Excel's Find and Replace (surprising features) - YouTube

Channel: Leila Gharani

Today's video is about Find & Replace in Excel.
Now you're probably familiar with this feature
from Office applications,
so you will be wondering is it even worth doing a video
on Find & Replace?
Isn't it super straightforward?
I think you're gonna be surprised.
(upbeat music)
Let's use these demo files to do some examples.
First question, how do we get to the Find dialog box?
We can go to Home, Find & Select
and click Find from here
or we use the shortcut key Control + F.
You're probably familiar with the Find functionality,
not just from Excel but also from other Office applications
so I'm not gonna bore you with that.
What I just wanna show you
are some additional options that can come in really handy
in Excel and they're hidden under these tab options.
So, if you're looking for something,
let's say I'm looking for leila,
I can decide if I wanna look for it
within the sheet or within the entire workbook.
So, by setting this to Workbook,
it goes through every single tab
and it looks for the name that you typed in there.
You can search by rows or by columns,
that just decides the search direction,
so if it should go this way
or if it should go this way.
This part, look in, can come in handy
especially if you're looking for something inside Comments.
So, let's say I wanna look for leila inside Comments.
I just have to switch this to Comments
and I'm gonna switch this as well
and click on Find All or Find Next.
The advantage of Find all is that it gives you the list
of all the occurrences
and Find Next just jumps to the next one,
so there is a comment here
and it has my name in there.
There were two other options in there
which was Formulas and Values.
These are pretty much the same
except that formulas also looks at the formula text.
If I had this on Formulas
and I wanna look for leila,
and I click on Find Next,
it goes through every tab in the workbook
and it doesn't find there
because leila only exists inside the comment.
The list that you get here
can also come in really handy,
so let's say instead of leila,
I'm gonna look for game
and I'm just gonna look for it on this sheet
and not in Comments but in Formulas
and I'm gonna click on Find All.
This gives me all the occurrences
that game has occurred on this sheet.
The good thing is this.
I can press Control+ down to highlight everything here
and it doesn't only highlight it here
but notice it also highlighted it on my sheet.
So, if I leave this, I can see all of these are highlighted
and I could change the color of the cells
to yellow or do any other type of formatting
that you'd like.
Another thing that can come in handy
is if you're searching and replacing something
and you also wanna change the formatting,
let's go back to our dialog box
but this time let's jump to the Replace dialog box directly.
So, what's the shortcut for that?
It's Control + H.
But here let's replace game with Health
but instead of just replacing the words here,
let's also change the formatting,
so on the right-hand side,
we have the ability to decide the format that we want.
Click on Format here, I'm gonna go to fill
and I'm gonna select New Color and go with that.
Now I'm just gonna click Replace All
for everything that's on this worksheet.
And it made 12 replacements.
This part of searching and replacing
for specific formatting can come in really handy.
For example, let's say that your company decided
to change its logo color
and you need to replace the colors that you used before
with the new colors.
So, let's say in this case,
I have this light blue color used here.
I'm using it on a lot of tabs
and I need to replace these with a light green color.
Here I can use Find & Replace to do that.
I'm gonna go back with Control + H.
Since I'm not looking for specific words,
I'm just gonna delete them from here
but instead I wanna look for a specific formatting.
I'm not exactly sure what type of blue this is,
so I'm gonna click on Format
and say Choose Format from Cell.
So, I can be lazy here and just click on this,
I picked up that format,
now I'm gonna go and decide the format
that I wanna have instead.
Let's go with this lighter green.
On this sheet, I'm gonna replace it all,
it made five replacements.
It didn't touch these and it didn't touch this.
That's because it picked up all attributes
of the cells, it wasn't just the color that it picked up
but it picked up the number formatting,
so notice this one has percentage
and not number, this one is bold,
so it also has a different formatting to this.
This means that if you just wanna change the color
and not take a look at the other aspects of the cell,
then make sure that you actually just pick
that specific color from the dialog box.
So, let's go and check what color blue this actually is.
I'm just gonna go to the Fill Color here,
go to More Colors, under Custom here,
I need this code, so that's the RGB,
let's memorize this and let's go back
to our Find & Replace, I'm gonna go Control + H
and the first thing I'm gonna do
is to completely clear this formatting here,
now I'm gonna go to Format
and pick up that color that we saw.
So, under Custom, let's type in that code.
Now let's do this for the entire workbook,
click on Replace All.
That looks through every single tab
and wherever it found that color,
it replaced it with the new color.
So, you see, Excel's Find & Replace can do a lot more
than just search for text.
I can also search and replace formatting
which can come in really handy too.
Let me know in the comments
if you've used this aspect before.
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(upbeat music)