Every Indian Wedding SHORT FILM | Content Ka Keeda - YouTube

Channel: ContentkaKeeda

Mom!..Mom ...Mom...Mom... This is my final list
For the ones coming with their families
The office list is still left
Take a look
There are about 200 people on here
It's already about 600 people
What am I supposed to do ?
You know how much I've danced at all my friends' weddings
Shruti had a destination wedding and even paid for the flight tickets
We're only paying for the hotel
Please mom!
Can't we even do this much ?
Of course we can do it
It's my only daughters wedding, why can't we ?
You go ahead and make your list, however long you want it to be
Really ?
Thank you dad ... You're the best
oh.. I have to go for my lehenga fittings, so I'll go get ready! Bye
Rajesh Ji we are already way over budget
How are we going to manage .. if it goes on like this?
Sunandaji...we have only one daughter ...
We'll take out another loan ..
And I'll have a word with Mr Janak
And take a loan from him as well ..
Everything will be ok
You're finally here!
Sorry I'm late ..
But the outfit I've finalized
Once you see me in it ... you'll just keep watching !
I anyway always keep looking at you
Whether you're in a night suit or a fabulous outfit like a lehenga
Haw! Don't compare my 5 lakh Rs designer lehenga to a night suit!
What!? 5 Lakh Rs For a Lehenga ....??!!
Are you serious ?
Tanna! Why are you spending so much money ?
I mean .. no one even wears their wedding outfit a second time
Are you and my mother in one team ?
Thank god my dad isn't like you"ll and doesn't stop me
Your father has put you on a pedestal
But Tanna seriously ya why are you spending so much ?
Every girls dream is that her wedding day is the best day of her life
It's my wedding! .. It's not just a party
And I want to look my best .. everyone should just look at me
So it's alright ..
Ok! ... Do whatever you feel is right for you
Anyway you're going to end up doing what it is you want
If I'm not wrong ?
But remember you look your best to me just the way you are
Every time !
Shall we head now ?
Yes... Lets go
Dad!.. I need a cheque for 1 lakh for my pre wedding shoot
But ...we Just gave you 1 lakh ...
Mom that was only the advance ..
There is a second installment for the shoot and video
And a Third installment once the video and pictures are ready ..
3 Lakh Rs for a pre wedding shoot?
Isn't that too expensive ?
Tell mom something ... she's always only calculating finances
I have to worry about the finances ..
Because money doesn't grow on trees!
What do you want me to do ? Cancel the pre wedding shoot?
Not make a video ?
Dad all friends got a pre wedding shoot done ..
Every one makes one these days
It's more important than the wedding itself
Ok .. if you'll are saying no I'll go ahead and cancel it
No need to cancel anything ..
Your dads here .. I'll manage it
Have some ice cream now ..
Come on ... eat it ..
You know where my cheque book is right ?
Go get it ..
You also say yes first ... otherwise I'll cancel it ...
Please say yes Sunanda Ji
Come on please say yes ..
She's our only daughter ..
Yes ..
Yayyy !
Not a single tear shed and you're ready to erect the Taj Mahal for her
Go Go on ... go get your fathers cheque book
Okk...Thank you !
Yes .. just 10 minutes more .. I'm almost ready!
Tanna you've been saying 10 minutes for the past hour!
I've been waiting outside for a very long time now
Outside ? Why are you waiting outside ?
You are the future son in law of this house
Come in ... have tea coffee .. make your self comfortable
Smart girl .. you know Just how to convince me
No matter how angry I am
I know .. !
Now come in I'm just getting ready ..
How's everything with you Mr Janak ?
What did behave to say ?
He refused..
But you had said he would help for sure
I did say that Sunanda ji ..
But he said that he spent a lot to send his daughter Meena to USA
I was thinking ..should I talk to my sister ?
There's no point ..you know the answer to that ..
You'll only embarrass your self
But we need the money Rajesh Ji
We'll have to organize it from one place or another
We've already exhausted all our savings ..
There aren't even any FD's left to break
And we have expenses worth 35 lakh Rs already
Bless you son ..
Take a look mom .. she's made me wait for an hour for a pre wedding shoot
What will happen on our wedding day ... I wonder!
That you and your Tanvi only know ..
By the time Tanvi gets ready .. shall we have a cup of Tea ?
Of course why not!
Who can say no to tea made my future mum in law
You take a seat .. we'll be right there ...
Hi! .. I'll be ready in 2 minutes
Everything is almost done
Why are you sitting ? .. The whole team is waiting
We're already very late ..
What is the matter ? Lets go ..
Buneet .. You're scaring me now .. what happened ?
It's about finances ..
35 Lakhs Tanna ..
35 Lakhs ..
Tanna the marriage industry is a billion dollar industry
God knows how many parents take out loans for their children's weddings
They spend all their savings .. just for this one day ..
No matter if they'll have anything left for themselves or not
Tanna .. we should think about all this ..
Marriage isn't about just one day
It's a question about our whole lives..
So .. instead of focusing on this one day ..
We should think about our future ..
The one we're going to be spending together ..
Our likes .. Our dislikes ..
What makes us happy ... what makes us angry ..
If we have a fight .. we cannot just cut the phone and it's all ok
We'll be staying under one roof ..
What should be important is .. how to keep each other happy
Our happiness is what is important ...
Not if there were 25 food counters on our wedding or not
Tanna even if you get the Taj Mahal for the wedding
Some or the other relative will find some fault or the other in it
So what is the point of all this ?
For who ?
Why do you want to give your parents ...
A life full of loans in their old age ?
Why ... ?
You're right ...
Is my princess ready for the pre- wedding shoot ?
No ..
What do you mean by no ?
What happened my child ?
I don't want to do the shoot
Why don't you want to do it but ?
I was so busy preparing for my special day ..
I forgot how to read your faces
And to ask you to spend all your savings like this is so wrong
You .. You don't worry about all this .. ok ?
We are there ... we'll take care of it
Don't worry ... we've got this ..
No mom .. this is not ok ..
What I was doing was very wrong
I'm sorry mom ..
I'm sorry dad ..
I really had no idea you were taking out loans ..
And the fact we were already way over budget ..
This is not right ..
I have the best parents in the world ..
And the best life partner too ..
I don't want anything else
All I want is a simple wedding ..
Simple wedding !?
Bunny is right .. marriage isn't about one day ..
It's about our life together ..
And I want to focus on that
Mom .. Tanvi is right ..
and I'm really proud of her ..
I had no idea she was this smart !
And we are very proud of you !
That you chose such a nice life partner for yourself
Love you so much !
Also Tanna ... the advance we gave for the video shoot ..
The 1 lakh ...
Will we get that back ...?
I mean .. we could use it for a vacation ..