Ian Golding talks CX Measures, Metrics and ROI - YouTube

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Hi everyone, this is Janelle
here from Amplified Customer
Experience. And today I have Ian
Golding here with me and we are
going to explore a CX win that
he has to share with us. So we
want to look at the elements
that make a cx project
successful and most particularly
thinking about measures, metrics
and ROI. So Ian, do you want to
introduce us to this project
that you maybe have in mind to
share with
I'm going to share something
that's quite old. I say quite
old. I'm one of these people
who's gray on the inside, not
the outside, so I'm much older
than I look anyway. And many
customer experience wins in
inverted commas. It doesn't
matter when you won. When it
happens, if it is something that
drove what I call demonstrable
change, and it's something that
should always be leveraged to
inspire and influence others to
do the same. And one of the most
significant wins, if I can
describe it that way, in my
career as a customer experience
professional came in 2007. So
it's 13 years ago now, but 13
years later, what happened in
2007 has become a hugely
significant element of not just
what I share knowledge with
people about but how I approach
helping organizations to improve
customer experiences all around
the world. And the when was
this. When I was great head of
customer experience for an
online retailer. At the time, we
were the second largest online
retailer in the UK. of the good
old Amazon is After one second
what I wanted to be able to do
was to help my leadership
understand the relationship
between what we were doing every
day as an organization, and how
the customer felt about what we
did every day. Because we've
been measuring at the time
customer satisfaction to six
years by this stage. And
everyone knew how the customer
felt about everything. But no
one had any real understanding
as to why. Because my
background, and I don't want
anyone to think badly of me when
I say this. And my background,
ultimate background is in
process improvement. And I'm a
Lean Six Sigma master black
belts, amongst other things, but
I only share that with the few,
not the many. And I was brought
up understanding But what we
needed to be able to do was
recognize the connection between
cause and effect we did, and how
that made someone feel as a
result. And so what I understood
is that I was in an organization
that thought it understood the
effects and everything. I
thought it understood what
customers weren't happy about.
But there was no connection to
the cause what was causing them
to feel that way? So I wanted to
do something about it. And
measurement, in my opinion is
the most important competency
when it comes to this subject of
customer experience, because
unfortunately, too often,
customer experience
professionals working in an
environment where they're trying
to change mindset can be accused
of being over passionate, you
know, evangelical, preachy, you
know, all of these words that
are true Trying to demean us,
largely because people are
fearful of those who are trying
to make change happen. And so,
for us to move the conversation
away from, you know, the over
enthusiasm, the best way of
doing that is to stop being
subjective and start talking
facts. If we've got facts, then
people can throw whatever words
they want to me. But I've got
facts that you know, you can't
argue with the facts. So, what I
wanted to do was to create a
mechanism that enables our
organization to measure
everything that we did, that
enabled the touch points in our
customer journey to become a
reality. In other words, I
wanted to measure processes,
what our people did every day.
Now, if you work in an
organization, and you will know
this, that is not customer
centric. If you approach a
processor and say to them, I
want to start measuring what
your team do, it doesn't
particularly land very well. In
fact, you suddenly become public
enemy number one. Because all
that's going through the mind
that that processing is here
comes that smart smarty pants,
who thinks that he's going to
start demonstrating how bad you
might see me doing things. So
I'm going to make this guy look
even smaller than I was making
before. So to cut a very long
story short, what I wanted to do
was to create a mechanism to
measure operational processes in
alignment with the customer
journey in an environment where
those who owns the operational
processes, didn't want me to do
it. And so I did it anyone and
this is a message that I deliver
to any customer experience
professionals. is starting to
grapple with how to make change
happen. And it's the message of
seek forgiveness. Never ask
permission to do these things.
If you're doing the right thing
for the right reason, then just
do it, you know and seek
forgiveness later. What I needed
to demonstrate to the senior
leaders is that I was not doing
this to humiliate their
immediate reaction is you're
going to show us show everyone
how bad we are. But actually,
that wasn't the case. I wanted
them to understand this. Where
is it that we are unable to do
what we need to do? So as a
result, it's having the biggest
negative effects on the way the
customer feels. So what I want
to do is not humiliate you, but
I want to help build the
business case that demonstrates
why you need people a system
something else because it's the
The only way you're going to
improve the ability of that
process to do what the customer
needs you to do, or in Meg's is
that I had to become the
ultimate diplomat, that the
ultimate diplomat using fact to
help them feel much better about
what they were trying to do to
help them actually show off and
not be worried that I was making
them feel stupid. And you know
what, this was not easy. What
I'm describing, I actually call
voice of the process. This is
the third of three voices of
measurement, sharing knowledge
about but whilst it's not easy,
and in the early stages of
trying to do something like
this, you won't be popular.
Doing that in my organization
was groundbreaking. And we
demonstrated the correlation
between improving operational
performance and improving
customer perception. We embedded
measurements of operational
process across the end to
engine. Even if something wasn't
a priority, there was an
accountable processing,
maintaining performance or
driving incremental improvement.
We completely change the nature
of the way the business thought
about what he did. And it is
something that I've since
replicated in 15 different
organizations in different
industries around the world. It
is so powerful, but it's hard to
do and it's hard to do because
in addition to not making
yourself popular, process
management principles have
disappeared for businesses. So
trying to determine who is
accountable for a process is
nigh on impossible for many
organizations. If no one is
accountable for a process, it's
also extremely likely that
process isn't being measured. So
you've actually got to even
start measuring it. These are
fundamental, but remarkably
simple disciplines that just are
not there in businesses anymore.
But the final point I will make
is that in this connection to
return on investment, return
when it comes to customer
experience is about three
things. It is about revenue
generation. The revenue
generation is the focusing on
customer experience. So many
people that run businesses think
that that is the only return
and when they do not see revenue
increase from their customer
experience program in six
months, they want to give up
because it doesn't work. The
other two returns that are the
short term returns are cost
reduction and cost avoidance by
eliminating the random In the
experiences that the
organization delivers, by
stopping things from going
wrong, that's where the
immediate return comes from. And
that's where organizations
should be saving a fortune, that
then gives them the time and
space to deliver that longer
term revenue generation in the
future. So, very, I hope I
haven't gone on for too long.
But it is a hugely important
thing. voice that the process is
not happening in organizations
around the world. It can change
the game.
There's so many different
strings I want to pull on here
in but for the sake of time, and
because I know that just so many
people are struggling with the
concept of measurement, metrics
and ROI. What are you know,
maybe the one two or three kind
of tips that you would give to a
cx team that's really struggling
with securing their place and
then value in an organization.
So I think you need to be able
to demonstrate, firstly, to
senior leaders who are
responsible for processes
without necessarily even
realizing it, that you are there
to help them. You're not there
to humiliate them. You're there
to help them. You're there to
give them the facts, the facts
that are produced that matches
their facts. You want to help
them build a case. So their
people can do what they do
better, quicker, more
accurately, whatever it might
be. And if you can facilitate
that conversation that you are
there to help them, you are
there to make them look good.
That's what this is about. It's
not about us, it's about them.
Then you will start to see both
their eyes opening up doors
opening at the same time. You
know, this is not about us. I've
always said to people that being
a customer experience
professional isn't about getting
a job title and a big salary.
You know, if that's what it's
about, this is the wrong
profession. You know, the
benefit comes later. You know,
this is about us, doing whatever
we need to do to help an
organization, do what is
necessary to deliver better
experiences for its customers.
And if that means that sometimes
you got to be unpopular, then so
be it. But if it's for the right
reason, that's fine. You know,
if it means that we never get
promoted, you know, we're never
given you know, that seats at
the top, who cares? That's not
what it's about. You know, it's
got to be about the good of the
organization. And if that's what
you focus on, not only will it
happen, you know, you will
become a wonderful example of
the customer experience
professional. He will have a
very long very fruitful and
remarkably rewarding career. But
that's what this is all about.
Thanks so much and I really
appreciate you taking some time
to connect with my viewers. And
for those of you who are
interested in connecting with
Ian further, all of his contact
information will be in the
description below. Thanks,
Thank you