Do House Cleaners Charge Sales Tax for Service? - YouTube

Channel: Angela Brown Cleaning

do house cleaners charge
tax for cleaning services it's a great
question we're going to talk about it
hi there i'm angela brown and this is
ask a house cleaner
this is a show where you get to ask a
house cleaning question and i get to
help you find an
answer now if you're new here yay super
excited that you are we're here five
days a week and we answer your house
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so subscribe if you have not already
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be here waiting for you and we can carry
on the conversation
all right on to today's show we have a
house cleaner that called into the show
and she wanted to know
is she supposed to charge tax from the
for the cleaning services that she
offers the good news is this
in most cases the answer is no okay in
most cases
in america there are four states in
which there is an exception
and yes you must in fact charge sales
all right so in order to find out go to
your department of revenue for the state
that you live in
and find out what the rules and
regulations are based on where you live
now the rule of thumb across the board
has been
if your service is attached to a product
the rules are different
and this is where it gets convoluted and
a little bit messy but see if you can
stay with me here
a service by itself like i come clean
your house
is not taxable as far as me charging you
sales tax
i'm the house cleaner you're the
customer i would not charge you sales
but if my service resulted in a product
that you ended up keeping
then yes i would so for example let's
say that a dec
guy comes out to repair a broken board
in your deck
okay so he would come out and he would
perform that service and
i would pay him for that service and
then no i do not pay him
the sales tax he does not charge me for
sales tax all right the flip side of it
if his work on my deck resulted in a new
product then yes i would
so for example let's say that i did not
have a deck but he came over to the
house with a bunch of boards
and he built me a deck okay the service
for building the deck would be combined
with the price
of the package itself so i'd pay for the
deck and his service
right so because his service resulted in
a new product i then pay him
tax on the service he provides so like
let's say that i bought a new air
unit for my home the air conditioning
unit does not put itself
inside my home i have to have somebody
come out and install that for me
now they're not coming to my house
to install something which means because
i bought the product
it is required right it is required that
i have someone install it otherwise my
air conditioning unit does not work
so when the repair guy comes to install
my air conditioning unit
i have to pay the tax on the air
conditioning unit and i have to pay the
tax on the installation
because his being here resulted in a new
product for my home
does that kind of sort of make sense so
as house cleaners we just go to people's
we bring our own supplies we are doing a
service we get in their home we leave
their home they don't end up with
anything more
than we arrived with when we came to
clean so for the most part no we do not
sales tax but you need to find out
because i don't want to stand here and
say that the rules don't apply to you
because all of the tax rules apply to
all of
us and if we get this wrong and i say
it's better to be safe than sorry it's
better to find out
from your state that you don't have to
pay and you don't have to charge
than it is to be sorry because if you're
audited and it's found out that your
does charge sales tax on services then
you have to make up the difference
and so going back to a customer for
let's say that you were there bi-weekly
so that's 26 cleanings a year
to go back to a customer for 26
cleanings and say hey here are the
taxable amounts on all of your cleaning
can you pay me that they're not gonna
pay you
okay so it would come out of your pocket
as a business owner
and so just a quick uh and i'm gonna
leave links in the show notes
but a quick verification on the state
that you live in
will help keep you in the clear so that
you're not charging tax
unnecessarily right so if if if your
state says yes you do have to have
taxes you got to charge taxes there's a
form you have to fill
out and you cannot collect tax from a
customer unless you fill out that form
so again i'm going to leave links in the
show notes to where you can go to get
more information on this
for your state so i don't want you to be
surprised and think like oh
i'm you know exempt i don't have to pay
taxes or i don't have to charge taxes
from my services you might be very wrong
and you might be mistaken and then
it's going to be my fault because you're
going to come back and blame me so i'm
here to tell you find out the rules
based on where you live
and double check so that you're not in a
state of surprise all right i hope that
helps a little bit if it does please
pass this on to a friend
if we've earned your subscription please
subscribe and until we meet again leave
the world a cleaner place than when you
found it