The Exit Strategy Handbook - The BEST Guide for Selling Your Business - YouTube

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The United States declared its independence from Great Britain in
and a nation was born.
It is a nation that was born of conventional values,
and old-fashioned hard work.
Some of the greatest businesses started here in the United States with a simple
and a lot of determination.
A common factor of these great businesses is that one day
the business owner will exit the business.
Between 1946 and 1964
the US experienced a boom,
a baby boom.
During that time 78 Million baby boomers were born
and today,
many of those who turned 65 are starting to retire.
Those that are starting to retire own almost 12 Million businesses
and will need help in selling them
so they can retire with enough money to enjoy an active lifestyle.
Both baby boomers and non baby boomers need our process.
The Exit Strategy Handbook -
The Best Guide for Selling Your Business.
If you want to sell your business in the next few years,
you'll be faced with a flood of competition,
never seen before.
If unprepared you
may be unable to sell your business for the amount you desire.
There may be fewer buyers for your company unless you prepare.
Currently baby boomers own about 40% of US small businesses.
More than 60% of baby boomer owned companies will be sold to
someone other than the owners children.
Baby boomers will flood the market
with 368,000 companies for sale per year into an
already overcrowded market.
We call this occurrence
The Baby Boomers Tsunami.
What do you need to prepare your business to be sold?
You need three things, starting with The Exit Strategy Handbook.
The Exit Strategy Handbook helps business owners prepare for and overcome
the demands that will be placed on them as they look to sell their companies.
It is the best guide for selling your business and is a tool for a unique
group of people who have the following characteristics. Own a controlling
interest in a closely held privately owned business.
Want to sell the business during the next few years.
Are proactive and willing to follow a step-by-step exit process.
Either have or can have
an Adjusted EBITDA of $1 Million or more.
Second - you need B2B CFOs dashboard software
and third you need a partner from B2B CFO.
What are the next steps?
Work with your B2B CFO partner to build your success team.
The success team includes
an M&A Firm /Investment Banker,
Tax Specialists,
Wealth Managers,
Appraiser, Banker,
Auditors, IT Specialists,
Key Employees, Insurance Advisor
and an Attorney.
This team will help you identify the right buyers for your company.
A strategic buyer, such as a competitor.
A buyer who sees a financial opportunity
Management Buyouts (MBO), Family members
ESOP, Private Equity Groups
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
What steps do we prepare for the buyer?
First - we use our dashboard software to calculate the realistic value of your company.
next we work with you to increase the value of your company.
Then we work with you to complete the advanced due diligence process.
The process continually updates the current value of your company.
The beginning value and
todays value.
The Wealth Manager will help you identify the net amount you need
for the post sale transaction.
The M&A firm or Investment bankers
will bring in the buyers.
The success team will review the buyer's offer
and will calculate the net cash available to you.
You will hopefully close the transaction with the money you want
and then begin the next phase of your life
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