Mortgage Interest Rate Lock: How Does It Work? - YouTube

Channel: News For Reasonable People

I'm Sean Reynolds the owner of some of
properties Northwest and Reynolds and
Kline appraisal and today I have with me
mr. dan Chapman from fairway independent
mortgage and we're kind of doing just a
quick question and answer session on we
hear all the time locking and interest
rate what does that mean so Dan sure
what does that mean when you lock your
rate I mean you're you're you're locking
in that rate for a specific period of
time and so let's say you're gonna close
your loan inside of 30 days we would do
a 30 day lock and you're guaranteed no
worse than that rate and so you're
locking in your interest rate for your
yep that you're gonna be getting yep and
you're guaranteed no worse than that
rate you can actually extend that lock
if you need to
so there's lock extensions and you can
actually with the small possibility that
your rate can improve even though you've
locked it in but it's no worse than that
rate and so is there a cost to locking
in a longer yeah the more the longer the
lock 45 60 90 day the there the the more
expensive it would be to get that that
rate I mean it's the simplest way I can
explain it is the shorter the lock the
lesser closing cost typically on that
rate there is so because you are
reducing the risk to the lender of
interest rates changing because the
longer the time period right loan goes
right the more probability maybe rates
go up right now it's not a big
difference between the 30-day lock and a
45 it's so my new that you know the rate
no points that might be the same that
day okay but on a 60 day lock it can be
a difference and how does a buyer
actually go about locking their interest
rate well when we get a purchase
contract or a refinance you know you
know some loan officers will get the
loan in and just lock lock it right away
you know I obviously will give my
clients different options because
there's different rates that you can get
there's there could be two or three
different options based and there's
different set of closing costs for each
so we talked about it and I advise them
on you know hey it's it's actually a
really good time to lock or you know hey
I'm looking at the market I think things
might get better if you want to wait a
little bit we can hold off unlocking but
sometime we could save you some money so
there's there's and then basically it's
just a matter of lock-in it
we hear the term going along on that we
hear the term floating the interest rate
floater lock yeah
so voting is you're not locking up front
once you get the loan and you're waiting
we would send disclosures out and get
things in process but we would lock the
rate like I've got a couple loans Cola
right now that I haven't locked the rate
on yet is there a benefit to locking the
rate right up front or a benefit to
maybe waiting longer in the loan process
yeah it just depends on what's going on
with the mortgage market and rates and
how they're how they're priced right now
and the economy it's a lot of factors
like you know if you've got right now if
somebody's got a loan and they're gonna
be closing less than say 21 days away I
would I would be locking them but if
they're closing or if it's a refinance
and they're you know looking to maximize
savings as much as possible then we
could we could float you know I
subscribe to a service that talks about
that gives me recommendations from you
know an expert on Wall Street you know
so a lot of this has to do with which
way we think rates are going yeah and
they trend they're trending downs are
there they're trending down for the most
part right now okay so we don't see any
I mean we will get day-to-day
fluctuations in pricing just like the
price of Amazon or Facebook stock can
change daily spoken rates but you know
for the most part we're not training up
like we were last year this time we're
slowly trending down okay so that's a
good thing especially for borrowers and
so you need to have a good loan guy yeah
to kind of give you an idea the market
and what's going on and and and knows
knows when to lock I don't have a
crystal ball but I have a pretty good
gauge on it right and you guys have at
fairway independent mortgage you guys
have a some kind of rate lock program
yeah Oh lock and shop yeah lock and shop
so lock shop and go technically and what
that means is if you get your
pre-approval done and then we then send
it to get approved like your loan is
approved whether maybe haven't found a
property yet so we sent it to what's
called a TBD approval to be determined
approval underwriting is underwritten it
then we can then lock your rate for 90
days it's no cost upfront that's all it
is is insurance and it's free so we lock
your 8 it's a little higher than the
current market rate but it's locked for
90 days
it's guarantees you know worse than that
rate so if rates do for some reason jump
up and you get the lower rate because
you locked it you're not getting the
current market rate but if you find a
contract say 30 days later you get a
contract on a property and you're gonna
close that we then give you the lower
the two so you market rate okay or the
rate you locked so what was it called
again it was lock shop and go up and go
I just call a knocking shop but yeah
yeah that's pretty good yeah anything
else that you can tell us about locking
an interest rate that might be really
important for either real estate broker
that's got a buyer client or the buyer
themselves you know if it's new
construction I get that a lot like you
know you've got new construction and
it's you know I've got one right now
it's closing in into July I have it
locked me out because REITs are trying
again so the home is not finished it's
still being constructed yeah yeah it's
gonna yeah we're gonna close on that at
the end of July so I haven't locked me
out but you know you want to be careful
lock expiration dates if you do because
you know you've got I've got one closing
here in a few weeks that I've locked and
it's close to that expiration but you
know just make sure the builders
sometimes don't close when they say
they're gonna close in what and so if
you've locked it for say 60 days and the
Builder said they're gonna close on day
61 you might be in trouble right okay
with that lock extension right so you
might incur a lock extension fee ahead
of that okay so just keep that in mind
and once you've actually locked your
rate have that date in mind the real
estate broker needs to have that dated
mark out yep borrower needs to know yeah
everybody needs to know what's going on
in the picture you know and make sure
that the builders not going to be too
far pushed out okay very cool I think we
have a better idea of kind of what that
terms means and what it actually means
implication to the buyer who's a loan in
process yes all right
well Dan thanks so much for explaining
that again I'm Sean Reynolds from Summit
properties Northwest and rental decline
appraisal Dan Chapman from fairway
independent mortgage then yep here's the
summit difference we offer an industry
high 80/20 split with absolutely zero
fees a low ten thousand dollar cap and a
free listing video including drone for
every single home that summer properties
Northwest lists for more information
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