BIDEN鈥橲 NEW STIMULUS! $2000 4th Stimulus Check Update + $16,000 Stimulus Available Now + Crypto News - YouTube

Channel: Ron Yates

what's up you guys it's ron here with
your two thousand dollar fourth stimulus
check and recurring stimulus check
biden's new stimulus plans aka the 1.7
trillion dollar infrastructure counter
offer biden's upcoming budget proposal
and the things that he's planning to
leave out
spoiler alert it's student loan debt
and health care and finally the 16 000
stimulus that's waiting for you guys to
claim it and of course we also have our
major crypto news update
on what to do amidst the downward spiral
of dogecoin and other crypto
find out all about that in today's video
but first i just want to say welcome
back to all my subscribers
i really hope that you guys are having a
wonderful day and for those who are
brand new to the channel my name is ron
we cover all things personal finance
how to generate multiple streams of
income and of course crypto
stimulus checks and stimulus package
updates so if you haven't already be
sure to hit that subscribe button and
tap the notification bell that way you
know as soon as i release new videos and
and everyone seems to be calling out for
more stimulus checks these days
there's the seven democrats from the
important house ways and means committee
the same committee by the way that was
in charge of the stimulus checks in the
third stimulus package
now these seven democrats they wrote a
letter to president biden to tie
recurring direct cash payments and
federal unemployment benefits
to the country's economic conditions now
if this happens it'll actually be
automatic stimulus checks whenever the
economy is down
instead of having to wait around for
congress to make a move now according to
the letter
automatic stimulus also shows the
american people
that their government is prepared to
help them in the event of another
economic catastrophe now that brings our
total now
to more than 80 lawmakers that are
actively pushing hard for this next
round of stimulus checks now before this
there were already
three stimulus letters in president
biden's inbox
from 75 members of the house of
yeah 21 senators and we also had 156
top economists all pushing for stimulus
checks now that's a lot now of course we
should also add the 2.2
million signatures on the
for 2 000 monthly stimulus checks all
this is making us very hopeful for a
breakthrough for the fourth stimulus
any day now you guys feel like coming
let me know down in the comments
if not here's some more news to add to
the push last week as well
representatives prominent paul and
barbara lee
introduced some of their very own
resolutions to end poverty
some highlights from the resolution
include cash assistance programs aka
stimulus checks
a minimum wage increase and apparently
that has not been forgotten
expanded unemployment insurance
cancelling all
unpayable debt affordable and public
housing and free education
they also want to pay for all of this
with redirected military spending
and prison spending they also want
implemented fair taxation and deficit
spending now together with them on this
is a very vast
network across 45 states that includes
over 2
000 faith leaders and 300 partner
now if you want more details we
discussed this thoroughly in one of my
previous videos so
definitely check that one out now this
resolution it underscores
jayapal's automatic boost to communities
act or the abc act
this is the one that she introduced with
representative rashida talib the abc act
cuts every american a two thousand
dollar fourth stimulus check
plus one thousand dollar monthly checks
for a whole year after the pandemic
all of this would be paid for by the
creation of two one trillion dollar
that the federal reserve would purchase
and then deposit into the us treasury
and then from there the money would
actually be dispersed to the u.s
citizens now as for the white house
president biden released his latest 1.7
trillion dollar counter offer to the
now in it he outlines his plans to slim
down his 2.25
trillion dollar infrastructure including
all of the concessions and the red lines
that he drew there's a lot so we're just
going to focus on the most relevant
parts today
so first digital infrastructure now from
the original
100 billion dollars president biden's
lowering the number to 65 billion or
100 percent nationwide coverage for
reliable and high-speed broadband next
is housing
now this wasn't in the republican
version but president biden insists on
the 213 billion dollars
toward building renovating and
more than 2 million homes and housing
units the plan would also build and
rehabilitate more than 500 000 homes for
low and middle income home buyers
now for those on social security
president biden did not forget about you
and neither do we biden kept the 400
billion dollars for caregiving
for aging and disabled americans now
this also expands
access to long-term care services under
medicaid and it improves the wages of
home health workers now as for veterans
president biden wants
18 billion dollars in the plan for
modernizing the veterans affairs
which are on average more than 40 years
than a private sector hospital 40 years
guys he's some really old hospitals
so he's looking to try to you know make
some major renovations there happen so
the ball's in the republican court now
and so far they're not happy with the
1.7 trillion dollar counter offer now an
aide to senator shelly moore capital
who's leading the republican negotiation
that responded to the offer in a
statement on friday and they called the
white house proposal still
well above the range of what can pass
congress with bipartisan support
the aide continued and said based on
today's meeting
the groups seems further apart after two
meetings with the white house staff
than they were after one meeting with
president biden you know what i'm
hearing at this point
it's off to reconciliation we go but
what do you guys think i'd love to hear
from you guys drop me some comments down
below let's get a conversation let's get
a dialogue going and in fact let's have
a quick look at our working stimulus
timeline all right so may 24th through
the 28th
different versions of the fourth
stimulus package will be discussed
between the white house and congress
like capital said before
this week is going to be key for the
negotiation so look out for updates
daily including updates on the fourth
stimulus check
okay may 28th president biden will
unveil his full 2022 fiscal year budget
no explanation why they moved it one day
from the original may 27th schedule but
you know that's the update on that one
as early as now we're seeing details of
the proposal we'll also discuss those
later in this video so definitely stay
tuned for that
okay may 31st president biden's memorial
day deadline for the progress
on the four trillion dollar
infrastructure stimulus bill right now
they're still in the thick of things
with negotiations so
you know let's see if we can come up
with a deal by this deadline okay july
the bill passes in the house of
representatives now the target date is
coming from house speaker nancy pelosi
who pegged
july 4th and capital who said that july
4th is going to be difficult to meet
so because of the two opposing views we
moved it one week after all right so
july 18th through the 24th the senate
works on it and approves their version
of the bill all right july 25th through
the 31st
the house of representatives reapproves
the senate version and president biden
signs it
now we're still hoping for this fourth
seamless check am i right so here's a
working timeline with the irs payments
all right so august 1st through the 7th
the first batch of direct deposits
august 8th through the 14th the first
batch of paper checks
august 15th through the 21st the first
batch of eip or debit cards
and august 22nd through the 28th
stimulus checks for social security
recipients and for va
now i'm right here with you guys every
step of the way to the fourth stimulus
check and even beyond that we'll
definitely keep updating this working
timeline right along with us
especially if we get better news that
might actually move up our timeline even
earlier so make sure you guys are always
watching the newest videos
so you can always catch the latest
updates on our stimulus timeline be sure
to subscribe to the channel and click
that notification bell
make sure that the notifications are
actually turned on i'm not sure why but
sometimes they get turned off so anyway
yeah just check to make sure your
notifications are on
but here's one promising story sure to
factor in the negotiations moving
a bipartisan group of senators from the
senate environment
and public works committee finally put
their heads together to create a 300
billion dollar
surefire proposal for highways roads and
as a ranking member of the committee
capital said not only will this
comprehensive bipartisan
legislation help us rebuild and repair
surface transportation system but it
will also help us build new
transportation infrastructure we're not
sure yet if this proposal will actually
move forward on its own
or will it be the starting core of
negotiations moving forward but what we
do know
is that it's some bipartisan headway at
the very least now make sure you keep
watching as we have a lot more stimulus
and updates in just a little bit there's
still a crazy sixteen
thousand dollar stimulus that you should
definitely stick around for that and a
whole lot more right after our dogecoin
crypto update
dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies seem
to be in a race for the bottom
with another major fall recently at 30
cents at the time of this video dogecoin
has taken a major step back from its
all-time high of above 70 cents per coin
it's now trading at levels before
doge day 420. other cryptos aren't doing
that much better either
most of the biggest names are down
you've got bitcoin
down 15 you've got ethereum down 21
you got cardano down 26 finance coins
down 27
and xrp is also down 25 now trying to
undo some of the damage that you know
his hot and cold remarks have done
elon musk tweeted that he would side
with crypto in the battle
with standard fiat currency another one
of his tweets
tesla has diamond hands using emojis of
course to explain that
but then again cryptocurrency traders
see this as a major opportunity to buy
the dip as they say now i'm a big fan of
buying the dip
in any investment that i'm thoroughly in
full belief in
and if you're really interested in it
and you've already done your homework
then this might actually be a good time
to enter the market at a fairly low
price but again you know as i've always
said you know invest with caution
and like many say buy the fear sell
all right so back to our regularly
scheduled stimulus programming right
so president biden's full budget
proposal is coming up in just a few days
and you know some of the details are
already coming out now sadly
what else is out are the health care and
student loan debt cancellation
according to four insiders many of the
health care promises that he made during
his campaign
like cutting prescription drug costs you
know that won't be included either
another major promise that looks like it
might be broken canceling ten thousand
dollars in student loan debt also didn't
make the cut now according to the white
house budget spokesperson rob
the president's budget will focus on
advancing the historic
legislative agenda that he's put forward
for the year the budget won't propose
other new initiatives but will put
together the full picture of how these
would advance economic growth and shared
while putting together our country on a
sound fiscal course
now that does not mean that all hope is
lost though
president biden's own campaign website
said that president biden would work
to authorize up to ten thousand dollars
student loan debt relief per borrower
that's according to president biden's
own website
senate majority leader chuck schumer as
well as senator elizabeth warren
have been pushing president biden to
deliver on this and have said that
president biden could actually
in fact cancel up to 50 000 in student
loan debt
in an executive order instead of even
having to go through congress
but so far biden's education secretary
miguel cordona
has taken three distinct steps to
confront student loan debt
he went ahead and canceled debt for
about 72 000 borrowers who were
defrauded by
for-profit schools he went ahead and
also cancelled debt for over 41 000
borrowers with disabilities and most
recently he expanded the scope of the
payment pause
to 1.14 million borrowers
with private loans now as for healthcare
it may not be in president biden's
budget proposal
but it's sure in the bills that congress
is working on right now
just this month the house of
representatives discussed hr3
which is a bill allowing the federal
government to directly negotiate with
drug makers
for lower prices on pharmaceuticals
midterm elections are just around the
corner so
you know democrats are hustling doubly
hard to keep their slim majority in both
the house and the senate now that
includes delivering on their campaign
promises of student loan debt
and lowering prescription drug costs
more updates on this and president
biden's proposal in our coming videos
and finally we get to our sixteen
thousand dollar stimulus available to
financially struggling parents
who meet the requirements now aside from
passing the fourteen hundred dollar
third stimulus check
the american families plan or rather the
american rescue plan
all these different plans out here right
it also included tax credits for
who pay out of pocket for child care
services now this covers up to eight
thousand dollars for one child
and a maximum of sixteen thousand
dollars for two or more children now
this full tax credit goes to households
who have an adjusted gross income of
below 125 000
and this is of course going to be a lot
of americans so there's a lot of money
here on the table for you guys
now above that the tax credits will
actually phase out at fifty percent
which means that instead of receiving
the full sixteen thousand dollars
these people would actually receive
eight thousand dollars and it goes
further down as the income
increases and it totally cuts off with
households who are
earning more than 438 thousand dollars
per year now let me know if the stimulus
programs are helping out guys
and do feel free to drop me a comment
down below for other stimulus and
assistance programs that you guys find
let's all help one another out in our
community and if you want to support our
community a little bit more
you can join our brand spanking new ron
yates youtube membership program the
join button is right there beside the
subscribe just click it support the
channel that way we can keep our youtube
lights on and continue coming up with
even more premier content
giving you guys the latest and the most
accurate updates on stimulus personal
investing and crypto i've got some major
plans for us on our next exciting
chapter right here in our rania's
community so
you know let me know if there's anything
else that you want me to cover in future
content i'm all ears guys
so anyway that is all for your two
thousand dollar fourth stimulus check
and recurring stimulus check update
plus president biden's 1.7 trillion
dollar infrastructure counteroffer
we've got biden's upcoming budget
proposal and the things that he's
planning on leaving
out and finally we covered the 16 000
in stimulus for child care so oh and
don't let me forget we also covered our
major cryptocurrency news of the day
so i really hope that you guys
appreciated everything that we covered
in today's
busy video i know it was a little bit of
a long one but i wanted to make sure we
everything that was relevant for you
guys so if you haven't already do like
this video
definitely subscribe to the channel and
also hit that notification bell
that way you'll be the first to know as
soon as i release new videos and content
and i'll see you guys in the next video
take care