GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN! Fourth Stimulus Check Update Today 2021 + $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Sept 29 - YouTube

Channel: Ron Yates

danger danger a government shutdown
could happen this week so let's see
what's up in today's fourth stimulus
check update plus daily news update the
government shutdown happening this week
if congress does not pass the government
funding bill republicans shot it down
because of the debt limit issue pelosi
setting a thursday vote for the
infrastructure bill without the 3.5
trillion stimulus package
what's up with that find out in today's
video stimulus 24 7 365. all for our
youtube fam here is ranya's channel and
if stimulus and making money is your
thing then you're in the right place
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guys so much for lighting up the like
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definitely helps the channel out big
time all right guys let's go and jump
right into this this is really getting
crazy guys the republicans just blocked
the debt limit hike and the government
spending bill in the senate so now we're
headed to a government shutdown where we
could see social security recipients and
our veterans getting stiffed on their
monthly payments it could get nasty i'm
really sad to say that congress only has
until september 30th to avert the start
of a shutdown of government services
which would mean the shuttering of some
national parks fewer airport security
screenings an interruption to public
health services during the pandemic of
course and eventually an interruption in
benefit checks to veterans and retirees
and keeping national parks open the
senate voted on monday and it came out
48 to 50 against the government spending
and debt limit height let's watch this
on this vote the yeas are 48 the nays
are 50 three-fifths of the senators duly
chosen and swore not having voted in the
affirmative the motion is not agreed to
i enter a motion to reconsider the
failed cloture vote
the motions entered
now mr president
i want to make sure
everyone understands exactly what has
happened here on the senate floor
the republican party has now become the
party of default
the party that says
america doesn't pay its debts
our country is staring down the barrel
of two totally republican manufactured
a government shutdown
and a first ever default on the national
the impacts of both would gravely harm
every single american in this country
schumer changed his votes that he could
bring the bill up again for
reconsideration in his words he said i
changed my vote from yes to no in order
to reserve the option of additional
action on the house pass legislation
keeping the government open and
preventing a default is vital to our
country's future and will be taking
further action to prevent this from
happening this week more interesting is
what senate republican leader mitch
mcconnell has to say let me make it
abundantly clear one more time we will
support a clean continuing resolution
that will prevent a government shutdown
get disaster relief to louisiana help
properly vetted afghanistan refugees who
put themselves on the line for america
and support the iron dome assistance for
our ally israel so to summarize what
mcconnell's saying here help afghanistan
refugees check iron dome assistance for
israel check approve a debt ceiling
height to continue paying american
social security and veteran benefits
nope not gonna happen i'd love to hear
what you guys have to say about that one
i already know how heated some of you
guys are you've already gone off on you
know in previous video comments talking
about how much money we're spending how
many billions of dollars we're spending
outside the country and yet we leave our
own american citizens hung out to dry i
get it 64 house democrats including
majority leader steny hoyer sent a
letter to mcconnell on monday arguing
that republicans are risking the
country's economic recovery after a
massive hit last year when businesses
closed during the virus restrictions
they wrote holding the debt limit
hostage is a dangerous illogical and
irresponsible way to express that
concern now just to be clear mcconnell
is arguing there's no chance republicans
will help lift democrats credit limit so
that they can immediately steamroll
through a socialist binge that will hurt
families okay so one that's really not
how the debt ceiling hike works and
mcconnell should actually know this like
we've reported before the federal debt
limit is a legal cap on how much debt
the us can take on to pay obligations
already approved by the president and
congress for several years raising the
ceiling doesn't really erase the debt
that we already have it also doesn't
create any new debt like what many
people want you to believe basically
what it does is it gives the federal
government more room to be able to pay
off his bills again these are bills that
were already approved by the president
and congress and not to mention a big
chunk of what the debt ceiling hike is
there for debts that were incurred
during the previous administration
meaning during the republican president
trump's time and two mcconnell's also
saying that people don't want socialism
meaning people supposedly don't want the
government helping out more well here's
an interesting post that i found on
twitter americans don't want socialism
says mitch mcconnell the senator from
kentucky a state with 541 000 people on
food stamps and 174 000 people on ssi
disability and 1.2 million on medicaid
every year kentucky gets 148 billion
dollars more from the federal government
than it pays in taxes and here this may
actually help people understand what's
happening behind the scenes in the 2020
election cycle alone mitch mcconnell
raised more than 250 000 from 37
different fortune 500 ceos more than any
other candidate in a competitive rate so
we're talking about big businesses who
are against the tax hikes that would
benefit the people but would take away
their company's profits what about
mcconnell's actual residence in kentucky
well according to this in the 2020 cycle
less than eight percent of donations to
his campaign came from his own home
state so what do you think guys any
people from kentucky in our audience
drop me a comment below so here's the
timeline lawmakers have until thursday
to approve funding for the government or
a shutdown happens now as for the debt
ceiling latest estimates say that we
have until mid-october before we see
some serious damage like the government
may not be able to send social security
checks or provide benefits to veterans
i'll definitely keep you guys posted we
will make sure that you guys are updated
throughout the week just hit the
subscribe button and tap the
notification bell that way you don't
miss out goldman sachs economist wrote
in a note last week that the current
standoff is the riskiest debt limit
deadline in a decade one headline that
we found said white house beginning to
tell government agencies to prepare for
a shutdown and if they don't get this
done we could say goodbye to social
security benefits and veterans benefits
get ready for this one guys and this is
exactly why i recommend checking out our
channel newsletter on the top 20
pandemic proof ways to earn extra income
today you can consider this your ron
yates certified survival guide amidst an
impending government shutdown not to
mention a global pandemic still rampant
until next year stay safe guys
definitely check out the newsletter in
the ping comment down below it's totally
free so go ahead and grab your copy
today now as for the 3.5 trillion dollar
spending package here's the latest from
progressive caucus chair representative
promo jaipal democrats controlled the
white house the senate the house slim
majority as you know
president biden said to reporters on
friday that he told progressives and
moderates who met with him this week
that they need to focus less on the
number and more on their priorities
speaker pelosi said today that it is
self-evident this bill will not be three
and a half trillion dollars have you
agreed to compromise and give up some of
your requests yeah you know what we've
said is we are happy to hear what it is
that somebody wants to cut they so far
we have not seen any negotiation back
from the senate and we understand
margaret that we've got to get every
democrat on board in the house and the
senate we don't have the margins to do
anything except that so we've put out
our vision and i think the key thing is
not the top line number it's what is it
that you actually want to fund
because if you want child care if you
want paid leave if you want to take on
climate change if you want to repair
housing in this country if you want to
make sure people have health care
there's going to be a price tag that
goes with it so it will be less than
three and a half trillion as the speaker
suggested well let's talk about what
people want and then let's come to the
number from that it's not just a random
number so if somebody wants less than
three and a half trillion tell us what
you want to cut do you want to cut the
child care do you want to cut paid leave
what is it you want to cut and then
let's figure it out from there but
president biden also said something very
important the other day which is this is
a zero dollar bill because it's going to
be completely paid for with taxes on the
wealthiest and the the largest joint
committee on taxation says actually that
uh in raising this revenue taxes could
go up at least two percent on those
making between two hundred thousand and
five hundred thousand dollars a year it
also will raise taxes for corporations
and and those who are wealthier so it's
not no cost well uh what the president
has said is people making under 400 000
will not pay more we will make sure of
that in the package that we put together
but we do want people who are making
billions through the profits not
reporting their taxes not being held
accountable by the irs to pay their fair
share that's really all it is really
democrats can only afford three
defections in the house and zero in the
senate house speaker nancy pelosi knows
this and she set a thursday vote for the
smaller one trillion dollar stimulus
package or technically infrastructure
package for that one now her letter to
her colleagues said tomorrow september
27th will begin debate on the bipartisan
infrastructure framework on the floor of
the house and vote on it on thursday
september 30th the day on which the
surface transportation authorization
expires now as for the bigger 3.5
trillion dollar stimulus package pelosi
has not set a date yet and said it was
self-evident that it might shrink in
size she also told her caucus i told all
of you we wouldn't vote until the 3.5
trillion dollar reconciliation happens
until 10 days ago when the price had to
come down now just to clarify though
it's still looking good that we'll
probably see all the stimulus programs
still in that final package it's just a
matter of whether some social programs
might get shortened she pointed to
spending on climate care health care
child care early childhood education any
of these areas are up for potential
discussion like jayapal said just tell
us which programs you're thinking of
cutting let's make sure that we remember
this come election time guys senator joe
manchin is being very vocal about his
doubts about this bill that's a heavy
lift you know there's a lot to do a lot
to talk about but everybody has to keep
trying to work in good faith the best
you can do you think the leadership has
been rushing this process at all and
should take some they i'm not
controlling the leadership they're going
to set the timetable you know
there's a lot in that bill the 3.5 the
reconciliation bill tax codes climate
change social reforms there's a lot and
and people need to know what's in it so
it's gonna take a while
house democratic caucus chair hakeem
jeffrey said what's holding everything
up are a few senators who aren't
providing us any clarity as to where
they ultimately will land that's the
issue in front of us right now and we
have to resolve it in the next few days
even president biden is saying it may
not be by the end of the week i hope
it's by the end of the week personally
though i'm still very positive about the
whole thing guys white house press
secretary jensaki makes some very good
points here president has in political
or in terms of specific pieces of the
legislation what leverage does the
president have with democrats
in terms of getting his the agenda
well i would say one it's a hugely
popular package
each item in in itself that's why i went
through some of the specifics here has
broad support among the american public
but i would also say that if you talk to
most democrats who are in congress most
certainly most democrats in the country
there's not disagreement about the
fundamentals of what we're trying to
achieve and there is agreement that we
need to
address the climate crisis that we need
to cut costs for child care for college
that we need to make it easier for women
to rejoin the workforce we need to
rebuild and modernize our infrastructure
so there's not
there's agreement on that there's a
basic uh discussion that needs to happen
or is ongoing
we're right in the weeds of it now on
what the size of the package looks like
but i will also note uh and we've done
this a little bit over the past couple
days but that this package the
reconciliation package would cost zero
dollars so what i'm saying what i what
we are the case we're making here is
that there needs to be agreement on the
different components there's broad
agreement on the goals and then there
needs to be agreement on what the
revenue pay fors are there's a range of
options or revenue pay for us clearly
the president has laid out the different
areas that he would like to invest in
and all that needs to come together
that's when we're in the weeds on now is
it a political problem for the president
that he's having difficulty bringing
together his own party
first of all the we're in the process
the president again doesn't
underestimate how challenging getting
all of these pieces of legislation
forward is we're in the middle of it
right now uh and there is broad
agreement about the different components
of his agenda so what he's working to do
now is unify the party around the path
forward that's that's we're in the
middle of i don't think it's a little
too early to evaluate how it's going to
end he said it could go into next week
that's your expectation we'll see
now that's a lot on the line i'm betting
democrats and republicans wouldn't want
f's on their report cards come midterm
election time next year wouldn't it be
quite interesting if our lawmakers use
stimulus checks to kind of move
themselves back into office come midterm
election time i wouldn't say it's
impossible let's remember to vote wisely
next year guys and remember what these
lawmakers are doing for us and what
they're not doing for us make sure to
share this video with your friends and
your loved ones so that they can get the
same information too at the very least
we can look forward to some major
quality of life improvements in the
infrastructure bill got transportation
projects reconnected communities via
roads electric vehicles climate change
solutions clean drinking water cleaning
up the environment there's also a 65
billion dollar investment toward
providing broadband internet to all
americans further aiming to boost
competition among providers and reduce
the cost of high-speed internet to make
it more affordable translation an even
bigger discount on the broadband than
what we already got from the american
rescue plan which came in march have you
guys heard about that one if not just go
ahead and head on over to get emergency
[857] you can get a 50 to 75
monthly discount on your broadband bill
plus a one-time 100 discount on any
gadget that's still a 600 stimulus check
for the year if you guys think about it
now let's hope it gets extended with
this new broadband investment in the
infrastructure bill officially it aims
to help lower the price that households
pay for internet service by requiring
federal funding recipients to offer a
low-cost affordable plan by creating
price transparency and by boosting
competition in the areas where existing
providers aren't providing adequate
service it would also create a permanent
federal program to help more low-income
households access the internet we will
definitely keep you guys posted
throughout this very very exciting
stimulus week are we going to see this
stimulus win out in the end are we going
to be surprised like in december when
they came up with the last minute 600
second stimulus check and then followed
up with 1400 in stimulus checks i
definitely recommend staying tuned for
the future updates and future videos i'm
telling you guys my stimulus sentence is
tangling here so make sure you don't
miss out on the next breaking news
update that's about it for today's
fourth stimulus track update plus daily
news update the government shutdown
happening this week if congress does not
pass the government funding bill
republicans shutting it down because of
the debt limit issue pelosi setting a
thursday vote for the infrastructure
bill without the 3.5 trillion stimulus
package and all the stimulus that we can
look forward to this week like i said
stimulus 24 7 365 right here on the ryan
h channel you can check out the channel
playlist section for more stimulus
favorites like social security
student loan forgiveness and of course
the fourth stimulus check and again i
appreciate you guys for tuning in and
making my day by hitting the like button
i really appreciate that and i will see
you guys on the next one take care and
be safe