The ULTIMATE Beginners Guide To Manifesting | Mel Robbins - YouTube
Channel: Mel Robbins
do you know that there has been a 700
percent increase in Google searches for
manifestation and manifesting techniques
just this year alone so if you're brand
new to manifesting you are in the right
place because I'm going to unpack the
basics for you I'm going to help you
understand this and more importantly I'm
going to empower you to put this to use
in your life to help you get what you
want and if you've been trying to
manifest for a while now and it's not
working this is also an exceptionally
awesome video for you to watch because
it's probably going to reveal some of
the mistakes you've been making and so
let's just jump into it so here's what
we're going to cover in this video first
of all I'm going to give you a
definition for manifesting that's going
to clear a lot of stuff up next I'm
going to talk about what it is for Real
based on science and what it can help
you do and what it isn't how manifesting
is very different than dreaming hoping
wishing and wanting okay then what we're
going to do is we're going to talk about
why this is a skill that you need I'm
going to tell you a story about how some
of the top performing athletes in the
world at the highest level Olympic
levels are using the science of
manifestation to get what they want when
it comes to performing at their top
level I'm also going to tell you a
deeply personal story about how my
husband and I used manifesting over 20
years ago to help us get this incredible
dream house this Farmhouse that we
always always wanted outside of Boston
Massachusetts and by the time that we
are done with this you're going to feel
so excited so empowered because you're
going to know what manifesting is you're
going to understand why you need it and
you are also going to be equipped to get
started using it all right so let's
start with the definition of manifesting
what the heck is manifesting Mel Robbins
well let me tell you what manifesting
isn't okay manifesting is not thinking
thoughts and then hoping that they come
true thoughts become things only when
your thoughts inspire you to take the
actions to get those things that's where
manifesting comes in
manifesting is preparing your mind body
and spirit to help you take the actions
to get those things that's right I'm
going to say that again
manifesting is like training forgetting
what you want
manifesting is socializing your mind
preparing your mind rehearsing your mind
to help you take the steps before you
take the steps so that you can get what
you want when you use manifesting
properly what you do is you remove the
obstacles of self-doubt of resistance of
being cautious of focusing on Tiny
minutia of feeling blank and overwhelmed
you remove all that crap and you retrain
your mind and you retrain your nervous
system and you retrain your spirit to
help you get the things that you want in
life and when you manifest properly what
it does is it inspires you to take the
actions that lead you to what you want
now that sounds like a lot of like okay
Mel what does that actually mean what it
means is this manifesting is going to
help you see feel and act your way
toward the things that you want that's
what it does it's so freaking cool now
let me tell you the difference between
manifesting according to science and
wishing wanting hoping dreaming let's
focus on sort of wishing
there's a lot of you that are confusing
wishing for something with manifesting
okay they're the opposite ends of the
spectrum and so before I kind of explain
the two let me just give you an example
so that we can use the example to
compare and to contrast okay one big
goal and dream that a lot of people have
is Financial Freedom the ability to take
your kids to Disney World the ability to
buy what you want the ability to put
enough money away so that you don't have
to worry about money the ability to buy
the things that you need to go on the
trips that you want Financial Freedom is
something that you deserve in your life
it's something that you can do the work
to achieve in your life and so let's
talk about the goal of Financial Freedom
and the difference between wishing for
Financial Freedom and hoping and
dreaming about it versus manifesting and
doing the work to go get it if you can
hear my cat outside you know that he
sounds like he's dying what he's
actually doing is he's really pissed off
because we have come into this little
room and shut the door and so he's
walking around going where are you where
is everybody let's take a listen for a
so did you notice that wishing he would
leave didn't work what you're going to
always get when you watch Mel Robbins
videos is you're going to get the real
deal okay but literally the real deal
because this is real life and these are
tools for real people to make real
changes and so you might as well see
what's going on so the cat is now
sleeping on my lap and he's very happy
we were talking about Financial Freedom
which is a goal that so many people have
right and what's the difference between
you wanting and wishing for Financial
and you manifesting it and using
manifestation and the science of it to
help you get it the big difference
between wishing for something and using
manifesting to help you do the work to
go get it is that when you wish that you
were financially free have you ever
noticed that the second that you wish
for something like you know I wish I
would win the lottery you're also
present at the same time to the fact
that you're lacking money right now like
wishing that you would win the lottery
it doesn't bring up all of this sort of
like empowering feelings what it what it
does is it reminds you that you're so
broke that you need to win the lottery
and that's very different than
manifesting manifesting is declaring
what you want I am committed to creating
Finance freedom in my life
and then once you declare what you want
manifesting is about the actions and
empowering yourself to go get it
and there's a really big difference
between focusing on you know and wishing
for something which only reminds you
that you're lacking it you know oh I I
wish I would meet somebody that just
makes you feel more alone I wish I could
get in shape that just makes you feel
more out of shape I wish I could win the
lottery that just makes you feel poorer
I wish I didn't have to work for this
jerk that just makes you feel more stuck
do you feel how wishing for something
amplifies what you don't like versus
I'm gonna manifest and work for more
money in my life I am committed to being
in a loving relationship and I'm going
to manifest and make it happen I uh
deserve to have a career that I love and
I'm going to use manifesting to help me
get it
I want to be in incredible shape I want
to do a handstand in yoga I want to heal
my trauma and I'm going to use
manifesting to help me achieve those
things that's a big difference wishing
and hoping makes you present to what you
don't have
manifesting makes you present and
feeling empowered about what you want
and your ability to go get it and that
highlights the second big difference
when you hope for things when you wish
for things you are handing the power
to somebody else or to outside forces
you are literally giving away your power
because hoping and wishing
just inherently assumes that somebody
else is somehow going to come in and
solve the problem we all know that
that's not happening manifesting on the
other hand locates and amplifies the
power inside of you to do the work to
get those things to do the work to
change your life and it's important that
you locate the power inside of you
because you're the one that's
responsible for your dreams and you're
also the person that's in the best
position to make those dreams a reality
because you have the ability to change
the way that you think you have the
ability to change the actions that you
take every single day and when you
change the actions that you take and you
change the way that you think you change
your entire life and manifesting is a
that will help you train your brain and
train your nervous system and train your
mind body and spirit to help you achieve
the things that you want the the thing
that's super important for you to get is
a major takeaway from this video is the
thoughts alone won't achieve the things
that you desire
but if you manifest properly
it will inspire you to take action
action is what will create the results
that you deserve and that you want in
your life that's as simply as I can put
I want to explain a little bit about the
science I promised you that I was going
to quickly tell you a little bit about
how some of the world's most successful
athletes are using the science of
manifestation in order to win at the
Olympics in order to come back after an
you know the U.S Olympic team there was
a big article in the New York Times
about this they hire Sports
precisely for mental training and what
these Sports psychologists are doing
there are five of them alone that work
with the U.S snowboarding and ski team
and what they do is they are doing the
training with athletes before the
Olympics to help them prepare to show up
at the Olympics and absolutely crush it
and you're going to do the same thing
you are going to use manifestation to
mentally prepare before and while you're
doing the work to achieve your goals and
dreams because when you mentally prepare
you remove all of the obstacles like
self-doubt and nerves and anxiety and
imposter syndrome and fear that are
currently stopping you from taking
action and so how do you mentally
prepare well let me talk to you about
the ski team because they do this super
cool process that is basically what you
do when you manifest the sports
psychologist would sit down with one of
the gold medal winning skiers and
snowboarders particularly after injury
because if you think about it somebody
that's been injured during competition
even after they've had surgery and
they've recovered they're going to be
nervous about about competing again and
you may feel the same way about going
for what you want you may have faced a
bunch of setbacks you may have faced a
bunch of disappointments you may have
faced a bunch of rejection and so you're
nervous about putting yourself out there
that's okay feeling nervous is normal
but you're not going to let it stop you
we're going to use manifestation
to train your mind body and spirit
to be able to do the work we're going to
rehearse what you need to do in your
mind and your body and your spirit so
that when it comes time to do it you
feel like you've actually already done
it which removes your nerves it's so
cool so back to the U.S ski and
snowboarding team the sports
psychologists would sit with the
athletes and you know let's just say you
know the crazy snowboarding thing where
they go off a jump and they do 50
million like hoops and loops and tricks
and whatever that's like a 10 second
jump in the air
and so what the sports psychologist does
is they have the snowboarder or the
describe in detail
not the jump
but point a
point B Point C Point D Point e Point F
all the way to Z
okay I'm getting off the chair lift and
I've got my snowboard tucked under my
right arm and I'm walking up to uh the
place where everybody's getting ready I
hear the crunch crunch crunch of the
snow and I I feel the breeze do you
notice I've got my eyes closed I've got
my eyes closed because I have made
manifesting a habit I do it every single
and when I start to manifest
I do something that I used to do as a
trial lawyer and that is put someone at
the scene
really good trial lawyers are able to
put a jury right at a scene
right where it happened with such detail
that you can smell
the cup of coffee on the counter you can
hear the cars passing outside you can
see the bright orange sweater that
somebody's wearing right in your mind
you have the ability with your
imagination to put yourself right at the
and that's exactly what these Sports
psychologists are coaching Olympic
athletes to do
as you're standing there and the wind is
blowing and your hat is on and they
they're calling your name
now you're clipping in
now you're feeling the excitement in
your stomach
now you're feeling yourself push off
and you feel the momentum kick in and
the gravity pull down and the speed
increasing and you feel the liftoff and
you literally mentally rehearse visually
and in your body feeling it and what
you're doing is you are preparing your
body to be able to do it here's a cool
fact about your brain your brain can't
distinguish between real experiences
that you've lived
and the detailed experiences that you
have imagined and felt through
so we are using your vision
we are using your ability to picture
yourself there and feel yourself there
as a way to prepare yourself to be there
and as you're seeing yourself doing all
the work I want you to feel this sense
of Pride and excitement
in order to really imprint the step by
step by step-by-step training in your
mind body and spirit all right well look
I'm no Olympic Athlete but I am
a gold medalist when it comes to the
science of manifestation I used
as a way to help me
keep doing the work to find my dream
house uh outside of Boston this is the
story of how I use manifesting
to do the work to find a needle in a
haystack which was an antique Farmhouse
outside of Boston
so God uh 1997.
my husband Chris and I are newlyweds we
moved from New York City to the Boston
area and we have moved from New York to
the Boston area because we know that we
want to start a family we know we don't
want to be in New York City we know we
want to buy a house and have a yard and
so we rent an apartment in Cambridge
which is you know right next door to
Boston and for almost a year we start
looking for a house now we were a really
young newlywed couple we did not have a
lot of savings and Boston it's a really
expensive real estate market and so we
looked at houses every single weekend
for an entire year and we either would
go to these open houses and we just
hated the neighborhood or we couldn't
afford the house and we were just
feeling so discouraged
and it was about this time that I
discovered the science of manifesting
and I luckily didn't just learn thoughts
become things I learned these see it
feel it and you'll believe it form of
manifesting that you're learning right
now and here's what I would do I would
every single day
I knew what I wanted more than anything
I wanted to find an antique farmhouse
with a big front porch I wanted it to be
in our budget I wanted to have some land
I wanted to get a fixer-upper I just had
this Like This Old House kind of vision
in my mind right
and I would sit there and I would think
about Chris and I going to open houses
and I would think about uh Chris and I
seeing house after house and I would
think about Chris getting really
discouraged and I would feel the
pressure of going to all these open
houses and us not finding anything and I
could feel Chris getting discouraged I
could feel myself starting to get
discouraged and then I would feel and
see myself turning to Chris and saying
Chris you watch
we are really good people and we have
the kind of luck that something magical
is going to happen we are going to find
that needle in the haystack I just know
it if we just keep going to open houses
if we just keep putting it out there
that we're looking for an old farmhouse
a fixer-upper with a big porch on a nice
piece of property we will find it what
this kind of manifesting does where you
see yourself pushing through the
resignation you feel yourself believing
you feel yourself doing the work to find
that needle in the haystack to beat the
odds to have something magical happens
is that you start to believe that it's
going to happen
through manifesting I literally
convinced myself that we would in fact
find a needle in a haystack that I
didn't even need to worry about all the
houses that we couldn't afford that we
were seeing I didn't even need to worry
about the number of of places that we
would look at that were out of our range
I didn't even have to worry about how
long it was going to take because I knew
because I was aligning myself with what
I wanted through proper manifestation
that it would happen I wasn't worried
about the timeline I just assumed that
if we kept at it and we kept holding on
for that needle in the haystack amazing
old farmhouse that one day somehow
magically the Stars would align we would
be in the right place and we would be
rewarded because we had done the work
and we had held out hope and we had kept
on going and why do we do those things
because I had been training myself
preparing myself to do all those things
and I'll tell you what happened about a
year into looking in one of the nicest
towns outside of Boston Massachusetts we
got word that there was a ransack old
farmhouse that may be coming on the
market so we drove out that weekend
and we pulled up in front of the house
and I got to tell you the grass at this
house and the front yard was like waist
high nobody had mowed this lawn and I
don't know how many years it looked like
a field for crying out loud instead of a
front lawn
the paint was all chipped the house was
this like ugly blue color most of the
windows were broken the only living
beings inside the house were the family
of raccoons who had taken up residence
inside the chimney the kitchen was so
hideous there was AstroTurf indoor
outdoor grass as the flooring in this
house now if I hadn't been manifesting
if I hadn't been training my mind body
and spirit to see feel and believe that
my husband and I would find this needle
in a haystack I would have turned to
Chris the second we pulled up in front
of this thing and said are you kidding
me this dump first of all I won't be
able to afford it secondly this dump
what have we lost it's not even on the
market some developer is going to swoop
in here in this neighborhood and pay
three times a week and if there is no
we are going to get this that's what
would have happened if I hadn't been
manifesting because the biggest obstacle
to what you want is always your own
self-doubt your own excuses your own
fears and your own stories because I had
been manifesting what it's looked like
and felt like to align my body and
spirit with getting what I want
I stayed open that this could be that
needle in the haystack we got out of the
car we met with the owner it turns out
the house wasn't on the market yet the
family was figuring out what to do
because the man who had owned it had
just died incapacitated in a nursing
home none of the adult kids wanted the
house and what did they want for the
house more than anything this
dilapidated old farmhouse that they had
all grown up in they wanted a young
couple who was starting a family to
raise their family in it well the long
and the short of it is that
ugly old farmhouse with the broken
windows and the raccoons inside and the
indoor outdoor grass Turf for carpeting
in the kitchen was that needle in the
haystack Chris and I bought it from the
family before it ever came on the market
and we spent the first two years honest
to God indoor camping inside of it we
didn't have a kitchen we had a Coleman
two burner camping stove
we did most of the renovations ourselves
which meant bringing the knob into it
tube wiring up to code slapping on a
paint a coat and bringing everything up
to a point where it would be safe and we
have lived in this Farmhouse and raised
our family in it for the past 24 years
there is no way that I would have even
gotten out of the car without having
been manifesting
for eight months prior to finding that
Farmhouse with the big wrap porch on a
great piece of property right outside of
Boston it was seeing it feeling it in my
mind body and spirit that made my mind
believe that it was possible and when
you believe that something is possible
you will do the work and you will stay
open to all of the amazing possibilities
that come into your life to make it
happen and here we are almost 25 years
later sitting here filming in that very
house so there you have it I promised
you that this would be a video that
would be perfect if you were brand new
to manifesting or if you've been
manifesting for a while but it hasn't
been working I hope that now that you
know the real definition and the real
purpose of manifesting when you manifest
using science and you manifest as a way
to train and prepare your mind body and
spirit to do the work to help you get
what you want I hope you now feel
empowered and inspired to stop wishing
and hoping for the things that you want
in life and that you use manifesting to
prepare yourself and Inspire yourself to
go take the action to make them a
reality I'm going to teach you the four
simple steps that you need to follow in
order to manifest the right way
according to research and science I'm so
glad you're watching this manifesting is
an incredible skill to develop in your
life and to practice and build
consistently as something that you do my
definition of manifesting is manifesting
when you do it following the four steps
you're about to learn according to
research and science what manifesting
does is it trains your mind your body
your spirit
to align with what you want to achieve
in life manifesting is a way to prepare
or socialize your mind and your nervous
system and your body to do the work
that's necessary to getting what you
want and so the steps that I'm going to
walk you through work they're based in
research and what they're doing is they
remove all of the obstacles that would
normally stop you from taking action
because just thinking about what you
want isn't going to get it done what
ultimately creates results in your life
are actions and so manifesting is a way
to train yourself to take the actions
that will change your life that will
help you get what you want manifesting
also removes self-doubt resistant
excuses imposter syndrome all the things
that would normally stop you from taking
the actions the four steps that you need
to follow really simple step number one
is give yourself permission
to dream with the lid off this is really
important and the reason why this is
important is because I guarantee you
that right now you are not even allowing
yourself to fully dream or think about
or set goals that are truly aligned with
what you deeply want in your heart that
you aren't even able to manifest
properly because you're not even honest
with yourself about what you actually
want this is a really common thing
because you're allowing your self-doubt
you are allowing your fears your anxiety
your insecurity you're allowing where
you are to dictate and limit where you
want to go and so step one super
important you must allow yourself
give yourself permission to start
dreaming with the lid off now the
scientific reason why this is so
important is because you have a filter
in your brain called the reticular
activity system I write about the RAS
for short the reticular activity system
extensively in the high five habit the
RAS is a filter in your mind and you can
do simple things that change the
structure of that filter in fact the
filter in your mind the res is always
changing so one thing that you can do in
order to teach yourself how to dream
with the lid off is to adopt a simple
habit every single morning I do a very
simple thing I write down five things
that I want that's it when I start my
day after I get up when the alarm rings
I make my bed I pull on my exercise
clothes I set an intention I high five
myself in the mirror I then go out into
the kitchen I crack open my high five
journal and then inside the journal
there are prompts that walk me through
the steps of visualizing and the first
prompt is dream with the lid off set
your spirit free write down five things
every morning that you want and this is
important because when you get what you
want out of your head and you physically
put them on a piece of paper research
shows that you're 42 percent more likely
to achieve those goals simply by writing
them down that's pretty cool secondly
your mind is paying attention and when
you take deliberate action and you write
down what you want you are signaling to
your brain that you deserve to have
these things you're signaling to your
brain that you do want those things
you're not just going to think about
them these are things that matter to you
and that helps train your mind to allow
you to let the desires flow through you
because right now you're not manifesting
properly because you're not even
allowing yourself to dream with the lid
off so that's step number one you're
going to start writing down five things
that you want every single morning as a
way to train your mind to let you dream
freely so a couple things about this
little practice of writing down five
things that you want every morning as a
way to train your mind to allow you to
dream again
first of all you can write down the same
five things every day it's your list
your dreams you get to do this how you
want the second thing that you could do
is you could just write down different
things every day it doesn't matter
because really what manifesting is is
manifesting as a way to train and
prepare your mind body and spirit to
help you and if your mind is blocking
you and your mind won't even allow you
to fully
want the things that you want like for
example maybe you want to be a New York
Times best-selling author but you won't
even write that down because you don't
think it's possible if you won't even
write it down because your self-doubt is
stopping you you're not dreaming with
the lid off and so this simple exercise
write down I want to be a New York Times
just selling author I want a house by
the beach I want to take my family to
Disney World I'd love to meet the love
of my life I'd like to climb Mount
Kilimanjaro I want to open a wine bar
I'd love to get in the best shape of my
life I'd like to do a handstand this
year in yoga I'd like my dog to start
barking at the neighbors whatever you
want it doesn't matter you're just
training yourself to dream and that's
step one allow yourself to want what you
want step number two for manifesting
properly according to science is you
must visualize the steps that lead you
to the thing that you want
not the end goal this is a major mistake
that people make they manifest
improperly because all they do is focus
on the end goal if you've ever made a
vision board think about what you put on
the vision board you put up just the
beach house or the million dollars in
the bank or you crossing the Finish Line
are you launching that business are you
having the body that you want or you
would drive in the Maserati whatever it
is the end goal is what you put up on a
vision board that is not what you're
going to do when you manifest if you
start focusing on crossing the finish
line of the marathon that is a one-way
ticket to being unmotivated and
completely discouraged in fact research
shows that if all you do is focus on the
thing that you want and you just focus
on that vision of you and your bikini
body or you with the love of your life
on your arms or you at the Oscars
winning that award or the Grammys
what happens is because you've only
focused on the end goal you start to
feel really unmotivated and discouraged
because you're nowhere near it that's
where manifesting comes in because we're
not going to focus on the end goal you
got to pick something that you want in
order to get started but manifesting
isn't about the end it's about the
it's about going from where you are here
to where you want to go
imagine that there is a bridge
that connects where you are right here
with what you dream about doing
now that dream could be to be a Grammy
singer-songwriter that dream might be to
have a family of your own that dream
might be to have a beach house or a ski
house or to take a trip to Fiji that
dream can be whatever the hell you want
it to be but when it comes to
manifesting once you've given yourself
permission to dream with the lid off and
really want what you want to feel the
pull of that thing now we gotta talk
about the path that connects where you
are with where you want to go and this
is all about visualizing the Little
Steps there's a lot of research that
proves why visualizing the steps is the
most important thing that you could do
there was a study done at UCLA for
example where they were researching
manifestation and the power of
visualization and they broke students
into two groups and they had group a
we're going to call these the vision
board group they had group a closed
their eyes visualize in their mind and
feel in their body
themselves taking the test and then
walking up to a board where the tests
scores were posted and finding their
name and seeing an A plus that's what
group a the vision board group we're
told to do to visualize themselves
achieving what they wanted
Group B
we're going to call these the hard
workers these students were coached in
this research project to close their
eyes and to visualize going back to
their dorm room sitting down at the desk
and studying and staying up late and
putting in the work studying and
preparing for the tests
now let me ask you a question
which group do you think did better on
the actual test
was it group a the vision board group
who were taught to visualize and picture
themselves walking up to a board and
seeing the a plus
or was it Group B
the hard work group the group that was
taught to close their eyes and visualize
and seeing themselves doing the work to
study for the test
well if you answered group a you're
if you answered Group B you got the
correct answer the reason why Group B
the students who visualize studying for
the tests got better test scores is
because when you visualize yourself
doing the work visualizing it leads you
to doing the work and it's only through
actions that you will get the result
that you want preparing your mind and
visualizing yourself doing it lowers
your resistance and leads to you taking
the action that's why manifesting works
you know the same is true in sports
there's all kinds of research in sports
psychology in fact our Olympic athletes
for the U.S Olympic team they hire
Sports psychologists who train our top
Olympic athletes particularly after
they've been injured in visualizing
themselves competing when you coach an
athlete to mentally rehearse every
single detail about going through the
competition you are training the mind
body and spirit to show up and dominate
this is is particularly true for
athletes after they've been injured and
they're stepping back into competition
if you've been injured in competition
you're naturally going to feel anxious
you're naturally going to be nervous
your brain and nervous system circuitry
is now programmed with the intensity
from that injury the memory from the
injury so of course it's natural to
bring that in to your pre-competition
feelings about it right so manifestation
properly remember what it is manifesting
is preparing your mind body and spirit
to do the work it's aligning your mind
body and spirit with what you want it
removes the obstacles that would
normally stop you which then prepares
and motivates you to take the actions to
succeed so in the case of athletes who
visualize themselves and see themselves
doing all the steps over and over
they're removing the nerves they're
removing all the programming related to
the injury they are prepared sharing
their mind body and spirit to go in and
freaking Dominate and so are you because
that's step two you gotta see it
the third step is you're gonna feel in
your body what it feels like to do the
work so let's go back to the research
project at UCLA not only do I want you
to close your eyes and picture yourself
going back to the dorm room notice I'm
closing my eyes it's because manifesting
is a habit for me and when I manifest I
get in it man I close my eyes I go into
my mind I am literally in my imagination
there and I not only can see myself
doing the work I can feel it you can
feel what it's like to walk into that
dorm you can feel what it's like to sit
down you can feel the heavy backpack hit
the table you can feel yourself crack
open that book you can feel yourself
sitting at that desk in the desk light
and you can also even feel what it's
like can't you as the Sun starts to set
and it gets darker outside and the light
and your desk search to get brighter and
take things over you can just put
yourself right there and the feeling is
super important because again
manifesting is Mind Body Spirit we got
to get your nervous system involved
we've got to make you feel like you're
at the scene one of the reasons why
feeling it is so important is because it
magnifies the imagery in your mind
and when your mind rehearses something
here's what's cool about your brain your
brain doesn't know the difference
between you studying for that test
are you doing the work to
start that business or get healthy or
put yourself back out there or heal your
trauma or save the money to get that
house that you want or whatever it is
that you're visualizing your brain
doesn't know the difference between you
visualizing those things
and you actually doing them in your mind
it's the same so it's almost like a
training run for a marathon you are
building a muscle that helps you win
when you take the actions it's so cool
and so you not only want to feel what
it's like to study for that test put
yourself at the scene you also want to
feel a sense of Pride that you're doing
the work and the pride piece is really
important because the pride piece acts
almost like a booster it amplifies the
memory imprint when you like bring this
WOW there I am I'm doing the work I'm
proud of myself I'm staying in I'm
putting in the extra work somebody said
no and I kept on going I didn't stop
when the first Venture Capital firm said
they wouldn't invest there I am
investing again when you feel this sense
of pride in yourself it supersizes the
imprint and the rehearsing and so it's a
super important part of the feeling not
only feel the steps feel the pride that
you're doing it this is so important
that I want to give you yet another
example let's say that your bucket list
something on your bucket list is to run
a marathon for me it was on my bucket
list when I was a young mom to run the
New York City marathon now what's
interesting is I applied I got a number
and when I won this number out of a
lottery system with the New York City
marathon I was a brand new mom I was
totally out of shape I was not at all in
any kind of of a place to run the New
York City marathon now here's the thing
I used visualization to help me
lower my fear and my excuses because
when I got the number I did not have a
lot of time if I had been a person who
was not visualizing I probably would
have said uh I don't have enough time to
train I'm not ready I can't do this all
the excuses would have come in but
instead I used visualization now how do
you use visualization for say a marathon
you do not want to visualize crossing
the finish line that is how you
visualize incorrectly
luckily I knew how to visualize at this
moment in my life you need to visualize
yourself going from zero
to preparing to run that race so what
does that mean that means you need to
visualize oh there I am it's five
o'clock in the morning
oh I don't feel like getting up but I'm
getting up and I'm putting on my
sneakers and it's dark out and I don't
feel like going for a run but there I am
going out the door alone in the cold wow
I am going for I'm I'm pretty proud of
myself because I'm training oh here's
another thing you could visualize I'm on
a training run it's Mile seven and it
starts to rain
and I keep going
wow I'm wet and I'm still running I'm
proud of myself because I'm out there
training it's mile 11 and my earbuds
just lost battery
I don't have any more music
I got five more miles to go I'm out here
for almost another hour and I continue
going and I continue going and I see
myself completing that 16 mile training
run and I allow myself to not only feel
what it feels like to push through that
moment when those earbuds run out of
but I also feel proud of myself for
pushing through that's how you prepare
for the thing that you need to do
because it removes the obstacles that
would stop you from pushing through at
Mile 11 when your earbuds run out
because you've already rehearsed the
moment in your mind and then finally
step four and this is where a lot of
people not naming names
but this one is like really important
you need to do the work okay you got to
do the work because it's only through
your actions that you will accomplish
what you want let's say uh that you've
always wanted to climb a particular
Mountain okay there's a mountain called
Haystack it's not even that tall so I
should probably pick a bigger one but
let's just call it Haystack Mountain
you've always wanted to climb Haystack
Mountain you pull up to Haystack
and you get out of the car you park at
the you know National Forest parking lot
and you make the mistake of looking up
at the mountain which is the end goal
and you notice it's up in the clouds
and then you start to think oh my God
that's a really far way away you know I
don't really know how I feel about doing
this anymore because that looks like
it's going to take a really long time
and then all of a sudden it starts to
rain and you go I don't think I want to
do this because I don't think I feel
like doing this and next thing you know
you are back in the car driving back
down the road to that little diner that
you saw and instead of climbing the
mountain that you've always dreamed of
climbing you've now come up with an
and you have abandoned ship you now have
literally become your own obstacle you
talked yourself out of it you started to
doubt yourself you told yourself you
weren't ready and that you didn't feel
like it you pull the rip cord you're out
of there in order to have what you want
in life
you must stop staring at the top of that
mountain you must stop creating excuses
for why you can't or don't feel like it
and you must put your head down and look
at the first step in front of you and
then you must take the action and start
walking toward what you want and it'll
be a hell of a lot easier for you to do
that if you have also been putting in
the time every day consistently to not
only see yourself walking up that trail
step by step but that you have felt
yourself pushing through the resistance
the fear the obstacles the excuses that
are stopping you now and feel proud in
every fiber of your being as you push
through those obstacles and see yourself
and feel yourself doing the work that's
how you manifest properly and if you do
that before you pull into the National
Park parking lot if you look up but that
mountain and you see clouds and it
starts raining it won't matter
because you've already rehearsed this
moment and your mind body and spirit and
you my friend will start walking up that
and you're going to be proud that's how
you use manifesting to get what you want
that's how you leverage all the science
and research to train and prepare your
mind body and spirit to help you get
what you want and that's how you hack
the motivation and inspiration that you
need to take the actions that get you
everything that you want and deserve in
life I'm about to explain to you the
seven most common mistakes that people
make when they first start manifesting
or hell they make these mistakes when
they've been manifesting for years and
these seven mistakes explain why the
manifesting is not working so you're
going to save yourself a lot of
heartache and a lot of time by knowing
these mistakes and avoiding them like
the plague before I tell you the seven
mistakes let me just remind you of what
manifesting is if you're brand new to
manifesting and you have not seen the
video that I did that is basically what
the hell is manifesting it's explaining
it for beginners you might want to check
that out it's also on our YouTube
channel here but so my definition of
manifesting is based on research and
science manifesting is preparing your
mind body and spirit to help you get
what you want basically what you're
doing is you are using manifesting to
remove the obstacles that stand in the
way of you doing the work to get what
you want manifesting done right removes
self-doubt it removes fear it removes
the excuses and the stories that would
normally stop you because when you do
manifesting properly you literally make
your mind body and spirit believe that
it's a foregone conclusion and that
makes you motivated inspired to take the
actions that will get you what you want
so now that you are grounded in the real
definition of manifesting let's flag the
seven major mistakes that people make so
you can avoid them mistake number one
when it comes to manifesting is you're
not doing it daily the lack of
consistency is what's killing your
ability to use manifesting to achieve
your goals and dreams so what do I mean
by that well manifesting is a skill I
want you to think of manifesting as a
muscle it's a muscle that you build
through consistency and you know if you
think about it as a skill or a muscle or
a new habit obviously you gotta
incorporate it into your day-to-day life
it's just like anything else a one-off
change does not make a lasting change if
you wanted to get healthier eating one
salad is not going to make you healthier
exercising once not going to make you
healthier manifesting once not going to
actually help you get what you want you
must incorporate manifesting into your
day-to-day life the more consistently
you do it the more manifesting becomes a
habit it becomes a way of thinking it
becomes a way of acting and it becomes a
skill that you can rely on to help you
get absolutely anything now what's the
easiest way to manifest consistently and
make it part of your day-to-day life I'm
glad you asked the best way to do it is
make it part of your morning routine
every single morning right after I get
up make my bed throw on my exercise
clothes set an intention high five the
mirror I do something really interesting
I call it dreaming in the morning I
write down five things that I want and
the reason why I write down five things
that I want is because it is a way to
train my mind to focus on the things
that I desire and dream about to aim my
mind at the things that I want in my
life then what I do is I use manifesting
properly to see myself taking the
actions to get one of the things to feel
myself taking the actions to get one of
those things and notice I'm closing my
eyes and that's because manifesting is a
habit in my life I close my eyes to
really feel myself taking the actions
and when you manifest over and over and
over again
your mind in visualizing and feeling
yourself taking those actions begins to
believe that it's happening
and that will make you confident
optimistic it'll inspire you to take
action it will remove obstacles it'll
make it easier for you to do the work
now that's how you do it that's how I've
made it part of my day-to-day life I
write down five things I then manifest
on at least one of those things and then
here's the most important part I then
take an action that's inspired by the
manifesting now to help you incorporate
this into your day-to-day life I got
something to give you and don't worry
you don't need to buy anything I have
written and created the high five
journal it goes with my best-selling
book the high five habit it's not only
gorgeous and you're gonna love it but
the prompts in the journal it's a daily
journaling practice that you use
write down five things that you want big
or small today or in your lifetime now
describe the small action you can take
to inch yourself forward now close your
eyes visualize taking these small
actions feel deeply what it feels like
to do these things as you move closer to
what you desire this is training your
mind body and spirit to help you take
these actions this is a journal based on
research and science that helps you make
manifesting a skill that you practice
every day you want to get consistent
start using the high five journal now
you can grab a copy of one of these
things if you want it but I still got
you covered because I know there are
parts of the world where you can't buy
this yet I also know that you might not
have the money to be able to buy it
that's cool if you go to
highfivejournal.com you can download
free templates don't even need to buy
the journal if you want one get one but
you can utilize the free templates at
highfivejournal.com you can read about
the sign clients that will help you get
started with making manifesting
consistent which will help build
manifesting as a muscle and a skill that
you rely on every single day of your
life to help you get what you want cool
right good now let's move on to mistake
number two now mistake number two is a
major mistake that people make and that
is that you frame
manifesting based on what you don't want
now this is subtle but it's really
important that you avoid this mistake
so this is the kind of mistake that you
make when you're really frustrated
and you start to go I just don't want to
be alone anymore I just don't want to
date losers anymore I just don't want to
be struggling anymore I just don't want
life to be so hard anymore I just don't
want to be single anymore I just don't
want to be poor anymore I just don't
want to have anxiety and feel so bad
anymore do you see how framing all your
dreams and goals around uh what you
don't want might be a problem
I mean when I say I don't want to feel
anxious anymore how the hell am I going
to visualize not being anxious
that's why this is a major mistake you
want to always frame what you want and
what you're going to use manifesting to
help you take the actions to go get it
you always want to frame it in the
positive frame it around the thing that
you want so in the case of anxiety don't
talk about not feeling anxious
frame what you want
I can't wait to have a calm
quiet confident State of Mind
that feels different doesn't it
I can't wait to be in a loving
caring Mutual positive relationship
with a adult
somebody that acts like an adult and
treats me the way I deserve to be
feels very different than I just don't
want to date losers anymore
you want to always frame
the things that you're trying to
manifest and the actions that you need
to take
as leading you towards something rather
than away from something
that way we stop thinking and aligning
energy around the negative crap that's
not working and we align your mind body
and spirit around what it feels like to
have the positive things that you want
that's going to make it easier for you
to take the actions that will make them
happen now mistake number three
super easy to make
you get really impatient
you start off strong right this is true
with all changes you start off strong
you manifest every morning for three or
four days and then boom
you don't do it for five or six weeks
you start throwing your hands that's it
it's never gonna happen so you're not
only not consistent but you start to get
impatient and because you're impatient
you're not consistent
I need you to understand something
for manifesting to work properly based
on Research there is no timeline
did you hear me
for manifesting to work properly based
on the research there is no timeline
you must give up the when
and you must focus on seeing and feeling
yourself taking the steps that make the
thing that you want happen because
manifesting is not magically making
something appear
manifesting is preparing your mind body
and spirit to do the work to make
something happen it's aligning your
thoughts your actions and how you feel
in your body with the thing that you
want and the reason why manifesting is
important is because when you prepare
yourself to do the work and to start to
see and feel it you will believe that
it's a foregone conclusion you will
believe that at some point it will
happen and you will believe that you can
make it happen and that belief is why
you feel inspired and encouraged to take
action you see when you suspend the
timeline and you get rid of deadline
lines there is no room for being
impatient because you in your heart and
your soul and in your mind know that at
some point if you just keep on
manifesting and you keep on seeing
yourself and feeling yourself doing the
steps that you need in order to make
this a reality eventually it'll happen
so if you feel impatient you're doing it
because you're not supposed to attach a
timeline to it you're supposed to wake
up every morning and write down five
things that you want and let yourself
see and feel yourself doing the work and
that will inspire you to take the
actions that lead you there and if you
do that every day trust me you want to
be thinking about the timeline because
you know in your heart and soul
eventually this is going to turn out now
mistake number four
and this is probably the biggest mistake
that everybody makes and if you've been
manifesting for a long time and
nothing's turning out this is probably
the mistake that you're making if you're
brand new to manifesting this is the
mistake every party that's new makes
unless somebody tells them not to do
the biggest mistake with manifesting is
that you're only looking at the end goal
that's the biggest mistake everybody
uh you know we've all been sold this
bill of goods not only that if you think
good things somehow it's going to happen
that's only true that you can think good
things and have good things happen if
you do the work to make those good
things happen the thinking's just the
first part you got to actually take the
actions that are inspired by the
thinking and the second thing that
people do in terms of being sold a bill
of goods is that you kind of have been
led to believe that if you create a
vision board and you plaster up on the
vision board images of beach houses and
Lamborghinis and nfts and millions of
dollars in the bank and the world's
skinniest body and all the things that
you would love to have magically appear
in your life that simply creating the
vision is enough
the reason why that's a mistake is
because research shows that simply
envisioning the end goal without
actually imagining all the steps that
lead you there and without training your
body to feel what it's going to feel
like to do the hard work
simply Imagining the end goal isn't
motivating at all
it's pretty inspiring for about a day
but then what happens is that you start
to stare at the beach house and the
million dollars in the bank and you will
feel discouraged
because you'll realize holy cow
from where I sit
there's an impossible
gap between my studio apartment or
living in my parents basement and the
beach house that I want there's an
impossible gap between the fact that my
divorce basically left me bankrupt and
now I'm staring at a vision board with a
million dollars in the bank
holy cow I've got 150 pounds to lose and
I'm gonna stare at my photo from when I
was my you know best weight when I was a
high school division one athlete no
staring at the end goal is not only a
mistake it's profoundly discouraging
it's the reason why so many people fail
to reach their goals because they only
set their goals and they never do the
part that's the most important and
that's where manifesting comes in
manifesting helps you do the work
manifesting done properly is preparing
you to do all the things between where
you are and where you want to get to so
I'll give you an example
let's say that up on your vision board
okay up on your vision board is the fact
that you want to launch your own
business right now you work for somebody
else you can't stand what you do you
have panic attacks when you wake up
because you know that you're headed in
the wrong direction you've always
dreamed of opening a bakery and so you
slap up a vision board and you've got
this big visual up on your wall that you
stare at every morning of this beautiful
bakery that you've always dreamed of
higher of starting here's the problem
you have no money you have no savings
you've never started a business before
how the hell are you going to get this
staring at the vision board gives you
panic attacks here's how manifesting is
going to help
manifesting is where instead of staring
at the photos of the bakery
you see
feel and eventually start to believe
that you can do the work to make it a
and so what you're going to manifest is
you're going to manifest all the steps
from point A which is starting at zero
all the way to point Z
which is opening the doors
you're gonna see yourself and notice I'm
closing my eyes this is because
manifesting is a habit manifesting
happens here in your mind and in your
heart and your body I want you to see
yourself in instead of going out tonight
with your friends see yourself staying
in and watching videos videos on YouTube
of other people that have opened
see yourself going to the library and
getting a book
that tells the story of somebody who did
it see yourself taking webinars and
tutorials about how to raise the money
to do something like this see yourself
studying Kickstarter campaigns of other
people who have launched a bakery and
raised money through Kickstarter
campaigns see yourself talking to people
who have done this see yourself talking
to friends and family see yourself
taking a class in it see yourself
staying in uh next weekend and working
on this see yourself getting a part-time
job in a bakery and learning behind the
scenes because you've always dreamed of
doing this but you've never worked in
and One Vision at a time as you feel
yourself being tired as you feel the
late nights as you feel yourself doing
the work with no timeline you'll start
to believe
that you're gonna do it and that will
keep you inspired to take those little
actions to do it and that way when you
come in after a long day and you've
spent the day watching a webinar or
watching a YouTube video or you had a
conversation with somebody that gave you
some advice when you walk into your room
and you see that beautiful vision board
you know what's going to happen your
mind and your body and spirit will
literally start to buzz because what
you've been rehearsing in your mind body
and spirit through visualization aligns
with it that's how you do it simply
envisioning the end game that's a
one-way ticket to being discouraged
unmotivated and stuck
you start to use manifesting properly
you start to visualize every single step
of the way
and you will be training for it and
doing the work to make it happen and
that is motivating mistake number five
is thinking you have to have all the
answers and that'll get you really stuck
that what you really want to manifest
into your life is an incredible
relationship right but you don't even
know where to begin because your dating
history looks like a train wreck here's
The Simple Solution just become a
student become a student of whatever it
is that you want what does a student do
a student learns a student studies a
student researches
researching studying and learning about
what you want is a simple way to find
all of the things that you can start
manifesting seriously anything that a
student would be doing taking a class
researching talking about a subject
interviewing people about a subject
watching videos about a subject all of
those things that a student does are
things that I want you to visualize see
yourself and feel yourself doing that's
a simple hack to figuring out the path
between where you are and where you want
to go another thing that a student does
is a student studies people who have
already done it and then you reverse
engineer the path and you see yourself
doing the things that somebody else did
to get what you want now here's what's
super cool
remember manifesting based on science
means training your mind body and spirit
to do the work that gets you what you
want your path will not be the same as
somebody else's that's okay you can
still see yourself walking down somebody
else's path you can still feel what it
feels like to do that hard work because
manifesting works because it's going to
remove the obstacles that you create
your excuses your self-doubt all of the
stories you tell yourself your fear your
imposter syndrome you're rehearsing the
steps in your mind because remember your
brain doesn't know the difference
between you actually taking the steps or
you just visualizing yourself taking the
steps when you visualize yourself taking
the steps you are training your mind
body and spirit to not resist taking
those actions that's why this is going
to work for you even though you know
let's say you love The Rock's career
you're not going to have the same career
as The Rock but you can certainly
visualize all the things that he did in
order to train yourself to do do the
work that will get you what you want
now mistake number six is going to be
obvious based on mistake number four
number five
you're not taking any actions
uh you can't just
feel it in your body you can't just see
it in your mind the whole reason why
you're rehearsing this and training your
body to do the steps is so you freaking
take the steps okay at some point you
gotta leave your brain and your body and
you've got to take action in the world
you gotta let the manifesting the
training and preparing that you're doing
by seeing it and feeling it and teaching
you to believe that it's possible you
gotta let that [聽__聽] inspire you to take
action now I want to give you a tool
remember in the beginning I showed you
the high five Daily Journal I also told
you you can get free templates at
high5journal.com now this thing's
gorgeous I love it the templates I don't
think are colors so that's one thing but
they are free
but if you pick up a copy of this or you
use the templates This Journal
is prompting you every day to take
action this journal is going to prompt
you to write down five things that you
want this is going to get you to start
giving yourself permission to have what
you want in your life then this journal
is going to prompt you to think like a
student what are some steps that you can
take in order to move toward what you
want it's going to get you thinking
about things to do so that you are
taking action then it's going to prompt
you to properly manifest doing those
things and then it's going to tell you
to do it and so if you really want to
kick in the pants or if you want to have
your hand held or you want a tool
because you are committed to making
manifesting a skill that is part of your
day-to-day life this journal the high
journal is the only Journal based in
science that will train you and your
mind body and spirit to make manifesting
part of your morning routine any skill
that you master and put to use in your
life every single day and again you can
get those templates at high five
journal.com and you can get a copy of
this anywhere online just Google it the
final mistake is also a really big one
and that mistake is you're not
celebrating the small wins
so as you make manifesting a skill as
you get consistent about it as you start
to be a student as you take inspired
action as you realize that you do feel
like this is gonna happen you don't even
have a timeline on it because you know
it's going to happen
you're not as you're doing these things
recognizing all the small wins that you
have every day when you manifest and
then you take the action that the
manifesting has inspired that's a win
when you see doors opening up because
you've been moving toward what you want
that's a win
when you randomly meet somebody that
introduces you to somebody that helps
you get one step closer that's a win
and you need to celebrate that stuff
these are signs these are not
coincidences these are signs that you're
on the right path a lot of people
believe in Angel signs you know like
seeing the number 11 or 22 or the number
nine or for me the number five
Angel signs are cool because for me
angel signs are a mile marker that give
you a clue that you're moving in the
right direction
your job is to
declare what you want your job is to use
manifesting to train your mind body and
spirit and remove the obstacles that you
would normally put in place your job is
to take the actions that are inspired by
manifesting and start moving toward what
you want
you also though need to call out those
mile markers when you see it holy [聽__聽] I
just got introduced to somebody in the
movie business and it's my dream and I'm
manifesting that I have my script turned
into a movie this is a sign that I'm on
the right path and what you want to do
is call those things out not because the
universe or magic or this is somehow
just randomly happening
this is you being rewarded for
manifesting properly for believing in
yourself and for taking the inspired
action that is going to make your dreams
a reality and these little moments these
signs these small wins that are
happening every day as you make
manifesting a consistent skill that you
practice in the morning that you put to
use so that you are aligned with what
you want so that your mind body and
spirit is working with you instead of
against you when you start to also call
out the small wins there I am
manifesting there this thing happened
this is happening too there are my angel
numbers holy cow this just happened
you're now building momentum you're now
energetically rewarding your body for
aligning with what you want and it just
makes all of this that much stronger it
makes your beliefs stronger it makes
your courage bigger it makes your
confidence stronger that's how all of
this builds one on the other and if
you're not willing to call out the small
wins you're missing a huge amount of
Mojo and Rocket Fuel and Magic that you
can add into the mix because all of
these small wins are literally reasons
for you to be more confident reasons for
you to keep going reasons for you to
really know in your mind body and spirit
that yeah this is going to happen
because you're making it happen and what
we're going to talk a lot about today
is we're going to talk about this
that I believe
and the principle is this
profound personal and professional
change starts with you
that's right profound personal and
professional change starts with you
and change starts with you because the
most effective change starts from the
inside out okay and so as you think
about a behavior change or a thinking
pattern change that you want to make or
some sort of goal or dream I want you to
take everything that I'm about to teach
and have that example in mind okay so
that everything that I'm talking about
isn't just stuff I'm doing in my life
isn't just stuff that you read about uh
when you look at the research in terms
of habits and manifesting but you
actually walk away with takeaway that is
specific to what you want to achieve
okay so good so you've dreamed with the
lid off you've written it into the
comments now let's start by letting me
give you a hack I'm going to share with
you something that I'm working on right
now okay so one of the things that I
want to do is I want to drink less in my
life I have a habit and I've had a habit
for decades of around six o'clock when I
start cooking dinner I typically will
pour myself a drink it's something that
I enjoy it's something that I do as a
ritual to uh kind of end the work day
and ease into being uh you know in the
more personal part part of my life and
as I've gotten older as I've started to
understand more about my health I
thought you know I actually don't want
to be doing that every night and so I
would make this sort of promise to
myself that I wouldn't have a drink and
then 6 30 would roll around and next
thing you know I am mindlessly walking
over to the cabinet where the Gin is and
I'm making a gin and tonic and it's not
that I feel that I have a problem it's
that I was having a problem getting a
new habit to stick and so here is one
hack that is based in science that is
going to help you make any new habit
stick and yes this is relating to
but what is this little hack well this
little hack is something that Taps into
what's called your procedural memory
okay and let me tell you how you use the
hack so with that thing that behavior
change I saw some of you uh writing down
that you want to make more money you
want to stop procrastinating you want
health goals
here is a hack that you can use using
your procedural memory to make a new
habit stick
all you have to do
is you need to close your eyes
and picture yourself
step by step by step practicing the new
Behavior or thinking pattern so in my
case this is what it looks like I close
my eyes and I think okay I'm in the
kitchen I turn to my left and I can see
the red clock and I visualize it saying
6 30.
I feel the pull of the cabinet where the
Gin is but I picture myself walking over
to where the glasses are instead and
then I take a glass and then I picture
myself walking over to the fridge and
then I open up the fridge and then I
reach for the kombucha and then I pull
it out and I grab a lime and then I grab
a soda water I shut the fridge and then
I pour a kombucha I pour a little soda
water I take the peeler I peel the lime
so I get that neat little lime strip and
I P see it twisting and I see the little
uh kind of you know like when you twist
Citrus it's sort of like sprays that
little stuff and then I drop it into the
glass and I see myself picking it up and
I see myself sipping my mocktail
I don't even want the Gin this tastes
you want to know something fascinating
that has been peer-reviewed
shows that simply
going through
that procedure of the new habit or
thinking pattern step by step by step
by going step by step by step
you are locking in a new sequence in
your procedural memory
and based on Research
that one time that you do it makes it
way more likely that when 630 rolls
around you are not going to drink the
Gin you are going to make the mocktail
now why does this work
well the reason why this works is
because you're using science to rehearse
the new Behavior or the new situation or
the new thinking pattern and to encode
it in your brain before you actually do
it and when you use your procedural
memory to rehearse something that you
want to have become a new habit or a new
way of acting in your life you're
basically putting it in your long-term
memory now what is your procedural
memory well your procedural memory is
the part of your brain that has stored
all the motor skills like writing like
picking up a glass and drinking like
walking it is all stored in your
procedural memory the reason why you and
I can walk without thinking about it or
talk or skip or brush our teeth is
because we have rehearsed that sequence
that procedure that series of events
over and over and over again and now
it's locked into my brain into my
procedural memory now here's what's
really cool everybody
your brain doesn't know the difference
between an event that you have closed
your eyes and imagined
and an event that you've actually done
and what's happening in your brain when
I visualize myself making that mocktail
step by step by step by step is I am
making connections between the gaps at
the end of the neurons in my body
the synapses and every time I either
imagine that sequence of events or I
practice it we're making that connection
between neurons stronger and stronger
and stronger
and so here's what's really cool
what I just told you
is manifesting
done correctly
is when you use your procedural memory
as a tool
to train your brain your nervous system
your spirit to help you feel motivated
and to help you do the work that
actually changes your life
how cool is that
I want to be very clear about something
you know manifesting gets a bad rap
because of the law of attraction
but manifesting is not woo-woo at all
it's not a Cheesy topic manifesting is
not just think about something that you
want and suddenly it'll magically appear
no no no no no
manifesting is when you use your
procedural memory and you visualize the
step by step by step actions
that you need to take in order to make
your big goal or the thing that you want
or the new habit to become a reality you
see manifesting isn't the end everybody
manifesting is the bridge it's the
series of actions that you're gonna take
in order to have this new habit and when
you rehearse something and when you
encode it in your procedural memory what
actually happens is because it's now
something that your brain recognizes the
walking to the other cabinet not where
the Gin is the opening up The Fringe and
grabbing the kombucha instead of
grabbing the Gin in the cabinet when you
rehearse this over and over you are
lowering the limbic friction the
friction in your mind the resistance
that you feel you are lowering that
resistance and that is how manifesting
helps you achieve your goals as I said
so in 19
1990 I was a senior in college at
Dartmouth and my parents came to visit
from Western Michigan and we went to
this place called Simon Pierce which is
a famous glass blowing Mill and as we
walked into the restaurant I had an
that you may be able to relate to and
that is I walked in and I immediately
saw this painting hanging on the wall
and it was about the size of a door only
horizontal and it was a Vermont
landscape and I was drawn into it
immediately like I was no longer in that
restaurant I was standing in that field
I could feel that breeze I'd never ever
had an experience like that with a
painting have you ever had an experience
like that with art no I mean not like
that not like that I mean my yeah my
sense was that this is very atypical for
you very
so I
kind of lost it the the the the
restaurant was quiet and then
I leaned back and suddenly kind of back
in the moment I'm like I'm gonna own
this painting someday it just that was
what was right there and I looked at the
price and said like three thousand
dollars I'm like not today and I went
back and I sat down and that was it but
the painting never left my mind you see
there's something called The zygon Arc
effect I always say it wrong but it's
like there's a checklist in your brain
that when you have a moment where you're
like this is important your brain puts
it on a checklist yeah it's like a notch
yes a notch happens and now your brain
as part of the filter in the brain is
always going to be kind of scanning the
subconscious to let anything into your
mind related to that incident it can be
positive by the way like with the
painting or this is how trauma happens
too like you have this high intensity
emotional experience that notches
something in your brain and now your
brain kicks in to remember
so uh bottom line is uh I always thought
about that painting
years go by
whenever somebody would say Vermont I'd
think of the painting
I don't know why I can't explain it
never wanted a painting before was not
an art student it's going to last like
you're out collecting Arts no no no and
so I you know fast forward the story 10
years and my uh Chris and I are engaged
and we're going to go up to Vermont to
see the leaves and immediately I'm like
we got to go to Simon Pierce I got to
show you the painting so we pull up to
the mill and we walk in and right in
front there is Boom a painting by the
same artist Gail Shepard and I'm like oh
my God it's here and we race all around
the place
and it's gone
and the funny thing was and this is the
way your brain works Chris was more
disappointed than I was
I literally turned to him and said it's
okay dude like it'd be weird if we're
still here after 10 years I'm gonna
track this thing down I actually said to
him you know what's gonna happen Chris
I'm gonna be able to buy this like 40
years from now it's going to be hanging
in the corporate Lobby of some building
and I'm gonna have to track down the
owner and pay like quadruple the money
they pay but I'm gonna own this thing
I'm Mission yes so a couple years pass
um it's my birthday I think I was
turning 30 and Chris says uh Chris gets
a couple people too
give money and he said I could buy
anything I wanted with it so I had what
500 bucks now I'm pregnant at the time
with our first kid
I should have bought a crib or stools
but for whatever reason the zeigon arc
effect takes over and I'm like the
painting so I call the mill and I get
this guy on the phone I'm like uh you
know I want to buy a kale Shepherd piece
and I said could you send me Polaroids
and he's like sure and I tell him the
budget and he goes I'll send you
Polaroids of some of her smaller things
and she's like blowing up in the
meantime right yeah she's a very very
successful Vermont landscape artist and
so I
I I say to him you know by the way
there's this one painting
and I describe the painting I'd seen
over 10 years ago and he said well that
was way before my time but I bet Gail
and I'm like Gail you know Gail he's
like of course I know Gail she like
lives in in down the road
here's her number
so for two days I paced around the
apartment with 500 bucks in my pocket
driving Chris crazy because I felt like
what am I going to say to her and I must
be a weirdo I've been stalking this lady
I've been thinking about her for 10
years I can't afford a painting you know
what who am I to buy a painting like
what the hell
so finally Chris is like which color I'm
gonna call her you're driving me crazy
so I call her and I start talking a mile
a minute and she was amazing
and then
um I said by the way there was this one
painting and I go and I explain this
painting there's a stand of poplar trees
down the center and a big mountainscape
behind it and this beautiful blue
Vermont sky and geese flying in
formation overhead and
I could hear her thinking on the other
end of the line
and she said you know Mel I've done so
many large-scale
uh paintings over the years I'd hate to
mistake the one you're talking about but
I'll tell you what
what if my husband and I meet you and
Chris at the Mill at Simon Pierce and
we'll walk all around and have lunch and
I'll tell you the stories behind every
painting and if you don't see what you
like there I'll take you back to my
studio which is a couple miles down the
river and you can look at everything I'm
working on and if you don't see anything
you like there then you can go through
all my slides and see if you can find
that painting that you saw 10 years ago
and I said deal
so a month passes we go up to the mill I
walk in we meet each other she's amazing
she's like twice our age just incredibly
cool lady she's walking around as we're
walking around looking at these
paintings Rich I've got I'm like eight
months pregnant I'm realizing
these are 10 times the amount of money
that I have
I can't afford this
like I don't I don't have this kind of
and I'm getting like more and more into
that imposter syndrome what am I doing
mode oh my God I'm so embarrassed I'm
meeting somebody I idolize I don't
deserve to be here right wasting her
time because she thinks she's going to
get a Payday out of this correct we sit
and she goes now that you're sitting
down I have something to tell you
she said there's only been two times in
my career as an artist
that I've done two studies of the same
and your painting is one of them
it's one of a pair
she knew all along she knew all along
she was playing games with you about not
knowing which painting yeah and she said
the sister piece to the one that you saw
all those years ago is sitting in my
studio right now where it's been for the
past 11 years
I start sobbing everybody's like totally
emotional her husband's like you should
have seen her when you when she was on
the phone with you it was like she saw a
ghost so we get in the car
and we drive to the mill
and when we walk in there in the center
of this massive kind of Barn Studio
space is an easel with a painting taped
up with painters tape on it and it was
the sister to my painting there were
slight differences not as much movement
in the grass but it was
one of the most extraordinary
experiences of my life it was as if time
suspended and I was
standing before that painting in 1990
saying it would be mine
and there I was 11 years later
standing in front of it
and then I realized oh my God I can't
afford this
and Chris walks over and he's like
what's wrong and I'm like just promise
me someday like promise me that I don't
need a jewelry I don't need a car like
just promise me you will buy me this
and he kind of leans over and goes hey
Gail how much for the big one and she
said um
Mel can have it for 500 bucks because
clearly when I was making it 11 years
ago I was making it for her
and so it hangs in my kitchen
it's on the back of the book
um this is the galley though right yeah
wait is it in the is it I think so yeah
yeah and
um it's a reminder every day that your
mind is designed to help you get what
you want
I never stop believing
that I could make it happen
and when you tell your mind what's
important to you
there is extraordinary science
that proves that your mind has a live
and ever-changing filter a live Network
that changes how it views the world What
it lets in what it blocks out and if you
program your mind correctly
and if you're clear about what you want
to create your mind will help you get
what you want
hey it's Mel thank you so much for
checking this video out and if you like
this one I have a feeling you're gonna
like this one too I'll see you there
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