Good News & Great Relief Government Shut Down Update | Bernie Sanders DEFIES Plan For American Needs - YouTube

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Today I ll share some good news that should give many of my youtuber listeners relief
regarding the government shut down, monthly checks and keeping the country stable.
Hello and welcome to today s December 2nd, Daily News report.
If you re a subscribed member of my community, then welcome back.
On this channel I keep you in the loop on what s really going on in Washington DC, the
US economy, Biden s Build Back Better stimulus package, money, investing and much much more.
Don t forget to get your name entered for the CASH Giveaway Kacey and I are doing.
Make sure to sign up to be one of the 20 people that will win $250 cash to help with the holidays
or bills or whatever you want to use it for.
I ll make sure to leave a link below.
By the way, thank you so much for giving this video a like.
I really appreciate it.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced the senate has come to an agreement
on keeping the government funded and avoiding a government shut down.
A continuing resolution bill still needs to be voted on in the next few days to ensure
this passes but upon passing this will ensure social security checks, SSI, and SSDI as well
as military and veteran payments go out.
The United States will also pay their bills and interest on the $28 trillion of national
For investors this means the big drop in the stock market and housing market has been averted.
However, this doesn t mean it won t have an impact on higher inflation down the road as
the government continues to print more and more dollars.
A simple majority is need from both houses of congress to send a bill to President Biden
s desk.
One thing in there that drew attention is the $7 billion for the 80,000 unvetted Afghan
refugees Biden brought to the country as the Afghanistan war came to an end.
It would cost $12.5 billion to give the 25 million struggling Americans a $500 stimulus
check but according to congress they need to take care of this situation with American
tax payer money first.
Once passed the government will be funded through February 18th.
I know many were stressed about this passing or not but I hope you my reporting on the
topic kept you calm and informed on what was happening.
A new Gallup poll has come out showing that 45% of Americans say inflation is hurting
their family.
So if you ve been feeling the pinch in your wallet, you aren t alone.
Nearly half the country says they are hurting.
Inflation is the highest in 31 years.
Now this is scary.
10% of the country says they are suffering severally from the high cost of inflation
with gas, food and housing costs being up.
This is why I keep saying about 25 million americans would really benefit from a 4th
stimulus check but I can t make the politicians see this even though they have this same data.
If you drill down into the data, families making under $42,000 a year had 28% say they
are suffering severe hardship because of price increases.
Based on your comments I know some of you fit in the category.
I m hoping this new data will open some politicians eyes.
167 million people don t need a stimulus check but about 25 million do.
As I drilled down Republicans said they are hurting more than democrats.
The data also showed that if your household makes less than $100,000 a year, Biden s policies
are having the greatest negative affect on this demographic.
If you are making over $100,000 you are actually reaping the benefits of Biden s policies.
Again this is data from the Gallup Polling Group.
The New York Post article featuring the data also pointed out that Biden promised to be
the anti-poverty president, lower taxes for the poor, increase taxes on the wealthy, tackle
inequality among the poor, cancel $10,000 of student loan debt and raise social security
administration payments for SS, SSI and SSDI by $200 a month.
So far the data shows the opposite of all these promises
are coming true.
Again this is from the New York post.
New Data also shows that millions of Americans are saying they are realizing they need to
make life changes that remove their dependence on the government.
Whether that s going back to work, starting a business or being better with money, they
don t want to be reliant on the governments help.
Two more staff member working for Vice President Kamala Harris have announced they will be
leaving her office.
They said it was for personal reasons and to pursue other areas of interest with their
Democrat Representative Peter Defazio announced he will not run for office in 2022.
This is the 19th democrat to announce they won t seek re-election next year.
Former New York Mayor and Billionaire, Michael Bloomberg announced he will donate $750 million
over the next 5 years to support and bolster Charter Schools.
Its expected his contribution with affect 150,000 students.
Trending in the news, Actor Alec Baldwin and his lawyers are now saying he never pulled
the trigger on the set of the movie Rust that killed the woman.
He is saying the gun must have gone off on its own so he didn t kill her.
Also, a big case in the news is the Jussie Smollett case where the actor has been accused
of faking a hate crime to bolster his career.
Multiple witnesses have testified under oath that he paid them to fake an attack.
With the government shut down crisis handled, politicians could start working on the build
back better stimulus package bill as soon as this evening.
Sanders and Manchin both say they want to make changes to the bill.
Manchin on paid leave and the $500 billion for green energy conversion and Sanders on
the Salt Tax Deductions that give the wealthy the biggest tax savings in a long time.
Sanders still wants to find a way to tax billionaires and millionaires and hold big pharma accountable
for price gauging the American people more than any other nation.
Sanders says he wants to build a new economy, the one that families deserve.
Sanders also mentioned he hasn t given up on making big changes to Medicaid and medicare.
He said this bill doesn t do enough for seniors in our country so he will continue to fight
The stock market is having mixed feelings today.
Oil stocks are recovering very quickly as well as REITS and dividend stocks.
But technology and electric vehicle stocks are still in red with losses.
The passage of the government funding should see the stock market perk back up.
This is my update for today.
As I know more, I will definitely come on and share more.
Before you go, make sure to add your name each day to the giveaway.
20 people will win $250 CASH to do whatever they want with it.
I m still negotiating with a few key sponsors to add even more winners to the pot to help
with the holidays and bills you might need help with.
Now Before I go, I wish to remind you, that you are amazing.
I appreciate you being in my community.
Have a nice weekend.
And I ll see you on the next video.