prepare to
do that the other plot point is that
Joshua has an attractive and very
fitness oriented sister Holly and she is
very interesting to say the least but
her potential boyfriend her suitor does
not get along with the dead Holly is
upset that this boyfriend doesn't quite
seem to know if he chooses her or to
hang out with his friends and so she
gives him an ultimatum the family heads
off to nilbog with the boyfriend and his
friends in an RV in pursuit in chase a
very lackadaisical pursuit I will say
and as a result when they go to nilbog
and discover that this town is weird and
kinda has like a cultish feel about it
with these really weird farmers and a
weird sheriff that's when things start
to go bad
a very weird eccentric witch / druidic
priestess is targeting them one by one
along as the goblins notice I said
goblins I didn't say troll they then
engaged in kind of a weird commentary on
extreme veganism as they are going to be
forced to eat this green food or
maybe meet a very weird plant-based fate
this film is also considered a coke
plastic because how bad it is and I will
just reinforce the fact that it is very
very bad
the creature effects the makeup the VFX
are all and the acting across-the-board
the dad is an overbearing cartoonish
authority figures a mom has no emotion
whatsoever Joshua is very annoying and
keeps calling out for his grandfather
the grandfather is a plot crutch he's
obi-wan he's a hero they do what I hate
most and that is have a character who
allows things to happen to him and never
actively take control of his destiny the
only character I thought had some
glimmer of interest was Holly but even
then she was kind of a 1 no flat
character and maybe had they given her
more to do or given her better dialogue
that would have been better but let me
just tell you the script is terrible
the only two things that stick out is
the fact that the boyfriend has a friend
who has a very legendary line of the
film also you have something I haven't
seen in a long time and do you forego
role this film has a no speed chase what
I mean by that this is basically instead
of you have we're gonna capture you you
can't get away keep running away we're
just gonna stand still and stare and so
that to me was a hell out of the film so
that's not a good thing so I'm going to
give this film an F unless you have a
group of friends who want to have a
pizza and just heckle the heck out of it
then I would just say just skip it it's
time not well invested but sometimes you
got it with that circle in order to
appreciate a good problem alright guys
well that's all for now I hope you're
having an awesome day look forward to
hearing from you very soon I would like
to invite you to check out another one
and to subscribe after all it's free and
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at lordcoyote2000 have an awesome day
avoid those goblins and remember in the
town of nilbog this is bad because it's
dream this is good because it's not
freeing take care it out bye