High inflation, declining stocks and bonds cause trouble for worker pensions - YouTube

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it is the closing bell at the new york
stock exchange u.s stocks tried bouncing
back after the bureau of labor
statistics latest consumer price index
revealed inflation slowed for the first
time since august however the rebound
was short-lived the dow jones ended the
day in the red down more than 300 points
yeah the s p and nasdaq also had an up
and down day the s p closed down more
than one and a half percent the nasdaq
ended down more than three percent
joining us now for more on all of this
is michael rosen he is the managing
partner and chief investment officer of
angelus investments michael welcome
great to have you with us so
what drove the markets down today and
how are the april consumer price numbers
impacting investor strategies
well thanks it's nice to be with you um
the inflation numbers were a
disappointment today uh inflation was a
lot higher than the market expected
and this led to concerns that the fed is
going to have to tighten a lot more
aggressively than they've planned and
that the market anticipates and this
also increases the risk of a recession
uh in the near future as well and so
we see stocks falling a bit uh today the
yield curve flattened a little bit as
again expressing maybe some concerns of
rising risks of recession and that the
fed really is going to have to be a lot
more aggressive than they
have said they're going to be michael
how has inflation coupled with losses in
the stock and bonds markets impacted the
pensions of american workers
right so for public pension funds and
corporate pension funds that have
defined benefit plans
the uh if inflation has had sort of a
mixed impact at least in the short term
uh the value of their stocks and bonds
have fallen
that's bad
on the other hand interest rates have
which serves to reduce the value of
liabilities and so the funded status for
most pension funds
actually may have improved a little bit
with the rise in interest rates but the
real issue with inflation is it's just
going to be very hard for
pension beneficiaries and really
investors everywhere
to keep pace with inflation
by owning just traditional stocks and
and bonds uh uh valuations are still
relatively high uh we're seeing uh
prices fall and uh and negative returns
but even if we had you know positive
returns these returns on and after
basis are not very attractive and so
investors are having a really hard time
uh keeping pace with the cost of living
particularly over the long term and and
even more so as inflation just continues
so the faster the fed gets its act
together and tightens monetary policy uh
the sooner we can see inflation starting
to to come down but we're we're just not
there yet and so michael kind of to
follow up on some of your earlier points
how would you suggest americans whose
pensions and retirement funds have taken
a hit recuperate some of those losses
particularly if they are nearing
retirement age
well it's really tough i wish i had an
easy answer uh something easy to do that
would solve all the problems but
with inflation it's very very difficult
to to overcome for investors i mean i no
one's expecting inflation that we saw in
double digits back in the 1970s but if
you think back to that time
investors in financial assets had a very
very hard decade
certainly bonds had negative returns on
an inflation-adjusted basis and and even
stocks struggle again uh after after
inflation so
uh there's no real easy fix for for
what's happening until we get inflation
under control i do think that the best
thing investors can do is to maybe uh
pull in the sails a little bit and
and try to
become a bit more defensive
shorten the duration if you have long
duration bonds
move to shorter duration bonds and take
advantage of the the rising interest
on the stock side again also shortened
duration by maybe favoring companies
that have
solid and perhaps growing dividends
higher dividends helps to
provide some protection in a in a down
market as well
uh but in the end inflation is just a
very very tough thing to overcome for
investors but i think getting a little
bit more defensive maybe uh again
shortening duration and fixed income and
favoring higher dividend yielding stocks
may may be one way to lessen some of the
all right breaking it all down for us
michael rosen thank you michael
you bet thank you