Residual Risk (Definition, Example) | How to Calculate Residual Risk? - YouTube

Channel: WallStreetMojo

hello everyone hi welcome to the channel WallStreetmojo today we have a topic
with us is called residual risk watch the video till the end and also if you
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so what is residual risk okay this is a dialogue box here it says something
let's try and understand this first let's see what risk is the amount of the
risk that remains in the process after all all the risks have been calculated
and accounted in head residual risk is basically you have tried and cover up as
much as possible if you have tried and hedged as much as possible covered up
mitigated risk to the extent that is the risk of cover possibility but beyond that
whatever risk remains that is a residual risk okay we'll get to the nitty-gritty
of this but first we will try and understand what is the residual but
first we will understand what is the residual risk couple of minutes that we
just understood what is receded residual risk that is the risk that remains the
process after all the risk having calculated accounted hedge during an
investment with the business process there are lot of risk that is involved
and in the entity that takes into consideration all such errors so it
counter factors or you can say that or eliminates all the known risks of the
process so this risk that remains in the process may be due to unknown factors
which cannot be hedge or counter so such risk are called the residual risks so
simply put the danger to the business that remains after all identified risk
have been eliminated or mitigated through a company's efforts or probably
some internal risk control well let's understand the formula that's the second
portion the formula to calculate the residual
the residual risk is equal to that is the R is equal to the inherent risk that
is the you can say our R-R is equal to inherent risk - the impact of risk
controls now what is inherent risk here see this is the amount of the risk that
exists in the absence of the control or other mitigating factors are not in
place it is also known as the risk before the control or the cross risk now
the impact of risk controls though what is this in fact over is control so this
is the amount of the risk that is eliminated it is mitigated or hedged by
taking the internal or the external risk control so this when the impact of the
risk control is subtracted from the inherent risk the residual amount that
remains is the is this risk so let us look at risk yield risk sample so that
we can find out what the residual risk could be for the organization in terms
of the potential loss and consider you know the form which has recently taken
up any project so without any risk control the form could could lose around
let's say 500 million so however you know the form prepares and follows the
risk governance guidelines and takes necessary steps calculated the residual
risk and it tries to mitigate some of the known risk but after taking the
internal control the firm is calculated the impact to the risk control as
closely around let's say 400 million so this impact can be said that as the
amount of the risk loss reducing by taking the control measure so it is
reduced to from 500 to 400 it now the inherent risk is 500 this is
your inherent risk and the impact of the risk control the impact of the risk
control is the is 400 does the residual risk that remains is 500 - 400 that is
100 million so the residual risk examples as a residual risk example you
know takes I'll try and evaluate this see you can consider the car seat belt
as a very vague example I mean seat belts initially without the seat belts they
were Lord of deaths and injuries due to the accidents but after the seat belts
were installed in the car and made mentally to where by the law was a
significant reduction in deaths and injuries however still there are
injuries and deaths by accidents even after the driver wears the seatbelts so
this could be say that as a residual risk so the seatbelt over you have been
successful in meeting mitigating the risk but some risk is still lift which
is not captured that is why there is death by accidents fourth how the
companies try to mitigate risk how they are gonna mitigate this okay the company
deals with risk in 4 ways while the company tries to mitigate risk by any
other ways there are some amount of this amount of this recipient rate and this
4 ways are described as first either you avoid the risk C companies may
decide to not take on the project or the investment to avoid the inherent risk in
the project so a company may decide to knocked it should not take a project or
to develop a technology but because of the new risk that company may be exposed
to however in avoiding such risk become he may be exposed to risk of the
competitor form developing such a technology so the
company will lose its clients and business in may be post to the threat
of being less competitive after the competitor forms develops new
technology thus avoiding some risk makes post the company to different residual
risk second is the risk reduction process see Company performs a lot of
checks and balances in introducing a risk however such risk reduction factors
makes post the company in to return to residual risk in the process itself
consider the production and manufacturing of a cup which has their
list of procedures to be performed in the manufacturing which checks the risk
involved at each stage of process however the human or the manual error
exposes the company to such risk which may not be mitigated easy so avoid the
risk risk reduction you can transfer the risk and next risk transfer for CC most
of the companies and individuals buy insurance okay the insurance plans from
the insurance company to France for any kind of risk to the third party so when
buying an insurance plan is the basic tool to mitigate all type of risk but it
too has some amount of residual risk now suppose let's say company buys an
insurance scheme for fire they let a disaster however the insurance company
refuses to pay damages or probably the insurance company goes bankrupt due to
high numbers of claims for the other reasons so the risk transferred did not
work as it was expected while buying the insurance plan fourth is you accept the
risk that is risk acceptance see after taking all the necessary steps as
mentioned about the investor may be bound to accept the certain amount of
risk and this is called a scripts acceptance where the investor may
neither be able to identify the risk nor can mitigate or transfer the risk but
will have to accept it also you will have to pay or incur some you know
losses if the risk materializes into losses and such a risk rips acceptance
is generally in the case of residual risk or we can say that in orders which
is accepted by the investors after taking all necessary steps into residual
risk now I'll take you down to these steps to counter this kind of residual
risk first you can identify and mitigate all
the known risk identify and you know mitigate that is cover up all the known
risks that is available to you then follow the risk framework framework okay
to avoid any loss or damages then you identify the governance risk
comply hands requirement you know and and
formulate policies for the city then you do strengthen or and weakness part you
know we can this of the risk framework and try to enhance it now define no
organizations risk appetite is the next part its capacity to take risk and
resilience to losses in case of an event the next says you know you can take
necessary action to offset the unacceptable you know unacceptable the
risk Linux is you can buy insurance
against the losses to transfer the risk and lastly the organization should
accept the risk as it is and maintain the resource buffer so residual risk are
the leftover risk that remains after all the unknown risk that have been factored
in and counted a litigated and they can also be thought of as a risk that
remains after a planned risk framework and relevant risk controls are put in
place and you subtract the impact of the risk control from the inherent risk in
the business we hear that is without any risk control
is issued you calculate the residual risk so this kind of risk can be
formally be avoided by transferring it to the third-party insurance company and
in cases where no insurance is taken again such risk the company usually
accepts it as a risk to the business and it creates contingency reserves to mean
manage this risk and those company either transfers I'll say a company can
either transfers or accepts the residual risk as a part of the business so that's
it for this particular topic if you have learned and enjoyed watching this video
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