Professional Indemnity Insurance - Does it Pay Out if You Are Negligent? - YouTube

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Hi guys Mark Dawes here and this short video I want to talk to you about
professional indemnity insurance. Now in case you don't know what that is,
profession deputy insurance is the insurance cover you have that covers you
for a claim that's made against you outside the classroom or the training
hall, and what I mean by that is let's say you teach someone something, you show
them a technique, or you give them instruction, they go away and implement
that and there's a death or a fatality or serious injury or whatever, and they
make an allegation that you taught them incorrectly, you gave them bad advice, you
showed them an unsafe technique. That's what professional indemnity insurance is
there to cover you for. Now I've just had an interesting discussion with a broker
about this, because as you know I get involved in lots of little cases, and I
was involved in one this year where this was actually brought up, and the question
I posed the broker was this - if you knowingly taught something, or you
knowingly gave advice that you knew to be incorrect, because there was better
advice out there or there was new research new evidence out there, which we
as trainers ignored and taught something we shouldn't have taught, does the cover
still cover us or are we negligent? And the broker said - basically if you are
negligent, knowingly negligent, you're giving advice instruction or information
to someone, that you know is dangerous because there is a safer alternative,
then potentially the the cover won't cover you, basically they're the
insurance is null and void. So let me give an example of what I'm talking
about here. Well I recently got into a discussion with someone who called me up
with some advice, this was about two or three days ago, and they said Mark
we're being taught to hold people on the floor, four or five staff holding someone
down on the floor. I said okay, what's the issue, he said well I raised the point
that there are safer techniques, we could have them sat down or we could have them
stood up he said, by the use of more restrictive techniques, but we were told
by the training provider that you can't use restrictive techniques because
that might cause discomfort harm or pain therefore you can't use those techniques, you
can't use anything that may cause pain, so putting them on the floor is a safer
alternative, because there's no pain involved there's only pressure. Now my
response to that was, okay how many people do you know have died
from a restrictive technique in a upright position. He said well none.
So I said how many people do you know have died from be held on the floor with four
or five staff holding him down, and by the way if you haven't watched the
videos yet on 'Seni's Law' this might be a good time to go to our YouTube channel
and watch those videos, because the new law being proposed by Parliament is
designed to actually stop the excessive use of force or at least investigate
transparently any death which results primarily in a mental health setting
where excessive use of force is alleged to be made, and in this case of Seni,
Olaseni Lewis, 11 police officers held him down and he died. So they're looking at
that sort of thing. So I said look, light of this in light of these cases
there's a safer alternative. Keep them sat up, keep them stood up, put a
restrictive technique on which prevents them down to the floor, I said, then you
probably reduce or eliminate the risk of someone dying. And I also said to him and
there's equipment you can use out there, there's handcuffs, there's soft cuffs,
there's restraint belts, there's safety pods - nowadays there's a lot of equipment, and
he said, well the company won't buy the equipment, they have no budget for the
equipment, he said we're now being told we can't use these restrictive
techniques, so we have to put them on the floor, and I said well what sort of
environment is this in. And he said it's a security, door supervision type
environment he said, but we're doing lots of other work in schools and in care
homes and basically he said, we can't use the restrictive techniques because if we
do our accreditation is null and void so we have to take them to the floor that's
part of the system we've been trained in. So I posed this question to the broker.
And I said we know, I said there's evidence, research, that people die in certain
positions, and we know that there are safer positions but people don't want
to use them I said, because of an opinion I said, them either or because they they
don't have the right information or knowledge. And he said well it is a
gray area and it will you need to take legal advice on this, but fundamentally
if they are knowingly, and there's the keyword 'knowingly', using a technique that
increases the risk of harm or death, where a safer alternative exists,
he said potentially their insurance policy is null and void because they're
acting negatively, possibly illegally he said, but that's a case for a lawyer to
pick up on. Now many of you know we we interviewed lawyers on a regular basis
it's pilot program, and those become on that course
in the past I will come of course in the future, will have seen the interview we
did with Michael Mansfield, who if you don't know Michael Mansfield is one of
the leading QCs Barristers, Lawyers this country's ever produced, and I asked him
the question. I said what happens if someone is using a technique knowingly
that they shouldn't be using that increase of death or someone dies, and he said
quite you know openly, he said if someone - is if there are techniques increase the
risk of death - and if someone is using those techniques where a safer
alternative is known to exist, and someone dies a resolved and not explored
a safer alternative then that is a violation of article 2 and we have case
law that back this up to support this stuff. So I just wanted to leave that
with you right now because obviously if you're teaching or training you need
insurance cover, but it's really important to understand that you can get
insurance cover that's not hard, you can go to a broker they'll give it to you.
You can get cover. But if you are teaching stuff that you
knowingly shouldn't be teaching, because there's a safer alternative there, or
you've been pressurised into using techniques that you know you shouldn't
be using when there is a safe alternative there - either a safer
technique or equipment - and a serious injury or God forbid a fatality occurs,
potentially your insurers could turn around and say that policy is null and
void and you are not covered. And that's your future gone, that's your house gone
that's your career gone, that's your life down the pan. Now I don't want to sound
overdramatic on this stuff but it's a fact, and that's why we've taken so much
time and effort to make sure that what we teach to the people that we train is
legally defensible and we go to court on a regular basis to do that, and we
support people to do that, and if you are looking to become a trainer - a physical
intervention or a restraint trainer or self defense trainer - it's worthwhile
just considering - with whoever you're going to train with - whether it's us or
whether it's someone else - whether or not what you're being taught and what you're
being expected to teach is going to be increasing the risk of injury and
fatality or reducing it, and whether you're being taught techniques that you
know you shouldn't be using because there is a safer alternative, you need to
challenge and question that, because you can go to the broker and get your policy
no problem at all, but you may find the if he goes to court and they challenge
this the insurers may pay out and then if they finally you be negligent sue
you for the money back, or they may turn around and say - do you know what, because
you were doing something that you knowingly shouldn't have been doing your
policy is null and void. Please, please check your insurance. I'll be interested
in the comments you have leave a comment below. It's a really important point, so
if you are a trainer or you are thinking of becoming a trainer, please go to your
broker and find out - that the you know - how you are covered for what you teach.
If you have any questions leave a comment below, drop me an email, I'll happily
answer them for you. Thanks for listening.