How I Told a 17 Year Old to Invest His Money (reader question) - YouTube

Channel: Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose

do you remember what you were doing a 17
years old I can tell you I don't
remember even if I did remember I
probably wouldn't share with you because
it would be pretty embarrassing but no
seriously I know the one thing that I
was not doing at 17 years old was
thinking about investing so any time
that I have a 17 year old or any
teenager that is either read my blog or
watch me on youtube that has contacted
me or messaged me and asks me how do I
get started investing like that blows my
mind like I love it I love the fact that
teenagers are ready to get started
investing before they are legally adults
and are coming to me to ask me how to do
now I had a recent seventeen-year-old
that want to start investing that
contacted me and I want to share with
you what I shared with him on giving him
some actual steps and strategies that he
can get started invested today so we're
not share with him well we're gonna find
out right now
I mean it seriously crazy when I think
about a 17 year old a 16 year old I had
a 12 year old comment the other day that
wants to get started investing it blows
me away because that wasn't even in my
vocabulary in my teenager in my teenage
years I mean wasn't really my vocabulary
into almost my mid-20s
now loved it was my upbringing you know
I didn't have any any family members
that really talk to me about investing I
didn't really have any interest in
investing I'm a struggle with math when
I was in high school so to invest to
make money to make return of my return
on investment I mean none of that
interested to me at all like I'd even
know what a stock was probably until I
was in college so the fact that I have
these teenagers contacting me that want
to get started investing now I'm a I
love it I love it because I love it
which I want to talk about more in an
upcoming video but the reality is this
if you start investing in your teenage
years so the 17 year old which I'm going
to share with you what I share with him
so he's gonna get started investing and
maybe it's going to be stocks maybe it's
going to be mutual funds maybe it's
going to be something else chances are
whatever he had invest into he may or
may not make any money right
chances are could probably lose money
and that's okay because he doesn't have
a lot of money it started with so he
might not make a huge return or he might
take a little bit of loss on his initial
investment but what he's going to get
out of this is so much more experience
than anybody that is watching youtube
videos that's reading blogs then that's
reading books you know that's doing all
the research before they actually make
their first investment because you
learned so much and actually doing
instead of reading about how to do it
I mean you can do analysis all day long
you can do research all day long but
until you actually go out and do it
you're not gonna learn anything I mean
you learn so much more by taking action
so anytime I see these teenagers that
want to get started investing that want
to invest into something I love it
because they're gonna be so far ahead of
the curve because they're going to go
through all those initial struggles that
most people do when the other older they
have a little bit more more money to
invest because they haven't gone through
any of the the lowering process and some
of the pain points that come along with
investing because usually what happens
is that when somebody invest for the
first time and they lose some money they
get scared they get scared they don't
understand or losing money so I end up
cashing it out and leaving it the bank
or they don't invest it and that's just
opportunity lost because they didn't
leave that money there or they didn't
have the time or didn't really have the
fortitude to know like okay that
investment didn't work but let me go to
plan B or let me evaluate another option
or other options are out there so if
you're getting all of this out of the
way when you're a teenager my goodness I
mean you it's just amazing and what ends
up happening is you have so many
strategic what I call strategic
byproducts of taking that initiative
taking that initial investment and
taking action on it that by the time
this person is in their 20s I mean
they're going to be so diverse they're
gonna be so much more experienced and
understand the investment game and who
knows what other opportunities it has
led them to because they've taken action
so that's why I just loved it so let me
go ahead and dive into what the reader
with a 17 year old asked me like what
his question was then also share the
specific answer that I gave him so let's
take a look at what that question
right alright so let's dive into this
what was the question that this
seventeen-year-old asked me so here's
the question hi I'm a 17 year old who is
looking to invest a small amount of
money around $3,000 but I would like to
diversify so I won't lose it all
some long-term low-risk as well as some
higher risk short term any suggestions
all what good short-term investments I
could do also I'm hoping to invest
enough for a safe cushion so I can start
my own business and focus on that
without a side job so as you can see
we've got a lot going on with this
question we've got short term goals we
got long term goals we want to start a
business now keep in mind we only have
$3,000 yes I'm I'm amazed and excited
that a 17 year old has the discipline to
save that amount of money but the
reality is like when we start trying to
diversify and split all this up it
doesn't leave us a lot left over to do a
lot of things with it so we really have
to be very specific with what our
ultimate goal is so is the goal of short
term gains is the goal long term gains
or is it to start this side business now
the other thing I want to address is
that every new investor every
experienced investor we get really
caught up in these short term gains but
the reality is that let's just say that
we take $1,000 of this 3000 and invest
it and we put it in the stock market we
put it into stocks we put into ETF
mutual funds or whatever and let's say
that it makes us 10% return in our first
year okay so how much is that how much
is that really how much can we quantify
that so really if we invest $1,000 and
we make 10% we've only made $100 for
that entire year and when I share those
type of returns because that reality is
like that's what we're looking at we can
make 10% in the market we can make 10%
on any money
any of us been like that's a solid
return but here's the other the other
side of that is that if you're trying to
make 10% you also have you run the risk
of also losing 10% or losing more so we
get really caught up in trying to make
these short-term gain
but the reality is that if you have this
unrealistic expectation of how much you
think you're gonna make or how much you
can make chances are you're not even on
button on the same page on the same
planet so you run the risk of putting
your money into something that's too
aggressive for money that you may need
for an emergency or some other goal that
you're trying to accomplish so for the
seventeen-year-old I have to assume that
he is making some sort of money I don't
he's more lawns if he's babysitting if
he's selling things I'll eliminate Stan
I don't know if he has some sort of job
where he has w2 income that I would
highly suggest that he open a Roth IRA
now he won't be able to do that on his
own he'll have to have a parent do that
for him but if he's close to 18 then he
could do it himself once again though
you have to have w2 income for portable
income you can't have like a side job
where you're getting paid in cash but
man I would love to see a 17 year old a
minor under the age of 18 opening a Roth
IRA because now we've got tax free money
building for retirement but also to for
the short term the one thing I love
about the Roth IRA is that you have
access to the money that you put in so
if he were to put in $1,000 or $2,000
into that Roth he can always take that
money out at any time it's just the
interest and the earnings that he would
have to leave in until retirement now if
you don't know much about the Roth IRA
if you want to learn more you can check
out one of my other videos where I talk
about how to become a Roth IRA
millionaire where I talk about all the
different in-house of that Roth IRA so
besides the Roth IRA the other option
that I really like and this was the
final question that this
seventeen-year-old asked is using some
of this money to start a business of
some kind down the road now to me that
is where you're going to get the most
bang for your buck because starting a
business whether it be an online
business whether it be Amazon FBA
whether it's selling t-shirts on eBay or
or Shopify it doesn't matter what this
is right if there's any business that
this 17 year old can start today my
goodness you're going to get so much
more than just putting your money in
mutual funds putting your money at the
bank doing more like the traditional
investments like yes you're still going
to learn a lot in
that but man when you have to actually
start a business you start learning
about gross gross margins and gross
profits and setting up an LLC and
setting out different accounts and
expenses whoo I just get all excited
because you you're just gonna get so
much more out of it and to me the long
term if you can stick to it and you find
something that you like even if it's not
the first or second or third business
idea that you start down that you start
with even if it's not that you're gonna
learn so much through that experience
that this will get you the largest ROI
return on your investment than any of
the other things that I've discussed in
this video or other videos so that's the
idea that I'm most excited about for the
17-year old if they're willing to do it
now once again though this is there is
the risk and anything right there's risk
any investments I've talked about
there's risk and doing it the safe way
there's risk in starting a business you
have to be willing to stomach some risk
you have to be willing to recognize that
every investment that you make you're
not going to make money every single
time there are going to be times that
you lose money there be times that you
break even there are gonna be times that
you maybe make a little bit but through
all that eventually if you stick to it
and you just keep doing your market
research you keep seeking mentorship you
keep seeking other entrepreneurs
business owners like-minded individuals
you will find something that will yield
you some nice profits if you're willing
to invest and just just do it so out of
all those that's the one that I'm most
excited about for him for you for
anybody that's watching this that is
wanting to invest to get started in
something start some sort of business
obviously an online business or just
little to no wealth no but there's
little upfront cost starting online
business and than a traditional business
so that would be the avenue that I would
encourage you to look at all right okay
so that is my advice to the 17 year old
16 year old 13 year old doesn't matter
how old you are you can do any of these
obviously gonna have some parents some
guardians to help you out to try to open
up some sort of guardianship account or
a guardian Roth IRA
our custodial Roth or whatever either
way though you can do it don't let any
of these be excuses prevent you from
taking action ok I'm done I'm out this
is Jeff rose reminding you that it's
your money it's your life and only you
can make it awesome just go out and get
started let's do it