The Facebook Metaverse Is The Next Marketing Channel - The Metaverse Explained - YouTube

Channel: Christian Lovrecich - PixlFeed

what's going on pixel hackers christian
lovers from pixelfeet here and in this
video we're going to talk about how the
metaverse is the next marketing channel
the metaverse explained but before we
get started make sure to smash that like
button subscribe to the channel and
let's dive right in all right so unless
you have been living under a rock this
past week zuckerberg announced a new
name for the company instead of just
being facebook it's going to be called
meta that stands for the metaverse
alright so facebook it's not changing
its name it's basically the parent
company that oversees facebook instagram
whatsapp oculus and you know whatever
the new apps that are coming are going
to be now this is going to be a game
changer in our industry and i'm going to
explain to you why this is something
they have been working on since 2018
and the move that they're making is to
have first party data as of right now
the way facebook works is you know uh
brand owners like myself or like you
know your clients or anybody that
advertises on facebook or any platform
for that matter what they do is they
install this thing called the pixel on
their website on their store and then
that pixel sends signals back to
facebook where facebook is able to
optimize and who to show their ads to
now you gotta remember uh the ads the
ads platforms is one of the top um ways
that facebook makes all their money so
they have to protect protect it at all
costs in order to stay profitable uh now
with apple introducing their their new
idea or wall garden whatever you want to
call it it's blocking that information
from going back to facebook so what
facebook is doing here is they want to
have access to first party data and this
is very powerful why is that is because
anything that happens inside the
it's tracked by facebook every move you
make every item that you own every
everything you do they're gonna know
about it which could which is going to
their platform a lot more powerful okay
so think about it this way uh right now
you know with the ios 14 changes you
know all the platforms out there took a
huge uh hit right because all that
information is not being passed to
facebook now with facebook or meta
moving into hardware think about the
virtual reality goggles now they're
controlling the hardware the hardware as
well there's nothing blocking that data
from going back and forth and at one
point believe it or not you know i know
you some of you guys are thinking i was
like well people are not gonna wear
those virtual reality goggles everywhere
they go well not right now but as we
move forward and it becomes more and
more mainstream guess what at one point
it's not even gonna be a virtual reality
goggle it's gonna be a contact lens
that's going to go in your eye and
eventually it's going to be a neural
link something that's you know plugged
in your brain somehow now this is
decades away and some of you might sit
here and say i will never do that but
guess what the generations that grew up
with this it's going to be something
normal with them there's not going to be
any friction for them to do it and it's
a very scary thought if you really think
about it so
now you're going to have what we call
virtual reality and augmented reality so
now i'm going to explain to you how how
this is going to change the game for
people who own brands or for people who
do marketing and advertising digitally
so think about it this way if you own a
store on shopify right or any platform
whatsoever the way it works now somebody
types in the address on the web they go
to your store and they have the product
page and they can see a picture of your
product and all that stuff well imagine
if you actually
now your store
it's in a virtual reality world in a
virtual mall and anybody can like
literally just walk into the store
and look at the products so think about
it if you sell fashion items like
t-shirts dresses or jeans or anything
like that i can literally walk in there
with my own avatar and try the clothing
on to see what it looks like on me
before i purchase it right if there's
going to be that first person view of
items that you're going to buy inside of
inside the virtual reality world and
then you can see what it looks like
before you buy it and ship it to
yourself now this is a game changer as a
store owner as a brand owner it's gonna
take your brand to the next level
because on top of it you gotta think
about it the metaverse is gonna going to
have its own economy its own digital
currency so what does that mean now we
have nfts which are non-fungible tokens
and i know a lot of you think about it's
like oh and ft is like oh what is that
that's craziness it's just jpegs that
people can right click and say well no
because when you own that digital asset
that digital asset is yours so imagine
as a brand owner you offer a t-shirt and
then you can offer to include the
digital asset the digital nft with that
t-shirt so people can also wear it in
the metaverse so now your average order
value goes up because you're creating
two products out of one design
so now you have two worlds where people
can take advantage of your of your
now think about this now that's from the
product side of things that's from like
a brand owner the way that i think as a
brand owner but now let's talk about the
marketing side of things what does the
metaverse mean for our ads platform for
the ads platform well that means more
placements for your ads you got to
remember this is going to be an infinite
virtual reality world combined with
augmented reality uh if you haven't seen
it yet you know that facebook
already ha came out with a pair of
ravens that are literally for augmented
reality they can you can set them to
record stories and stuff like that but
they're also built from mental reality
what is augmented reality augmented
reality is basically that you know i can
go in the middle of downtown fort
lauderdale per se right and there's
blank buildings and i look to the right
and there's a digital billboard with my
ad on it right i can place that that can
be a placement for my ads where people
can convert which means more placements
for our ads lower cpms cost per thousand
because as of right now if you think
about it what are the placements for our
ads you have the you have the news feed
you have the feed on instagram you have
placements on messenger
you got placements on that on the
audience network and then reels and you
know right hand column and stuff like
that but think about it you know when
you have different virtual galleries
virtual worlds i mean
it's endless the availability of
placements for your ads is going to be
endless and once again this is all going
to be first party tracked data facebook
has already been working on this for
years why why do you think they created
the shops inside the facebook pages
because now they don't have to rely on
the pixel to send information back from
shopify it's in their own platform just
like amazon why is amazon so powerful
because everything happens inside amazon
and when all of this behavior happens
inside facebook
they know everything so think about it
they're targeting it's already extremely
powerful right it's really powerful but
imagine when they can see and they know
that you're wearing a black t-shirt with
a black hat
now they know that you prefer that
because they can tell how many times how
many times does christian wear his hat
and his black t-shirt inside the
metaverse all the time so guess what
we're going to offer him products that
are just like it because it's most
likely to purchase those items think
about it with their own currency inside
the metaverse they'll be able to track
what you spend your money on every
single penny of that digital currency so
now they know how much you're willing to
spend on certain items and how much do
you spend on average at what time what
day of the week what time of the day and
when you're most likely to pull the
trigger that is so powerful and a lot of
you might think that this is not a big
deal but think about video games as of
right now you have kids that go into uh
games like fortnite or cs go and they
buy skins for their characters they buy
outfits for their characters now this is
gonna be
on a massive
scale and people are gonna go in there
they're gonna be able to buy like power
ups for their characters right which
means merchandise that you can sell to
them so
it's going to be mind-blowing and it's
going to make everything
powerful so what do you have to do
moving forward as a brand owner media
buyer or whatever well if you have a
vision and you know what's coming and
you look into this like i have you start
preparing for it now keep up with the
technology keep an eye on what the
company is working on i can tell you
right now that if you have your brand
i mean this is going to absolutely
change the game the way your brand is
going to be inside the metaverse it's
going to be a whole different level your
sales are going to go up because their
opportunities are going to open broader
and there's going to be more data for
you to grow and for you to get your
products out there so yes i'm very
excited about this even that you know it
seems like a scary future but i can tell
you right now there's tons of company
companies working on this because it's
going to be open source it's a metaverse
you know meta is just the name of the
company uh that zuckerberg chose for it
but it's not just them working on it
there's gonna be multiple
places like this and believe it or not
and as scares it sound that facebook is
the one doing it because they have a bad
rep they're the most powerful ones and
they have the money to do it and get it
out there the quickest so once that
they're gonna be the leaders when it
comes to this world and people like us
who are in this world right now we're
the ones going to take advantage of it
that's the metaverse in a nutshell i'm
super excited about it guys you want to
keep learning about digital media
facebook ads shopify or anything in
marketing general make sure to watch one
of the videos right above me and i will
see you guys in the next video