What's Your Reason for Hope? // Time of Grace - YouTube
Channel: Time of Grace Ministry
When you're a Christian,
and you live not with this
world or of this world,
but when you live for God,
when you value what God values,
you absolutely are going to stick out.
People are going to notice.
And sometimes what they notice
is rather negative about you.
And so how do you live
that faith in a bold way?
You're going to stick out
when you do not join in
with the office gossip about Jessica.
And the dumb thing that she did again.
You're going to stick out,
when you don't join in with mocking Randy,
for the train wreck of an outfit
that he wore to school again.
You're going to stick out,
when you do not join the
guys at the gentleman's club,
because that's not
where true gentleman go.
You're going to stick out.
And a lot of times it's going to be this,
the negative aspect of
them looking at you.
So how do you live that faith?
Your bold faith in this world
that's against us as Christians?
Who value what God values?
All right, there's a phrase
I want to teach you.
And this phrase is going
to be really helpful
in living intentionally your faith.
When someone wants you to
participate in something
you don't want to do,
because you know that
it doesn't honor God,
say this,
"Hey, I'm just not
comfortable with that.
That's all you've got to say.
"I'm not comfortable with that."
And when you say that in
a non-confrontational way,
you're saying, "What
you're doing is wrong.
"I don't want to do it."
But you're not being aggressive.
But yet you're still being intentional.
And standing on the truth of God's word.
And so you say, "Hey,
"I'm just not comfortable with that."
Now, people are going to notice.
And more than likely they're
going to ask you,
Now, when they ask why,
there could be a couple different ways.
It could be an aggressive why, like "Why?"
What's wrong with you
that you wouldn't do this?
They might ask you why and say
in a kind of a confused way.
Like why? I'm shocked that you
wouldn't want to be part of this.
It doesn't matter why they say the why.
It doesn't matter how they say their why.
You actually kind of
want them to say, "Why?"
Because now you've started
a dialogue and discussion.
Because if you just attack them right away
and say what you're doing is wrong,
they're not going to listen,
a fight's going to happen.
God wants us to engage in
communication with others,
to tell them about Christ.
And to be intentional with that.
Peter talked about that.
Peter, who was a disciple.
A disciple who lived with Jesus
and walked with Jesus almost every day
for about three years.
And he gives us this encouragement,
on how to live that faith life
and how to have an answer
when someone asks you "Why?"
He said this in 1 Peter 3,
Always be prepared
to give an answer
to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for
the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.
Did you notice Peter doesn't say here,
be ready to pick a fight.
Although there's times
when we have to do that,
I mean, Jesus did that at times.
Remember he overturns the table changers
for the money in the temple.
Jesus would go after the Pharisees,
but that's when they
were really unrepentant.
Jesus often tried to work
a conversation, a dialogue.
And so Peter wants the same for us.
To be prepared
to give the reason
for the hope that you have.
And what is that hope?
That hope is Christ.
Because Jesus changes everything
and gives you hope.
His death on the cross
for your forgiveness
changes absolutely everything.
Christ destroying grave
and its grip on your soul.
It changes everything.
Jesus preparing a
place for you in heaven
so that he will come back
to take you,
to be with him in glory.
That changes absolutely everything.
And that gives you boldness
to live in this life and say, "I'm just,
"I'm not comfortable with that."
Hoping they say why.
So that you could tell them more.
You tell them about the reason
of the hope that you have.
You could tell them with
gentleness and respect.
So be ready.
Be ready for people to ask you "Why?"
And to be ready
to give them Jesus.
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