Trucking Invoice Freight Factoring For Truckers Plus [NO Credit Check] RTS Financial - YouTube
Channel: Get Business Credit
- [Narrator] Live
from Columbus, Ohio.
This is to Get Business
Credit YouTube Channel
with your host Josh Van Horn.
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Take it over to Josh.
- Hey, what's up
YouTube it's Josh,
with Get Business
Credit YouTube Channel.
And today's video we're
gonna be talking about
two different topics,
two different products
offered by RTS Financial.
This video is all about
those that are in the
transportation logistics
and trucking business.
So if you're not in
those businesses,
such as box truck business,
trucking business,
I'm sorry this
video is not for you
but if you're my
normal subscribers
and you're not in the
transportation business
don't worry, I have
other videos coming out
that will suit everybody.
So without further ado,
let's get into it
but before I do if I
could please ask you,
if you're not
already a subscriber
please consider subscribing,
I'd really appreciate it
and don't forget to turn
the bell notification on.
So we're gonna get
into RTS Financial.
If you're in the
transportation business,
you may have already
heard of RTS Financial.
They offer a RTS
Titan Fuel Card.
The RTS Fuel Card is similar
to the Axle Pilot
Flying J Fuel Card
just like this one.
And just so you guys know,
I have several of
these fuel cards.
Just so you guys can see
I may be new to the
transportation side
of the business,
A To B, Conoco Phillips
I have quite a few
different fleet cards.
But I'm just now starting to
get into the transportation,
trucking business
content for you guys,
because a lot of you guys have
suggested I get into that.
I actually took a poll last week
and we had over 400 people voted
and over 50% of you guys
are in the transportation
trucking business.
So that's why I'm providing
this content for you guys.
All right, so this content
is not for everybody,
but I wanna try to
serve everybody.
So again, if you're in
the trucking business
box truck business,
logistics business, or beauty
salon, whatever it may be
please consider subscribing
and turn the bell
notification on
because I cover all
types of business.
But like I said,
this video is all
about transportation,
logistics, trucking.
So I made a video a
couple of days ago
about the RTS Titan Fuel Card.
It's a no credit
check up to $2,500,
no credit check fuel
card that can be used at,
I believe it's up to 3,000
locations across the U.S.
And you get up to like 25
cents off per gallon to gas
cash price starting off
they will give you
a weekly, basically net two,
net three, it just depends.
But they usually will
do two draws per week,
whether that be like I say,
a Monday and a Thursday,
whatever you spend
during that timeframe,
that's what they're
gonna do the ACH draw on.
After you've been with
them, say for 30 days,
then they can extend
that to net seven days,
like one week draw.
Just you goes no
and I'm sure a lot
of you truckers
are familiar with this card
they give you like
net one day terms.
That's the X Pilot
Flying J card.
It's net one day terms.
So whatever you
use fuel wise today
they're gonna ACH
it within 24 hours.
This card is better than that
even though it can be the
same locations and everything,
Speedway, pilot flying J,
several locations as well,
you don't have that 24
hours basically due date.
After 30 days then you
can go to net seven days,
after net seven days,
six weeks to eight weeks
then you can move on to
net 14 and net 30 days.
As long as they see you paying,
they will extend
those terms to you
as long as everything
clears and everything.
So I'm not even
getting into too much
about that particular card,
you can contact Johnny Brooks
I'll have the contact
information with RTS
and the comment section
or the description section
of the video below.
If you missed that video,
go back and watch that video,
or just contact Johnny Brooks
and he'll get you
set up regardless.
So this video is about,
you can see here,
we're a partner with them,
Get Business Credit plus RTS.
So RTS Financial,
they offer the gas cards,
they have a couple of
different gas cards,
they have one where it's
a personal guarantee,
or you have to have
established business credit
and it's underwritten
through WEX.
That's the Fleet One card.
But if you don't have the
accelerate business credit
just don't worry about that.
Just get the Titan card,
I mean, that's a
really good card
especially if you're a trucker
and they also offer
like it says here
Van Horn Marketing LLC,
that's my company name.
My channel name is
Get Business Credit,
but my actual company name
is Van Horn Marketing,
I'm Josh Van Horn. Okay.
I've been building
business credit
and have several businesses
for the last like 12 years.
So if you're new to the channel,
go back and watch some of my
other videos and live streams
if you wanna know more about me.
Like I said I'm fairly new
the transportation
and trucking business
as far as building
business credit up
but along the way
I'll give you guys a
lot of good information
because I'm constantly
on the phone
with financial institutions,
how to solve you guys
as financial problems.
So Get Business Credit,
Van Horn Marketing
and RTS has partnered
Factoring and Fuel Discounts.
For you guys,
customers that's right.
So basically if
you're into trucking
and transportation
especially if you're
owner operator
or you own your own truck
and you're just doing
loads or (indistinct)
or your own authority,
whatever it may be,
you know sometimes you need
to get that cash quicker.
You may take one week or
two weeks or three weeks
to get actually paid for a load.
Meanwhile, you have
the cost and overhead,
the fuel charges and everything.
So with RTS they can
provide you a same day
and within 24 hours the
funding of that load.
What do they charged for that?
They're gonna charge
anywhere from,
there's many
factors that go into
and I'm not gonna act
like I know everything
but maybe in a couple months
I'll have a much better idea
but I would suggest
you fill out this form
or reach out to Johnny
Brooks RTS Financial.
He'll get you set up
either on the gas card
and on the factoring side,
both either or doesn't matter.
So same day funding
with no hidden fees,
they charge anywhere from like
two to 3% on your invoice.
So whatever your invoice is,
that's what they're gonna pay.
Of course it's gonna have
to be with somebody that is,
within their score,
they have a score
of A, B, C and D
so you're gonna want
to stay with somebody
that has authority.
I may be saying too much here,
but authority score of A to C
with your transit number
on the load that you're
actually picking up.
So like I said,
they offer factoring, fuel
card and trucking software.
Competitive answer rates
which is competitive.
Others charge like a lot.
They charged hidden
fees, ACH fees,
four or five, 6%.
RTS is only charging
anywhere from two to 3%,
3% it's at the top, okay.
Back to the Titan card though,
like I said there's
no credit check at all
for that particular card
up to $2,500 credit limit.
But with the factoring of course
there is gonna be a credit check
but if you have
established business credit
then that's gonna pass anyways.
So factoring highlights,
like I said, no ACH fees,
no invoice fees,
no invoice upload fees,
web and mobile access
to manage your account.
And as long as you get upload
the invoice and everything
within before 12
o'clock I believe,
Eastern Standard
Time, lunchtime,
then you're gonna
probably get paid same day
into your bank account
for the invoice factoring.
If it's after that,
after the cutoff time that
it's gonna be the next day
you just have to get signed
up initially with them
and then everything will be
kind of streamlined after that.
The fuel card,
the Titan Fuel Card
highlights average savings
of 25 cents per gallon
at over 2,000 stations.
I don't know why they
haven't updated that
because Johnny Brooks RTS
said it's more like 3000.
They also offer a Truck
Care maintenance program
with over 90 locations,
credit lines up to $2,500
per truck per week,
no annual fees and
flexible terms.
Additional services,
they have a streamlined
web and mobile app design
to simplify your operations,
unlimited credit limits on over
70,000 brokers and shippers.
So kind of what that means
is when you're on your phone
they're gonna have an app.
You can kind of put in
the authority number
or whoever you're dealing
with to pick the load up
to see in a sense
pull their credit
to see if you want to
take their load or not.
And I'm not gonna sit here
and act like I
know more than I do
so what I suggest is you
either fill out this form here,
it's a simple form, first
name, last name, company name,
email, phone number submit.
That's it.
It's that simple.
It'll go right to Johnny
Brooks my rep over at RTS.
He'll get in touch with you.
he's pretty quick
about responding
he'll get in touch with you
and get you guys set up.
Whatever it may be
he'll get you guys set up right.
And fund your trucking
invoice factoring.
Doesn't matter what the
size of the loads are
even if you're a man
operation does not matter.
He'll take care of you,
he'll do his best
to save your money
and get you funding quicker
than you have to wait
say one week or two
weeks or three weeks
to get the funding
traditionally. Okay.
And until next time
you guys take care,
again if you're a new viewer
and you're in the
transportation trucking business
I'll continue to put out at
least two or three videos
a month about transportation,
and trucking business
credit and financing.
And if you're not in
the trucking business,
you guys know I'm constantly
putting videos out.
Till next time you guys take
care, smash that thumbs up,
I'd really appreciate.
Until next time
you guys take care.
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