Clearing Your Land + Build Site | Buying + Renting Equipment - YouTube

Channel: Marshall Remodel | MR Post Frame

it is monday and i have rented this excavator聽 right here for two days i rented it through a聽聽
company called big rents they partner with聽 local rental companies all over the country聽聽
it's quick and easy this is my third rental聽 through them and i've been happy with them so
all right guys welcome back to marshall聽 remodel we're here at the mad county build聽聽
today and we are still waiting for聽 the drywallers to finish hopefully聽聽
they were supposed to be here the last聽 couple days but they have some things come up聽聽
and uh they weren't able to get here so hopefully聽 they will be able to come and finish by the end聽聽
of the week but while i've been waiting for them i聽 cleared out uh probably two or three more acres of聽聽
uh brush and dead trees and thorn locusts and聽 stuff like that and so i wanted to take this time聽聽
to talk about that a little bit i get the question聽 a lot whether you should rent or buy some of the聽聽
equipment when owning your own land and there's a聽 lot of variables in that i own my own skid steer聽聽
my skid steer was something i obtained when i had聽 a tree farm i don't know back in 2012 i used it to聽聽
um spade trees and ball them and then聽 sell them so that paid for itself聽聽
and i've kept that around and it's been聽 incredibly useful if you're gonna buy one tool聽聽
for your acreage i would say a skid steer is a聽 really would be a really good choice especially聽聽
with all the attachments as far as a job like聽 this clearing land where you need an excavator聽聽
if you remember back when i originally cleared聽 my land for where my house was going to go i聽聽
rented a small 20 horsepower excavator聽 mainly because i could haul it myself聽聽
it was fairly cheap and the trees that i had to聽 dig were only you know anywhere from three to聽聽
six inches in diameter i did have a couple bigger聽 ones but for the most part they were all smaller聽聽
so that excavator worked perfect and i rented that聽 this job the trees are just far too big as you can聽聽
see right behind me i mean there's some pretty聽 big trees that i had to take down so i rented聽聽
the biggest mini x that i could get which is about聽 20 000 pounds the one i got was a john deere 85 g聽聽
and it did a really good job so if you're asking聽 yourself why would i clear out a bunch of trees聽聽
well a couple reasons a bunch of them were dead聽 i have a bunch of ash trees that the ash borer聽聽
has killed and i wanted to get those trees聽 down because it's good hardwood if you get it聽聽
early enough but um ash t ash seems to rot a聽 little bit faster so i didn't want to wait too聽聽
long and then not be able to use that there's聽 some pretty big trees that i'll be able to聽聽
cut up into some boards and then the rest聽 of it all uses firewood and then there's聽聽
also i know i've talked about this before聽 a bunch of honey locusts the ones with the聽聽
big huge thorns those things i've had i have聽 quite a few of those on my property and i've been聽聽
working on basically eradicating them because聽 if you have ever seen these things they are聽聽
violent and they have like these incredibly sharp聽 thorns that range anywhere from a half inch to聽聽
five inches long and they will go through your聽 boots they will go through any kind of tire聽聽
let's check out some of that footage and聽 then we'll talk about this a little bit more
so let's talk a little bit about running an聽 excavator first and foremost the most important聽聽
thing is to take your time anytime you're using聽 heavy equipment you don't want to get in a hurry聽聽
those are they're powerful they're big and you聽 don't want to get in a hurry and get yourself聽聽
in a jam because you know you could flip them聽 over or you could tear a hydraulic line off聽聽
i'm not trying to scare you guys i'm just聽 trying to make you understand that these are聽聽
are powerful machines and they need to be聽 respected and you need to take your time with them
there were so many dead trees聽 and brush and thorn honey locust聽聽
that we just want to clean that up and then i聽 don't know plant some kind of food plot there聽聽
this year and then we'll probably uh put a聽 bunch more trees there the following year so
i got uh i'm gonna do clear out about the same聽 amount of area down in the bottom tomorrow if聽聽
you're clearing land one thing you're聽 going to be doing is taking down trees聽聽
and the reason i choose an excavator is聽 because i like to get the root balls out聽聽
one especially where you're building you聽 have to get them out but i like to get聽聽
all the roots out so typically what i'll do聽 is i'll square up to the tree and then i'll聽聽
attack the root depending on what kind of tree聽 if it's a hardwood tree you're gonna have a聽聽
lot more stronger roots that you're gonna have to聽 deal with so you might have to start further out聽聽
from the tree but attack the left and the right聽 side of the tree breaking the roots then the front聽聽
and then you want to push the tree away from you聽 and then once you get it on the ground push it聽聽
away from you and drop it then you can pull out聽 the rest of the roots on the back side of the tree聽聽
and that's the a good safe way to do it so you聽 don't accidentally pull the tree down on top of聽聽
you which would be an awful situation so once you聽 get that tree pulled out and out of the hole these聽聽
excavators have a small dozer blade on the front聽 of them and you can literally just push the dirt聽聽
right back into the hole it it works out really聽 well and it will take you a few hour two three聽聽
hours to get comfortable with it but once you聽 do you can find out you can be really efficient聽聽
on these machines if you don't have a lot of聽 experience on an excavator i'd stay away from聽聽
steep hills although you can handle some pretty聽 steep hills with these you just have to know聽聽
how to approach the hill how to go down the hill聽 and there's there are good videos out there that聽聽
show you how to do that and it's really not聽 all that hard as long as you take your time so
i get the question a lot of whether they聽 should somebody should rent should buy聽聽
or should pay somebody i always believe that if聽 you can do something on your own you should do it聽聽
you know i have probably 16 hours into this聽 land clearing job that i'm doing right now聽聽
and i have you know 1400 bucks in this rental now聽 if i was to pay somebody to come in here and do it聽聽
you're looking at in our area you're looking at聽 anywhere from 150 to 200 an hour for the machine聽聽
and the operator so just in you know to make it聽 easy 200 an hour 16 that's 3 200 bucks and that聽聽
doesn't include the hours on the skid steer so and聽 i still have quite a bit of trees to move around聽聽
with my scissor yet so you're looking at probably聽 a six to eight thousand dollar job that i did for聽聽
you know probably sixteen hundred dollars once i聽 factor in my fuel and all that so definitely worth聽聽
it um it's just uh maybe conquering some fears聽 and and trying something that you haven't done聽聽
before but if you've never rented an excavator for聽 i would start out with something smaller just get聽聽
the feel for it and then move your way up so if聽 you guys are thinking about using bigrents.com聽聽
for your rental i have a specific phone number and聽 web address that is specific to marshall remodel聽聽
for you guys to use use that that way聽 they know you guys are found us on聽聽
our youtube channel i have i've had three rentals聽 from them and they've all went really well i don't聽聽
want to ever suggest doing something unless it it聽 works good and it has for me so it's a good option聽聽
for you for example when i rented that lift i聽 realized as i started framing up the trusses that聽聽
it was just too dangerous to do it without one i聽 called i think it was like a thursday afternoon聽聽
around two o'clock and i had that lift at聽 my house by nine o'clock the next morning聽聽
so that is pretty fast and it was uh really easy聽 so keep that in mind check out i'll聽聽
put that number and the website in the description聽 and also put it across the bottom of the screen聽聽
another bonus of doing your own land clearing you聽 can pile up the trees and the brush and piles that聽聽
you want so you see behind me i have a pile of all聽 the trees that i'm going to cut up for firewood聽聽
if i'm going to take trees down i want to use them聽 i got a pile i got piles that i'm going to cut up聽聽
i have bigger logs that i'm going to mill and use聽 for different projects and then i got piles that聽聽
are just brush and stuff like that that i'm going聽 to burn so that's what i like to do i like to get聽聽
it in certain piles and then as time allows聽 i'll come down here with my dump trailer and聽聽
truck and i'll cut up some firewood put it in the聽 trailer and haul it up to the house so probably聽聽
next spring i'll come in and i'll plant a bunch of聽 different trees that we like to replace these and聽聽
more desirable so i hope guys this video was聽 helpful for somebody and hopefully by the end of聽聽
the week we'll be back working on the house i got聽 all my painting stuff ready and we are ready to聽聽
rock and roll so as soon as they get the house uh聽 the drywall done we will be back at it and we'll聽聽
be bringing you videos as we go so thanks for聽 watching and we will catch you on the next video